- -----------------------------------------------------------~~--- ~ -::-,----------'-------:------------:;__---------~--------·· - --- -- Te'.!ln le Beth El 10 70 Orchard Ave . Providen ce, R. I. '() '- \ %0D I - Jews Show Highest Golda Meir Ratio In Giving To Offers Arabs Charities - Individuals ANN HARBOR, Mich. - Jewish New Pact giving to charitable causes is un­ UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. - A matched by any other religious non-agression pact was offered group in the United States, it was THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. last week to the Arab countries revealed in a study by Dr. James by Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's N. Morgan, professor of economics VOL. XLV No. 32 OCTOBER 20, 1961 16 PAGES Foreign Minister, addressing the at the University of Michigan. United Nations General Assembly. American Jews, the survey said. She also proposed that the UN do not however give to their re­ Sen. Keating Calls Anti-Def amat ion League Claims start the job of attaining general ligious institutions as much as and complete disarmament by other religious groups. The Jewish Middle East Policies using the Middle East "as a pilot percentage of giving religious in­ JWV Repott 'Greatly Exaggerated' project for the solution of the Of U. S. 'Amoral' overall problem." stitutions is 55 percent as against CHICAGO - An assertion by large active Nazi front under the 67 percent by Lutherans, 65 per­ WASHINGTON - Senator Ken­ neth B. Keating, New York Re­ an agent for the Jewish War name of "Fighting American Na­ The Israel Foreign Minister also cent by Catholics and 63 percent tionalists." He said the group dis­ offered "regional cooperation" by Episcopalians. publican, charged the U. S. Gov­ Veterans that there were 75 to 100 ernment with "treating Israel as "hard core" Nazis living in Chic­ tributed most of its literature to with the neighboring Arab couri­ With respect to charitable con­ a distant cousin while we dote ago was strongly contradicted last students in Chicago high schools. tries in development programs, tributions, the study showed that over its Arab enemies like they week by .the Anti-Defamation Police Sergeant Burton Lovely particularly with regard to water 51 percent of American Jews con­ were our brothers." He said that League midwest office and the of the Security Section, calling resources. She addressed the UN tribute $50 or more annu!!,llY as U. S. policies in the Middle East Chicago Police Security section. Hornsby's report "greatly exag­ Assembly not only ·on Israel-Arab against 43 percent by Episcopa­ were "amoral" in that America Herman Hornsby, the JWV in­ gerated," said that "no more than Issues but also on various other lians, 25 percent by Lutherans and appeases the Arabs in the name formant. told a city-wide press five or six Nazis are known in this major problems facing the current 20 percent by Catholics. of "neutrality regardless of mo­ conference that he had found a area." William Pinsley , ADL mid­ session of the General Assembly. Jews also show the highest ratio rality." west director of fact-finding, es­ Mrs. Meir's 90-minute speech of giving to individuals. The Senator spoke at a dinner Several Clash Over timated that six to ten Nazis were was loudly applauded by many busy in the Chicago area. marking the centennial of Temple 'Demanding' Leaflets delegations, including a number Beth Israel here. He warned Oscar Shabet, director of hu­ of representatives of the new Jews Give Funds against the sabotage of President TEL AVIV - Several young man relations for tbe Chicago African and Asian nations. It was Kennedy's foreign policy by high communists were under arrest last Board of Education, reported an address which was seen as For Private School officials. He pointed out that week as the result of a clash which that an investigation of the observing Mrs. Meir's own plea MEXICO CITY - The Jewish Chairman J . W. Fulbright of the developed when they tried to dis­ schools mentioned by Hornsby had for the avoidance of "bellicose" failed to uncover any new evi­ community of Guadalajara has Senate Foreign Relations Com­ tribute leaflets demanding an in­ propaganda and threatening ver­ donated over $16 ,000 to the pro­ mittee pushed concepts contrary vestigation Into the recent bor­ dence of Nazi infilterat!on. He bal attacks against any and all vincial government for the build­ to the President's views. "While der Incidents in which five Arab said that several weeks ago one nations. boy at the Prosser high school ing of a new school for the city's the Pre'sident speaks like Winston youths were killed In clandestine Above all, Mrs. Meir pleaded inhabitants, it was announced Churchill and may well be pre­ efforts to sneak over the border aroused the wrath of fe llow stu­ into the Egyptian-held