For Immediate Release 30 July 2019 STATEMENT OF THE ANC NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HELD ON FROM 26-29 JULY 2019 THe ANC National Executive Committee (NEC) met in its regular session from 26-29 July 2019 at St Georges Hotel, TsHwane. THe NEC meeting took place two months after the national and provincial elections, wHen the ANC ‘s mandate was renewed as a government of cHoice at national level and in eigHt provinces. THe NEC Lekgotla from 1-3 June 2019 set out the overarcHing governance priorities for this term of office based on the ANC Manifesto and Conference resolutions, building on and learning lessons from the first 25 years of democracy. Cabinet Held its own Lekgotla and translated the priorities into government’s Medium-Term Strategic Framework (2019-2024), as reflected in the State of the Nation Address and the Budget votes of the Executive. The successful implementation of this programme of government, depends on an African National Congress that is united, focused and with the capacity to mobilise society beHind the mission of a united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous South Africa. THe NEC therefore addressed the unity, renewal and capacity of the ANC, in the context of this mission, the current economic situation confronting our nation, and the expectation of the people that we must speed up transformation. SPEEDING UP RADICAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION We woke up this morning on the announcement that the official unemployment rate Has risen to 29%. THis continues to be the single most important cHallenge facing our nation. THe NEC agreed that among the most critical tasks of the organisation, as we continue to build a non-racial, non-sexism is therefore to place the economy on an inclusive and HigHer growth trajectory, create employment, strengthen local government and improve service delivery. On Economic Transformation 1. THe NEC received presentations on the current state of the economy. It discussed the structure of the economy, including monopolies in various sectors, the state of manufacturing, investments, black economic empowerment, as well as sustainable job creation. 2. It noted with concern the poor performance of the economy, with continued job losses, and serious cHallenges in critical state-owned enterprises. THis Has a dire impact on poor HouseHolds, the middle class, women and young people, wHo bear the brunt of structural unemployment, inequality and poverty. 3. NEC also received an update on the implementation of the Economic Stimulus and Recovery Plan, including targets set, announced by government in 2018. It urged government at all levels to move faster in the implementation of the package of measures, and to monitor and report on a regular basis to the NEC. 4. THe NEC called on government to also consider other urgent measures to accelerate radical socio-economic transformation, througH inclusive growth and employment creation, involving all social partners. THis includes prioritising the reimagined industrial strategy in identified priority sectors, micro and macro-economic policy measurers, tackling the monopolistic structure of the economy, land reform and agro-processing,a carbon-efficient economy, fourth industrial revolution sectors, improving the ease of doing business and investments in infrastructure, townsHip and rural economies. 5. THe NEC expressed grave concern about the continued job losses, and urge government and all social partners to address this process by implementing the 2018 Job Summit Agreement, including sucH measures as the Temporary Employee/Employer Relieve ScHeme (TERS), to be used by companies in distress as a means of financial relief to retain jobs and reskill workers. Government and social partners are also urged to report on urgent measures to tackle the problem of unemployment, especially youth unemployment. 6. THe ANC calls on all its members, supporters and all South Africans, to be part of this national effort to accelerate inclusive growth and transformation, througH small and medium businesses, cooperatives, artisansHips, social entrepreneursHip, innovative enterprise development and other measurers, as well as engagement with businesses and entrepreneurs in other African countries, so that we make use of the opportunities of the African Continental Free Trade Area. 7. On the SA Reserve Bank, the NEC reaffirmed the 54th National Conference resolution to return the sovereignty of this important national institution to the people of South Africa as a wHole. THe NEC empHasised the policy positions of the ANC on the independence and mandate of the South African Reserve Bank as set out in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, with its mandate to be exercised in regular consultations with government. 8. The NEC welcomed government’s decision to provide financial assistance to Eskom to address its liquidity cHallenges, with the understanding that the entity sHould proceed with reorganizing to improve efficiency and transparency wHile safeguarding jobs and liveliHoods. 