52 FEDERAL PROBATION Volume 64 Number 2 Training the Substance Abuse Specialist Sam Torres, Ph.D., California State University, Long Beach Robert M. Latta, Chief U.S. Probation Officer, Los Angeles IN “SELECTING THE SUBSTANCE buddy in the joint…We hustled together sources, especially the therapeutic commu- Abuse Specialist” (Torres & Latta, 2000), we and scored dope together. So, I let down nity modality of drug treatment. An effec- describe the various probation and parole my defenses and became really human tive strategy also depends on specialized drug officer typologies found in the literature and toward the guy, and I got screwed… caseloads. Once the appropriate officers are conclude that the authoritative traits needed When you’re a dope fiend there’s no selected for the drug specialist position, rel- to effectively supervise substance abusing of- rules, no regulations, no system of buddy- evant training must be provided. fenders are most likely to be found in the law- buddy or friendship that counts…He enforcer, “make-him-do-it” style. The non- thought like a dope fiend and the cardi- Developing a Substance-Abuse directive, social-worker approach, while well nal idea here is to hustle who you have to Training Program meaning, only reinforces manipulative, game- and get by, so long as you can keep scor- The Central District of California (CDC) has playing behavior in the substance abusing ing. Dope fiends are always conning each 20 years experience with the substance abuse offender. Traits exhibited by substance abus- other…And the same thing that happened specialist position. A series of articles in Fed- ers—such as impulsivity, sociopathy or psy- to me in the joint happens all the time in eral Probation (Torres: 1996a, 1996b, 1997a, chopathy (a cluster of problematic and high the streets. Don’t ever trust any dope fiend; 1997b, 1998a, 1998b, 1999, & 2000) outlined risk traits), depression, low energy, egocen- they’ll turn on you every time for a five- in considerable detail the philosophy and tricity, low self-esteem, anxiety, and a low dollar fix (Rettig, 1977, p. 88-90). strategy developed in the CDC for supervis- tolerance for frustration—in combination, do ing substance-abusing offenders, using a ra- In view of the personality traits and be- not readily respond to the disease model ap- tional choice model rather than the more haviors exhibited by substance-abusing of- proach. Pathological lying, irresponsible be- common disease model perspective. Torres fenders, we have emphasized that the pro- havior, lack of empathy, callousness, and will- (1996a, p.22) reports: bation officer who is a substance abuse spe- ingness to become engaged in a diverse range cialist should possess authoritative person- In summary, I conclude people have the of criminal behavior requires the firm style ality traits such as dominance, imposing de- ability to choose whether or not to con- of an authoritative officer. Rettig (1977) per- meanor, and decisiveness. These desirable tinue their substance-abusing behavior, haps best summarizes the substance abusing authoritative traits were also differentiated even while I acknowledge that disparate mentality in the autobiography, Manny: A from the less desirable authoritarian traits economic, social, psychological, and bio- Criminal-Addict’s Story. In the book, Manny, like harshness and a dictatorial attitude. logical conditions place individuals at a while serving time at New York’s infamous Needless to say, excellent organizational higher or lower risk of substance abuse Sing Sing prison, comments on the “dope skills are important in probation and parole and criminality. For the probation officer, fiend mentality,” when Raul, his closest friend generally, but even more so with a substance the most effective approach in supervis- in the “joint” inadvertently sets him up for a abuse caseload, due to its high level of activ- ing the substance-abusing offender is to “hit.” Manny says: ity. The probation or parole office seeking set explicit limits, to inform the proba- “I should of known anyway. You see, an effective supervision program to reduce tioner/parolee of the consequences for Raul was a classic of the dope fiend men- the incidence of drug use and new criminal noncompliance, and to be prepared to tality. Man, I can’t tell you that too many conduct will establish a definitive office phi- enforce the limits when and if violations times. You can’t trust dope fiends…See, losophy and policy. Our approach in Los occur. The preferred course of action for when you let down your defenses even Angeles combines a high level of surveillance many, if not most, users is placement in for a minute.