Gaza. dents by tryi ng to distribute Nazi with the General Assembly to re­ here last week. pared to act like Churchill, many establish and reafirm universal Strip. Ii tera ture. of his key advisers speak like Ne­ acceptance of the principal of The Guadalajara community, The leaflets, which contained The ADL official criticized the consisting of both Sephardi and ville Chamberlain and are pre­ Jewish War Veterans for making negotiations on all international pared to encourage the President photographs of the bodies of the Ashkenazi Jews, announced that five Arab youths and a demand for the Nazi group front page news. issues. "If this Assembly," she to act like Chamberlain." said. "will succeed in rededicating its United Jewish Committee, a committee to determine whether He said that while the group did which includes local lodge of B'nai Senator · Keating pointed out their slayings were "crime or acci­ exist. "they are operating on a itself to the universal · and total B'rith, asked only that the school that "as a result of Arab pressure, dent," were signed by the "Move­ shoe string and their members implementation of the principle be named after Anne Frank. The our State Department does not ment of Defenders of Democracy," have considerable inability to pro­ of negotiation - then. indeed, it Mexican Press hailed the an­ assign Americans of the Jewish a communist-sponsored student mote anything approaching a will be a historic Assembly." _ nouncement as "a noble gesture". faith to any posts in Arab or other group. serious mass movement." All issues, she asserted, in­ Moslem countries. Fearing to tread cluding those dividing the Arab on Arab toes. it has done nothing States from Israel. can be set­ Seek Witnesses to protect freedom of navigation Wants Say In Religious Broadcasts tled by negotiations. She express­ Of_Belzec Camp through the Suez Canal. It has ed Israel's readiness and willing­ even refused to come to the aid MONTREAL - The Canadian sons who, however sympathetic ness to negotiate with the Arab NEW YORK - An investiga­ of American businessmen, of any Broadcasting Corporation has and well disposed, are not follow­ states on every issue at dispute tion into nazi crimes at the Bel­ faith, placed on the Arab blacklist been urged to name a representa- ers of that religiion." between them. Israel's belief is, zec concentration camp in Poland because of trade with Israel." tive of Canadian Jewry to its Re­ 'Matters of Conscience' she emphasized, that negotiation is being conducted by the German He held that these conditions ligious Advisory Council and to re­ "is the only alternative to war." authorities with the aid of the view pre-Easter performances of The memorandum emphasized should not be tolerated. "If there that "in matters of conscience "For our part, we remain ready World Jewish Congress. Belzec is to be any international black­ the Passion and Crucifixion story was the scene of the death of present.ed by the network. numbers cannot be the decisive to negotiate at any time or place, list, I would hope our Govern­ factor," and added that the "cri­ with any Arab leader,· and with­ 600,000 Jews at the hands of a ment would maintain one against The proposals were made to J . special SS Commando unit. Wit­ Alphonse Quimet, president of the terion of admission" to the reli­ out prior conditions, in order to any country which discriminates gious advisory group "would seem settle the differences between us," nesses to the Belzec measures are against Americans of any faith. CBC, by the Canadian Jewish Con­ asked to assist in the investiga­ gress. The requests included the to be that of numbers." Even on Mrs. Meir stressed. Pending "the Our present practice not only gives that basis, the memorrandum willingness of the Arab govern­ tion. away American dollars with no contention that. since there was no official relationship in Canada asserted, consideration should be ments to conclude a final peace strings attached, it actually allows given to naming a representative settlement," the Israeli Foreign the beneficiary to impose un­ between the state and any parti­ Job Agency Gets cular church, "It would be fairest of the Jewish religion to the coun­ Minister told the Assembly, there American conditions on the aid cil "to make it a body which truly are no steps that could be taken we are giving them. Such a policy to include as wide a representation Grant For Research as possible of different faiths." reflects its name and intention." "to relax tensions, allay mutual cannot win us any respect. Neither ST. LOUIS The St. Louis Jew­ Asserting that such action In discussing performances of fears and pave the road to peace." ish Employment and Vocational does it serve the cause of peace," Senator Keating emphasized.
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