SCIENCEScience PagesPAGES Special Report - ESOF 2016 Europe’s biggest generalSpecial Report science conference concludes successfully ESOF 2016, Europe's biggest general science conference concludes successfully in Manchester,in Manchester,UK UK Theme: Science as Revolution Theme: Science as Revolution - Veena Patwardhan rom 23rd to 27th July, 2016, FManchester flaunted its City of Science status as the host city of the seventh edition of EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF 2016). A bi- ennial event held in a different European city every two years, this time it was Manchester's turn to host this globally reputed science conference. Around 4500 delegates – scien- tists, innovators, academics, young researchers, journalists, policy makers, industry representatives and others – converged on the world's first industrial city to dis- cover and have discussions about the latest advancements in scien- rd th Manchester Central, venue of ESOF 2016 tific and technological researchFrom 23 to 27 July, 2016, Manchester flaunted its City of Science status as the host city of the across Europe and beyond. The seventhmain theme edition this of EuroScienceyear Laureates Open Forumand distinguished (ESOF 2016). Ascientists biennial inevent the held packed in a different was 'Science as Revolution', indicatingEuropean that city the every focus two of years,Exchange this time Hall it wasof Manchester Manchester's Central, turn to hostthe venuethis globally of the reputed the conference would be on how sciencescience andconference. technology conference. could transform life on the planet, revolutionise econo- The proceedings began with a string quartet render- mies, and help in overcoming challenges faced by global ing a piece of specially composed music. Simultaneously, communities. a slide show was played in the background celebrating Manchester with its rich legacy of scientific achieve- Manchester's long and remarkable association with sci- ments was the perfect setting for ESOF 2016. As Professor ence as the city where: John Dalton had developed his pi- Dame Nancy Rothwell, Chair of the ESOF 2016 Steering oneering atomic theory; Ernest Rutherford had split the Committee and the President and Vice Chancellor of the atom; James Prescott Joule had discovered the first law University of Manchester put it, "With its theme of 'sci- in thermodynamics; Sir Andre Geim and Sir Konstantin ence as revolution' what better place to hold ESOF 2016 Novoselov had discovered the wonder 2D material – than Manchester – the birthplace of the world's first in- graphene; the first stored program computer was built; dustrial revolution." and where J. J. Thomson - the discoverer of the electron, and Alan Turing - the founder of Computer Science were Impressive Opening Ceremony born. At the Opening Ceremony on 24th July, it was a great Professor Brian Cox - the well-known Manchester feeling knowing I was sitting in the company of Nobel physicist and author, Dame Nancy Rothwell, Professor Chemical Industry Digest. August 2016 41 Special Report ESOF 2016, Europe's biggest general science conference concludes successfully in Manchester, UK Theme: Science as Revolution Science Pages Sir Mark Walport – Chief Scientific Advisor for the UK open global research area', Carlos Moedas, European Government, and Professor Sheila Jasanoff (formerly Commissioner for Research and Innovation, stressed the Sheila Sen) of Harvard University were some of the distin- scientific and political need to share data in today's times. guished speakers who addressed the audience. A notable He pointed out that while the 20th century was about in- feature of the Opening Ceremony was the discussionrd onth dividual nations engaging in research, the 21st century the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) ProjectFrom - a 23 globalto initia 27 - July,will 2016,need a Manchestermore global approach flaunted to its scientific City of research. Science status as the host city of the tive for building the world's largest seventhradio telescope edition - be of- EuroScience"We are entering Open a new Forum era for open(ESOF science 2016). and itA will biennial no event held in a different tween Brian Cox and the SKA personnelEuropean at the organisa city every- longer two beyears, about this a single time nation’s it was sprint Manchester's to the finish turn line," to host this globally reputed tion's headquarters at Jodrell Bank science conference. he said. near Manchester, and also person- Dr. Sheila Jasanoff spoke nel at the SKA sites in South Africa at a session titled 'CRISPR, de- and Australia via a live video link. mocracy and global citizenship' Once completed by 2020, the SKA on the bioethics of gene editing will study remote galaxies in the and the need for democratising Universe. the global governance of the The Exhibition Hall was techniques involved. Another thrown open to delegates immedi- eminent Indian scientist, Nobel ately after the Opening Ceremony. Laureate and President of the CAMS (Copernicus Atmosphere Royal Society, Sir Venkatraman Monitoring Services), EIROforum Ramakrishnan spoke at a key- (a network of eight European note session on 'Seeing is believ- Intergovernmental Research Orga- ing: Revealing the cell's protein nisations), Unilever, Siemens, JST factory and how antibiotics (Japan Science and Technology block it'. Agency), Johnson & Johnson, GSK Sir Andre Geim who was (GlaxoSmithKline), Europlanet, awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize European Patent Office, European in Physics along with Sir Commission, Elsevier, Alpha- Konstantin Novoselov for dis- Galileo, Max Planck Society, covering and working on gra- Nanyang Technological University phene spoke about his latest - Singapore, Naturejobs, Research research that involves the lay- in Estonia, Science Forum South ering of graphene-based com- Africa, and Wakelet, were some of posite materials. Sir Konstantin the scores of exhibitors that show- Novoselov spoke at another cased their work, products, and Sir Venkatraman Ramakrishnan at ESOF2016. Photo credit: Matt Wilkinson Photography session on graphene titled services at ESOF 2016. 'Graphene and beyond: A revo- Stimulating sessions, diverse topics lution in two dimensions'. One of the memorable highlights of ESOF2016 was a The days that followed featured diverse and engross- visit to the National Graphene Institute (NGI) located in ing sessions covering areas ranging from medicine, global the University of Manchester, where researchers engage pandemics, doping in elite sports, and climate change, to in advanced research on different commercial applica- women in science, the responsible use of nanotechnology, tions of graphene. the new bio-industrial revolution, and how big data and big science could benefit society at large. All in all, it was an inspiring week of science in Manche- ster. The next ESOF conference will be held in 2018 at At a session titled 'Europe's voyage towards an Toulouse in France. (Veena Patwardhan, our special correspondent attended this event on invitation) 42 Chemical Industry Digest. August 2016.
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