Your Want Ad The Zip Code Is Easy To Place- « Mountainside is Just Phone 686-7700 07092 An Official Ntwspgper For The Borough Of Mountainside VOL. 12 NO. 42 MOUNTAINSIDE, N.j. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1970 Publuh.d isth THuiidgy by w, PuLI.'ihin, C,p, Paid g| Mounlrtl.>»«de, NJ j N.w Provld.nc. Rood, Montain,,,!,,, N j 07092 15 Y.qiiy ]5 Centi Per Copy llltlltilMIJirillirillltllllJIlltlMllllltlllllJItltlllllllllTillllllllllllllllllllllttllintltltlilltllllltMIIIIUtllllltirillllliirillltlilllll lllttltUllllllllllllltlllUUtlirillllMltllllltlllllllllllllllllltllllinUIIIMMIKlii TlltllllllltllllltillllllDIIIIIMIfitllllllllliiiiKiMinniiiMlillltlMit mtutit IttMiltlMiKltilitlllllfllllillltllliinillll IMIIII ii)l(iiati%iii]Mi*<Mtlt)<iiit1(]*Mi)iiMiiiiti utiitti iriimn MIUIIMK 'iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiimillllimillllillllllllllii e swings to an anniversary wa Borough'$ happy 75th Diamond jubilie a sparkler By JANICE ABLER rr WAS A LOT. OF FUN with people wander- ''It, was Just soltaauttfulj'1 mccordlng to ing around and admiring the exhibits. There niose who attended.tne diamond jubilee picnic- • always was'a friendly face wherever onetum- fair;Satiir4ty, - _ ' •,.••-*->'-•-.-<—"-.• ^-; e&'No tme leenitdHtj mlnd'ttie; neat, People -from the tiniest tot to the oldest',,1.-"WUllam Qeoler, 92, of RogeUe, a veteran ol person wandered^ibauLjixartiig me caml- •'fte^SpanfahJAmerlcan War, participated Inthe val aonosphere. As someone said, "If this' parade, During Uie fair a member of meCoest is what's happening for Mountainside's 75Bi Guard Band approached him, came to rigid ppg 1 birthday; what will it be Uke in 1995 whan attention and aaluttd. Mr, Dealer was touched the borough celebrates Iti centennial?" by 'Mi gesttre and returwd fte salute. The "Then and' Now" parade brought a The Coast Guard Band left Cape May at wave of nostiljja. It was headed by Mayor about oi30 pan. to arrive in time for the Thomas RieeianU and former mayors of tfie parade. One member's wife found out wh«re borough. Ricdardl and Matthew Powers, gen- die band would be and came to jurpriie her eral dulrtBan of dw Jubilee, welcomed every, husband. They were married in July and bad Bf one and mmed over ttie program to Abe Suck- not seen each other sine* the beginning of no, Then came the actual parade. The High- August. landers from Gov. Livingston Regional Hlgi Former Mayor Fred Wlihelms did the (n- School, Berkeley Heigits, andrtieUnitedStatas nouncing chores for the various activities. Coast Guard Band were At U^Ugiti, They They Included a sack race, a hoop rolling received standing ovations. contest, a balloon breaking contest, a Frlz- Excitement filled tiie air as tile Hrititfilns bee -throwing contest, a costume contest, a of the parade reach»d the falrgrpunds, Parti- pie eating contest and a program by the dpams received applause where fliey went. Mountainside Music Associatldn in which the These included persons riding In anttquecars, • .audience sang along,... .:..•.•.•••,• -••:• ••••••• about 200 chlldfin on bicyclei, war veterani, horses, the town's oldest residents Md con- CONTESTANTS WORE outfits rangiiii from tingents frojn civic, service and ioclal or|aa- the 1890's on, Mrs, John Wroblesky and Mrs, lzatloni.- — ——— Poweri leemed to be all over flie place fra. Wroblesky wore a b»ig« 1920's dress. greeting people and making sure thit every- Mrs. ToBneson wHTWardsd the prize for fte thing was all right. It appeared as If he spoke molt authentic coitime, Werner Sehom and with just about everyone of the eiUmated Charles Bunin won die men's phaie with 1890'j, 3,000 pinoni who anend»d. tandeifl bike riding costumes, "Oh, my aching stomach" and "I maynever giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiii eat pie again---at least not for a while," was. commjnted by a participant in the children's pie eating contest Apple pie covered many t I Senate candidates face and much elothini as the youngsters I Profllt interviews witii the two major poaninily ate thair way through. Many an- a party candidates for fre,U,S, Senate guished faces and • aching stomachs were | appear this week on Page 4. They .are ported by those who gave up, g Harrison A. Williams, Democratic ii>- People wended their way through exabits. g cumbent, and Nelson G. Gross, Republl- Including an art show. One of the most popular | can, ^ was flie time eaplule booth where about 750 Illlllll Illllllllll Illlllllllllllilllllll I Hill Illllllll persons si^ed their way to Immortality. MR. >1 F>tLi { - 1 1 v v?.:% \ r * u.__ ,vVj-v '-•yr ''%^r':;i x—1 I '1 •Thursday, October 1, 1970 Man, woman arrested Dedication Saturday TO PUBLICITY CHAIRMiNi Two persons weiv .iriosted Mandny by Would you like senm help in preparing Mountainside |ia!i"r urn) . hnrgrd with jolielt- ing subst"ripB"n ivitjiniii • per tilt. They are newspaper releases' Write to thii news Churl's Akin* i)( Ml.uni, ''la,, wd Alberto of Avery Ward Field paper and atk lor our "Tipt Ion Submitting Kiitii 1 asrniiir, of lli-tr • 1, I ol!