1 KODIAK/ALEUTIANS FEDERAL SUBSISTENCE 2 REGIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING 3 4 PUBLIC MEETING 5 6 Sand Point, Alaska 7 September 25, 2012 8 9 10 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: 11 12 13 Speridon Simeonoff, Chairman 14 Patrick Holmes 15 Richard Koso 16 Sam Rohrer 17 Richard Rowland 18 Antone Shelikoff 19 Della Trumble 20 Vince Tutiakoff 21 22 Regional Council Coordinator - Thomas Jennings 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Recorded and transcribed by: 38 39 Computer Matrix Court Reporters, LLC 40 135 Christensen Drive, Suite 2 41 Anchorage, AK 99501 42 907-243-0668/[email protected] 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 3 (Sand Point, Alaska - 9/25/2012) 4 5 (On record) 6 7 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Let's go ahead and 8 call the meeting to order of the Kodiak/Aleutians 9 Regional Advisory Council. My time says it's 9:04. May 10 we have a roll call, please. 11 12 MR. JENNINGS: Thank you, Mr. Chair. 13 Folks on line, if you could please mute your phones for 14 a little while it would be helpful, thanks. 15 16 Roll call. 17 18 Antone Shelikoff. 19 20 MR. SHELIKOFF: Yeah. 21 22 MR. JENNINGS: Patrick Holmes. 23 24 MR. HOLMES: Here. 25 26 MR. JENNINGS: Rick Koso. 27 28 MR. KOSO: Here. 29 30 MR. JENNINGS: Sam Rohrer. 31 32 MR. ROHRER: Here. 33 34 MR. JENNINGS: Thomas Schwantes. 35 36 MR. SCHWANTES: Here. 37 38 MR. JENNINGS: Peter Squartsoff. Mitch, 39 I believe he was excused. 40 41 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Yes. He had jury 42 duty when I talked to him. 43 44 MR. JENNINGS: Thank you. Vince 45 Tutiakoff. 46 47 MR. TUTIAKOFF: Here. 48 49 MR. JENNINGS: Della Trumble. 50 2 1 MS. TRUMBLE: Here. 2 3 MR. JENNINGS: Speridon Simeonoff. 4 5 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Here. 6 7 MR. JENNINGS: And Thomas Johnson is not 8 active on the Council. Thank you. You do have a quorum. 9 Very good attendance. 10 11 Thank you. 12 13 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Thank you, Tom. I'd 14 like to welcome everyone to our Kodiak/Aleutians meeting 15 here at Sand Point. We'll start with a round of 16 introductions. I guess I'll start. I'm Speridon 17 Simeonoff from the Native Village of Akhiok on Kodiak 18 Island. 19 20 MR. KOSO: Rick Koso from Adak. Thank 21 you. 22 23 MR. SHELIKOFF: Antone Shelikoff from 24 Akutan. 25 26 MR. SCHWANTES: Tom Schwantes, Kodiak. 27 28 MR. TUTIAKOFF: Vince Tutiakoff, 29 Unalaska. 30 31 MR. HOLMES: Pat Holmes, Kodiak. 32 33 MR. ROHRER: Sam Rohrer, Kodiak. 34 35 MS. TRUMBLE: Della Trumble from King 36 Cove. 37 38 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: People of the 39 audience. Do we have anybody else online? 40 41 MR. JENNINGS: We do have folks online. 42 I'll introduce myself. Tom Jennings from the Office of 43 Subsistence Management in Anchorage. The folks that I 44 have online: Steve Thompson from Fish and Game in 45 Kodiak. You heard Pat Holmes, Sam Rohrer and Della 46 Trumble from your Council. Bill Pyle from the Kodiak 47 National Wildlife Refuge. Susie Jenkins-Brito from 48 Dillingham. Pippa Kenner from OSM in Anchorage. Jerry 49 Berg from Fish and Wildlife Service in Anchorage. 50 3 1 That's all that I've got right now 2 online. 3 4 Thank you. 5 6 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Thank you, Tom. 7 8 MS. MELENDEZ: Excuse me. If I may. 9 10 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Go ahead. 11 12 MS. MELENDEZ: This is Leticia from 13 Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. I'm sorry, I stated my 14 name earlier, but I guess I wasn't on speaker. I have 15 Stacey Lowe, our new biologist here. We are here and 16 present. 17 18 MS. JENKINS-BRITO: Excuse me. This is 19 Susie Jenkins-Brito from Dillingham. I'm with the Alaska 20 Department of Fish and Game board support and here for my 21 advisory committees down the Aleutian Chain in the 22 Chignik area. 23 24 MR. EVANS: This is Tom Evans from the 25 Office of Subsistence Management in Anchorage. 26 27 MR. JENNINGS: Mr. Chair. Tom Evans is 28 a Staff member in OSM and he is a wildlife biologist, so 29 you'll get to know him down the line when we deal with 30 wildlife issues. 31 32 Thank you. 33 34 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Thank you. Is there 35 anybody else online? 36 37 (No comments) 38 39 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: If not, thank you. 40 People in the audience please introduce yourself. 41 42 MR. FRIED: Steve Fried from the Office 43 of Subsistence Management in the Fisheries Division. 44 45 MR. CHEN: Good morning, Council members. 