THE PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Working Group on WHAT IS OUR REAL KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE HUMAN BEING? 4-6 May 2006 Introduction p.3 Programme p. 4 List of Participants p.6 Biographies of the Participants p.7 Memorandum p. 11 14 EM AD I A C S A C I A E I N C T I I F A I R T V N M O P VATICAN CITY 2006 The great Galileo said that God wrote the book of nature in the form of mathematical language. He was convinced that God gave us the gift of two books: that of the Sacred Scriptures and that of nature. And the language of nature – thus was his conviction – is mathematics, therefore it is a language of God, of the Creator. Now let’s see what maths is: per se, it is an ab- stract system, an invention of the human spirit and does not exist as such in its pure form. It is always realised approximate- ly but – as such – it is an intellectual system, it is a great, in- genious invention of the human spirit. What is surprising is that this invention of our human mind really is the key to un- derstanding nature, that nature is really structured in a mathe- matical way and that our maths, invented by our spirit, is real- ly the instrument to be able to work with nature, to put it to our service, to exploit it by means of technical knowledge. It seems to me almost incredible that an invention of the human intellect and the structure of the universe should coin- cide: that the mathematics invented by us really gives us access to the nature of the universe and makes it usable for us. Thus the intellectual structure of the human subject and the objec- tive structure of reality coincide: subjective reason and reason objectified in nature are identical. I think this coincidence be- tween something we have thought and how nature works and behaves, are a great enigma and challenge, because we see that, in the end, there is ‘one’ reason that connects them both: our reason could not discover this other one if both did not origi- nate from a single identical reason. Benedict XVI replies off the cuff to the questions of the young people of the Diocesis of Rome, St. Peter’s Square, 6 April 2006. What Is Our Real Knowledge INTRODUCTION about the Human Being? © MARCELO SÁNCHEZ SORONDO • Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences he Working Group on ‘What is our Real issues being probed by cognitive science, with Knowledge about the Human Being?’ its new language of neurons and synapses, in Twill reconsider this perennial question, relation to the classic language of intellect, de- which was formulated by King David when he sire and emotion, are central to our topic. So, asked: ‘Yahweh, what is man, that you care for too, are the ongoing discoveries about our ge- him?’ (Ps 144:3). Science does not provide the netic inheritance, which pose questions about sole answer to this question and we believe free will and the connection between evolution that in this scientific age a dialogue between and creation. Lastly, there are anthropological science and the humanistic tradition is re- (and moral) questions that relate to the time quired for its effective exploration. before a person’s birth and to the state of death. In the interest of a balanced quest, which It is our hope to forge, through a profound and can lead to a fuller understanding of the criti- interdiscipinary discussion, greater under- cal issues that currently confront us as regards standing of these three clusters of issues as we our real knowledge about the human being, we use them to clarify our central question: what need to re-examine the historical relationship is our real knowledge about the human being? between philosophy and science, and more This colloquium is a joint meeting and has specifically between the humanistic tradition been organised by the John Templeton Founda- (which has its roots in philosophy) and the sci- tion’s ‘Humble Approach Initiative’ and the Pon- entific tradition. Today, it seems, there is a tifical Academy of Sciences. The choice of the great need for reconciliation between these two meeting place, the Academy’s headquarters at traditions. Indeed, ever since Galileo launched the Casina Pio IV in the Vatican gardens, given the modern scientific revolution these two tra- its illustrious scientific history, reflects our wish ditions have become progressively detached to contribute to the creation of a new relation- from one another and appear, as science has ship between these traditions, and prompts us grown ever more specialised and complex, to to ponder what role religion can play in achiev- have reached a point of inflection which offers ing such a synthesis, in particular in relation to a new horizon of mutual comprehension. In the anthropological question. This