TAKE YOUR CHOICE Separation or Mongrelization By Theodore G. Bilbo State Senator, Lt. Governor, twice Governor, three terms United States Senator, State of Mississippi DREAM HOUSE PUBLISHING COMPANY Poplarville, Mississippi, 1947 The incontrovertible truths of this book and its sincere warnings are respectfully inscribed to every white man and woman, regardless of nationality, who is a bona fide citizen of the United States of America. -- THEODORE G. BILBO TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Introduction by Earnest Sevier Cox I. The Race Issue-Our Greatest Domestic Problem II. Race and Civilization III. The Negro Problem in American History IV. Southern Segregation and the Color Line V. The Demands of the Negro Leaders VI. Inequalities of the White and Negro Races VII. False Interpretations of American Democracy VIII. False Concepts of the Christian Religion IX. The Campaign for Complete Equality X. Astounding Revelations to White America XI. The Springfield Plan and Such XII. The Dangers of Amalgamation XIII. Physical Separation-Proper Solution to the Race Problem XIV. Outstanding Advocates of Separation XV. The Negro Repatriation Movement XVI. Standing at the Crossroads Take Your Choice Separation or Mongrelization By Theodore G. Bilbo PREFACE THE TITLE of this book is TAKE YOUR CHOICE - SEPARATION OR MONGRELlZATION. Maybe the title should have been "You Must Take or You Have Already Taken Your Choice-Separation or Mongrelization," but regardless of the name of this book it is really and in fact a S.O.S call to every white man and white woman within the United States of America for immediate action, and it is also a warning of equal importance to every right- thinking and straight-thinking American Negro who has any regard or respect for the integrity of his Negro blood and his Negro race. For nine years I have read, studied and analyzed practically all the records and everything written throughout the entire world on the subject of race relations, covering a period of close on to thirty thousand years. For more than three years I have been writing the message of warning to the white men and women, regardless of nationality, of the United States that you will find recorded on the pages of this book. This book is not a condemnation or denunciation of any race, white, black or yellow because I entertain no hatred or prejudice against any human being on account of his race or color-God made them so. I have endeavored to bring to the attention of the white, the yellow. and the black races the incontrovertible truths of history over a span of thirty thousand years. all in an honest attempt to conserve and protect and perpetuate my own white race and white civilization, and at the same time impress especially the black and yellow races with the fact that they must join in an effort to protect the integrity of their own race, blood, and civilization. Be it said to the credit of the black or Negro race in the United States that no right-thinking and straight-thinking Negro desires that the blood of his black race shall be con- taminated or destroyed by the commingling of his blood with either the white or yellow races. The desire to mix, commingle, interbreed or marry into the white race by the Negro race is advocated largely by the mulattoes or mongrels who are now to an alarming degree found within the Negro race in this country. Surely every decent white man and woman in America should have cause to be alarmed over the mongrelization of their white race and the loss of their white civilization when Dr. Ralph S. Linton, a leading Professor of Anthropology of Columbia University, New York City, said just recently that at the present rate of intermarrying, interbreeding, and intermixing within nine generations, which is only 300 years, that there would be no white race nor black race in America- that all would be yellow. And in a recent article entitled "Who Is A Negro," Herbert Asbury makes the alarming and sickening statement that "more than two million United States Negroes have crossed the color line. contributing, among other things an ever-widening stream of black blood to the native white stock." In the face of these two startling statements, the truth of which is established beyond every reasonable doubt by the contents of this book. the time has arrived-the clock has struck, when something must be done immediately by every white man and woman in this great and glorious country to stay or to escape the certain and tragic fate that awaits the future of our children's children of generations yet to be born. It is indeed a sorry white man and white woman who when put on notice of the inevitable result of mongrelization of their race and their civilization are yet unwilling to put forth any effort or make any sacrifice to save themselves and their off-spring from this great and certain calamity. YOU MUST TAKE YOUR CHOICE! Personally, the writer of this book would rather see his race and his civilization blotted out with the atomic bomb than to see it slowly but surely destroyed in the maelstrom of miscegenation, interbreeding, intermarriage and mongrelization. The destruction in either case would be inevitable - one in a flash and the other by the slow but certain process of sin, degradation, and mongrelization. It is not too late - we can yet save the integrity and civilization of both the white and the black races. Many great men of the past have suggested the only solution - the only salvation. A physical separation as advocated from the days of Thomas Jefferson to the present is the only solution. To do this may be a Herculean task, but it is not impossible. On the pages of this book the author has tried to give you the indisputable truth, expose forces and influences that seek the amalgamation of our races and has pointed out the only proper solution to America's greatest domestic problem. May God in His infinite wisdom and mercy direct us and lead us into the ways of our only salvation. Theodore G. Bilbo, United States Senate The Dream House Poplarville, Mississippi August 1, I946 Go to Next Chapter Return to TYC - Table of Contents Take Your Choice Separation or Mongrelization By Theodore G. Bilbo INTRODUCTION BY EARNEST SEVIER COX WHEN SENATOR BILBO introduced his Greater Liberia bill (Full copy of this bill will be found in Appendix A in the United States Senate, April 24th, 1939, more than three-fourths of the Senate Gallery was occupied by Negro delegates whose several organizations had produced a giant Negro Petition asking Federal aid for Negroes who desire to migrate to Liberia and settle upon the lands held in trust by that country for American Negro colonists. The names in support of the Petition were listed fifty to each single sheet of paper, and totaled approximately two and one half million names. The Virginia General Assembly had memorialized the Congress to grant aid to Negroes who desire to continue the colonization of Liberia. The Senate of Mississippi had gone on record as favoring Federal aid for Negroes who desire to live in a Negro nation, and had proposed that the Federal Government should negotiate with France and Great Britain for large areas of land adjacent to Liberia to widen the borders of that country, payment for these lands to be credited upon debts owed by France and Great Britain to the United States. Such was the immediate support, white and black, which Senator Bilbo presented for his bill. But there was another form of support for his measure, that given by eminent American statesmen to the cause of Negro colonization. With the Negro Petition stacked in front of him and with a large number of Negro delegates intent upon his every word, Senator Bilbo, in a speech of more than two hours duration ably set forth the efforts made by Jefferson and Lincoln, and by other eminent Americans, to effect the colonization of the Negro. He pointed out that the efforts of Jefferson had been thwarted by the Slave Power, and that Lincoln's ideals had been repudiated and his plans reversed by a faction in Lincoln's own political party. Jefferson and Lincoln knew that a race problem is a biological one that cannot be solved save by separating the races, or by their blood amalgamation. This view of the race problem was advanced by Senator Bilbo in his introductory speech. The Negro petitions were received and by direction of the Vice President were referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. The bill (S. 2231) was not brought to a hearing because of the impending war. Senator Bilbo intends to bring forward the bill, or a similar measure, at an early period and his book with which we here deal gives evidence of the need and the feasibility of a racial separation movement. In the pages which follow the reader will find oftimes repeated the statement that a race problem arising from a contact of races is of a nature that precludes any form of solution save SEPARATION of the races or their blood AMALGAMATION. This analysis of the race question is a true one, and is known as well to the Negroes as it is to the whites. Neither race doubts that, if the Negro is not given a home of his own, the blood of the two races will tend to form a composite race and that the United States will eventually be a negroid nation. Separation and amalgamation are alternatives, and from these alternatives there can be no escape.
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