BREEDING, CULTIVARS, ROOTSTOCKS, & GERMPLASM RESOURCES HORTSCIENCE 38(6):1198–1200. 2003. cluded that Schima is a monotypic, complex, polymorphic genus and recognized Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth as the only species. ×Schimlinia floribunda (Theaceae): This conclusion was based primarily on a study of Indonesian taxa. Keng (1978) also A New Intergeneric Hybrid between reduced all Malayan species into S. wallichii. Since that time, other authorities have further Franklinia alatamaha and Schima taken this single species to represent the entire genus (Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium, 1976; Mabberly, 1987). Griffiths (1994) has appar- argentea ently adopted this treatment and recognizes Thomas G. Ranney1, 2 and Thomas A. Eaker3 only one species, S. wallichii. However, the Missouri Botanical Garden (2002) currently Department of Horticultural Science, Mountain Horticultural Crops Research lists 25 species of Schima with numerous vari- and Extension Center, North Carolina State University, 455 Research Drive, eties. Tsou (1997) reported embryological and Fletcher, NC 28732-9244 developmental differences among three species 2 ofSchima. Deng and Baas (1990) found a broad Paul R. Fantz range of variation in wood anatomy among six Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, species of Schima.Arecent phylogenetic study NC 27695-7609 of the Theaceae provided additional molecu- lar data to support recognition of multispecies Clifford R. Parks2 Schima (Prince and Parks, 2001). The English Department of Biology, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, translation and revision of the Flora of China Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3280 is currently ongoing; however, the draft treat- ment of the Theaceae tentatively recognized 13 Additional index words. Gordonia alatamaha, Gordonia pubescens, Schima wallichii, distant species of Schima native to China alone and hybridization, intergeneric hybridization, plant breeding, wide hybridization treated S. argentea Pritz. as a species separate from S. wallichii (Ke et al., 2002). Therefore, Abstract. Franklinia alatamaha Bartr. ex Marshall represents a monotypic genus that was we are adopting this treatment and consider S. originally discovered in Georgia, but is now considered extinct in the wild and is main- argentea to be a distinct species. tained only in cultivation. Although Franklinia is very ornamental, with showy flowers Schima argentea is an evergreen tree that and crimson/maroon fall foliage color, it tends to be short lived when grown as a landscape is native to western China, Assam, and Taiwan tree and is known to be susceptible to a variety of root pathogens. Schima argentea Pritz that is valued for its glossy foliage, late sum- is an evergreen tree that is native to Asia and is valued for its glossy foliage, late-summer mer flowers, and as a landscape plant in mild flowers, and broad adaptability in mild climates. Hybridization between these genera climates (Hillier Nurseries, 1992). This species could potentially combine the cold hardiness and desirable ornamental characteristics has been observed to be undamaged by winter of F. alatamaha with the greater adaptability, utility, and genetic diversity of S. argentea. temperatures as low as –9 °C in Chapel Hill, Controlled crosses between F. alatamaha and S. argentea resulted in new intergeneric N.C. (C.R. Parks, personal observation). hybrid progeny. A morphological comparison of parents and the progeny is presented. Minimal genetic diversity (all existing ×Schimlinia floribunda Ranney and Fantz (mountain schimlinia) is proposed as the name plants originated from one small population) for these hybrids and is validated with a Latin diagnosis. limits the potential for plant breeding and improvement within F. alatamaha. However, Asmall population of Franklinia alatamaha omnivorum(Duggar) Hennebert (Horst, 2001; some attempts have been made to develop in- Bartr. ex Marshall (Theaceae D. Don) was dis- Koslow and Peterson, 1980; Peterson et al., tergeneric hybrids using F.alatamaha. Acker- covered by John and William Bartram along 1975), thus limiting its usefulness in the man and Williams (1982) conducted extensive the banks of the Altamaha River in Georgia in landscape. Franklinia is considered to be a crosses between F. alatamaha and Camellia 1765 (Fry, 2000). Seeds were collected from monotypic genus (Griffiths, 1994; Krüssman, L. sp. and produced two intergeneric hybrids, these trees over a number of years, but the 1986; Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium, 1976; but their growth was weak and extremely slow. species has not been seen in the wild since Prince and Parks, 2001). Orton (1977) reported successful hybridization 1790. Although F. alatamaha is considered SchimaReinw. ex Bl. is a genus