1 IN THE GAUHATI HIGH COURT (THE HIGH COURT OF ASSAM, NAGALAND, MIZORAM AND ARUNACHAL PRADESH) WP(C) NO.6403/2012 1. Dhubri Zila Anusuchit Jati Parishad Represented by its President, P.O- Dhubri, District- Dhubri. 2. Shri Ananta Kumar Mazumdar Secretary, Dhubri Zila Anusuchit Jati Parishad Village North Tokrer Chara, P.O- and P.S- Golakganj, Dist- Dhubri. 3. Ratan Kr. Barman, S/o- Lt Panch Kari Barman, Village & P.O- Asharikandi, P.S- Gauripur, District- Dhubri 4. Susanta Kr Mondal, S/o- Tarapada Mandal Village- South Tokrerchara, P.O- Golakganj, District- Dhubri 5. Surjya Kr. Goswami, S/0- Late Suresh Ch Goswami, Village- South Tokrerchara Village- South Tokrerchara, P.O- Golakganj, District- Dhubri 6. Sukumar Bagchi, S/o- Late Motilal Bagchi 2 Village- Kaldoba Part-I, P.O- Agomoni, P.S- Golakganj District- Dhubri 7. Sanjit Kr. Barman S/o- Late Indra Mohan Barman, Village & P.O- Asharikandi, P.S- Gauripur, District- Dhubri 8. Ratan Kr Barman, S/o- Late Goni Barman, Village & P.O- Asharikandi P.S- Gauripur, District- Dhubri 9. Manik Chandra Barman, S/o- Late Khirod Barman Village & P.O- Asharikandi P.S- Gauripur, District- Dhubri 10. Madan Mohan Sarkar, S/o- Gopeswar Sarkar, Village & P.O- Asharikandi P.S- Gauripur, District- Dhubri 11. Jayanti Sarkar, W/o- Late Gobinda Sarkar, Village & P.O- Asharikandi P.S- Gauripur, District- Dhubri 12. Nipendra Nath Sarkar, S/o- Late Digendra Nath Sarkar, Village – Madaikhali P.O- Asharikandi P.S- Gauripur, District- Dhubri 3 13. Hirendra Nath Barman S/o- Jitendra Nath Barman Village & P.O- Asharikandi P.S- Gauripur, District- Dhubri 14. Sankari Bara Das D/o- Late Jogesh Ch Das Village – Madaikhali P.O- Asharikandi P.S- Gauripur, District- Dhubri 15. Dijendra Nath Das S/o- Lt Upendra Nath Das Village- Kaimari P.O- Kaimari P.S- Golakganj District- Dhubri 16. Amullya Kr Sutradhar, S/o- Lt Krish Ch Sutradhar, Village- Kaimari P.O- Kaimari P.S- Golakganj Dist- Dhubri 17. Joygobinda Sarkar, S/o- Kandu Ram Sarkar Village- Lohajani P.O- Maragadadhar P.S- Golakganj Dist- Dhubri 18. Sonatan Bhowmik, S/o- Premdas Bhowmik, Village- Kaldoba Part-I P.O- Agomani, P.S- Golakganj District- Dhubri 4 19. Nilmoni Sarkar S/o- Trailakha Sarkar Village- Maisha Part-II P.O- Agomani P.S- Golakganj Dist- Dhubri 20. Raghunath Mazumdar, S/o- Lt Jitendra Mazumdar, Village- Kaldoba Part-I P.O- Agomani, P.S- Golakganj District- Dhubri 21. Sankar Kr Biswas S/o- Late Kartik Ch Biswas Village- Kaldoba Part-I P.O- Agomani, P.S- Golakganj District- Dhubri 22. Haren Ch Biswas S/o- Late Madhusudhan Biswas Village- Kaldoba Part-I P.O- Agomani, P.S- Golakganj District- Dhubri 23. Anil Ch Biswas S/o- Lt Madhusudhan Biswas Village- Kaldoba Part-I P.O- Agomani, P.S- Golakganj District- Dhubri 24. Sanat Kr. Bhowmik, S/o- Sadhan Ch. Bhowmik, Vill- North Tokarachara II P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 5 25. Sushil Kr. Sarkar, S/o- Late Phanindra Nath Sarkar Vill- S. Tokarchara Part-IV P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 26. Amullya Ch. Haldar, S/o- Pranbandhu Haldar, Vill- S. Tokarchara Part-IV P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 27. Ranjit Kr. Sarkar, S/o- Late Phanindra Nath Sarkar, Vill- S. Tokarchara Part-IV P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 28. Sukumar Sarkar, S/o- Surendra Nath Sarkar, Vill- West Tokarchara P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 29. Saraswati Biswas, D/o- Banabasi Biswas, Vill- Tokarchara P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 30. Prakash Ch Biswas, S/o- Jiban Krishna Biswas, Vill- South Tokarchara P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 6 31. Bisweswar Biswas, S/o- Tarini Biswas, Vill- Gaikhowa Majhar Char, P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 32. Sushanta Kr. Mondal S/o- Kanailal Mondal, Vill- S. Tokarchara P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 33. Mrs. Chhaya Bain (Mandal) D/o- Panchu Gopal Mondal, Resident of Dhubri Town Ward No.VI, P.O & PS- Dhubri Dist- Dhubri, Assam 34. Swapan Kr. Das, S/o- Makhan Lal Das, Resident of Dhubri Town Ward No.XI, P.O & PS- Dhubri Dist- Dhubri, Assam 35. Ashoma Mandal, D/o- Prankrishna Mandal Resident of Dhubri Town Ward No.VI, P.O & PS- Dhubri Dist- Dhubri, Assam 36. Ranen Das S/o- Late Makhan Lal Das Resident of Dhubri Town Ward No.XI, P.O & PS- Dhubri Dist- Dhubri, Assam 7 37. Swapan Kr Mandal S/o- Kalikrishna Mandal, Resident of Dhubri Town Ward No.XI, P.O & PS- Dhubri Dist- Dhubri, Assam 38. Khokan Ch Mandal S/o- Kalikrishna Mandal Resident of Dhubri Town Ward No.XI, P.O & PS- Dhubri Dist- Dhubri, Assam 39. Amal Kr Mazumdar S/o- Late Abhay Charan Mazumdar Vill- North Tokarachara P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 40. Ashok Kr Mazumdar S/o- Late Abhay Charan Mazumdar Vill- North Tokarachara P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 41. Bulu Mali, S/o- Late Rabindra Nath Das Vill- Baromara P.o- Agomani P.S- Golakganj