.. _, 1, _,;. :~ '.' .'- ':.i"': -, " -'.....~.~.'::: ';' ';'~' :-:---'. " ",..:',: ,.(-.*,' .. :.' ,',.' " , :+~~;F~~;·~;::-·~-:~:·", ·ONITOR A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests'of the Eight Thousand Colored People in Omaha and Vicinity, and to the Good of the Community The Rev. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor $1.00 a Year. 5c a Copy. Omaha, Nebraska.. November 6, 1915 Volume I. Number 19 ,. Will Omaha-Permit "Birth of a Nation" Dixon's Photo Play? WeAppeal to Ou maha riends Condemned By Press "Th~ Birth of .a Nation" Condemned I to Prevent This Play The Kansas City Times, Leading By Many People Is Iflterdicted Dally Newspaper, Deprecates In Several Cities. "The whole tendency of the motion picture drama, 'The Birth of a Its Presentation in Missouri. Nation,' is to arouse loathing ajl"d contempt of whites against blacks." From editorial in Kansas cl1y Times. October 26, 1915. REASONS BARRED FROM OHIO A GRAND SCENIC SPECTACLE "Not only does it rekindle the feeling of sectional hatred, but it Proclaims Doctrines Which Cost War strongly tp.l1ds to arouse prejud ice a·nd hatred among the coming Has Tendency to Arouse LoathH'l'2 Justifies Klu Klux Atrocities generation against a race that is living in our midst." and Contempt of Whites Malign's Negro Race. From official report of Ohio S tate Board of Censors, October 8, Against Blacks. 1915, in barring play from Ohio, I "The Birth of a Nation," a powerful I ,\1\'hpn I.pading- newspapers of the photo play, based upon Dixon's 1)er- country, not given to hyst-eria, but niCious Ptejudice~'breeding book, The ", sane and sober·minded moulders of Clansman,' has been engaged for "an public opinion, sound a note of warn- indefinite run" at the Brandeis thea- ing against the dangerous tendencies ter, this city, The engagement, un- of a heavily-capitaliz-ed and popular less it is prevented", is to begin Sun- photoplay film, there must be some, day, November 14, The press agent thing wrong with that film, states that. "this picture has created The Kansas City Times, one of the a furore wherever it. has been leading daily papers in the state of staged," which is undOlibtedly true. Missouri in its 'issue of October 20th, It has been the cause of riots in Bos- published an editorial on "The Birth ton .and Philadelphia. The mayor of "" of a Nation," It was this widely-read Atlantic City, N. J., ol'dered its pre- and influential paper's estimate of sentation stopped there because of Thomas Dixon's motion picture play the bad feelin.g it was engendering; many other cities, east and west, adapted from his novel called the have placed . ft under tbe han. "Clansman." The Times regrets that Thoughtfulmen and women like Kansas City is comvelled to suffer Moorfield'Storey, ex-rresid,ent of the from th€ evil effects inevitabl-e f1' m American Bar association; Oswald G. the production ·of the picture in t at Villard, editor of The New York Ev,e- city. Here is the editorial comm nt ning Post; Dr. Wa!3hington Gltadden, of this great metropolitan daily: Rabbi Kornf-ield, Jane Addams and "It is a wonderful spectacle, t is others, not .. alarmists or fanatics, ~Birth of a Nation,' that is show ng have condemned it as false to history in motion pictures in Kansas City t is and dangerous to pu'blic. safety, and week; a scenic marv·e!. And yet w at th:e board of ceus:oisof Ohio, after a is to be thought of an author ho week's I;leliberation, during which would deliberately bring a,ll there- strong influe,nces were brought to sources of his art to bear On as' .ec- pear upon them to license its produc- tade founded on race' hatred? \\ 6 '0'"'LICE by tion in the state,barred it frQm the '.'HARRY BUFORD p' would seek popularity infIam ng state of Ohio.. the worst passions of the hun an Omaha boy· who Is .FrIaklng good on police department. We opposed "The Birth of a heart? ·" b'·· b k d' . .. I "The South went \.' through so e N. a t Ion emg, 00 e as a mU-colored race. The entire' latter half and bililol1s of .dollars to eradicate. \. .~n.d -nij'lipal attraction'. fOr ,our aud'ltor-, is devoted to scenes and. subtitl.es ' Ii d 't k' dl th fl w,.re.t.che.d,- terribie experiences ln ium and the' cityauthorlti~s sustained "No~ on~oeslrem . e.,'· e ee - thereconsirnction period. Mr. DL o~ 1" '. .. protraying color.ed men engaged· in ing -of sectr'ionalhatreif, I).ut itstrorig- us\ih our'o;bie«tions: W:eiare.opposedlllllsorts ot viciouscoIidupttoward . J has picked out ,and invented so e to 'it..s production' at t.he :Brandeis Iy tends t~' arouse ,hatred and pre u- dramatic and revolting episodes rid the .whites of the. south during the diCe among the coming generation ·th a·t Th' . d "bt"1 s 1 l' .. made them typical. In doing' this he ere, ' ere an8 .ou as ,'~a :Civil war and the reconstruction ag.aiilst a'r,'ac.e that is liv.1ng in our .'