September 27, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2079 with Medicaid, OPM for the Federal Employ- data, improve navigation accuracy prediction partment of Agriculture as a liaison to bring re- ees Health Benefit Program, Tricare, and (including jamming and weapons modeling), form to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Medicare, which all require DSM criteria for and integrate electronic warfare (EW) analysis Upon his return to the United States, CHIP the submission of claims. All NIH grant sub- into a common operational environment for went to work for the people of Mississippi as missions, FDA drug indications for treatment, Army support teams. The user friendly inter- a staffer of former Mississippi Senator Trent and legal indications for mental competency face will couple real time data integration with Lott, where he served for nearly four years. At require the use of DSM codes and guidelines. currently deployed and supported data feeds, the age of 33, he ran as the Republican can- Despite this status as a recognized author- including imagery, terrain, GPS status, elec- didate for Mississippi’s 3rd District in 1996. ity, the DSM itself became the focal point for tronic warfare environment, and terrestrial Chip has taken the lead in passing FEMA many heated debates during the parity nego- weather. and contracting reform legislation in the wake tiations, launched by opponents of parity. Requesting Member: Congressman DOUG of 2005’s Hurricane Katrina. As a member of However, in the end, language to require the LAMBORN, CO–05. the House Energy and Commerce Committee, DSM as the basis for coverage was not in- Bill Number: H.R. 2638. Chip has been an influential leader on issues cluded in this bill. The final bill requires the Account: Research, Development, Test & such as telecommunications and technology Government Accountability Office (GAO) to Evaluation, Air Force. concerning Mississippi’s future. monitor and report to Congress on the extent Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join to which health plans comply with the require- Finmeccanica of North America. me in recognizing a dedicated leader and ments of this Act to provide meaningful parity Address of Requesting Entity: 1625 I Street, friend to many in this body. I know his family, to the millions of families who experience NW., Floor 12, Washington, DC 20006. his five sons, Will, Ross, Jackson, Asher, and mental health or substance abuse conditions. Description of Request: $800,000 is in- Harper; his many friends and colleagues join f cluded in this budget to demonstrate and qual- me in praising his accomplishments and ex- ify in a cold climate an innovative, energy effi- tending thanks for his service over the years EARMARK DECLARATION cient, alternative power technology, on an en- on behalf of the state of Mississippi and the ergy intensive Air Force installation. Utilizing United States of America. HON. DOUG LAMBORN tactical or readily available fuels, this first CHIP will surely enjoy the well deserved time OF COLORADO phase of qualifying will place a next genera- he now has to spend with his family and loved IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion power generator in a military environment ones. I wish him the best of luck in all his fu- Friday, September 26, 2008 while showcasing all the benefits (monetary, ture endeavors. environmental, and technical) this technology Mr. LAMBORN. Madam Speaker, pursuant f can provide within various scenarios, such as to the Republican Leadership standards on ‘‘Silent Camp’’ or ‘‘Islanding’’. IN RECOGNITION OF AIDS earmarks, I am submitting the following infor- Requesting Member: Congressman DOUG AWARENESS HISTORY MONTH mation for publication in the CONGRESSIONAL LAMBORN, CO–05. RECORD regarding earmarks I received as part Bill Number: H.R. 2638. HON. DANNY K. DAVIS of H.R. 2638, Consolidated Security, Disaster Account: Research, Development, Evalua- OF ILLINOIS Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations tion, & Test, DW. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Act, 2009. Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Northrop Friday, September 26, 2008 Requesting Member: Congressman DOUG Grumman Corporation. LAMBORN, CO–05. Address of Requesting Entity: 1000 Wilson Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speaker, as Bill Number: H.R. 2638. Blvd, Suite 2300 Arlington, VA 22209. we move into the month of October, I want to Account: 3600F RDT & E, Air Force, Line Description of Request: $10 million is in- take a moment to recognize October as AIDS 13, PE 0602601F. Awareness History Month. AIDS Awareness Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Aeroflex. cluded in this budget for Missile Defense Inte- gration & Operations Center (MDIOC) mod- month provides an opportunity to focus on the Address of Requesting Entity: 4350 Centen- fact that HIV/AIDS is a formidable problem nial Blvd. Colorado Blvd, Colorado Springs, eling and simulation. This ensures early Warfighter involvement and realistic BMDS across the country. The 2008 AIDS Aware- CO 80907. ness Month occurs at a