Dist- Dhubri, Assam 42. Prodip Sarkar, S/o- Late Kalipada Sarkar Village & P.O- Asharikandi, P.S- Gauripur District- Dhubri, Assam 8 43. Harendra Nath Sarkar S/o- Late Kanchuram Sarkar Village- Lohajani, P.O- Maragadadhar, P.S- Golokganj District- Dhubri, Assam 44. Bimal Ch Biswas S/o- Kanailal Biswas Village- Lohajani P.O- Maragadadhar, P.S- Golokganj Dist- Dhubri, Assam 45. Sahadeb Ch Biswas S/o- Late Birbharsha Ch Biswas Vill- North Tokarachara P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 46. Mathurlal Sarkar, S/o- Late Sarat Ch Sarkar, Vill- North Tokarachara P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 47. Pran Krishna Mandal, S/o- Prafulla Kr Mandal, Vill- South Tokarachara P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 48. Gopen Ch Kirtonia, S/o- Khatra Mohan Kirtonia, Vill- North Tokarachara P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 9 49. Sarat Kr Biswas, S/o- Satya Ranjan Biswas, Vill- North Tokarachara P.O- Golakganj, P.S- Golakganj, District- Dhubri, Assam 50. Subhas Ch Biswas S/o- Shoshilal Biswas, Village Kaldoba Part-I P.O- Agomoni, P.S- Golokganj Dist- Dhubri, Assam 51. Parimal Das, S/o- Late Monoranjan Das, Village Kaldoba Part-I P.O- Agomoni, P.S- Golokganj Dist- Dhubri, Assam 52. Ramhbabati Barman, D/o- Mukunda Ch Barman Vill & P.O- Asharikandi, P.S- Gauripur Dist- Dhubri, Assam 53. Paritosh Ch Sarkar, S/o- Late Photik Ch Sarkar, Vill & P.O- Asharikandi, P.S- Gauripur Dist- Dhubri, Assam 54. Gauranga Ch Roy S/o- Surendra Nath Roy, Vill & P.O- South Garamari, P.S- Gauripur Dist- Dhubri, Assam 55. Jamuna Biswas, D/o- Late Banalal Biswas, Vill & P.O- South Garamari, 10 P.S- Gauripur Dist- Dhubri, Assam 56. Ratnarani Barman, D/o- Jitendra Nath Barman Vill & P.O- Asharikandi, P.S- Gauripur Dist- Dhubri, Assam ………………………… Petitioners - Versus- 1. The State of Assam, represented by the Commissioner and Secretary, Govt. Of Assam, Education (Elementary) Department, Dispur, Guwahati-6. 2. The Director of Elementary Education, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati-19. 3. The District Elementary Education Officer, Dhubri, Assam. 4. The Deputy Inspector of Schools, Dhubri, Assam. …………………… Respondents BEFORE HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE B.K. SHARMA For the petitioners : Mr. M.K. Choudhury, Adv. Mr. N. Baruah, Adv For the respondents : Mr. J. Abedin, Standing Counsel, Date of hearing : 13.05.2014 Date of Judgment : 13.05.2014 11 JUDGMENT AND ORDER (ORAL) 1. By means of this writ petition the petitioners have challenged the Annexure-J order dated 31.08.2012 of the Commissioner and Secretary to the Government of Assam in the Education (Elementary) Department declining to appoint the petitioners said to be involved in the writ petitions being CR No.2035/1993 and CR No. 1938/1997, which were disposed of vide judgments and orders dated 09.12.1994 and 22.02.2002. As will be evident from the said judgments and orders, the direction of this Court was to implement the provisions of the Assam Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) (Reservation of Vacancies and Service and posts) Act, 1 978 and the Rules framed there under in 1983. For a ready reference, the operative part of the directions contained in both the judgments are reproduced below:- In CR No.2035/1993 :- In the circumstances, I dispose of this Civil Rule with the following directions: - (i) The Respondents shall examine the matter thoroughly in consultation with the relevant records and come to a finding as to whether the provisions of “the Act” and “the Rules” have been complied with; (ii) If the Respondents find that requirement of provisions of the Act and Rules have not been followed the respondents shall take adequate steps for speedy implementation of the direction of the Act and Rules; 12 (iii) The Respondents shall make all endeavour to appoint members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in accordance with the provisions of Act and Rules by selecting the candidates among the members of the said classes and if there is backlog the respondents shall also endeavour to exhaust the backlog, as early as possible, in strict compliance with the provisions of law; and (iv) The Respondents shall complete all these process within a period of six months from the date of receipt of this order. In CR No. 1938/1997 :- On perusal of the facts and circumstances of the case and also on examination of the materials available on record, this writ petition is disposed of with a direction to the State- Respondents to implement, in strict terms, the provisions of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes (Reservation of vacancies and services and posts) Act, 1 978 along with all the relevant circulars issued from time to time for the benefit of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes in making appointment in public employment.
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