9. THe NEC appreciated Cabinet’s approval of the policy for the licensing of the HigH demand spectrum, wHicH will Have a significant impact on the cost and availability of broadband services. 10. THe NEC noted and supported the process by government to deal with the matter of e-tolls so that it is resolved amicably and expeditiously. THe NEC re-affirms the user-pay principle in dealing with the financing of major infrastructure. 11. THe NEC will remain seized with these and other economic and transformation cHallenges and opportunities at eacH of its meetings. On Land reform 12. The NEC re-affirmed ANC resolutions on accelerated land reform and its commitment to a mix of state, communal and private ownersHip of land. THe NEC welcomed the establisHment of the Parliamentary Ad Hoc Committee tasked with the amendment to Section 25 of the Constitution to allow for expropriation of land without compensation, and urged the committee to complete its work by the end of this year. 13. THe NEC welcomed the report of the Presidential Advisory Panel on Land Reform and Agriculture, wHicH made compreHensive recommendations on the transformation of agriculture, rural and urban land reform, and spatial transformation. THe NEC encourages government to move swiftly towards the implementation of the Panel’s recommendations. 14. THe NEC noted that a key part of the stimulus package is support to over 250 000 small scale and emerging farmers, and that this support must be implemented in a targeted, developmental and transparent manner. 15. THe NEC also notes that the review of the Land Claims Court Has started, as per the ANC 2018 Land Summit recommendation and NEC decision on the matter. On basic services and local government 16. THe NEC welcomed the commitment of government to visit every district during this term of office. THe focus on the district level as a point of delivery sHould ensure improvements in the delivery of infrastructure, water and sanitation, education and Health, Human settlements, decentralised economic development and job creation, and safer communities. 17. THe state of local government remains an issue of concern, and the ANC will convene a special two-day NEC to pay attention to this critical spHere of government and improving the delivery of effective and affordable basic services. 18. The NEC welcomes the finalisation of the National Health Insurance Bill by Cabinet, the establisHment of an NHI War room and the signing of a Health Compact between government and various sectors of society. 19. THe ANC welcomes the extraordinary measures to deal with gang violence and violent crimes on the Cape Flats, including the deployment of the SANDF. THe levels of crime across the country, including gender-based violence, must remain a priority concern of government and all sectors of our society. 20. The NEC instructed all its deployees in government, from national to provincial and local levels, to deal with issues expeditiously, to be focused and diligent in the implementation of programmes, and to engage the people and relevant sectors. RENEWAL AND UNITY OF THE ANC 21. THe NEC Had extensive discussions on strengthening the organisation, accelerating renewal and unity, and building collective leadersHip, so that the movement becomes a more effective instrument for radical socio-economic transformation, and uniting and serving the people and the country. 22. THe NEC welcomed the progress made in implementing the 54th National Conference instruction on a sustained programme of renewal and unity, wHicH was evident in the establisHment of the effective organisational macHinery responsible for the ANC’s victory in the 2019 elections. 23. THe NEC recognised, that there is certain persistent beHaviour, particularly at leadersHip levels, wHicH undermines this programme. THese include factionalism, untested and wild accusations, use of social media to attack eacH other and policy positions of the ANC, leaks to media and taking the organisation to court without first exHausting internal processes. 24. THe NEC further noted and strongly condemned the use of intimidation, violence and even killings, to access positions in the ANC and government, resources and patronage. 25. THe NEC reaffirmed the urgent renewal tasks from national conference to strengthen brancHes as agents of development and social coHesion in communities. In this regard: a) THe NEC welcomed progress with the implementation of the new membersHip system, wHicH will go live before the end of 2019, allowing for members to join and renew online and to manage their own membersHip. THis will assist in addressing gate-keeping, bulk buying of membersHip and corruption. b) THe NEC adopted the organisational Programme of Action, wHicH Has specific external and internal tasks for ANC brancHes. THese include the need for brancHes to build a direct relationsHip with the people and regular contact througH door-to-door work in all communities. THey need to respond to local needs and work with government and civil society to address problems. BrancHes are expected to participate fully in democratic ANC elections and decision-making on policy.
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