Jantaira 'Visitor Val. KINGSTON,- JAMAICA, JANUARY .1929. No. 4. THE .NEW YEAR. Nineteen Twenty-nine is here at last, new and ties, new evidences of divine favour. Indeed fresh from the hand of the great Giver of all, God has given us many things to relieve the Whose Mercies 'are new every morning. With monotony of life and to make it really enjoy- this- new year come "a new inspiration, new able, if we would but open or eyes to see theni. aspirations, new resolveS, new visions, new Success in the Christian life is wrapped hopes, a new awakening of our inner selves. up in the idea of newness. "If any man be in And if all these have the desired effect on our Christ, he is a new, creature." When we are lives, we shall see new victories won, new baptized, we rise "to walk in newness of life." difficulties surmounted, new strides made to- We are "transformed by the renewing of " ward the acme of our hopes for both this life our "minds." And this new creature, this and the next, new talents developed, new new life, this new mind must be kept new. attainments acheived, new light break in Patti says, "I die daily." "Consecrate your- upon our souls. And the result of it all will be self to God in the morning; make this your a new sense of happiness born of a new satis- very first work Each morning faction because we shall have solved the new consecrate yourself to God for that day.'f— problems and improved the new opportunities this is the counsel given us in " Steps to Christ." which the new year has brought to us. The trouble with us is that we allow our new It seems to me that there is a charm in new resolutions to become stale, our new fervour to things. The motor engineers put out new freeie. They soon become covered with the models every year, 'the fashion designers rubbish of forgetfulness. As the new year create new styles for every season, newspapers advances, we find ourselves losing ground, be- and magazines introduce new features every cause we fail to keep new that which was given now and then, and they succeed in pulling the us new: crowd their way. And God has been fore- This suggests a motto we all may well adopt: most in giving us new things. Every morning "KEEP IT NEW,"—i good motto for the NeW the- King of Day rides in upon a chariot of Year it seems. Yesy keep it *w—that good new design and beauty, every evening new resolution, that new vision of your possibili tapestries are woven by Nature to grace the ties, that new love you find in your heart for couch in which he retires for the night. Each Christ, that- new desire to serve Him, that floWer is a new beauty, each leaf a new pattern, determimation to be a useful man or woman each shell a new piece of architecture, each and to be a power for good in 'your commii- individual a new study in psychology. Each nity—KEEP IT NEW. day brings new experiences, new opportuni- P. J. BAILEY. ********************************* *****************IM******* I. VICTORY. THE WORLD'S BIBLE. --- 13rothe,r Grounds came into my office this week and with a smiling face announced Christ has no hands but our hands to do His that we had passed- our goal in the Harvest work today. Ingathering Campaign by £148. The total to He has no feet but our feet to lead men in His that date- was £948 3 10. ($4,600.) And way. there were still a number of reports to dome in. He has no tongue but our tongue to tell Bravo Jamaica! and Praiselhe Lord! and let men how He died. all the people say, "Amen." It has meant He has no help but our help to bring them to hard work, and unsurpassed stick-to-it-ive- His side. ness,, for Ja,maica has had a hard financial year, drought, destructive tempest, and pesti- We are the only Bible the careless world' lences. But, somehow, these things do not will read,., trouble the Lord, and,when He makes promises We are the sinner's gospel, we are the scoffer's such as we dePended upon in this Campaign, creed. nothing can stop us till success is reached. We are the Lord's last message, given in deed -H. J. EnmEn. - and word, What if the type is crooked, what if the print is "IF you are definite in your aim and deter- blurred? mined in your purpose, you will surely win.". Selected. 2 THE JAMAICA VISITOR Church Buildings, The Sanitary Accommodation should be an example of Christian cleanliness and propriety. In this matter, Seventh-day Adventists should The splendid work being 'clone by several'of' be an example to the community. our lay members is producing quite a crop Until the large building is constructed, the of new companies. In the mails we are ccn- spare ground can he utilized by growing stantly receiving information showing how produce and selling to help raise the needed the Lord is blessing the evangelical efforts funds, each member becoming responsible for of certain sections of chuithes, that seem to the cultivation of a portion. keep themselves warm in the love of God Buy nothing on credit, and do not expect by going into the highways and byways and the Conference to give money to help you proclaiming the truth. We are sure that this out of a crisis created by an ill-planned is pleasing to the Lord, and it is to us, enterprise. and we praise His name for the results that Herbert J. Edmed. are revealed in the increase of-our membership. We pray that this spirit may grow more and News Items Worth Noting. more. We see no reason why small companieS of singers and speakers should not go to selected W.LTM. sPota and systematically present the truth of- God—the Message fcr these days.,Such - ;Elder R. J. Sype has written the following-- bands conducted in a decorous ariderly rd report of the Week of Prayer: "We have just.; way'will .always have our appreciation, and closed our, Week of Prayer, and the Lord has our ordained ministers. stand ready to a man Come very near by His Holy Spirit. We feel to give help as it may be needed. that we have had a very blessed season But in the enthusiasm of success; we need Elder Meeker has been a, great help to us. to keep well balanced; and to avoid any step I am very happy with my work and trust that Might counteract our god& work. The that the Lord will ever bless the efforts that raising of a new company naturally creates are being put forth for our young people in the demand for a church building, and here, this institution." we would sound a note Of warning againat trying to Move faster than "the providence of Six of the students enrolled in the Jamaica Godindicates. Our Lord once suggested Histery, and Geography class made Grade I building policy worthy of -our thought. He in their semester examination. They are as Said, "Which of - you,, intending to build a - follows: towers sitteth not down first' and counteth Miss Lillith Newman, Miss Iris Blair, the cost, whether ye have sufficient to finish it: Miss Violet Jackson, Miss Sybil Brooks, Mr. Lest haply, after he bath laid the foundation, Arthur Brumley, Mr. Linyal Russell. aid is. not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, :saying. This man Professor and Mrs. Rathbun, Pastor and began to build, and was not able to finish it.",— Mrs.Meeker, Mis Harrison, Pastor and Mrs. Luke 14: 28-30: This shows that well matured Sype and others gave an appreciated musical plans should be prepared, and provision made and - literary programme at the Grove Town for-finishing the Work before it is begun: I am- church in November. A silver collection was convinced after' many years of observation - taken at the door for the benefit of repairs oil that it is far easier to- enlist active interest iii a contemplated building before it is their church. built than afterwards. Therefore one of the Our students, teachers, -and friends had the- first things to do is to Mr/iiiilate plans for special privilege of a health lecture by Doctor raising the money the building will- cost. Estoffery of the Jamaica Health Bureau on The site should be,-spacious enough to Saturday night, in December. By lantern allow for future enlargement of the church slides he showedvery impressively how-germs building, and situated in a populated part, so pass from one person to another. there will be opportilnities for missionary work for the members,, and the: pUbliC may Mount Peace.—Wehaiiebeen working, in the' haVe an oPPortiniity to attend the services. district of :Mount Catherine from November, Why hide our buildings? Bring theni. Where visiting the homes of the people and conducting, they can be seen as witnesses to the, Truth. open;air meetings. On Sunday, December. 2, Size, of building:-This must be decided -by about fifty persons assembled to ,hear- Bro. tie number of members and the surrounding Gilliam, who spoke on the subject of the Seven population. If the company is small and Last PlagueS: We are glad of this interest„ POor, build a ,smally room- at the back of the and .are determined to stand by our leader, ,grofind fol.
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