. to 1 new Steamship Barogomui, CrowelL Charleston, Jan 18, with from NYo'k, ar-ived Nor 6, for Sao Frunolaeo; Etbaa Allen. 1 ". denied Paul B. Du CbatUm »'t»o bad rrndei u<i su<* valuable teroau, imperatively demands that arrangement* mdee and era. u What nuiutxir of applications for roller have benefit or aiL paeaeug Arthur L,.rv- E«k Br), , for do ld«. winter. servlco to tbe cause ol science. (Applause.)' must l>« made lor the cobimu Charlceton. ". "'CM4H.1 Mount, Jan 7.At anchor In the reada, Ches THE STATE CAPITAL. '.be pruncui bo to tbia couveatioo in aaaeatlng to with maM. to K rni. wau.aroct mrRovsus-T*. The Preaidcul couvtyed >n a lee bnef remark* the can be beaK&tiea of the ^ftrra. ,|P "..lull, irom N York (or Lonloo. for the com¬ thauke oi the club u> Mr. Da Cbtuiln. ibe HtateiueDu try tbe dpetiai Commiiuiloaer de Chichester. Wilmington, NO. ,Jmi 1.Arrived mI« uuahiu MlM.Mlrpt.Klo Mr. Mr-tnnY tntrodurad a bill prev.ditjg ttrst stop for the *{*al°l,h'P. */*haeaa (fly oura NYork (and same for Brai Da', u. Tbi* concluded ti>« proceedings of the evening so '»f laierual Keveauo, 'that the practical jr..P , *>a passenger*. to James liana. left day. L; 4ik, br/g (FECIAL CIIKSPOUEUE Of IKE HERAU). pletion of the Waliabout improvvtcetii in HrooLly irom the burdens of taxa¬ Yaxuo, with nidsc and pas- moot Locke. Cochran, Barn doa (at.d aailed 10th for Rayt' HSU. ad regarded the mere intellectual portion. But tho reliof of the country present Hi-dgas, Jfcrfo.k, GA1*. *»i moat fo N L . k)i .ch* not u(T "llow of tion should ** rt> trench men t. Immediate MoCreadyr. .. ***. J«ly.»h»v Tim Re>obHcan Rfntr t'onventlow.The "New Mr. Noktoh moved resolutions requesting our P.epre- "feaat of reason" did paas without a cent of the amount /*flg Emily Comer .(Br). Savanna-lvMar. *) Burter!?!? its coura* amid the exhilarating w- "ihat not over ttrty per Chnatle, Jan 4. saw a Hai'ed 704, brig Edith. York i'oor Uelief Fund-Ucwatil for Con- seniative* ia Coagrose to urge tne passage of au act soul1, that pursued extstu>ivs;" taxes received lata days, with logwood, to A II Rolomon A Co. Putnam, Mlragoane: achra Magm.- 01 the iissuiisod Internal revenue i# fore and alt WO tone burthen, Kills , to lor i tie iioproveuiaul of Hell Uate cbauuoi. Helerrod. fiuencee of re. ktrvht refreshments served la aouudance of schr, painted black about ; 8lh, Addle Bytraon, Uougiito. (TSMloRtl Anion KenaT* the H«ll date and witb to all the who were loud iq the The trouble la not In the character aabore on Colorado Heel, with loea of foremast; appeared Trlo'da? courtesy visitors, Treasury. admin stratlon and to her. Obstruction*. 1 oiitirmatlaa of G«w|e U. taxation, but the character of the to have gone aabore , saw a wrecking echr going Uod* (Br>- 1UM fr,wv praise of the very pleasant eveulag they bad spent. The t Cjudha* with Buw^t LIm»I* as Health Coininlealnner. of lha club cauia tu for a to collect the taxsa. A reform In been II days north of Uattsras atroug ASSEMBLY. Tba President and Secretary machinery employed taxation be. not galea. ta r 1868. full abare of credit for the handsome manner in admiaiuratiOB will admit of a reduction of therly to repori^ ?leant, Jan. 22, " 'That relief ahould be Brig Stephen BUhop. Olbsoo, Hew Haven, In ballaft, session which tbla lotallactual treat waa afforded to an appreci- youd tbe llmita Indicated. tuaner. 8ava*«alaMar. Jan l_No vessels to port. The ninety-first of the Legislature of the Stat* Albany, Jan. "A 18M. afforded to tbe extent poaaible by the removal hchr H 0 with v aLrira1to- Doeft.Arrived. Bhlp alive and pleased audience. greatest when Mackay, McMullin, Fortune Bay, herring, OaaMla.Waldav.Vcw «T New York, m the present one it cffleisty known on nn.iM nmtorccn). of taxea which Impede production.taxea which, to Ohaa Shearer. York for San Yranelaeo, put In to repair rudder head. Lien law tirat were drawn irom profit*, and were there- Bohr Kuergy, Brown, Fortune Bar, IB days, with harriug. Bailed prior to ijeo 16. abipa Win Llbbv. Mlnot ifrow Ca- the record, baa been a very quiet and some might even lly Mr. Kikhxah. lo amend the Mechanic*' impoeed, but with the to C hM Shearer. Uo). City of Boston, Dakar (front Howtnnd'a Island V of New York TDK !TtW KtOLlffD HAflFiCTlRKftS Ifl fore, to a certain extent, Justified, which, ccbr Oen with her¬ ge ee far is te say a very itupid one. The modest cHjr. of proaent reduction of fall mainly opon capltaL" Grant, Kenny, Forton* Bar. 19 daya, Cork^ By Mr. W. S. Culrk.To provide for the completion CODICIL* values, taxea which ring. to Chaa Mioerer. In port 16th. ship Florslla. Peabodr, eh id to load