THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY KTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 28 se Pi at . N. J, WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1962 Every ThursdR Page* -10 Centi Did You Register? School Board Sets GOP Slates Announce Candidacies The deadline for register- ing to vote in the Primary Foes Rap Council Inaction Election, Tue*d&y, April 17 in Policies, Guides, >r Boro Council Seats In Primary Westfield U today. If you have not registered you have Grants Leaves until 9 p.m. tonight to ap> filzel, Perkins And Y Travel-Series Daniels, Herrett And pear at the Town Cterk'i of- On Town Yard Site, Press 6ce in the Municipal Building Four Teachers Giveii r'al»Ii to Campaign Ricciardi Pick 'HEP' to do to. 'PAL" Ticket High Adventure As Drive Slogan Sabbaticals as Aid To Further Study For Area's Elimination lUNTAINSIDE — Three bor- MOUNTAINSIDE — Thomas World Prayer Day residents, William J. Ditzel, On High Seas Ricciardi, Albert Daniels and Wil- The Westfield Board of Educa- P. Perkins and John liam Herrett, today announced tion held its first full scale public issued a joint announce- Capt. Irving M. Johnson, well- their candidacies for the Republi- Observance To meeting Tuesday night with Wil- Association Cites this week that they will seek known world traveler, will present can nomination for Mountainside lis C. Coe, new board president pre- Republican nominations for his film lecture "Trade Wind Is- borough councilmen in the pri- siding. The session also was the in the April 17 primary. lands—Piteairn to Zanzibar" ut mary election April 17. Ricciardi, Begin Tonight flr.;t general businews one for Dr. Parley, Restates trio, meeting at the home the high school auditorium tomor- Daniels and Herrett will run as Robert S. Miner Jr. and Robert E. iilin Schiel'elbein of 309 Gar- row night, starting at 8:15 p.m. Regular Republicans using; the Mrs. Robert Haase, general Savage, both of whom were elect- 3-Point Program oad, appointed Mr. Schiefel- Captain Johnson's lecture is ac- slogan "Harmony, Economy and Haase, general chairman of this ed to the board in February. thi-ir campaign manager Principle." The HEP slate, as it year's observance of the World companied 'by colored movies taken The members moved with dis- host "Proven Active Leader- on board the brigantine "Yankee," will be called, announced they will Pay of Prayer, announced that The 'Nurt'h Scotch Plains Associ- is the slogan for their elate. watte a strenuous campaign on plans have been completed for the patch through a voluminous agenda ation today attacked what they while on a voyage from South which covered several appoint- ilogan will be shortened to America, .across the South Pacific local issues. local services. termed the "'inaction" of town offi- or news releases and other ments and formally adopted finan- cials regarding the association's and the Indian Ocean, to the island Mr. Ricciardi of 35R Creek Bed The World Day of Prayer IB thecial provisions for olJlce personnel; ign material. of Zanzibar off the east coast of road and his wife, Kleanore, have most important project sponsored three point program designed to wage scale for cafeteria workers; eliminate tholr urea from consider- three will seek to fill the Africa. a son, Patrick, 8. Mr. Ricciardi is by the Christian World Mission financial provisions and maternity ies that will exist on Bor- a member of Dur Lady of Lourdes Department of United Church ation us a possible, location for the The lecture is the fourth of five leaves of absence for teachers; site of the Town Yard. Coiincil when the terms of in a series of travel-adventure lec- Church and has been a resident of Women. Mrs. Douglass Tuttle of salary guide for school nurwes, iresent incumbents expire at tures being presented by the Y'« Mountainside for nearly six years. Mountainside Community Pres- maintenance staff, custodians and The association's latest protest nd of this year. Of the three Men's Club of Westfield. He is a civil engineering graduate byterian Church Is chairman of matrons; granted sabbatical leaves followed a three-hour meeting Krl- tuts, Councilman Ditzel is Film Hlfhlighu of Uutgers University and is em-the committee for the Wcatrleld to four teachers and approved spe- day with fourth ward Councilmen ntiy serving1 in council on an ployed by a buildinR firm in Or- Council. Arthur Homer and Jamea 3. Kefa- At Piteairn Island, divers discov- cial grants for 133 others. intive term and will be bid- ange. A veteran, Mr. Klrciardi Tonight at 8 in the Congrega- onitls at Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. for a full three year term. er "HiMS Bounty's" anchor and served in World War II spending Department heads for the 19G2- William McMurray of 007 North "Yankee" brings it to the surface