31.05.2021 HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE ANU MALHOTRA WILL NOT BE HOLDING COURT TODAY. DATES WILL BE GIVEN BY THE COURT MASTER, URGENT MENTIONING, IF ANY, BE MADE BEFORE HON'BLE THE JUDGE INCHARGE. CLICK HERE: 1.NOMINATED COUNSEL FOR APPEARING BEFORE HON'BLE HIGH COURT,DISTRICT COURTS,CIC(VIDE CIRCULAR NO.264/LIT./MISC./2021 DATED 24.5.2021) CLICK HERE: 2. CORRIGENDUM CLICK HERE: 3.ADVOCATES-ON-RECORD ARE THE NOMINATED COUNSEL BEFORE HON'BLE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA FOR HIGH COURT OF DELHI DELETION NOTE 1. W.P.(C) 3578/2021 LISTED BEFORE HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE REKHA PALLI AT ITEM NO 27 IS DELETED AS THE SAME IS LISTED BEFORE HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE PRATHIBA M. SINGH. 2. W.P.(C) 5609/2021 LISTED BEOFORE HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE PRATHIBA M. SINGH AT ITEM 14 IS DELETED AS THE SAME IS LISTED BEFORE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE PRATEEK JALAN. HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI No.289/RG/DHC/2021 Dated: 23-04-2021 O FFICE ORD ER In continuation of this Court's Office Order No.4/RG/DHC/2021 dated 23.4.2021, it is further directed that in view of the prevailing circumstances, wherever so required, the concerned Counsel or party-in-person may,at the time of filing any petition, etc., submit an application seeking exemption from filing sworn/affirmed affidavit(s). Sd/- (MANOJ JAIN) REGISTRAR GENERAL SYSTEM OF HEARING OF MATTERS BEFORE DELHI HIGH COURT WITH EFFECT FROM 19.04.2021. IN CONTINUATION OF THIS COURT'S OFFICE ORDER NO.223/RG/DHC/2021 DATED 08.04.2021, KEEPING IN VIEW THE ALARMING RISE IN THE COVID-19 CASES IN THE NCT OF DELHI, IT HAS BEEN ORDERED THAT ALL THE HON'BLE BENCHES OF THIS COURT SHALL, WITH EFFECT FROM 19.04.2021, TAKE UP EXTREMELY URGENT MATTERS FILED IN THE YEAR 2021 ONLY. IT HAS BEEN FURTHER ORDERED THAT THE OTHER PENDING ROUTINE/NON-URGENT MATTERS AND THE MATTERS FILED/LISTED BEFORE THIS COURT BETWEEN 22.03.2020 AND 31.12.2020 SHALL NOT BE TAKEN UP BY THIS COURT AND SUCH MATTERS SHALL BE ADJOUNED ”en bloc” AS PER THE DATES ALREADY NOTIFIED. IN CASE OF ANY EXTREME URGENCY, THE REQUEST IN THE PENDING MATTERS MAY BE MADE ON THE ALREADY NOTIFIED DESIGNATED LINK. 1.COMMON LINK FOR THE CAUSE LIST OF THE HON'BLE DB-II IS AS UNDER: CLICK HERE TO JOIN VC https://delhihighcourt.webex.com/meet/dhcecourtvc3 2.COMMON LINK FOR THE CAUSE LIST OF THE HON'BLE DB-VI IS AS UNDER: CLICK HERE TO JOIN VC https://dhcvirtualcourt.webex.com/join/dhcvirtualcourt15 3.COMMON LINK FOR THE CAUSE LIST OF THE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE VIBHU BAKHRU IS AS UNDER: CLICK HERE TO JOIN VC https://dhcvirtualcourt.webex.com/meet/dhcvirtualcourt10 4.COMMON LINK FOR THE CAUSE LIST OF THE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE SURESH KUMAR KAIT IS AS UNDER: CLICK HERE TO JOIN VC https://dhcvirtualcourt.webex.com/join/dhcvirtualcourt9 5. LINK FOR THE CAUSE LIST OF THE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE YOGESH KHANNA IS AS UNDER: CLICK HERE TO JOIN VC https://dhcvirtualcourt.webex.com/meet/dhcvirtualcourt12 6. LINK FOR THE CAUSE LIST OF THE HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE REKHA PALLI IS AS UNDER: