m Wt SHE •%/rOFZ) CATALOGUE or THE TRUSTEES, OFFICERS. AND STUDENTS. OP THE Wmmity nf SESSION 1855-56. PHILADELPHIA: T. K. & P. G. COLLINS, PRINTERS. 1856. S) CATALOGUE or TUB TRUSTEES, OFFICERS, AND STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. SESSION 1855-56. PHILADELPHIA: T. K. AND P. G. COLLINS, PRINTERS. 1856. TKUSTEES. THE GOYERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA, Ex OFFICIO, President of the Board. JOSEPH R. INGERSOLL, LL.D., REY. PHILIP F. MAYER, D.D., JAMES S. SMITH, REY. ALBERT BARNES, JOHN M. SCOTT, HARTMAN KUHN, LEWIS WALN, THOMAS BIDDLE, THOMAS I. WHARTON, ROBERT RALSTON, REY. BENJAMIN DORR, D.D., GEORGE M. WHARTON, TOBIAS WAGNER, WILLIAM M. MEREDITH, HENRY J. WILLIAMS, REY. HENRY J. MORTON, D.D., RT. REY. ALONZO POTTER, D.D., RENi LA ROCHE, M.D., JOHN C. CRESSON, HENRY D. GILPIN, OSWALD THOMPSON, FREDERICK FRALEY, BENJAMIN GERHARD. CALDWELL K. BIDDLE, Secretary and Treasurer. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR 1856. COMMITTEE OF WAYS AND MEANS. Mr. Wain, Chairman. Mr. Williams. Mr. Wagner, COMMITTEE ON EXPENDITURES AND ACCOUNTS. Mr. Scott, Chairman. Mr. Ealston, Eev. Dr. Mayer, Mr. Gerhard. Mr. Wain, GOVERNMENT OF COLLEGE. Mr. G. M. Wharton, Chairman. Mr. Gilpin, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Fraley. Mr. Williams, GRATUITOUS TICKETS—DEPARTMENT OF ARTS. Rev. Mr. Barnes, Chairman. Mr. Cresson. Eev. Dr. Morton, CHARITY SCHOOLS. Mr. G. M. Wharton, Chairman. Mr. Thompson. Mr. Smith, PERKASIE LANDS. Mr. T. I. Wharton, Chairman. Mr. T. Biddle, Mr. Gilpin, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Scott, Mr. Thompson. WISTAR AND HORNER MUSEUM. Mr. Scott, Chairman. Mr. Fraley. Dr. La Eoche, LIBRARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS. Mr. Wagner, Chairman. Mr. Cresson, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Gilpin. Mr. Gerhard, GRATUITOUS MEDICAL TICKETS. Rev. Dr. Mayer, Chairman, Dr. La Roche. Rev. Dr. Dorr, FOURTH STREET BUILDINGS. Rev. Mr. Barnes, Chairman. Mr. Gerhard. Mr. Fraley, COMMITTEES TO ATTEND THE EXAMINATIONS OF THE COLLEGE CLASSES. SENIOR CLASS. Mr. Cresson, Mr. Fraley, Mr. Gilpin, Mr. Gerhard. Mr. Thompson, JUNIOR CLASS. Mr. Ingersoll, Rev. Mr. Barnes, Rev. Dr. Mayer, Mr. Scott, Mr. Smith, Mr. Kuhn. SOPHOMORE CLASS. Mr. Wain, Mr. Ralston, Mr. Biddle, Rev. Dr. Dorr, Mr. T. I. Wharton, Mr. G. M. Wharton. FRESHMAN CLASS. Mr. Wagner, Rev. Dr. Morton, Mr. Meredith, Bishop Potter, Mr. Williams, Dr. La Roche. HENRY VETHAKE, LL. D., Provost of the University. JOHN F. FRAZER, A.M., Vice-Provost. FACULTY OF AETS. HENRY VETHAKE, LL. D., Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. JOHN F. FRAZER, A. M, Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. GEORGE ALLEN, A. M., Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages and Literature. HENRY COPPfiE, A.M., Professor of Belles Lettres and of the English Language and Literature. FRANCIS A. JACKSON, A.M., Adjunct Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages and Literature. E. OTIS KENDALL, A.M., Professor of Mathematics. GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary of the Faculty. HENRY COPPEE, Librarian. I PROFESSORS NOT MEMBERS OP THE FACULTY OF ARTS. WILLIAM B. REED, A. M., Professor of American History. Professor of Chemistry as applied to the Arts. VINCENZIO DE AMARELLI, A. M., Ph. D., Professor of the Italian Language and Literature. Professor of the French Language and Literature. FREDERICK DICK, Janitor of the Univeriily. DEPARTMENT OE AUTS. UNDERGRADUATES, 1855-6 * SENIOR