PITTSBURGH STEALERS Recorded Live at I PITTSBURGH 1982 Champ Quartet, Chorus, A.I.C., and Saturday Nigh t Show Records NOW AVAILABLE IN CASSETTE TAPES - SAME PRICE AS ALBUMS Quartet Champs Album features: Chorus Champs Album features: Dallas Metro, Tex. Classic Collection Sound Association Western Hills (Cincinnati). O. Center Stage California Fever Alexandria, Va. Lombard, III. Side Street Ramblers Remember When PeninSUla, Cal. Grand Tradition Curtain Call Minneapolis, Minn. Providence. R.1. Vaudeville Friends Kansas City, Mo. Roaring 20's Sound Syndicate Research Triangle Park, N.C. Burnaby, B.C. Harrington Brothers Friends of Yesterday Orlando, Fla. Indianapolis. Ind. 139th Street Quartet The Four Henchmen Detroit, Mich. The Rapscallions Empire Express Rochester, N.Y. Salt Lake City. Utah Tin Pan Allies Sound Revival Oakville.Ont. A.l.e. Show features: Schmitt Brothers Saturday Night Show features: Happiness Emporium Bluegrass Student Union The Thoroughbreds - '81 Chorus Champs Grandma's Boys Vocal Majority - '82 Chorus Champs and the 5 Medalist Boston Common Chicago News quartets. See Order Blank on page 3 and order todayl 7he ~aimonizer SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 19B2 VOL. XLII No.5 A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF SPEBSQSA, INC., IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY. The HARMONIZER (ISSN 0017-7849) Is the official publication of the Socloty for the Preservation and Encouragement of Berber Shop Quartet Singing In America, Inc. (S.P.E.B,S.Q.S.A.l. It is pub. IIshed In the months of January. March, Mav, July, September and November at 6316 - 3rd Avenue, Box 575, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141. Second-crass postage paid at Kenosha, Wisconsin. Editorial and Advertising offices are at tho International 6fflce. Advertising rates available upon requost. Publisher assumes no responsib1Jfty for roturn of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Notice of chango of address should be submItted to the editorial offlces of THE HARMONIZER, 6316 - THIRD AVE" Box 575, KENOSHA, WISCONSIN 53141, 8t least thirty days bafore the next publicatIon data. Subscription price to non-mombers Is $3.50 yearly or $1 an Issue. Copyright, 1979, by the Society for th& Preservation end Encouragament of Barber Shop Quartet SInging In AmerIca, Inc. Features 4 RED CARPET OUT FOR SARA­ 19 FINALIST QUARTETS SOTA MID-WINTER CONVENTION. The sunny climes of Sarasota will 22 MEDALIST QUARTETS be an enticement for Barbershop­ pers to attend the Society's all­ 24 WEEKEND TO REMEMBER. A fun convention. singing "bash" brought together three of the Society's outstanding 8 LOOKING BACK AT THE PITTS· singing chapters. BURGH CONVENTION. The full story, including official board action and pictures of all contestants. 26 CHORUS COMPETITORS 14 QUARTER FINALIST QUARTETS 30 CONTEST SCORING SUMMARIES 18 SEMI·FINALISTS QUARTETS 32 MUSEUM FUND CONTRIBUTORS Contributors John Ford ... Tom Hansbury ... Bob Hockenbrough ... Keith Howard .. Hugh Ingraham Also in this issue 2 THINKING ALOUD 36 NEW CHAPTERS - BARGAIN BASEMENT 3 LETTERS Conventions 36 SEATTLE CONVENTION REGIS· 5 SARASOTA CONVENTION REGIS­ TRATION INTERNATIONAL TRATION JUly3-10 19B3 Seattle, Wash. 37 LOGOPEDICS CONTRIBUTIONS 1984 St. Louis, Mo. July 1-8 1985 Minneapolis, Minn. June 30-July 7 1986 Salt Lake City, Ut. Ju ne 29-Ju Iy 6 MIDWINTER 1983 Sarasota, Fla. Jan. 26-29 1984 Honolulu, Hawaii Jan. 25-28 THE HARMONIZERISEPTEMBER-OCTOBERI1982 International Officers President, Merritt F, Auman, P. O. Box 7842, Reading, Pennsylvenla 19603 Immediate Past President, Burt HuIsh, 1531 Julio Lane, Twin Falls, Idaho B3301 Vice Presldont, Dr. Hank Vomacka, 1881 Rose Thinking Street, Sarasota, Florida 33579 Vice President, Gil Lefholz, 13316 E. 51st Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64133 Vice Presldent·Treasurer, John T. Gillespie, 712 Newgate Road, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Aloud • • • Board Members Cardinal, Morris Jennings, 508 Gardner Court, Marion, Indiana 46952 Central States, Thomas M. (Mike) Hines, 3317 Ravenwood Terrace NW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa "When in doubt, refer to what some· effort, you can't expect the chapter to do 52405 Dixie, Ralph Delano, P, O. Box 9, Benson, one else has written." I'm afraid that's it all ... North Carolina 27504 Evergreen, Harry NeUWirth, 1109 Maple Street, all too often my motto. I'll read an "I'm convinced, finally, that recruit­ Silverton, Oregon 97381 article which I find interesting, then clip ment is far more important than reten­ Far Western, Beryl Caron, 10809 Wellworth Ave., Los Angeles, California 90024 it out for future reference. Later, when tion. Let the 'summertime soldiers' go! Illinois, Jim Vliet, 807 W, Springfield, Urbana, I'm looking for something to write abollt, Let's concentrate our efforts on signing Illinois 61801 Johnny Apploseed, Darryl Flinn, 7975 Cleve· I'll refer back to this article. Some those ten new members - and figure that land Ave. NW, North Canton, Ohio 44720 four of them will be with us in 1985," Land 