time when we have Description of Request: $1.6 million is in- operational concepts for the fielded system learned that we are struggling in the fight cluded in this bill for Radiation Hardened Non- that will protect U.S. Homeland, our Allies, and against AIDS. In early August, the Centers for Volatile Memory. This request is intended to U.S. troops from the threat of ballistic missile Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, re- aide in the development of radiation hardened attack. leased new statistics showing a 40 percent in- non-volatile memory technology to be used in f crease over previous estimates of new cases a variety of applications, principally satellites. RECOGNIZING THE HONORABLE of HIV. The report found that that 53 percent Requesting Member: Congressman DOUG CHIP PICKERING ON THE OCCA- of new HIV infections in 2006 were among LAMBORN, CO–05. SION OF HIS RETIREMENT Bill Number: H.R. 2638. gay and bisexual men, with almost one-third, Account: RDTE, AF. 31 percent of new infections being among Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Goodrich HON. JO BONNER heterosexuals, which previous studies have Corporation. OF ALABAMA shown have the greatest effect on African Address of Requesting Entity: 1275 North IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American women. HIV/AIDS is a public health problem in our Newport Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80916. Friday, September 26, 2008 Description of Request: $5.6 million is in- country and an emergency situation within the cluded in this bill to fund ACES 5 ejection-seat Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, I rise today African American community. African Ameri- development and testing for the Air Force-vari- to honor the distinguished career of the Hon- cans make up 13 percent of the United States ant F–35 to enable insertion into F–35 LRIP to orable CHARLES ‘‘CHIP’’ WILLIS PICKERING, JR. population, but they account for 49 percent of leverage the most capable and safest ejection for his service to the people of Mississippi and the estimated AIDS cases diagnosed since the seat ever developed and ensure that the U.S. United States House of Representatives. Con- epidemic began. Since the beginning of the preserves the domestic capability to produce gressman PICKERING has represented the 3rd epidemic, African Americans have accounted vital life saving ejection seat systems for the Congressional District of the state of Mis- for 42 percent of the estimated 950,000 AIDS Air Force. sissippi for the past 12 years. cases diagnosed in the 50 states and the Dis- Requesting Member: Congressman DOUG A native of Laurel, Mississippi, CHIP re- trict of Columbia. Not only are African Ameri- LAMBORN, CO–05. ceived a bachelor’s degree in business admin- cans more likely to get AIDS, they are more Bill Number: H.R. 2638. istration from the University of Mississippi and likely to die from it, with more than half of all Account: RDT&E. a master’s degree in business administration AIDS-related deaths being among African Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Analytical from Baylor University. Americans. The statistics in Illinois resemble Graphics, Inc. Before joining Congress, CHIP served as a those nationally. African Americans aged 13– Address of Requesting Entity: 7150 Campus Southern Baptist missionary in the communist 24 have the highest average annual HIV rates. Drive, Suite 260, Colorado Springs, CO. region of Budapest, Hungary. Upon returning African American males aged 13–24 had an Description of Request: $800,000 is in- to the country, former President George H. W. average annual HIV rate was 2.5 times higher cluded in this bill to incorporate space object Bush appointed him to the United States De- than the rate in White males, and almost 4 VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:38 Sep 28, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K26SE8.014 E27SEPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS E2080 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2008 times higher than the rate in Hispanic men. In port from parents and community leaders to of MIKE McNULTY as he prepares to retire as Chicago, African American women represent reinforce personal and academic success from one of our best. 75 percent of all women living with HIV/AIDS, Southeast Elementary students. Since I arrived in the House, I have been yet they account for only 37 percent of the During her tenure, Norma has also proud to stand with MIKE, as he fights for New general female population aged 13 and over. prioritized with her students character build- York’s working families. This disparity is unacceptable. HIV / AIDS is ing—including appreciation and respect of oth- plaguing and destroying African American ers—a positive attitude, and coping skills. He has carried on his family’s tradition of public service since 1969 when he first won communities, robbing our community of its fa- On October 16th and 17th, Norma will join office—at age 22—as Green Island Town Su- thers, mothers, brothers, and sisters.
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