goan» determination of the democratic leaders to prevent the the Albany ami Buaquehauna Kaliroad. And "that a removal or all the internal Bchr Auule F Clark, Wheatley. Jama* River, Va. In tke bajr ta Cork for order* ; bark Caroline Lamoot, See¬ of will be followed by a* 8chr J M . doing ofanything which might tend te the discredit ef the By Mr. Qashuolck.'lo prevent the intermarriage materially impede production Kloharda. Wnght, Baltimore. ker; dp do. bark first cousins. Immediate and great revival of domestic industry." Bohr Marlon Jackson. Batta. Camden. Mo. WaAaroA, Not 23--In port Penang, ratten, Tn» party baa made the body quite a prude , and all legislation SPECIAL COmSPOWDtHCE OF THE HERALO. With one of Mr. Wells, speaking lor my¬ Hchr J T Alburger, Corson, Portland, Me, for Phlladel- MHmbm. motmhs xnn rwoiptioxs. proposition a. Yokohama, Dec 6.In port steamship New Tork, JLm.h, tbus Car baa been carried on in a very unassuming man¬ a be to self I do not agree. Under a depresaed condition phi By Mr. P. Beans.That committee appointed Great flattoriig of Maaalaclarer. In Wop- only, and unwise to bchr W Collin, Smith. (Horn-ester, from N York rla Hong Kong, arrived Nov 3. one; ship Rh ner. w a the Waier Board of and ascortain of ailatrs it seems to me unnecessary hchr War da ( Storm. from .NYork, arrived Not IB, for Man Fn. How long the spoilsmen will remain tractable investigate Brooklyn tester, iU«»a.-The Proceedings ml the «¦* an of in ad¬ Eagle, Keller, Providence. Br), in raise as Item taxation, 0 -. from NYork, arrived Mot U whether any of ttie members have been interested $60,000,000 annually Schr Trowbridge, WfiaOB, . elaoo: barka Alcyone. Stiplea, <lueetlon for tbe future. All sides have behaved tbem- tioiml Jlisoutfacturers' »¦ * dition to the amount required to pay all expenses and Steamer Martha htevens, Chance Baltimore. for do, diag; Benefactor, Berrv, for do ldg. contracts. Tabled. re¬ Ma* Yer. MHree decorously up te tbis time. 8. Andrews.That a committee be Ap¬ land Endoraed.A Call 'far th® tt«maval of tbe interest on tbe publlo debt, for the purpose of Steamer United States, Dav.a, Kail Kiver. Ballad No* 14, barka >waal»y (Br), Mnldrum, My Mr. W. A nail do; »th, ship Chryeollln (B: . into the and management All Tuxatloa on tho Necesoliles of lafe. ducing the public debt to that extent in each year. Slat, (Br), Boblnaon, IBS BBFCBLICA1I STATS CONVENTION. pointed to inquire proceedings in a much more BELOW. Mofberaou, do. of the Brooklyn Prospect Park and report what regula¬ WoRcssts*, Mass., Jan. 22, IMS. Wealth In the United Mates Increases Brig A Chase, from Antlaua. Porta. The primary elections for delegates to tbe Republican to the said Com¬ ratio than The increaae of population Mary American tion, ir any, Is necessary in referenoe The manufacturers and the different rapid population. and from I860 BOSTON, Jan 21.Cleared ataamcr McClellan, Haw. i State Convention took place in some of the country dis¬ mission; also that the committee be instructed U> inquire repressntatlveaof from 1840 to 1860 was 36 87-100 per cent, SAILED. Baltimore Tla Norfolk; bark O T Kemp (Br), Whiting, <!; t<«- of said Board Is directly or indi¬ branches of New assembled m conten¬ to 1KOO 36 69 100 per cent. The increase in value of real Kteamshlpa Persia, and Pennsylvania, Liverpool; Rising aohr Uuillwa tricts last night. Although the machine was attempted >v aether any member England Industry was Star. Brunette, Havana, Thames, and Zodiac, Town, COU, and Aloua Bay; Ielutnah, llall, in speculations in real estate adjoining in the estate and personal property for the former decade Asplnvrall; Bermuda. to be ran in the Interest of Governor there was rectly interested tion In Mechanics' Hall, tbis city, to-day, for pur¬ 7-10 cent. We Savannah: Virgo, do; Jas Adger, Charleston; Saratoga, Uveri n 1 t Fenton, to send for per- 64 per cent, and for the iattor 139 per t9d.Arrived, steamship Aleppo (Br), HarrtooD, Said Park; the committee to have power of and definite action to which ahall be suf¬ Norfolk; ships Nrtw World, ana VlUafrauca, London; Jaa e greet deal of opposition, and In one district.that of luuti snd p*pors, pose consulting taking promote must raise an amouut of revenue A Marnier, Havre; Gold Ilunter, Sao Francisco; barks K the which waa their interests. The of the ficient to meet anuual expenses and Interest ou tbe pub- Caruaua. and Lord favorite, and Mar- ^yfiSrMOBEi Jan 11.Arrived, aohr* C C Clark, Fostt.-, . Mr. coh^wsll Introduced following, specific purpose gathering i'almoraton; brigs Han Bias.
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