
EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2019 Focus on Open legislat ive dossiers EDITION N°4 By FB & ASSOCIATI Rome - MIlan - Bruxelles FB & Associati - 2 EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2019 - EDITION N°4 IN THIS DOCUMENT - EUROPEAN SCENARIO - ITALIAN SCENARIO - FOCUS: OPEN LEGISLATIVE DOSSIERS - Attachment: Legislative files FB & Associati - 3 EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2019 - EDITION N°4 THE EUROPEANS CENARIO On April 10, the European Council decided to with 22%, the Conservat ives with 17%, the grant the UnitedK ingdom a further extension Greensw ith 10% and the Liberals with 9%. of the Brexit term until 31 Oct ober 2019. The For the political groups within the European Council accepts the part icipat ion of UK in Parliament, of the European Parliament, the t he European elect ions if, on May 23, the participation of the United Kingdom would country is still an EU Member State. In such result in a reinforcem ent o f t he Euroscept ic case, the UK wouldn ot have ratified the with- component and of t he Progressive alliance drawala greementb y May 22. In case the rat- of European Socialist s and Dem ocrat s ification procedures of the withdrawala gree- (S&D), who should both add over 20 seats ment were completed before this date, the more. On the other hand, about 15 MEPs withdrawal would take place on the first day from the UK shouldj oin the of the next month of ratification. Further- more, in the event that the United Kingdom European Conservatives and Reformists did not ratify the withdrawal agreement by Group (ECR), 8 the Greens and 6 the ALDE May 22 and did not organize the European Liberal Group. No MEP from t he Unit ed elections, it would leave the EU without Kingdom , on t he ot her hand, should join agreemento n May 31. t he European People's Part y (EPP), leading group in the new EP, according to the polls. In light of these latest developments, there- This group, in case the UK does not leave, fore, it seemst o be increasingly likely that the woulds ee its advantage shrinki n favor of the United Kingdom will participate in the next S&D Group. European elections (23- 26 May). The first consequenceo f this event would be the fail- One month before the elections, voting polls ure t o apply t he new allocat ion of seat s considering the participation of the UK, show (which would reduce the number of MEPs that a "pro-EU" alliance of PPE (176), S&D from 751 to 705 members and allocate three (147) and ALDE (99) would obtain a stable more seats to Italy, which would have to ap- majority with 422 seatso ut of 751. point 76 MEPs). Furthermore, the 73 UK A "cent er-right " agreem ent bet w een t he deputiesw ouldi nevitablyi nfluence t he pos- PPE (176), ECR (63) and ENF (33) groups, sible balance of pow er among the political w it h t he new " European Alliance of peoples groupsw ithint he new European Parliament. and nations" (49) promoted by DeputyP rime In this regard, the latest polls conducted by Minister Salvini,o n the other hand,w ouldn ot YouGov.co.uks how the Brexit Part y in the reach the majority, being stuck at around3 20 lead, headed by Nigel Farage, with 23% of seatso ut of 751. voting intentions, which together with the (SourceP olitico.eu- 23 April 2019) UKIP (9%), would assign the Eurosceptic front 29% of preferences. The Labor Part y follows FB & Associati - 4 EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2019 - EDITION N°4 Proiezioned ellac om posizioned el Parlam ent oU E 2019-2024 THE ITALIANS CENARIO After having depositedt he symbols to participate in the provinceo f Varese,c andidate for the north-west college; European elections to the Ministry of the Interiors, on Sabrina Pignedoli,i nvestigative journalist specialized on April 17, each party presented the lists with the names 'Ndranghetai n the territory of Reggio Emilia, candidate of the candidates and the leaders. Italy will elect 73 for the north-east; Daniela Rondinelli,m ember of the MEPs,d ivided by constituency:2 0 for the north-west, 14 Cabinet of the European Economic and Social Commit- for the northeast, 14 for the center, 17 for the south, 8 tee, candidate for the center; ChiaraM aria Gem m a,a s- for the islands. sociate professor in Special Teaching and Pedagogy at M5S the University of Bari "Aldo Moro", for the south; Following the "MEP-aries"- the consultation carried out Alessandra Todde, managing director of Olidata, candi- on the Rousseaup latform for the selection of the candi- date for the islands.T herefore, Di Maio's" civic"e lectoral dates to the European elections - the 5 Star Movement campaign approach prevailed - "excellence from sci- has chosen five womena s leaders. They are: Maria An- ence, university, entrepreneurship". Casaleggio's ap- gela Danzì, general secretary and general manager of proach was more attentive to "themes",s tarting