<-e said thnt 11 News Rebates," they worr acilinB mi tn»« tn gnlng door- The athletic field tt David Breariey Re- Manuel S. Dios, boarf pWildtnl, vrtll wtl- l glQnal High School, Kenilworth, will be for- come citizens to the game, and Charles milly dedleated as the Avery W. Ward Field Sehjuermann, board member from Kenlk this Saturtay, it was announced this week, wnrth, will dedicate the Held, Nature Club Ceremonleihonoring Ward, aformerpresi- ward, a member of the Board of Educa- dent of the Union County Regional High School tion for IS years, served as in prtildiatlrom Diitric Board of Educaaon, who retired last 1963 » 1969. He played in acHve rota in the plans trip year became of ill health, will take place planning of threi of the Reglooal Dlstrlct'a during haM-flme of the David Irearley— high sehnnis, including fte David Breariey Bound Brook football game at the Kenilworth to Virginia field, The fame will get under way at 10;3n IS a reeidtnt of Kenilworth. a,m. • » * The 'nil prngrflm of the Member! of the Botrd of Education and the OVFR 7,200 PEOPLE have already regin- Sumnvt Nature Club lp Mart- Ward family will take part in the ceremonies tered fo' the fall term of the Union County ing "i micl-iiriahf'r with sev- which will Jeaturp the presentation of the Regional Adult School program. It was «ui- DeVflbiss Softty Sentinel eral •i*thttip* nn the apsnriR, sign to tta srhonl. if will h» pinftwi «np rhi> nounced by Harry E, I Inlftn, dlrectBr of first on ihr n'heriiiif- is a press box. adult edueation. field trip Ort, 10-12 m the Although tome of tbe courses hive ben Chineol'-iip'" National WlW filled thmugh mall registration and during lilt Hrfupf, Virginia. Presbyterian unit in-person reglstraaon whieh wai completed Th" f'f ft sturtv jrnup ses- last week, Linkln said openings gUU exllt iion iu lift "1% 1.1 ind the •ep'int > liih mr-eUng on 'let. He paid interested residents of the Uniyn »S. A Is-, the [ir si of the will hold car wash, County Regional High School District aid Auduhon WiMlife (Urns will surrounding aresi may sign up for coupes ta be presentiil on Her, IT, the first night of elasi. Classes will hign Ihe thrro-Hay field trip to cake sale Saturday this coming week. Chincotfiipif National Wild- A car wash and cake sale will he held on The Regional Adult School offers propai^i lift Rpfugc will he under die Saturday at the Presbyterian Parish House at Arthur L. Johnson Regional Hl^ Sehool, leadrrship of Harold V, I'lan- parking lot, S7 Church Mall, sponsored by the Clark; David Breariey Regional High School, ders, president of the club. WestminaMr PeLlowihip, the high school pwip Kenilworth; Gov, Livingston Regional High The *mndydune*?, snlt marges School, Berkeley Heighti; Jonathan Dayton and af»as of pine and o»k of the church. Coffee will be served tn cuitomers by members of the poup, Regional High School, Springfield; and tile provide I'libitat for many spe- Llneoin School, Garwooi The program Is ciei of birds and animals, Samrday will also start a continuing project for the WF, which has asked member! of the sponsored by the Union County Regional High including the famous wild po- School District Board of Education, " ' nies of Chineoteape. congregatton to bring amber or clear bottles to the Parish Hous« for reeyeling. All bottles All Regional facilities, Including the adult Renrii'jvoiis is the Mariner ahould have the labels removed, Wesoninster school office, will be, dosed today and to- Safety Sentinel Motel, Ohincoteague, Va,, at Fellowship wlU ffansport the bottles to morrow because of Rosh Hashanah. The adult 8 a.m. on Oct. 10. For in- school office (376-6300) may be caUsd on fopmatiiin euneerning reser- Thatcher Class In Wharton for recycling as R.g. 9,95 »n aid In lolving the environmental problem. Monday for additional informaHon on CQurse SOVB 30% With Tt.|» f,»U|.»n vations, r carters may call npeningB, Mrs, |ohn R, Whitioek, 277- On 3und»y evening at 6:30 in the WF room 10M, on the second floor of the chapel, Mrs, William 0, Lupton Jr., of the Congregationa! Church 260 Humidifier The study group meets on Greenbaum attending tile second Tuetday of each PAWS FOR REFRESHMENT—Mary Smith, who wore her Ml bulldog costume daaplM in Short Hills, will discuss the work of the month at the Great Swamp Saturday'i 90-degrte heat to Cheer tor the Jonathan Dayton Re|ieiml High School football Billy Graham crusades, R«9, 15,95 Sanirday evening, Oct. 10, the group will college of dentistry" Save MS With This Coupon 12" Nsaire Center, jay road, turn, takes Btne out for a cool drink. With her is cheerleadir Gall FiBierhut, Mlis Smith and Susan Layton have been reiponilbli for providlnl the cosoune and raising fundi for a Sponsor a hayride to Franklin Township, Full QlaBiam, (rom B to 9:30 p,m.
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