SOPHISTERS. George Allen, Jr., Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Richard L. Ashhurst, do. do. "William H. Badger, do. do. Cadwalader Biddle, do. do. Henry A. Boiler, do. do. Edward Coles, Jr., do. do. F. Bartlett Converse, dò. do. Alexander B. Coxe, do. do. James Devereux, Jr., do. do. Thomas R. Dunglison, do. do. Harry C. Egbert, do. do. Charles A. Hackley, do. do. William S. Hendrie, do. Doylestown. Charles C. Jackson, do. Philadelphia. Edward S. Kelly, do. do. Emlen T. Littell, do. do. Robert H. McGrath, Jr., do. do. Richard C. Moore, Jr., do. do. Edmund C. Pechin, do. do. Richard D.-Pettit, do. do. Henry Phillips, do. do. Serapio Recio, Cuba, Puerto Principe. William Reed, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. William Sh ars wood, do. do. John H. Slack, do. do. John W. Williams, do. do. SENIORS, 26. * The Catalogue includes the names of Students in College from the beginning of the College year. JUNIOR SOPHISTEES. John Ashhurst, Jr., Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Oharies Bayard, . do. do. Frederic M. Bird, do. do, Boberts Coles, do. do. Isaac Dunton, do. do. Henry A. du Pont, Delaware, Wilmington. F. Howard Eldridge, Maryland, Cecil County. George Gilpin, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. John W. Grigg, do. do. William H. Hodge, do. do. Oswald C. Jackson, do. do. George H. Johnston, Jr., Georgia, Savannah. S. Huntington Jones, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. J. Hamilton Kuhn, do. do. Philip H. Law, do. do. J. Leighton McKim, Delaware, Georgetown. > Henry Morton, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. William F. liorris, do. do. James H. Peabody, do. do. William P. Pepper, do. do. Bandolph Sailer, do. do. William F. Savage, do. do. Garrett N. Smith, do. do. John B. Thayer, do. do. j William W. Wister, do. do. George B. Wood, do. do. JUNIORS,. 26. SOPHOMOBES. David W. Biddle, Pennsylvania, Carlisle. George T. Bispham, do. Philadelphia. Alfred P. Boiler, do. do. Charles Cadwalader, do. do. Joseph K. Caldwell, do. do. Robert W. Clark, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Eckley B. Coxe, do. do. William W. Frazier, do. da Charles E. Hale, do. do. William H. Hare, do. do. George G. Klapp, do. do. John P. Lamberton, do. do. Charles E. Lammot, Delaware, Wilmington. Arthur McClellan, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Gustavus M. Murray, do. do. Amos T. Newbold, do. do. Charles H. Penrose, do. do. Edwin Phillips, do. do. James W. Powell, do. do. Charles B. Riehle, do. do. William B. Robins, do. do. Alfred K Wetherill, do. do. G. Irvine Whitehead, do. do. Alexander H. F. Williamson, do. do. SOPHOMORES, 24. FRESHMEN. Andrew C. Barclay, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Henry Blanchard, do. do. Charles H. Boone, do. do. Frederick Brown, Jr., do. do. Charles M. Burns, Jr., do. do. Cecil Clay, do. do. William Darrach, Jr., do. do. Robert Edgar, do. do. Isaac W. Guldin, do. Pottstown. J. Haseltine Haddock, do. Philadelphia. Stephen F. Hanson, do. do. Charles F. Haseltine, do. do. Edward B. Hodge, do. do. N". Clemmons Hunt, do. do. Charles T. McMullin, do. do. Robert S. J. Peebles, Virginia, Petersburg. David Pepper, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. George W. Reed, do. do. John M. Rice, do. do. George Russell, Jr., do. do. Alexander R. Sterling, dò. do. Franklin Sterling, do. do. George D. Stroud, do. do. "William D. Stuart, do. do. Henry B. Townsend, do. do. John Tucker, Jr., do. do. Edward S. Whelen, Jr., do. do. Brinton White, do. do. Philip H. White, do. do. John Willson, do. do. Alfred Zantzinger, da. do. FRESHMEN, 31. STUDENTS OF THE SCIENTIFIC AND PARTIAL COURSES. Thomas B. Beall, North Carolina, Lexington. John E. Bready, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, J. Sidney Crawford, do. do. Charles B. Devereux, do. do. Biedermann du Pont, Delaware, Wilmington. John G. "Watmough, Jr., Pennsylvania, Germantown. SCIENTIFIC AND PARTIAL STUDENTS, 6. RECAPITULATION. Seniors, . 