from the municipalities of Genoa and Novara and of the digital democracy. Outgoing MEPs run for the second FB & Associati - 5 EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2019 - EDITION N°4 term in Brussels: Eleonora Evi, Tiziana Beghin, Marco group leader at the Senate in the last legislature); while Zullo, Dario Tamburrano, Laura Agea, Fabio Massimo in the Dem os faction, the movement linked to Catholic Cast aldo, Piernicola Pedicini, Laura Ferrara, Isabella voluntary service, are: Pietro Bart olo (doctor of mi- Adinolfi, Rosa D'Amat o and Ignazio Corrao. Amongt he grantsi n Lampedusa) and Beatrice Covassi (head of the leading figures of the Movement, who have also ac- European Commission in Rome). Running for a new cepted to run for the EP, the former mayor of Livorno, term in the European Parliament: Patrizia Toia, David Filippo Nogarin, and former Mediaset journalist Dino Sassoli, Roberto Gualt ieri,B rando Benifei, Mercedes Giarrusso. Bresso,N icolaC aput o, Andrea Cozzolino,N icolaD ant i, Paolo De Cast ro, Isabella De Mont e, Elena Gent ile, LEGA Michela Giuffrida, Cécile Kyenge, Pina Picierno and Neither "football players nor singers...a ll normal peo- DanieleV iot t i. ple": the Lega decides to value its political leaders with administrative experience. Scrollingt hrought he list, the FI names of Isabella Tovaglieri (young deputy mayor of Silvio Berlusconi is the leader of Forza Italia in all the BustoA rsizio),S usannaC eccardi (mayoro f Cascina)a nd constituencies, except that of the center, led by the Senator Cinzia Bonfrisco stand out . The leaderi n all the president of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani. constituencies - as in 2014 - will be Matteo Salvini.A fter Among the outgoing MEPs seeking confirmation in 18 years, Mario Borgheziow ill not run for the elections. Brussels are Lara Com i, Massimiliano Salini, Aldo Green light, instead, for the other outgoing MEPs: Mara Patriciello,A lessandra Mussolini, Barbara Matera, Ful- Bizzotto, Angelo Ciocca, Oscar Lancini and the former vio Mart usciello and Salvatore Cicu. In the Unione di M5s MarcoZ anni,r ecently appointeda s responsible for Centro share, there is Lorenzo Cesa, also an outgoing Foreign policies of the party.A mongt he new entries, Vin- MEP and secretary of the centrist formation, while the cenzo Sofo, foundero f the blog "Il Talebano" (the Tal- outgoing MEP Herbert Dorfm ann is nominat ed for iban) and partner of Marion Le Pen: the youngesto ff- t he Südt irolerV olkspart ei. springo f the FrenchL e Pen political dynasty. FDI PD Giorgia Meloni is the leader in all the constituencies. The definition of the candidates for the European Elec- The list of candidates includes MPs Carlo Fidanza, Mar- tions is the first political act of the Zingaretti secre- cello Gemm at o and Carolina Varchi, and Senators t ariat . The search for a balance with the old Renzi ad- Daniela Sant anchè and Raffaele St ancanelli. Among THE ITALIANS CENARIO ministration seems to be reached, thanks also to the the MEPs electedi n the last legislature with Forza Italia massive scouting from outside the party nomenclature. and now candidates with Fratellid 'Italia,E lisabetta Gar- The five leaders are: Giuliano Pisapia for the north-west, dini, Raffaele Fit t o and Stefano Maullus tand out, while Carlo Calenda for t he north-east, the outgoing MEP Si- amongt he celebrtiies who have acceptedt o run for the mona Bonafè for the center, the former national anti- next EP term, there are: sociologist FrancescoA lberoni mafia prosecutor Franco Robert if or the south and the and Caio Giulio Cesare Mussolini, great-grandson of outgoing MEP Caterina Chinnici for the islands. The list Benito Mussolini. includes two members of Art icle 1 - Mdp: Massimo Paolucci (outgoing MEP) and Cecilia Guerra (former FB & Associati - 6 EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2019 - EDITION N°4 FOCUS: OPEN LEGISLATIVE DOSSIERS FB & Associati - 7 EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2019 - EDITION N°4 On 15-18 April, t he last plenary session of the Euro- lating t o t he est ablishm ento f Europeanf undsa nd peanP arliamentw as held for the 2014-2019 term. program s.O n these proposals, the European Parlia- ment and the EU Council have found an agreement, Not differently from many similar occasions, some withint he framework of the inter-institutionanl egoti- proposals have remained" pending". It is the specific ations, on the program contents and implementation case of t hree categories of legislative dossierst hat methods, but not on the aspects related to the bud- have remainedu ndecided: get. The latter, in fact, can be defined only after the 1. Proposals on whicht he European Parliament approval of the multiannual financial framework that has not adopt eda posit ion at first reading.
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