villa, which this endeavour it is helpful to revisit the in the sixteenth century was a summer resi- thought of Greek (Plato and Aristotle) and me- dence of Pope Pius IV and a meeting place of dieval (St Thomas Aquinas) philosophers, as great scholars, in 1923 became the seat of the well as that of modern philosophers (Hume, Pontifical Academy of Sciences, whose origins Kant, Hegel), on the one hand, and the thought date to the founding of the Academy of the of modern scientists, on the other, for the light Lynceans, the world’s first scientific academy, this philosophic and scientific background by Prince Federico Cesi in 1603. Galileo, the fa- sheds on the identity of human beings, who ther of modern science, was a founding mem- share their bodies with nature but also emerge ber and its acknowledged leader. from nature (as the philosopher Anaxagoras As can be seen from the list of participants, was the first to observe when he argued that in- science, philosophy and theology are well rep- tellect is not mixed with matter). We can then resented at this joint meeting, and it is thus our turn our attention to a some central problems hope that this colloquium, which is based upon presented by science today, as well as to the op- an interdisciplinary approach, will constitute portunities provided by science for rethinking an important contribution to answering today’s philosophical and theological views on human central anthropological question: what is our beings and their place within the Creation. The real knowledge about the human being? 3 What Is Our Real Knowledge PROGRAMME about the Human Being? THURSDAY, 4 MAY 2006 19:30 Cocktails at the Cortile Ovale • Casina Pio IV 20:00 Dinner at the Casina Pio IV FRIDAY, 5 MAY 2006 9:00 Welcome Nicola Cabibbo, President of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences 9:05 Greetings Mary Ann Meyers, Senior Fellow of the John Templeton Foundation 9:10 Opening Remarks Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences Session I PERSPECTIVES FROM HISTORY Chairperson: H.E. Msgr. Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo 9:15 Felipe Fernández-Armesto Being Human: A Historical Approach 9:45 Fernando Vidal Person and Brain: A Historical Perspective from within the Christian Tradition 10:15 Coffee Break 10:30 General Discussion Session II PERSPECTIVES FROM ANTHROPOLOGY Chairperson: Janet Martin Soskice 11:00 Berhane Asfaw The Origin of Humans: The Record from the Afar of Ethiopia 11:30 Alison Brooks What is a Human? Archaeological Perspectives on the Origins of Humanness 12:00 General Discussion 12:30 Lunch at the Casina Pio IV Session III PERSPECTIVES FROM SCIENCE Chairperson: Jürgen Mittelstrass 13:45 Malcolm Jeeves Soul-Searching and Mind-Reading: Issues Raised by Twenty-First Century Neuropsychology and Evolutionary Psychology 14:15 Jean-Didier Vincent The Need for Others 14:45 Antonio Battro Homo Educabilis: A Neurocognitive Approach 4 What Is Our Real Knowledge about the Human Being? Programme 15:15 Tea Break 15:30 Hideaki Koizumi A New Science of Humanity: A Trial for the Integration of Natural Sciences and the Humanities towards Human Security and Well-Being 16:00 General Discussion 19:30 Cocktails at the Cortile Ovale • Casina Pio IV 20:00 Dinner at the Casina Pio IV SUNDAY, 6 MAY 2006 Session IV PERSPECTIVES FROM PHILOSOPHY Chairperson: Antonio Battro 9:00 Evandro Agazzi The Scientific Images and the Global Knowledge of the Human Being 9:30 Enrico Berti Is DNA Range a Sufficient Definition of Human Nature? Aristotle vs. Thomas Aquinas and Jacques Maritain 10:00 Franco Chiereghin A Solely Human Aspect of Existence: The Experience of Beauty 10:30 Coffee Break 10:45 Thomas Nagel Science and the Mind-Body Problem 11:15 Jürgen Mittelstrass Science and the Search for a New Anthropology 11:45 General Discussion 13:00 Lunch at the Casina Pio IV Session V PERSPECTIVES FROM PHILOSOPHICAL THEOLOGY Chairperson: Enrico Berti 14:15 Peter van Inwagen Our Deepest Beliefs about Ourselves 14:45 Janet Soskice Imago Dei and Sexual Difference 15:15 Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo The Knowledge of Ourselves in Dialogue with Science 15:45 Tea Break 16:00 General Discussion 16:45 Summary and Discussion of Next Steps 19:30 Cocktails at the Cortile Ovale • Casina Pio IV 20:00 Dinner at the Casina Pio IV 5 What Is Our Real Knowledge LIST OF PARTICIPANTS about the Human Being? NAME AND TITLE NAT. DISCIPLINE AND CHARGE PAPER Dr. Evandro Agazzi I University of Genoa The Scientific Images and the Global Genoa Department of Philosophy Knowledge of the Human Being Dr. Berhane Asfaw ETH Rift Valley Research Service The Origin of Humans:The Record from Addis the Afar of Ethiopia Ababa Dr.
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