May 21, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 13341 and angered those who wanted him to to major newspapers, serving on nu- National Park Service, NPS, leader, ‘‘toe the line.’’ However, it earned him merous boards, and advising top offi- Brian O’Neill. Brian was a legendary the trust, respect, and credibility of cials—and me—on the current eco- conservationist and community builder policymakers, government officials, fi- nomic crisis. whose legacy will serve as a source of nancial industry officials, and millions In his most recent piece, published by inspiration for decades to come. Brian of citizens all across America. the Wall Street Journal on May 8, he passed away on May 13, 2009. He was 67 But there was more to Bill than his addressed the staffing and management years old. public service achievements. His ac- challenges now confronting the FDIC. Brian was born in Washington, DC, in complishments were so numerous—and In it, he drew parallels between the 1942, where he lived for the first 27 his humility so great—that many of hurdles that current Chairman Sheila years of his life. During his early years, them went unnoticed. He served his Bair faces and the obstacles he faced in Brian’s family often took camping and country during World War II and re- getting the FDIC and the new RTC road trips to many of our National ceived the Bronze Star for his service properly ‘‘staffed up’’ to deal with the Parks. It was on these trips that Brian as a communications officer on a de- S&L crisis nearly two decades ago. first began to bond with the Great stroyer while serving in the invasion of Bill wrote ‘‘The Resolution Trust West that would eventually become his the Philippines, Iwo Jima, and Oki- Corporation had to handle the assets home. The deep love and respect for na- nawa. He spoke very little about his from failed institutions when I ran it ture that Brian fostered in his youth service during the war, like many of in the aftermath of the savings and continued to motivate his professional his great generation. loan crisis of 1985–1992. The RTC experi- life and nurture his personal life for Bill earned degrees from some of the ence provides a useful guide for what the remainder of his years. finest institutions in the Nation—his the FDIC has to do now.’’ Amen. Brian never kept his love of the out- undergraduate degree from Dartmouth, With the country again facing the of-doors to himself. From the begin- a law degree from Harvard, and an same fear and uncertainty that Bill ning, he recognized the importance of MBA from the University of Michigan. saw during his tenure at the FDIC, he sharing his enthusiasm for all things Bill was born in Grand Rapids, MI, provided what few others could: a bril- wild with his family, friends, and espe- where he maintained strong roots liant and straightforward voice with cially with young people. As a fresh- throughout his life. He began his career years of experience, wisdom, and un- man at the University of Maryland, there at his family’s accounting firm, questionable integrity. The loss of his Brian and his twin brother Alan Seidman and Seidman, and became a voice simply cannot be replaced. worked with their mother Mimi to es- respected member of the local business But perhaps what was most remark- tablish a nonprofit organization that community. But his greatest contribu- able about Bill is that for all of his provided urban children with opportu- tion to Grand Rapids was his role as a brilliance, myriad accomplishments nities to visit national parks. principal founder of Grand Valley and worldwide recognition, there was a Brian began his career in Govern- State University in 1960. He was named deep humility and kindness about Bill ment service in 1965, when he was hired the first honorary life member of that was evident the moment you met by what was then the Bureau of Out- Grand Valley’s board, and the univer- him. Although he had the ears of presi- door Recreation, BOR. As Deputy Di- sity’s Seidman College of Business is dents and the respect of the elite, he rector of BOR’s Office of Urban Park named after his father. famously rode his bike to work. When Studies, Brian was a crucial part of the In 1962, Bill ran unsuccessfully to be asked about his accomplishments at team that persuaded President Nixon Michigan’s State auditor general—his the FDIC in a 1991 interview, he dis- to support legislation establishing two only attempt at elected office. He went missed them as ‘‘primarily luck.’’ But major urban parks: Golden Gate in San on to become an economic adviser to everyone knew better. Francisco and Gateway in New York Michigan Governor George Romney, The passing of Bill Seidman is a loss City. Brian was also instrumental in and later joined President Gerald for all of America. He dedicated his life the inclusion of 2,000 miles of rivers on Ford’s Administration as the Assistant to his country and his family, and we California’s north coast in the national to the President for Economic Affairs. are eternally grateful. I will especially scenic rivers system during the final In the early 1980s, he returned to aca- miss Bill as he and I met in my office days of President Carter’s administra- demia as dean of Arizona State Univer- just 2 months ago to talk about the tion. sity’s College of Business. RTC and how we could apply those les- For the past 25 years, Brian O’Neill These are just a few of the many sons to our current financial and eco- served as the superintendent of the things Americans may not know about nomic crisis. I appreciated his wisdom, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Bill Seidman—and he accomplished all guidance, generosity, and the kindness GGNRA. Comprised of over 76,000 acres of this before becoming Chairman of and respect he paid to me. in Marin, San Mateo, and San Fran- the FDIC, establishing the RTC, and It is my deepest hope that we can all cisco counties, GGNRA is one of the brilliantly guiding America out of the learn from Bill, in not just his exper- largest urban parks in the country. economic wilderness—the role which tise on addressing the current financial GGNRA hosts over 16 million visitors brought him fame. crisis, but also in the way he treated annually and is home to 1, 250 historic But with all he had accomplished, others with kindness, humility, hon- buildings, or 7 percent of all designated Bill never stopped to rest. He went on esty, and passion. historic structures in the country. to author two books, ‘‘Productivity— Our hearts and prayers go out to his With ever-growing expertise, Brian led The American Advantage,’’ with Ste- wife Sally, his six children, his many GGNRA’s 347 NPS employees and 8,000 ven Shancke, and ‘‘Full Faith and grandchildren and great grandchildren, volunteers. Credit,’’ a memoir of his time at the and to all of his family. I will truly Brian had a special skill for con- FDIC and his role in establishing and miss him. necting people with parks. He under- running the RTC. President Gerald It has been my honor today to offer stood that in order to garner lasting Ford hailed ‘‘Full Faith and Credit’’ as this commemoration on the incredible support for parks, community members ‘‘a fascinating story by a straight talk- life of Bill Seidman, and to salute this must be personally invested and in- er. The author dramatically tells how great American.∑ volved every step of the way. Brian’s the Federal agencies sought to con- f can-do attitude enabled him to create front the challenge of the banking and fruitful partnerships with business S&L crisis.’’ REMEMBERING BRIAN O’NEILL leaders, philanthropists, and commu- In recent years, already well into his ∑ Mrs. BOXER.: Mr. President, it is nity leaders. He consistently proved eighties, Bill stayed as active as ever, with a very heavy heart that I ask my skeptics wrong, as he raised more and working as CNBC’s chief commentator, colleagues to join me today in hon- more money to create additional park- regularly contributing opinion pieces oring the memory of an extraordinary lands. NPS recognized Brian’s natural VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:31 Sep 12, 2011 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S21MY9.001 S21MY9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 13342 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 May 21, 2009 aptitude for building partnerships— firefighters were injured during this REMEMBERING HARRY KALAS when NPS created a new assistant di- event. AND CONSTANTINE PAPADAKIS rector position focused on creating re- I want to give special thanks to the ∑ Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, the city lationships with outside entities, Brian more than 4,000 Federal, State, local, of Philadelphia lost two of its favorite was asked to serve in this role for the fire protection district, and volunteer sons recently. We are all saddened by first year of its existence. firefighters who have put their lives on the passing of longtime Philadelphia I had the great pleasure of knowing the line to fight this fire. Their cour- Phillies broadcaster Harry Kalas and Brian for many years, and will always age and swift action during this recent the loss of Drexel University president remember his bright smile and cheerful wildfire has been truly heroic.
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