315000 316000 317000 318000 319000 320000 321000 16°58'0"W 16°57'0"W 16°56'0"W 16°55'0"W Glide Number: (N/A) Activation ID: EMSN-020 P roduct N.: 01MADEIR A, v1, English Madeira - Portugal Heavy Rainfall Flash Flood Risk Assessment - 2016 Assets and Trans. Networks at Risk Map - Detail Tile 1003 P roduction date: 19/2/2016 0 0 0 0 0 Monte 0 7 7 1 1 6 6 3 3 1030 1031 1032 1033 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 Sao Roque 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 N " Cartographic Information 0 ' 0 0 0 4 ° 0 0 2 0 0 Full color A1, low resolution (100dpi) 3 6 6 1:10.000 N 1 1 " 6 6 0 0,125 0,25 0,5 0,75 1 0 ' 3 3 0 K m 4 ° 2 3 Grid: W GS 1984 Z one 28 N map coordinate system Tick mark s: W GS 84 geographical coordinate system ± Legend Assets Risk RN Risk Level Administrative bo un daries Transp ortatio n Po in ts o f Interest Industrial/Services Areas V ery Low V ery Low Municipality I4 Airport Low Low Po pu lated p laces IC Hospital Jc P ort Santo Antonio Medium Medium !. City Ñ× Fire station High High !. Bridge & overpass Tow n [ a¬ P olice V ery High V ery High ! V illage [ Tunnel Education Highw ay IH First Aid Areas Build in gs !(S Sports P rim ary R oad !(G Government F acilities First Aid Areas Airport Secondary R oad Úð Industrial facilities 9Æ Camp location P ort Other t W ater infrastructure OÆ Shelter Comm ercial, P ublic & " P rivate Services Dam Æ Field hospital !n c Industry & U tilities Electricity infrastructure Helicopter landing spot Hydrog rap hy !ôE ÃÆ P lace of w orship R ivers & streams W ind turbines Z¾ Gasoline tank Other XY Coastline I Gas Imaculado Coracao de Maria U nclassified " "9 Oil Mitigation M easu res !¤ Marina " Bridge s, structural me asures !© Military 0 0 Consequences within the AOI Risk Level 0 0 0 0 Island: Madeira V. Low Low Medium High V. High 5 5 1 1 6 6 Airport 3 3 Port Commercial, Public & Private Services 24 52 51 POI Industry & Utilities 17 47 33 24 Santa Luzia Place of worship 9 5 8 Other 7 2 Highway (km) 7 2,8 2,4 5,2 0 Primary (km) 1,6 2,2 0,8 1,6 0 Secondary (km) 0 7,4 5,5 3,9 0 Road type Local (km) 0 0 0 0 0 Other (km) 0 0 0 88,5 54,2 Bridges (nr) 296 136 106 233 94 Map Information Sao Pedro The purpose of the requested mapping is to provide comprehensive k nowledge of the N " potential impact on Madeira islands (P T), of different natural disasters, including earthquak es, 0 ' 9 floods, forest fires, landslides, soil erosion, tsunamis, and industrial accidents. 3 ° The analysis aims to identify assets at risk , focusing on population, infrastructure and the 2 3 environment to allow informed decision mak ing to tak e place concerning the planning and N " recovery activities of the involved stak eholders. To this end, specific risk mitigation measures 0 ' 9 are proposed, along with the specification of critical first response information. 3 ° 0 0 2 The k ey user of the map series is the regional Authority of the Autonomous region of Madeira 3 0 0 0 0 (P T), Serviço R egional de P roteção Civil, IP – R AM. 4 4 1 Sao Martinho 1 6 6 3 3 Data Sources Inset maps based on: P leiades mosaic © AIR BU S (acquired on 2015-07-17/23, 2014-05-22, 2015-08-06 and 2014- 02-06), GSD 0.5 m, ~5% cloud cover Reference Imagery: R egional Orthophotography © R egional Directorate for Spatial P lanning and Environment (DR O TA) of Madeira R egion (year of aerial photography acquisition: 2007, 2010), GSD 0.5 m, scale 1:10000 Funchal Vector layers: R oad Network : primary source is the O SM duly updated/ digitiz ed, from the satellite images, Administrative limits (CAO P 2015) © Direção Geral do Território (P T), Census Data – Census Block s geometry and information (2011), © Instituto National de Estatistica (P T). Buildings Footprints and Elevation data as well as Land Cover/ U se Data (duly updated/refined on the basis of the satellite data photointerpretation), © R egional Directorate for Spatial P lanning and Environment (DR OTA) of Madeira R egion. The data provided is subject to the terms outlined in the arrangements concerning access to authoritative geospatial reference data for Copernicus emergency management service. Dissemination/Publication The products (maps) are available through the EMS Copernicus P ortal at the following U R L: Port Funchal http://emergency.eu/mapping/list-of/components/020. Delivery formats are GeoTIFF, GeoP DF, GeoJP EG and vectors (shapefile and K ML formats). No restrictions on the publication of the mapping apply. Framework The products elaborated in the framework of the current R isk and R ecovery mapping activation are realised to the best of our ability. All geographic information has limitations due 0 0 0 0 to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original data sources. The products are 0 0 3 3 compliant with the Copernicus EMS R isk and R ecovery P roduct P ortfolio specifications. 1 1 6 6 3 3 Map Production The map shows the flash flood risk assessment for the R oad Network and for the Environmental Assets and relative mitigation measures. The risk assessment has been determined as follows: The Haz ard is based on the calculation of the Flood Susceptibility Index calculated from the 5 m DEM according to Manfreda, et al, 2014. Flood-P rone Areas Assessment U sing Linear Binary Classifiers based on Morphological Indices. In V ulnerability, U ncertainty, and R isk Q uantification @, Mitigation, and Management (pp. 2002-2011). ASCE. The exposure for roads is defined on the basis of road category. To each category a specific level of vulnerability is assigned. The exposure for Environmental assets is defined on the basis of Asset Category in the areas are located inside a flood susceptible area. To each category, a specific level of vulnerability is assigned. The risk level is mapped combining haz ard and vulnerability through specific look up tables. Mitigation measures are defined in terms level of risk for bridges and river crossings. All satellite images were provided, already orthorectified by ESA. The estimated geometric N accuracy of the image is 2.5 m, from native positional accuracy of the back ground satellite " 0 ' image, compliant with JR C requirements for 1:10,000 cartography. 8 3 The estimated thematic accuracy of this product is 85% or better, based on internal validation ° 2 procedures and visual interpretation of recogniz able items on very high resolution optical 3 N imagery. " 0 ' The statistical table included in this map shows the length (k m) of roads exposed to different 8 3 risk levels per road type per island and the Environmental assets .exposed to different risk ° 2 3 Contact The map was produced (under the Service Contract nr. 259811 of the European Commission) on 19/2/2016 by GEO AP IK O NISIS (EL) – NO A (EL) – CIMA (IT) – ALTAMIR A 0 0 0 0 (ES). 0 0 2 2 Name of the release inspector (quality control): JR C. 1 1 6 6 E-mail: ems-risk [email protected] 3 3 16°58'0"W 16°57'0"W 16°56'0"W 16°55'0"W 315000 316000 317000 318000 319000 320000 321000.
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