0' Lakes, Don Challman, 916 W. County people might call it stealing, Others, Road G2, St. Paul, Minnesota 55112 plagiarism. I prefer to think of it as pre· Some interesting thoughts. I'm prone Mid-Atlantic, William Park, Box 470G, RD 1, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania 19317 servation. to agree on a couple of counts. We'll Northeastern, Ronnie Menard, 50 Tufts Drive, Anyway, a couple of years ago when never completely solve our retention pro­ Nashua, New HampshIre 03060 Ontario, Cliff Watts, 234 Walden Blvd., Fort Al Woodard was president of the Sun­ blem. There are men among us who just Erie, Ontario L2A lRB CANADA shine District, he wrote a very interesting plain joined the wrong organization. Pioneor, Doran McTaggart, 890 Buckingham, Windsor, Ontario NBS 2C8 CANADA article on member retention vs. recruit· They'll never be quite happy with barber­ Rocky Mountoln, Jack Smith, 700 Valencia Drive NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108 ment. I thought it was sufficiently shopping. And AI is right; it's almost Seneca Land, Robert CUlbertson, 438 Buffalo thought-provoking and filed it in my impossible to be all things to all people. Street, Franklin, Pennsylvania 16323 Southwestern, Donald Wagner, 10106 Lalng­ "future file." Let me give you a couple of No chapter can do it. On the other hand, tree, Dallas, Texas 75243 direct quotations. let's not make this an excuse for poor Sunshine, Bert Warshaw, 9100 SW 16th Street, Miami, Florida 33165 "I suspect that we attract some new chapter programming. Let's try to pro­ members who expect to find a special vide the member with as many singing And Past International Presidents kind of inter-personal relationship they've opportunities (chorus and quartet) as Roger Thomas, 3720 St. Andrews Blvd., Racine, Wisconsin 53405 failed to find elsewhere. In other words, possible in a well organized atmosphere. Ernie Hills, Box 66, Medford, Oklahoma 73759 their recruitment was flawed from the It's just too easy to say that we can't Les Hesketh, Jr., 7467 Clifton Road, Clifton, Virginia 22024 outset. ,. make everyone happy so let's do nothing. "Others have special musical or social Finally, I do think AI is right when he International Office needs which we do not, or cannot, says that recruitment will give liS our' supply. Some come. to look for casual, greatest growth. There is unbelievable Executive Director off-the-cuff woodshedding and want no potential among men who have never HUGH A. ING RAHAM Music Education and Services part of the discipline of chorus rehearsal. been exposed to our hobby, both in com­ JOE E, LILES, Director Others have no interest in quartetting. munities where chapters exist and where Music Services Assistants How do we satisfy all these divergent they don't. By all means, let's keep as DAVE L. LABAR needs? We don't. We can't. _. many present members as we can (we'll lYLE E, PETTIGREW "In the final analysis, it all boils down never keep them alll, but the greatest DAVID M. STEVENS Public Relations Director to this: you get out of barbershopping growth can and should come from the ROBB OLlETT what you're willing to put into it ... You great unwashed who have never had the Editor have to become directly involved. If unique experience of singing barbershop LEO W. FOBART you're not willing to make that specia.l harmony, Administrator, Special Events D. WILLIAM FITZGERALD Manager Membership Development TOM P, COGAN Field Representative RON ROCKWELL Finance and Administration DALLAS A, LEMMEN,Director Accounting & Membership Services FRANK E. SANTARELLI, Manager Telephone: (414) 654-9111 Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday (Central Time) 2 THE HARMONIZER/SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER/1982 own quartet. This is a great and wonderful spirit. If there are any barbershop singers It makes one proud to belong. who would be interested in exchanging Clarence Wachs Letters letters across the waters I would be glad Kenosha, Wis. to hear from them. Applauds Award Winner I am 33, married, and live in the Thinks Gray Perceptive The Gould Award is given annually midlands area of England. Hooray for Don Gray and his intelli· by the Voice Foundation, selected by Sean Brown gent and perceptive article in the July/ international panel of experts, for con­ Earls Court Cottage Aug. '82 issue. Don has faced squarely tinuous significant contributions to re­ Bromyard Road a point few of us in barbershop seem search of the singing voice. Previous St. Johns willing to address: much of our present selectees read like a "Who's Who?" in contest music is boring to all but a few voice science. At the 1982 Care of Conventions Are About People ardent devotees of the style. Don pro­ the Professional Voice Symposium (Juil­ On behaif of Bill Thomas and me, may poses, I think, a realistic and workable liard School, New York City, June 10, I thank all your members for the warm solution to the controversy of class· 1982), I was proud to see this year's and wonderful reception given to us icists vs.
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