Cambridge University Press 0521848091 - Gentility and the Comic Theatre of Late Stuart London Mark S. Dawson Index More information Index actors and actresses 22–3 Bartholomew Fair 121, 215 reputation of 217–38 beau, character of, see fop social mobility 217–19 Beaumont, Francis suspect sexuality 215–16, 219–38 Royal Merchant 85 Addison, Joseph 33 Beckingham, Charles Cato 85, 97, 118 Scipio Africanus 102, 237 Drummer 154, 192, 193 Behn, Aphra Playhouse 235–7 City-Heiress 31 see also Spectator Debauchee 28, 105 Ailesbury, 2nd earl of, see Bruce, Thomas False Count 29, 31, 42 Apparition 145 Luckey Chance 29, 30, 31, 110 Applebee’s Original Weekly Journal 27, 135 Revenge 28 apprentices 69, 156 Roundheads 30 Armiger, Mrs 225 Sir Patient Fancy 28 Armstrong, Sir Thomas 134 Town-Fopp 11 Art of Cuckoldom 49 Belasyse, Thomas (earl Fauconberg) 155 Aston, Tony 248 Berkeley family Athenian Mercury 51, 58, 145, 155 Elizabeth (nee´ Masingberd) 103, 127–8 audiences, at theatres 21 George (9th lord then 1st earl of behaviour (see also duels) 130–41, 160 Berkeley) 103 composition 44, 93–111, 112–25, 126–41 George (Hon.) 27, 85 reception of comedy 22–3, 46–71, 233–8 Bertie family 115 authorship, conditions of 239–59 Mary 115 Peregrine 118 Baggs, Zachary 117 Betterton, Thomas 97, 117 Baines, Sir Thomas 158 Amorous Widow 85 Baker, Thomas History of the English Stage attr. epilogues 121 234 Fine Lady’s Airs 128, 157, 243 Blundell, Nicholas 10, 127 Hampstead Heath 47, 82, 130, 153, 159, body, human, see physiology 210 Bolton, 2nd duchess of (see Powlett/Paulett, Humour of the Age 108, 176, 177, 234, 244, Henriette) 249 Booth, Barton 255 Tunbridge-Walks 42, 119, 122, 175, 176, reputation as actor 225–6 179 Borsay, P. 5 Ball, Henry 134 Botica, A. 132 ballads 1, 11, 49, 57, 58, 59, 69, 78, 84, 159, Bourne, Reuben 193, 196 Contented Cuckold 41 Bancroft, John Bowes, George Henry II 49 Love the Leveller 76 Barry, Elizabeth 220, 234 Boyer, Abel reputation as actress 220, 221, 224 Achilles 120, 155 291 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521848091 - Gentility and the Comic Theatre of Late Stuart London Mark S. Dawson Index More information 292 Index Boyle family Canfield, J. D. 32, 42 Charles (4th earl of Orrery) 116, 138 Carlile, James Francis 167 Fortune-Hunters 180 John (5th earl of Orrery) 129, 198 Carlisle, 3rd earl of, see Howard, Charles Roger (1st earl of Orrery) 245 Carlson, M. 110 Bracegirdle, Anne 227, 253 Carter, P. 151 reputation as actress 220, 230–2 Caryll, John 167 Braverman, R. 86–7 Castlecomer, 2nd viscount of, see Wandesford, British Apollo 53, 109 Christopher British Gazetteer 38, 42, 51, 59, 67, 69, 194, Castleton, Lord 155 243, 246 Cave, Sir Thomas 192 British Journal 12, 59, 109, 120, 198, 245, 254 Cavendish, Margaret (1st duchess of Brome, Richard Newcastle) 55 City Wit 38 Cavendish, William (4th earl and 1st duke of Madd Couple Well Matcht 28 Devonshire) 114, 139, 194 Brown, L. 32 Cecil, Frances (4th countess of Salisbury) 67 Brown, Tom Censor 80, 130 Amusements Serious and Comical 64, 237 Censor Censur’d 37 Legacy for the Ladies 119 Centlivre, Susannah 34 Letters from the Dead to the Living 230 Artifice 41 Stage-Beaux Toss’d in a Blanket 99, 102, Basset Table 62 209, 211 Beau’s Duel 54, 139, 148, 153, 158, 170, Works 153, 200 176, 189 Browne, Edward 127 Bold Stroke for a Wife 154, 192 