E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 No. 134 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was Act of 1965 to provide for the refinancing of ensuring that the words of Senators called to order by the President pro certain Federal student loans, and for other past and present are correctly recorded tempore (Mr. LEAHY). purposes. for the American people. While he has SCHEDULE been here, he has witnessed many PRAYER Mr. REID. Mr. President, following events. He has seen five different Presi- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- my remarks, the Senate will be in re- dents occupy the White House, worked fered the following prayer: cess subject to the call of the Chair for with eight different majority leaders, Let us pray. the joint meeting with the President of transcribed speeches on everything Eternal God, who restores peace in Ukraine. from the Berlin Wall to Senator Byrd’s human hearts, thank You for Your When the Senate reconvenes, it will legendary lectures on the history of many blessings. Guide our lawmakers be in a period of morning business until the Senate. so that they will discern Your purposes 1 p.m., with the time equally divided I wish Jerry all the best in his well- and become instruments of Your provi- and controlled between the two leaders deserved retirement. I have no doubt dence. Today, help them to speak or their designees. The Republicans that he and his wife Jane will keep words that will leave them without re- will control the first half and the ma- busy spending time with their 7 chil- gret. May they play their part in these jority will control the final half. dren and 11 grandchildren. And, of momentous times so that their labors At 1 p.m. the Senate will proceed to course, Jerry will have his Washington will withstand the scrutiny of history the consideration of H.J. Res. 124, the Nationals to follow. and the judgment of posterity. May continuing resolution. There will be up It has been a pleasant respite for me to spend time with Jerry talking about Your Spirit rule in our lives, teaching to 41⁄2 hours of debate prior to a series baseball. He takes trips around the us to sacrifice our comforts for the of rollcall votes followed by several country that make me so envious— good of others. Use us today as ambas- voice votes on executive nominations. watching different teams in different sadors of Your will. Senators should expect the votes to We pray in Your majestic Name. begin around 5 p.m. stadiums. I think he has watched a baseball game in almost every Major Amen. TRIBUTE TO JERRY LINNELL League Baseball stadium in America, f Mr. President, in ancient Greece the and I am very envious of that. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE keeping of history was considered so The Senate is a better place because important that Clio, daughter of Zeus, of Jerry’s 32 years here. I, along with The President pro tempore led the was believed responsible for recording Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: every other Member of this body, all that occurred on Earth—every- thank Jerry for his many years of serv- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the thing. United States of America, and to the Repub- ice. In the Senate we don’t have Greek CONTINUING RESOLUTION lic for which it stands, one nation under God, gods in charge of keeping our records, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. President, yesterday the House but we do rely on the superhuman ef- f of Representatives passed a continuing forts of a group of official reporters resolution to keep our government RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY who transcribe every word we say. It is from shutting down for the next 3 LEADER a hard, hard job. Official reporters have months. In addition to keeping the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The to accustom their ears to all sorts of government operating, this measure in- majority leader is recognized. accents from across our country, find cludes provisions important to our na- ways to spell newly invented words, try f tional security, such as funding to to listen to what I don’t say very loud- combat ISIS—an evil organization—by BANK ON STUDENTS EMERGENCY ly, and all the other issues they have training and equipping vetted Syrian LOAN REFINANCING ACT—MO- to deal with, and they have to suffer opposition forces and aid to fight the TION TO PROCEED through talking filibusters. In fact, spread of Ebola. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I move to they may be the only people who dis- It is not perfect; that is for sure. But proceed to Calendar No. 409, S. 2432. like filibusters more than I do. no legislation is. In this era of radical The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Today I recognize just one of those ideologies and endless obstruction, the clerk will report the motion. hard-working official reporters—the funding resolution before us is infi- The assistant legislative clerk read chief reporter of debates of the Senate nitely better than the alternatives— as follows: Jerry Linnell, who is retiring at the another shutdown of our government. Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 409, S. end of this month. For 32 years Jerry I think it speaks volumes that 2432, a bill to amend the Higher Education has been a staple here in the Senate, Speaker BOEHNER, Leader PELOSI, the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5725 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:37 Sep 19, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18SE6.000 S18SEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 18, 2014 Republican leader, and I are supporting You have done your time. You have While other terrorist organizations this legislation. That should say a lot done it well. The entire Senate family have been content with a parasitic re- to the American people. As every Sen- thanks you. Jerry, all the best. lationship with state sponsors of ter- ator knows, the funding bill we approve I yield the floor. rorism—notably Syria and Iran—ISIS must first have passed the House of RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME has a new agenda, which is to establish Representatives, and it did that. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under its own state or caliphate. They now Breaking up the legislation the House the previous order, the leadership time control a territory about the size of In- sent us is not a viable option at this is reserved. diana with oilfields they can exploit on the black market to the tune of some juncture. We need to complete our JOINT MEETING OF THE TWO HOUSES—ADDRESS work on the House-passed resolution as BY THE PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE $1.5 million a day. Their ranks have soon as possible. We have an agreement The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under grown in the last 3 months alone from in place to vote on this measure no the previous order, the Senate stands roughly 10,000 to now more than 30,000. Unlike some regional jihadists, ISIS later than 5:30 p.m. this evening. With in recess subject to the call of the also represents a direct and growing the cooperation of Senators, we could Chair in order to attend a joint meet- threat to our citizens here at home, vote even earlier today. ing of Congress. and increasingly to our homeland There is one final unanimous consent Thereupon, the Senate, at 9:39 a.m. itself. Just this week there were news request. recessed subject to the call of the reports of an online posting urging in- AUTHORIZATION TO APPOINT ESCORT COMMITTEE Chair, and the Senate, preceded by the dividual jihadists in the United States Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Deputy Sergeant at Arms, Mike to attack targets such as Times sent that the President of the Senate Stenger, the Secretary of the Senate, Square, the Las Vegas strip, and even be authorized to appoint a committee Nancy Erickson, and the Vice Presi- on the part of the Senate to join with locations in my home State of Texas, dent of the United States, JOSEPH R. a like committee on the part of the with homemade pipe bombs. This is not BIDEN, Jr., proceeded to the Hall of the the first time we have heard such House of Representatives to escort His House of Representatives to hear an threats, but we have to take them seri- Excellency Petro Poroshenko into the address delivered by His Excellency ously. ISIS has made no secret that its House Chamber for the joint meeting Petro Poroshenko, President of goal is not simply to establish a caliph- today. Ukraine. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ate in the Middle East; its desire is to (The address delivered by the Presi- WALSH). Without objection, it is so or- impose Sharia law on the Muslim popu- dent of Ukraine to the joint meeting of dered. lation and to exterminate any religious the two Houses of Congress is printed minorities, and that desire is not con- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER in the proceedings of the House of Rep- The Republican leader is recognized. fined by geography. When the leader of resentatives in today’s RECORD.) ISIS, Abu al-Baghdadi, was released TRIBUTE TO JERRY LINNELL Whereupon, at 11:11 a.m., the Senate, from a detention camp in Iraq in 2009, Mr.
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