© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. This is the author’s version of an article that has been published IEEE Communications Magazine (Volume: 57, Issue: 9, September 2019) at https://doi.org/10.1109/MCOM.001.1800957 IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, FEATURE TOPIC MODERN RAILWAYS: COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES 1 Train Communication Networks - Status and Prospect Daniel Ludicke¨ and Andreas Lehner Abstract—This paper presents an overview of commu- A. Motivation nication systems in mainline railways and in particular the Train Communication Network TCN defined in IEC 61375. For an overall overview on railway communi- Current systems and ongoing developments are system- cation and in particular TCN, this paper displays atized by traffic, technological and organizational topics. a review of common used systems, actual systems TCN is displayed in detail with a prospect to possible in use and ongoing developments. This provides a future wireless extensions. common ground to classify current developments Index Terms—Train Communication Network, TCN, based on former technological status. Additionally, IEC 61375, railway vehicle, Ethernet, Wireless, TCMS further developments of the TCN as well as new and parallel technologies and their interfaces are described. I. INTRODUCTION This paper focuses on mainline railway com- High-performance communication systems for munication. Light railway, subway and commuter the transmission of Train Control and Monitoring traffic are out of scope of this paper. The second (TCMS) data in railway vehicles have seen an chapter points out the state-of-the-art for three traffic increasing demand since the 1970s and 1980s. Espe- categories such as freight transport, conventional cially for railways several requirements have to be passenger transport and high-speed traffic. As a considered, such as environmental conditions and different point of view, the wired transmission tech- robustness requirements, but also highly available, nologies are systematized. The main architectures secure and real-time communication of railway- and properties of TCN are introduced in the third specific data. chapter. The fourth chapter describes the concept As an extension of the so-called UIC-cable (ac- of wireless transmission that extends the previously cording to the International Union of Railways wired busses or networks of the TCN. (UIC) Leaflet 568 [1]) for passenger trains, which connects audio transmission, light and door control II. METHODICAL CLASSIFICATION OF through the train, the Train Communication Net- COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS work (TCN) bus system Wired Train Bus (WTB) was added to the new UIC-558-cable. A. State-of-the-Art of Communication Systems for The TCN [2] units a series of railway-specific different Types of Trains bus systems and networks as well as communication The following section introduces the existing and application profiles. The TCN is currently being communication systems of railway vehicles. A dis- developed as an IEC standard and is available as tinction is made between the three main types of European standard series in various national stan- railway traffic. dards, e.g. DIN EN 61375. The TCN standard is 1) Cargo: The rail freight transport is charac- under further development with support of several terized by fully equipped freight locomotives with research projects [3]. side buffers and screw-type coupling. The other connection is the pneumatic main brake pipe (BP), Daniel Ludicke¨ is with the Institute of System Dynamics and which is a compressed pneumatic air pipe expanding Control, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Munchner¨ Str. 20, 82234 Oberpfaffenhofen/Weßling, Germany. through the entire train. The pressure level provides E-mail: [email protected] the braking demand for all brakes of the train and Andreas Lehner is with the Institute of Communication and Nav- is also used as a pneumatic energy supply system. igation, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Munchner¨ Str. 20, 82234 Oberpfaffenhofen/Weßling, Germany. This is one of the first train-wide communication E-mail: [email protected] systems for railways. However, the main brake pipe IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, FEATURE TOPIC MODERN RAILWAYS: COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES 2 is still present today on every railway vehicle for press (ICE) trains of Deutsche Bahn AG (newest active braking or as a fallback system. version: Velaro platform by Siemens AG) consist For multiple traction control additional commu- of firmly interconnected car groups, which can be nication systems between the locomotives exists. changed only in workshops. The vehicle technol- Freight cars usually have no electrical components ogy can be distributed to several cars within fixed and infrastructure along the train. This has changed train parts and the communication network can in recent years by equipping individual freight wag- be designed quasi-statically. Multiple train sets are ons with self-sufficient energy systems for vehi- usually coupled by Scharfenberg couplings with cle tracking and condition monitoring. The devices high-pole electrical connectors. The coupling of usually contain a Global Positioning System (GPS) multiple (different) train units must be provided by receiver to document their position and mileage. the manufacturers and operators. Position and other measurement data from sensors can be transmitted to servers or the cloud via mobile B. Wired Communication Technologies connection. The number of components is increas- ing rapidly due to the digitalization offensive of Communication systems are categorized into large freight wagon operators. Increased automation three main groups: of freight trains and better logistics integration is 1) Direct Wire Connections: The simplest form being investigated in research projects [4]. is the direct connection with a cable from a source to 2) Conventional Passenger Trains: The passen- a sink. Higher switching currents (typically <10 A) ger traffic is roughly divided into conventional pas- can be transmitted as a power supply. On one line, senger trains and modern train sets, while con- one or few signals (e.g. voltage levels) may be ventional passenger trains are increasingly being transmitted with a relatively low bandwidth (typi- replaced by modern train sets. A conventional pas- cally <100 kHz). The transmission is distinguished senger train consists of a locomotive at one end, between analogue and digital transmission. For the often a control car with cab at the other end of transmission of several independent signals, a single the train and multiple queued passenger cars in electrical line is usually used for each signal. How- between. The mechanical coupling is conventional ever, this method becomes unwieldy for the transfer with side buffers and screw-type coupling. of multiple data. The operating conditions result in additional re- 2) Bus Technologies: Data is transmitted digi- quirements for communication devices. Cars of dif- tally and coded in time in a bus system. The indi- ferent operators and manufacturers should be com- vidual devices are usually connected in succession. binable, i.e. interoperable. This requires uniform Each device can read the data. Depending on the ac- and compatible interfaces that are often defined by cess method, the bus users can also write to the bus. standards. It is common for trains to be extended or For instance, the Controller Area Network (CAN) shortened during normal operation. The number and [7] bus uses the Carrier Sense Multiple Access order of the communication participants, as well as (CSMA) methods and priorization of messages with the direction of travel, can change on every train an arbitration method. On the other hand, the TCN- formation. MVB is a clocked bus system with a bus master that The so-called UIC-cable and the pneumatic main sets the cycle. At previously configured time slots of brake pipe (BP) are present on every passenger train. the cycle, the bus nodes write their data on the bus. The main brake pipe is used for braking, unless an The data transfer rate of 1.5 Mbps is sufficient for electropneumatic brake with a UIC standardized ep- TCMS applications. Bus systems are increasingly cable transmits the braking request electronically [5] being replaced by industrial network systems. [6]. Many non-standardized functions such as elec- 3) Switch Network Technologies: Newer appli- tropneumatic brake and emergency brake override cations (e.g. video transmissions) need a higher are also transmitted in special solutions via the UIC- bandwidth, such that bus systems are no longer cable. Consequently, the coupling of different cars sufficient in the future. Switching technologies, such is often not possible. as Ethernet, are increasingly used as a general 3) Modern Train Sets and High Speed Trains: trend in industrial communications, but also in rail- Modern train sets such as the German InterCityEx- ways. With networks, higher data rates of up to IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, FEATURE TOPIC MODERN RAILWAYS: COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES 3 10 Gbps and higher, a stronger structuring of the 2) Train-to-Infrastructure Communication: Ana- data streams, active network components (gateway,
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