Browne, Dr Joseph 2 Man’s Bewitch’d 100–1 Browne, Sir Thomas 11 Mar-Plot 62 Bruce, Thomas (2nd earl of Ailesbury) 176 Perplex’d Lovers 65 Brydges, James (1st duke of Chandos) 121 Platonick Lady 121, 241 Buck, Lady (wife of Sir Charles Buck, Wonder 180 baronet) 104 Chandos, 1st duke of, see Brydges, James Buckhurst, Lord, see Sackville, Charles Character of a Town Gallant 160 Buckingham, duke of, see Villiers, George; charivari, see skimmington see also Sheffield, John Charles II 193, 195, 197 Bulkeley, Henry 134, 146 Chaves, A. Bullock, Christopher Cares of Love 121 Per-juror 85 Chaytor, Sir William 149, 192 Woman is a Riddle 153, 165 Chetwood, William Burdett, Edward 192 Stock-Jobbers 76 Burnaby, William Churchill, Colonel 135 epilogues 49 Churchill, Sarah (1st duchess of Marlborough) Modish Husband 47, 153, 251 97 Reform’d Wife 48, 76, 101, 120, 170, 175 Cibber, Colley 243, 255 Burnet, Thomas 77 autobiography 102, 145, 146, 219, 225, Burridge, Richard 234, 244, 247, 249, 252 Scourge for the Play-Houses 100, 119, 123, character of Sir Novelty Fashion (Lord 218, 234 Foppington) 22, 153, 232, 260 Butler, Charlotte 101 satire on 234, 249, 250 Butler, James (13th earl and then 1st duke of Careless Husband 11 Ormonde) 10 Double Gallant 129, 152–3, 261 son, James (2nd duke of Ormonde) 249 epilogues 49 Byrd, William 36, 168 Lady’s Last Stake 249 correspondence 215, 220, 223, 225 Love’s Last Shift 101, 181, 186 diary and theatre-going 102, 104, 113–14, Non-Juror 85 121, 127, 138 Provok’d Husband, see Vanbrugh, John Byrom, John 104 Refusal 83, 153 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521848091 - Gentility and the Comic Theatre of Late Stuart London Mark S. Dawson Index More information Index 293 Woman’s Wit 98, 159 Craftsman 240 Xerxes 98 Cranstoun, William 159, 215 Cibber, Theophilus 226 Crawfurd, David Lives 122, 218, 226 Courtship alaMode` 41, 66 citizens, of London Love at First Sight 47, 57, 154 literary treatment of 19–21, 27–45, 46–71, Cromwell, Lady Elizabeth (baroness 72–89, 148, 152–3, 179, 201, 215, 244, Cromwell) 215, 220, 223 248–51, 260–2 Crouch, K. 222 members of theatre audience 67, 105–11, Crowne, John 119 City Politiques 30, 32 and Lord Mayor’s Day 67, 71, 84, 88 Darius King of Persia 186 see also cuckoldry English Frier 98, 104, 153, 180 class 19–20, 28, 42–5, 54, 59–62, 81, 107–10, Henry VI 120 140, 151–2; see also gentility; Married Beau 154 reconceptualization Sir Courtly Nice 162–3, 171, 179, 184, 227 Clavering, Anne and James 11, 61, 115 cuckoldry 101, 105, 111, 141, 157, 175, 179, Claydon, T. 188 197, 201; see also citizens, literary Cleveland, 2nd duchess of, see Fitzroy, Anne treatment of Coke, Thomas 124 Cuddon, Sir Thomas 68 Collier, Jeremy 22, 205, 233, 254, 256 Defence of the Short View 211 Daily Courant 99, 102 Moral Essays 213 Dalrymple, George (baron) 152 Mr. Collier’s Dissuasive 215 Dartmouth, 1st earl of, see Legge, William Short View 64, 206–15, 229–30 Davenant, Alexander 101 commerce/credit Deane, Sir Anthony 168 relation to drama 249 Deering, Charles 135 see also citizens Defoe, Daniel 33 Comparison Between the Two Stages 193, Complete English Tradesman 53–4, 59–60, 220, 224 75, 197 Compton, George (4th earl of Northampton) Moll Flanders 63, 137, 260 61 More Reformation. A Satyr upon Jane (nee´ Fox, wife of) 132 Himself 227 Alathea (sister of) 127 Plan of