…I forgot that Raul was a to monitor abstinence from drugs and alco- a therapeutic community, with credible dope fiend. For me Raul was a pal and a hol with a heavy reliance on community re- threats and coercion if necessary. December 2000 THE SUBSTANCE ABUSE SPECIALIST 53 As senior U.S. probation officer (USPO) curred a week later on May 6, 1999, and the •Historical development of CDC’s total drug specialists began retiring, and in antici- actual training commenced on June 9, 1999. abstinence approach. CDC struggled to pation of further retirements, the chief U.S. The academic component of the development find a balance between excessive probation officer (CUSPO) concluded that program occurred on consecutive Wednes- disparity in handling drug aftercare there was an urgent need for a substance abuse days at the Roybal Federal Building in down- violations and a rigid approach that specialist development training program. In town Los Angeles. Attendance at all sessions allowed little discretion to consider early 1999, the CUSPO selected a committee was mandatory for the participants. individual circumstances. comprised of the deputy chief U.S. probation • The roots of CDC policy in the Classical officer (DCUSPO), the two assistant chief Academic Component: tradition of criminology. deputy probation officers (ACDUSPO), the Program Curriculum substance abuse coordinator (SAC), and the As noted above, the development program •Disagreement with the popular notion aftercare coordinator (AC), to develop a was divided into academic and experiential/ that addiction is a disease. training program for officers interested in on-the-job training (OJT) components. The • The legal perspective of the problem of applying for this specialized position. It selection and training processes occurred si- illegal drug use. should be noted that the substance-abuse spe- multaneously. In the OJT component, par- cialist position in the CDC has historically ticipating officers supervised a drug caseload • The protection of the community and been a grade-13 position (the USPO journey- for a three-month period. Prior to the first the offender through a total abstinence man position has been a grade 12). Therefore, session of the academic component, all par- approach, the CDC’s primary goal as it it was anticipated that the prospect of pro- ticipating officers were provided with a copy relates to drug abuse. motion to a senior USPO position with an of the classroom training schedule. All par- •Implications for caseload management increase in pay would prove attractive to ticipants attended the academic component and casework implementation of the many line officers seeking the position, would together during the month of June, 1999. total abstinence approach, the offender provide a greater challenge, or both. Once the However, the participants were divided into is responsible for his/her drug use, CDC academic portion of the program had been two separate groups for the experiential com- requires action on every incident of drug established it was determined that the SAC ponents and the participatory forums. Group use, offenders are to be carefully would conduct and coordinate all phases of one met in July through September, and structured regarding total abstinence the training program and evaluation process. group two met from October to December, expectations, and rapid detection In April, 1999, the CUSPO distributed the 1999. Each participant received a packet of through a sophisticated drug testing following announcement to all officer staff in training materials along with the Federal Ju- program. supervision services: dicial Center’s publication “Supervising Sub- stance Abusers,” participants manual, lesson •Review of Federal Judicial Center studies Our office is introducing a substance plans, and self-study packet. The academic of aftercare programs. abuse specialist development program to training component consisted of four mod- assist in filling vacancies and preparing •Probation officer styles as they relate to ules and three “participatory forums” which for future openings. Any interested of- the philosophical orientation of the are described below. ficer may apply. The program will include CDC. academic as well as practical experience. Module I: Central District Substance • Knowledge and skills that are essential to The practical experience involves direct Abuse Philosophy the substance abuse specialist: individual assessment by a substance The primary purpose of this module was to abuse team who will identify areas for •Handling confrontation effec- present in detail the CDC’s philosophy re- development. Selected applicants will be tively. garding substance abuse and supervising of- required to work for a period of two to fenders. New USPO drug specialists must •Treating offenders firmly, profes- four months with a drug caseload at the understand not only the policy of the district, sionally, and with respect. branch office where the applicant is pres- but also the underlying rationale for our spe- ently assigned. Level of proficiency will •Identifying a wide range of cific approach. This module also included a be evaluated. The number of applications sophisticated manipulations. discussion of the ideal psychological orienta- received will aid in determining the se- tion and temperament of the substance abuse • Setting limits and sticking by lection process. Again, any officer with specialist, and required organizational skills.
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