46 My name is Glenn Chen, Bureau of Indian Affairs. 47 48 MS. BROWN-SCHWALENBERG: Patty 49 Schwalenberg, Alaska Migratory Bird Co-management 50 Council. 4 1 MR. DEVINE: Peter Devine, 2 Aleutian/Pribilof Islands rep to the AMBCC and vice 3 president of the Shumagin Corporation. 4 5 MR. ALCORN: Good morning. I'm Doug 6 Alcorn. I'm the assistant regional director of migratory 7 birds and State programs in Anchorage with the U.S. Fish 8 and Wildlife Service. I'm also the chair of the Alaska 9 Migratory Bird Co-management Council. You'll see it's on 10 your agenda to discuss a potential proposal for Emperor 11 Geese. Patty Brown-Schwalenberg, the executive director 12 and myself decided to come in person so that we could 13 visit with you all. 14 15 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Thank you. Once 16 again, welcome. Tom. 17 18 MR. JENNINGS: Thank you, Mr. Chair. 19 Just a housekeeping. Everybody walked in upstairs, so 20 you know where the restrooms are. If you go out in the 21 hall, they're on your left. If everybody would please 22 sign in so our recorder can get all the attendees, 23 please. 24 25 Thank you. 26 27 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Thank you. With all 28 the introductions done, we'll move on. The first one is 29 adoption of our agenda. Can I have a motion to adopt our 30 agenda, please. 31 32 MR. KOSO: I'll make a motion to adopt 33 the agenda. 34 35 MR. SCHWANTES: Mr. Chairman, I'll second 36 that motion. 37 38 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Moved and seconded. 39 Discussion. Any additions. I do have one. Under new 40 business..... 41 42 MR. HOLMES: I can't really hear anybody. 43 I can hear Tom, but I can't hear the board members. 44 45 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Under new business 46 in our agenda I'm adding one. It will be Item H, the 47 Kodiak Regional Aquaculture Association, KRAA. Peter, 48 did you have something? 49 50 MR. DEVINE: Yes, Mr. Chair. 5 1 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Come up to the mic, 2 please. 3 4 MR. DEVINE: Yes, thank you, Mr. Chair. 5 You don't have it on your agenda, but I would like to 6 address RB-525. It's brown bear hunt for Popof Island, 7 Sand Point. I know it's been passed a couple years ago, 8 but they did this without consulting us. The rest of the 9 Council has no problem with allowing it, but I would like 10 to see it extended to the whole island, you know, because 11 right there where we hunt that's the residential areas. 12 13 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: We can probably add 14 that to our agenda probably under I, I guess, on new 15 business. 16 17 MR. DEVINE: Thank you. 18 19 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Brown bear. Tom. 20 21 MR. JENNINGS: Mr. Chair. I just wanted 22 to check with folks online if they can hear any better. 23 24 MR. HOLMES: Hear you better, Tom, but 25 panel members it's hard to hear. 26 27 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Any Council members 28 online, do you have any agenda items you'd like to add at 29 this time? 30 31 MR. HOLMES: No. 32 33 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Della? 34 35 MS. TRUMBLE: I don't have anything at 36 this time. 37 38 MR. ROHRER: This is Sam Rohrer. No, I 39 don't either. 40 41 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Okay. Tom. 42 43 MR. JENNINGS: We didn't identify 44 anything specifically on this agenda, I don't think, 45 regarding the Unit 9D caribou hunt. If somebody would 46 report out on that, that would be a good thing. So I 47 suspect that could be covered either in the Staff report 48 somewhere or Council member reports. 49 50 Thank you. 6 1 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Okay. Thank you. 2 Is there anything else. 3 4 (No comments) 5 6 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Okay, if there's 7 nothing else, is there any objections to the motion. 8 9 (No objections) 10 11 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Hearing no 12 objections, then the motion carries with two additional 13 items on our agenda. With that, we'll move on to the 14 adoption of the minutes. The minutes of our March 22nd 15 and 23rd. 16 17 MR. TUTIAKOFF: I move, Mr. Chair. 18 19 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Moved by Vince. 20 21 MR. SCHWANTES: I'll second that. 22 23 CHAIRMAN SIMEONOFF: Seconded by Tom. 24 Discussion. Is there any questions or corrections we 25 need to make to the minutes of our last meeting? 26 27 MR. TUTIAKOFF: Just a question on the 28 removal process for Tom Johnson, Thomas Johnson.
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