English Commerce 162 Conduct of the Stage Consider’d 184, 210 Reformation of Manners 68 Congreve, William 118, 211, 243, 250–3 Review of the State of the English Nation Amendments of Mr. Collier’s False and 12, 109, 112, 114, 120, 137, 173–5, Imperfect Citations 208 210 Double Dealer 58, 153, 251 Tour Through the Whole Island of Love for Love 83, 117, 128 Britain 124, 145 Mourning Bride 221 Dekker, Thomas Old Batchelour 52, 63, 64, 242, 251 Guls Horne-Booke 106 prologues 120 Delmee family 138 Way of the World 122, 156, 251 Dennis, John 240, 243 Works 252 views on state of drama 23, 225, 255–9 Cook, Sir Miles 77 Appius and Virginia 49 Corfield, P. 4, 5 Causes of the Decay and Defects of Cornish Comedy 237 Dramatick Poetry 140, 255 Country Gentleman’s Vade Mecum 129 Character and Conduct of Sir John Courcy, Lord (baron Kinsale) 10 Edgar 225 Court of Chivalry 14 Comical Gallant 141, 244, 256 Coventry, Thomas (2nd earl of Coventry) 135 Defence of Sir Fopling Flutter 27, 255–9 Cowley, Abraham Essay upon Publick Spirit 168, 184 Cutter of Coleman Street 30 Invader of His Country 243 Coyre, John Person of Quality’s Answer to Mr. Collier’s Cure for Jealousie 82 Letter 209, 210 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521848091 - Gentility and the Comic Theatre of Late Stuart London Mark S. Dawson Index More information 294 Index Dennis, John (cont.) Factious Cit 31 Plot and No Plot 146, 158 Farquhar, George 34 Remarks on...Conscious Lovers Constant Couple 47, 152, 153, 156, 157, 255–8 230–3 Usefulness of the Stage 145 prologues 128 Denton, Dr William 10, 134 Love and a Bottle 154, 193, 198 Des Bouverie, Sir Edward 138 Love and Business 54, 99, 119, 246 Devonshire, 4th earl and 1st duke of, see Sir Harry Wildair 22, 157, 165, 184, 188, Cavendish, William 189, 192, 261 Dilke, Thomas Fauconberg, Lord, see Belasyse, Thomas City Lady 129 Feilding, Robert ‘Beau’ 135 Lover’s Luck 154, 165, 179, 185, 193, 198 Female Tatler 69, 100, 102, 103, 109, 114, Pretenders 187 118, 146, 153, 218, 240 Dixon, Thomas 2 Finch family Doggett, Thomas 248 Daniel and Essex (2nd earl and countess of Country-Wake 41, 47 Nottingham) 127 Dormer, John 67 Heneage (1st earl of Nottingham and lord Dorset, 6th earl of, see Sackville, Charles chancellor) 158 Downes, John 113 Fitzgerald, John (18th earl of Kildare) 178 Drake, James Fitzroy family Antient and Modern Stages Survey’d 213 Anne (nee´ Poultney, 1st duchess of Sham-Lawyer 56, 70 Southampton; 2nd duchess of Dryden, John Cleveland) 97 Cleomenes 121, 155 Charles (1st duke of Southampton; 2nd Kind Keeper 52 duke of Cleveland) 128 Wild Gallant 31 Fleming, Sir Daniel 2 Dryden, John (jr.) Fletcher, John Husband His Own Cuckold 47 Royal Merchant 85 Duckett, George 77 Woman Pleased 123 duels 133–7 Fontaine, Sir Andrew 243 Duncombe, Sir Charles 68 fop Durfey, Thomas character of 21, 145–63, 164–82, 183–201, satire on 242, 246, 250 205–16, 260 Campaigners 210 inspiration for 134, 135 Love for Money 52, 101, 145, 176 women as 175–8 Marriage Hater Match’d 115, 153, 242, Fox, Sir Stephen 132 249 France, conflict with 22, 49, 141, 185–6 Modern Prophets 66, 187, 192, 197 Franklin, Benjamin 106 Old Mode and New 111 Freeholder’s Journal 130, 195, 199 Richmond Heiress 76, 84, 170, 210 Freke, Elizabeth 2, 10, 12, 140 Rise and Fall of Massaniello.
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