of evergreen between Gordonia lasianthus (L.) Ellis and extinct in the wild, it persists in cultivation trees and shrubs native to warm temperate and F. alatamaha; however, all of the seedlings and makes an attractive landscape tree. This tropical regions of southern and southeastern died within 2 years of germination. Although species is valued for its showy white flowers Asia that are often used for fodder, fuel, poles, hybrids between Franklinia and Schima have and bright crimson/maroon fall foliage color. and timber (Hillier Nurseries, 1992; Tamrakar, not been reported, some taxonomic and sys- Considering its southern nativity, it is surprising 1992). Schima sp. have a broad distribution, tematic studies have suggested a close alliance that it tolerates winter temperatures as low as are common forest species, and are often used between these genera (Prince and Parks, 2001; –38 °C (Dirr, 1998). However, F. alatamaha for afforestation due to their adaptability and Spongberg, 1974). tends to be short lived in the landscape and tolerance to a wide range of environments, Hybridization between Franklinia and is known to be very susceptible to Phytoph- including dry sites, infertile soils, and clay Schimacould potentially combine the cold har- thora cinnamomi Rands and Phymatotrichum soils (Corlett, 1999; Wang et al., 1983; Wu et diness and desirable ornamental characteristics al., 1999). Some Schima sp. are utilized for of F. alatamaha with the greater adaptability, Received for publication 4 Dec. 2002. Accepted for medicinal purposes where the astringent co- utility, and genetic diversity of Schima. The publication21 Apr. 2003. This research was funded, rollas, known to contain hydrolyzable tannins objective of this report is to describe the his- in part, by the North Carolina Agricultural Research (e.g., schimawalins), have been used to treat tory of and to validate intergeneric hybrids Service, Raleigh, NC 27695-7643. The authors grate- uterine disorders, hysteria, and as an ointment that resulted from crossing F. alatamaha with fully acknowledge the excellent technical assistance to treat smallpox (Yoshida et al., 1991). Schima S. argentea. of Mr. Joel Mowrey and the staff at the Mountain sp. have been found to be resistant to fire and Horticultural Crops Research Station. 1Corresponding author. E-mail address: can be planted as forest firebreaks (Li-Zhen Materials and Methods [email protected] . and Li, 1997). 2Professor. Taxonomy of Schima at the species level Controlled crosses were made between 3Research Specialist. is controversial. Bloembergen (1952) con- Franklina alatamaha (female parent) and 1198 HORTSCIENCE, VOL. 38(6), OCTOBER 2003 32-7573, p1198-1200 1198 10/17/03, 10:30:09 AM Schima argentea (male parent) in Aug. and Table 1. Comparison of the hybrid with the parent genera.z Sept. 1999 and 2000 at the Mountain Horticul- Characteristic Franklinia Hybrid Schima tural Crops Research Station, Fletcher, N.C., Leaf duration Deciduous Evergreen - Evergreen under the direction of Thomas G. Ranney. semievergreen Pollen was collected from a specimen of S. Leaf widest point Above middle Above middle Near middle argentea(accession 1999-098). This particular Leaf tapered base Elongate Elongate Short clone of S. argentea was provided by Clifford Inflorescence stalk Short, subsessile Elongate Elongate R. Parks and was propagated by seeds that he Flowers per inflorescence Solitary 1 to 4 1 to 4 had collected near the Yunnan-Sichuan boarder Flower size Large Large to small Small in China. Flowers of F. alatamaha (accession Perianth dorsal pubescence Silky, dense Glabrate, silky Glabrate, silky basally basally 1998-450) were emasculated and hand polli- Sepal size Unequal Subequal Subequal fl nated. About 150 owers were pollinated over Sepal length vs. width Length > width Width § length Width > length 2 years. Seeds were collected in September, the Bracts (caducous) Elongate Elongate Short year following pollination, stratified in moist Filament length ratioy Ratio 1:4 Ratio 1:2.5 Ratio 1:2 media for 90 d at 6 °C, and germinated under zReferences for generic descriptions: Griffiths, 1994; Huxley et al., 1992; Krüssman, 1986; Liberty Hyde greenhouse conditions. Bailey Hortorium, 1976. yRatio of the shorter filament lengths to the longer filament lengths. Results and Discussion Table 2. Comparison of hybrid progeny from Franklinia alatamaha (female) and Schima argentea Atotal of 83 hybrids were propagated from (male). seed in 2000 and 2001. Growth was fast and Franklinia alatamaha Schima argentea many of these progeny attained heights greater Characteristic (female) Hybrids (male) than 2 m and flowered within 9 months of germination. Characteristics of the progeny Leaves clearly demonstrate their hybrid nature (Tables Leaf shape Oblanceolate
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