26 Juniors, . 26 Sophomores, . 24 Freshmen, . 31 Scientific and Partial Students, GRADUATES IN THE ARTS, COMMENCEMENT IN JULY, 1855. The degree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred upon B. Ashhurst Bowie, Alexander W. Mitchell, D. Penrose Buckley, E. Copp^e Mitchell, Thomas K. Conrad, William B. Morris,. Samuel Dickson, Joseph D. Newlin, Simon Gratz, J. Beauclerc Newman, William D. Hays, Effingham Perot, H. Lenox Hodge, John S. Powell, George B. Ingersoll, Edmund B. Bobinson, Samuel Laird, George H. Waring. John M. McGrath, The degree of Master of Arts was conferred on the following Graduates of three years' standing (1852):— Morris J. Asch, Benoni Lockwood, William K. Barclay, Bichard Ludlow, William F. Biddle, M. Huizinga Messchert, John T. Carpenter, S. B. Wylie Mitchell, Dorsey Cox, Isaac Norris, Jr., Brinton Coxe, George Patton, Henry A. Duhring, Joseph G. Bosengarten, Bichard J. Dunglison, •Charles F. Taggart, Alfred Elwyn, W. Lehman Wells, C. Hare Hutchinson, George S. West. Benjamin Lee, At the Commencement in July, 1854, the degree of Bachelor of Science was conferred upon Henry Vethake Totten. ABSTRACT OF THE REGULATIONS or THE DEPARTMENT OF ARTS. THE college year is divided into three terms; the first beginning on the 8th of September, and ending on the 24th of December; the second beginning on the 2d of January, and ending on the 31st of March; and the third beginning on the 8th of April, and ending on the 3d of July (Commencement day). The vacations are eight days at the close of the first term, seven days at the close of the second / term, and about nine weeks at the close of the third term. The students pursue either the full course, for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, or that portion of the course for which the degree of Bachelor of Science is given, or any such portion of the course as the Faculty may sanction, for which a certificate of proficiency may be given at the close of each session. The students of the full course are distributed into four classes, viz: the Senior, the Junior, the Sophomore, and the Freshman f Glasses. To be admitted into the Freshman Class, a student must be at least fourteen years of age, and qualified for examination on the following subjects and authors :— Caesar (First three Books of the Gallic War). Ovid (Excerpta). Yirgil (First six Books of the JSneid). Cicero (Four Orations against Catiline), igbrace (First Book of the Odes). Xenophon (Anabasis). Homer (First three Books of the Iliad). Quantity and scanning in each language. Greek and Latin Exercises. Ancient and Modern Geography. English Grammar. Arithmetic. Elementary Kules of Algebra, including Simple Equations. It is desirable that such students as design to pursue the scientific course, should also have studied the four first books of Legendre's Geometry. No student is admitted to advanced standing without being as fully instructed as the class, to which admission is asked, in all the studies which the class has pursued.
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