1969-70 BOOK DESIGN AWARDS AUSTRALIAN BOOK PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION 18 The Judges The Judge/ Report Leslie Apthorp Entries for Book Design A wards this year were disappoint­ TYPOGRAPHER ingly few, perhaps because so many well-designed books are now printed out of Australia and are therefore ineligible. The standard generally was disappointing. It showed little Dr Andrew Fabinyi, OBE if any improvement on previous years. Australian book design, PUBLISHER after a belated Great Leap Forward from the shabby amateur­ ism which long characterized it, seems to have lost some of its creative vigour. Too many of the books submitted this Cyril Pearl year, especially by University Presses, merely repeated an un­ AUTHOR distinguished, if competent, standard attained years ago. Some, alas, did not even achieve this. Very few books displayed that synthesis of imaginative de­ sign, appropriate format, functional typography and sound craftsmanship which judges, year after year, optimistically seek and seldom find. Often there was a lack of harmony between jacket, end­ papers, and title page, and between these and the content of the book, the result in some cases, no doubt, of having the jacket designed by one person and the rest of the book by another. There were few striking jackets. Here is a field offer­ ing infinite scope for imaginative and compelling treatment which is curiously neglected by many Australian publishers. Golden opportunities are often lost, too, by the use of plain paper for endpapers, or by repeating the same endpaper de­ sign at the front and back of the book. Book design, in terms of these awards, goes beyond the appearance of the book. It includes, of course, the mechanical as well as the creative elements in book production-printing, binding, plate-making and type-setting. Nevertheless, the books selected and commended as those best designed and printed in Australia in 1969 do show those qualities of originality and imagination which have given the Directions to Judges Australian book a physical identity of its own. They will be, at the international exhibitions to which the books chosen each year normally find their way, respectable The objects of the competition are: representatives of Australian book design and book printing. (a) to focus the attention of publishers, printers, and the public on the importan ce of having well-made Austra­ lian books; (b) to improve the standard of book design in Australia; and (c) to improve the standard of craftsmanship in all stages of book manufacture in Australia. The number of categories in which books may be submitted and the method of judging avoid the assessment of neces­ Entries and Awards 1969-1970 sarily low-cost books alongside more de luxe editions where cost is of much less importance. Categories: paperbound books CATEGORY I SUBMITTED SELECTED _I_ COMMENDED REJECTED 1. Paperback and 2. Children's books 10 8 I. Paperback 2 I 3. School textbooks 2. Children 2 I I 4. General and popular books (fiction and non-fiction) I and tertiary educational books 3. School text 9 4 5 5. Technical, scientific, 6. Poetry and belles-lettres 4. General 25 4 2 19 I 7. Art books, special and limited editions 5. Technical 15 3 12 Each category will be judged separately and apart from I 6. Poetry 5 I I 3 other categories and in the above order, the object of the I competition being to select the best designed books, irrespec­ 7. Art book 5 2 3 tive of category. The judges are not required to select books I1----- from each and every category if, in their opinion, the books TOTAL 71 17 3 I 51 in those categories do not measure up to the required stan­ dard. However, they should bear in mind that, all other things Number of publishers who submitted books: 20 being equal, a well-designed and well-producecllow-cost book Total membership of the ABPA: 64 should be considered more meritorious than a highly priced B de luxe edition, no matter how well designed or well pro­ duced the latter may be. It is not necessarily the object of the competition to encourage the production of special editions (although these will naturally be considered on their own merits and within their own special category), but generally to improve the overall standard of design and production in the Australian published book. The judges' special attention is drawn to school text and technical, scientific and tertiary educational books in which a higher standard is desirable though difficult to achieve, and therefore the more meritori­ ous when it is achieved. Before examining each book in its category, the publishers' entry form should be read. This will show the approximate number of copies printed, its retail price and any special com­ ments made by the publisher that should, perhaps, be taken into consideration. The entry form also shows the method of printing, etc. Vetting of