tional Church, Yong Ok Kim of 63 school year were appointed and other two councilmen L. Cur- two years in the European theater Korea will be the speaker. Mra. Scotch I'll) ins avenuo. ind Chester Fabian have an- off Bounty Bay. The "Yankee" in the 36th Signal Construction tenure was approved for one as- LAWRENCE A. P1CONE THOMAS M. MARSHALL sails on the Marquesas, among the James Whitaker will preside as- sistant principal, Joseph Lieb, 21 In a letter addressed to Mayor ced that they will not seek Battalion. He received the army sisted by Mrs. LeKoy Stanford, Burr A. Towl Jr. and council, ction. most beautiful islands in the Pa- commendation ribbon for laying leacherw, 5 secretaries and one cific. Krom there she gets course Mrs. Elmer Talcott, Mrs. Jerome nurse. Teen Dunce drafted by the association and sign- Trio Endoned tlephone wire across the Main/. Hrown, Mrs. Julian Alexander Jr. Three Democrats ed by Charles Morrison, president for the Polynesian Islands, and River in Germany under difficult The board also made the first A Teen Dance ipomored by announcement by the trio fire-walking on red hot stones at and the Youth Choir of the host Explorer Post 74 will be of the group, the town ofllclalB an enthusiastic endorsement circunistancea. church. Ushers will be Mr. Charles appointments to the secretarial were taken to task for moving on Kaiatea, on to the Kingdom of Ton- and custodial staffs for Tamaques held tomorrow night from S iayor Eugene Kau, Council- ga where Captain Johnson shows Mr. Daniels of 1132 Iris drive ti. Kucher, Mr. and Mrs. James lo 11:30 in Jefferion School. Enter Bids For only one of the three suggestions Henry P. Wester, Raymond has resided in Mountainside for Lark, Mrs. Clara Slackley, Charles School which is scheduled to open made by the association in the past native dancers, and Captain James in September. Muiic will be by the "Vibra- gott, Gilbert E. Pittinger, Cook's turtle, now nearly 200 years more then seven yeura. He and hisHarris and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis tonet" and dref* will be teitii- Council Seats several woekn. ;« and Fabian. old. wife, Ruth, have three children, Hampton. Other appointments include: form«l. Failura lo Act > joint statement on their two girls and a buy. Mr. Dnnlels Morning Service Mrs. Liicillo I'Yleh, senior secretary Tho letter decried ofllclnl failure idncies the trio said, "We From there the "Yankee" sets has been active as a committee- Tomorrow promptly at 7:1)0 at Franklin .School; Joseph Delia Committee Support*; lo act on conlacllng llalme & Com- lily support the primary sys- sail for the New Hebrides, the Sol- man in cub scoutinK for two years a.m., under the direction of Mrs.iludla as assistant trarfi coach and Sir Galahad Unit pany for an extension of time to cf selection of candidates for omon Islands, and New Guinea and as an assistant manaKcr in the (Continued on page 3) Norman Koury as «ssistant base- Marsliiill, Picone, permit the present town yard »ito litical party and in our cam-highlands, where the ship's crew Little League for throe years. He ball coach; Eleanor Young, lectur- ShiinoiiiH Aims on North avemie to continue its op- i *e will honor the intentions (Continued on page 2) has been a superintendent of the er, foreign language department, OfDeMolayWill eration beyond the present doad- junior department of the Presby- senior high school; Hugo Culdcr- lini! and failure to explore other hen seeking the nominations Presbyterian Call Tho Wealftcld Democratic Com- campaign will reflect this terian Church for two years and one, head custodian at Grant possible sites. The association ac- id by the use of a positive College Men Add taught Sunday school for many School; Josoph Woolkalis, custodi- Induct Horning mittee today announced their sup- knowledged t'hut the town liad been oach emphasizing our quali- years prior to that. Hc is employed Given Minister an nt Roosevelt Junior High port of the following candidates investigating Uvp South avenue ulte ions tnd goals." , as a salesman for Fries and Fries, School; Mrs. Carole Jacobsen, se- for town council: Thomns M. Mar- but sensed n certain reluctance re- 21 New Members; food manufacturers. Mr. Daniels is nior high school Engliwh, nnd Mrs. Public Invited To nhall for rnimcilinnn from tho flint Kiirding It a» a possible site. illoVing his appointment as a member of the Jnternationul Dorothy Riddle, Roosevelt Junior ward, Lawrence. A. Plcone for ptipi manager Mr, Schicfcl- To Join Staff Mr. Morrison's letter follows: Food Technologists OlRUnization High School, science und social Attend Ceremony councilman from the second ward, "After meeting wilh Counollmen ippointed the following to a Plan for Dance and the American Association of studies.
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