. tho'de b'~ . 'h"lCh 'l'ts pd' t"'on' rna"" ., '.' hassu.cceeded ,in ·picturing .th..e Ne 0. me . ., w . .' ro uc 1',.., period following, There are 'manYmidilt, 12Q;000 of whom 'are in Ohio, " 'be .'prevented.,." ..In oUr '.'judgment,.. mobscenes wher'~'Ne"groes'/.".are h'l tller'consider: it. wholly' unwise,'. unjust, as wholly degrade<i '!--nd bestial. w tli . , there}silbetter way:;·. and that. is, a - .' ... .... unlimited possibilities of eVil. m.Qst\ repelling way attacking, white dari,ge·rous;anq.p~mfnl to officially: ." ".AI·th.oug·'.....· h' e e··xP.·re·s'.s".ly ..,· .dl;saVO· s f-'( . calxp." ...dispassionate.'appeal, -«'blch'. ~e. il. l~ .nowp~'iLke. t,()~h~~ens~,'0r. u '.an~ ,:~~Z~:;~'i~~d ~~l~~~~a,~.~:;:~I~;:r~ U~:~;::~::::d~U:~~:st:::re:~~~~:~ 'klay::Pt1l£~~~~e{:n~~~~io::~:t;~, .': .¥-:,. .i \flC? . t::: (m, .... ) ,f.,-.,,;, ";;i~!~J::~k;~.~;c'~~~~~:,:,,,~;~h:e~::'~~:e;o~:~cu~~~s::~/n::;;I~'hlnc:~~'~;~:r:l~~;~:~ in their·prOgress,aS~nd th~ motiOn.piCtur'e-'drama· is t'o· '1 .~:-_~",."~,.Jl,~,:y,?can,.:b~el,,_rf)~led.: __up~n:to .()p'po~e 'dUcL-notonly'ila mdlvldual." .hut as!,.,,<a~ouseloalhirtg:' ,and; S?Iltelnp~: '?;f, '..a tate of. o.bl0 the chalr~f!'~,;.gt ... +:ije:PWNreis:Tbasl:19-i''U,p.()Ji. S()ll;le}:li~torica:l'ijjrll!g'NegTO~S and, a.8 ma~ke!l vigi- vate a prOblem that is'bad enough bpa~d gaye,'!'iut' tl1~ folloyr,lng.·r:etrja:ll:. '(acjtEf,'rnafly,,:ph~8ea i are;'::e:xa~g'er,ated:}l~rit~;--:commlttees, trying' them 'at·, 'fith 'no addltional ~ompllcations. 'So,' able. and 'conclusiye 8taiem.~nt o~the;,l~:'sVcn ~a w~ytlj~~ the" cNW;"Hn!a? nigh't,,' .conviCting them o't 'Bupp'osed tar as Kansas City is concerned" it :boar~'8 reasons. ro~ .·barrlng,:theshow,: ,:mHia;r.· ~ith tb~::'rijlfacta- O'fJ'hi~l()r)·< outrages, ·'executing them 'and pla.aing would help' if the play 'co'uld be still . Irom Ohio, .and _tlie board's de~lslon ~oujd, upon' viewl':!jJ the,' fJ"lm, 'Im, their bodies at Uie doors or st.lj,te ot- 'further censored; . and It applause .Is ~Iln~f: . -'. mediatery" .'conclu.de tHat ~he··. r!~_ulj.. nciius .who tJYD1P.thiz~d- '~iih their cb'u!""Ci be done away with altogether "n wlJI not be d!llputed that It has 'of. the Civil war.· waa ,the greatest cause. Without -' d.l8cusslng· the just!- as Is in the case of war {jI.ms.~' a 'g.r~R.tdramatJc value' ;'n'd fs stu- :crime In the a,nnal.of hl.i·ory; ,rath-/ tloaUon' o't their :methOdS ot that day, pendous trom .,the _. st:iuidpojnt, of. er than the p,reyention: of human: be- t~e .spirit.. t.li~~ urged their acUvities camera achjeve~entl'" On' the other Ings dr-Iven by the'lash and 801<1-....u1'on 'at that time is the same ~hat prompts hand,. by n~ stretch ,of the Imaglna- -the auction block. The entire tllm 8uch appallh~g, conduct In recent Attend Pr test, tlon' c~n' .w~: get' aWilY from the fact wo.uld 8eem t~ proclaim the very.doc-· .~_~~ ~_ ,Meeting Suo day that' ·It refte.eta unfavorably ~~on7 the ·trine whli<h it coet a 'h~lf million liv'u . (Contln}lec1 on fourth page). ,':. " . '" ~ '. 72.. THE MONITOR •••~-.._......_o•••••_._I_~ ,:",,~ e ••o ..."O•• :::--."'··"·."',!. COLORED ATHLETES " ..... ! Your scar cb 1.0 Shoe Repair-ioe t AT CORNELL T has len yuu lI'Y ~ The colored freshmen at Cornell I H. LAZiUUJS +\\"orlc dfJne w!lil,' .rOll wiLiL. 01' will ('all f(lf! e'£S university are beginning already to I a.nd III" i \'I~r \\ it ",Ttl[ rxl fa cha'l~e. ~ win their laurels in the field of ath­ Red 2395 20' 9 lCumio(;!s ~ ... , t ll'tics. Mr, Seabrook, formerly of ~ ••••.••••_ •..•,.e•••.•••.o.,•..o,.•..•.•~ ..•'·0·'0··0'·O··6··e-·· .··.··G.·g :~;+::~,~--,~_,J.~Me:s L. CURTIS RICH INVESTMENTS Manual High, Brooklyn, is giving a ., . GOES TO LIBERIA paR NEGRO CHILDREN repetition of his good work in New .~ York city high school athl,etics. He New York City. Nov. 5.-President Muslwgpe, Okla., Nov. 5.-Much in­ has had no trouble in excelling in his Wilson announced on Monday, Octo­ terest has hppn excited by tbe an· event, the quarter-mile, so {aI', and ber 25, the appointment of Counselor nouncement that the Severs Iblock, lo­ Mr.
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