entries, eligibility or correct category AUSTRALIAN WRITERS AND THEIR WORK: classification of books will be decided by the Committee and DOUGLAS STEWART are not the responsibility of the judges. by Nancy Keesing In assessing the individual books the judges are to consider Oxford University Press the design, production, and suitability of the dust jacket, case, binding, preliminary pages, text, illustrations, and Designed by MURIEL EYRE, with the series cover designed by materials used. ALISON FORBES. Printed and bound by HALSTEAD PRESS. At the conclusion of judging, the judges are requested to fudges' comment: 'Attractive and appmpriate. Cover well submit a written report, naming their selection of the best designed. A clean, tidy book.' books, together with any comments they wish to make about the chosen books, the books not selected and the competition in general. SAM URE SMITH ANDREW HALFORD DAVID NEW Book Design Awards Committee: Australian Book Publishers Association Paperback THe OmBLBH-GOmBIBH A guide t o MODERN AUSTRALIAN PAINTING Drawings by DAVID FIElDING A GUIDE TO MODERN AUSTRALIAN THE OMBLEY-GOMBLEY PAINTING by Peter \1\Tesley-Smith, with drawings by David Fielding by R. K. Luck Angus and Robertson Ltd Sun Books Pty Ltd Designed by ANGUS AND ROBERTSON LTD. Printed and Designed by GEORG E M. SMITH. Printed and bound by bound by WATSON FERGUSON & CO. Judges' comm ent: 'A THE GRIFFIN PRESS. Judges' comment: 'R eally an Art book happy mixture of colour and layout. This book is well de­ with paper binding. Good value and a pleasing 1·esult.' signed and well printed-a very happy result.' ) Paperback Children LANDMARKS LIVING SCIENCE by W. H. Blackmore, R. E. Cotter, and M. J. Elliott by F. W. McGuinness and R. W. J ames The Macmillan Company of Australia Pty Ltd Cassell Australia Ltd NORMAN Designed by M. J. GIVANS. [1/uslTat ed by R . GOODALL. Designed by PETER INNOCENT. [l/ustmted by Typesetting by THE UN IVERSITIE S PRESS. Printed and PHILLIPS, with the cover designed by EMIL JANUSCHKA . DUDLEY E. KING PTY LTD. ed and bound by THE GRIFFIN PRESS. judges' comment: 'A clear, Typesetting by Print effective, pictorially integmted presentation. Cove1· well bound by ALEXANDER BROS PTY LTD. judges' COmment: designed.' 'A cohesive concept excellently can·ied out. The intelligent use of colour is to be pm·ticularly commended. Cover out­ standing.' School text School text · ARITHMETIC 1 SMS ARITHMETIC I A SOURCE BOOK FOR E 1 GLISH: by Clapp, Hamann, Lang, and McDonald PART TWO Rigby Limited by L. M. Hannan, W. Hannan, and A. A. Allinson F. W. Cheshire Publishing Pty Ltd Designed by RIGBY LIMITED. Illustrated by JACK BE 1 - LOW, with the case designed by GEORGE TETLOW. Type­ Designed by WEATHERHEAD AND STITT. Typesetting by setting by MODGRAPHIC PTY LTD. P1·inted and bound by DUDLEY E. KING PTY LTD. Printed and bound by WILKE THE GRIFFIN PRESS . .Judges' comment: 'An unusual book & COMPANY LIMITED. judges' comment: 'Excellent; an size, well designed. The second colour successfully used­ outstanding example of imaginative design. The use of should inspire the pupil.' co lour should he lp to hold students' inte1·est.' School text School text Beer, Glorious Beer! Early Adelaide Architecture I836 to 1886 A Photographic Record E. J. R.. MORGAN aud S. H. GILBERT BEER, GLORIOUS BEER! EARLY ADELAIDE ARCHITECTURE by Cyril Pearl 1836 TO 1886 Thomas Nelson (Australia) Limited by E. J. R. Morgan and S. H. Gilbert Oxford University Press Designed by vANE LINDESAY, with endpapen designed by THOMAS NELSON (AUSTRALIA) LIMITE D. Typese ttzng by Designed by MURIEL EYRE. Photography by S. H. GILBERT, TRADE COMPOSITION PTY LTD. Print ed and bound by with an endpaper design by J. wooD. Typese tting by THE GRIFFIN PRESS. Judges' comment: 'Has the fmth of DUDLEY E. KING PTY LTD. Printed and bound by BROWN , its subject. Colow·ful endpapeL Well printed and easy to PRIOR, ANDERSON PTY LTD. Judges' comment: 'A fin e 1·ead.' book, c hiefly illustrations. Pleasing use of co lour on jacket, case, and endpapers.' General General Tl1eFlc)wers C)f tl1e Fielcl THE VAGABOND PAPERS THE FLOWERS OF THE FIELD by John Stanley James by Hugh Anderson Melbourne University Press Hill of Content Publishing Co. Pty Ltd Designed by NORMA r QUAINTANCE. P1·inted by MEL­ Designed by ALISON FORBES. P1·inted and bound by THE BOURNE UN IVERSITY PRESS and bound by WILKE & GRIFFIN PRESS . judges' comment: 'Truly professional and COMPANY LIMITED . judges' comment: 'A clear, attrac­ attractive. Easy to read and not too bulky.' tive design. Type size used makes easy reading. Illustmtions well chosen.' General General Australian Kangaroos securities markets \ \ \ / AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES MARKETS KA TGAROOS by P. J. Rose by H. J. Frith and J. H. Calaby F. W. Cheshire Publishing Pty Ltd F.
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