CLICK HERE TO JOIN VC https://dhcvirtualcourt.webex.com/meet/dhcvirtualcourt18 7.COMMON LINK FOR THE CAUSE LIST OF THE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE SUBRAMONIUM PRASAD IS AS UNDER: CLICK TO JOIN VC https://delhihighcourt.webex.com/meet/dhcecourtvc13 8.COMMON LINK FOR THE CAUSE LIST OF THE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE RAJNISH BHATNAGAR IS AS UNDER: CLICK HERE TO JOIN VC https://dhcvirtualcourt.webex.com/meet/dhcvirtualcourt5 NOTE 1. CAUSE LIST OF CASES FILED BETWEEN 01.01.2018 TO 21.03.2020 SHALL NOT BE PUBLISHED TILL FURTHER ORDERS. UNIFORM INDEX ON THE APPELLATE SIDE FOR FILING OF ANY PETITION/APPEAL Master Index Sr. Particulars Page No. No. Listing Proforma Index 1. Urgent Application 1 2. Notice of Motion with proof of service 2 3. Scrutiny Charges/Demand Draft 3 4. Court Fees 4 5. Memo of Parties 5 6. List of Dates & Events/Synopsis/Format 6-9 (Injury /Death) 7. Opening Sheet 10 8. Plaint/Petition/Appeal 11-20 9. Affidavit 21 10. Impugned order/ Letter/ Notice/Circular 22-40 /Notification, if any. 11. Documents / FIR/ Chargesheet/ Status 41-45 Report/ other Annexures, if any. 12. Trial Court record with Index, if any 13. CM Applications with Affidavit 14. Certificate, if any 15. Board of Resolution/Authority Letter/GPA (whichever applicable) 16. Vakalatnama Note:1. Each and Every Annexure/Document should be properly paginated and page numbers must be shown in the index. Note:2. Henceforth, no filing shall be accepted if, it is not in compliance with the above proforma. .' IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI No. / Lit.j Misc.j2021 Dated: CIRCULAR It is h ereby circulated for information of all concerned that t he following Advocates ar e the Nominated Counsel fo r appearing before Hon'b le Delhi High Court, District Courts, CIC etc. on behalf of High Court of Delhi in respect of cases in which High Court of Delhi is impleaded as a pa rty under Ru le I -A, 1-8 of Chapter 4 -F(b ), Volume V of High Court Rules a nd O r ders, for acceptance o f ser vice: - 1. Mr. Syed Ahmad Sa ud, Advocate, 2 01 , Setalvad Block , Lawyer s Cha m ber s, Suprem e Court of India, New Delhi. Mobile: 99 1001 3800 2. Ms. Anu Bagai, Advocate, 327, Lawyers Cha mber s, Delhi High COLIn, New Delhi- lI0003. Mobile: 9810096764 3 . Ms. Sonia Sharma, Advocate, 137-A, Lawyer s' Ch ambers, Delhi High Court, New Delhi- lI0503. Mobile: 98 111111 993, 9582228856 4. Mr. Saurabh Ban erj ee, Advocate, 4 15, Lawyer 's Ch amber, Delh i High Cour t , Sher Shah Suri Road, New Delhi- 110003. Mobile: 9 3 10182282 5. Mr. Rajat Aneja, Advocate, C-60, L. G.P., J an gpura Extension, New Delhi- J 100 14. Phone: 011-43511991-94 6. Mr. Ankit Jain , Advocate, 390 , Lawyer s Cha mber B lock - II , Delhi High Court, Sher Shah I<oad, New Delhi- 110003 . Mobile: 98 J 0737362 . 7 . Mr. Gaurav Agrawal, Advocate, E- I08, Greater I(ailash Part- II , Near Arya Sa m aj Mandir, New Delhi - J 10048 . Mobile: 98 11 284039 8 . Mr. K. Para m eshwar , Advocate, 108, Tower 12, Supreme Enclave, Mayur Vih a r Phase-I , Delhi-l10091. Mobile: 98 18113824 9 . Dr. Amil Geor ge, Advocate, 1'- 16, Green Park Extension, G reen Park, Delhi- 1 100 16, Mobile No. 99 10524364. 10. Mr. Amit Gupta, Advocate on Record, G-7 , ,lSI Floor, Masjid Moth , Gr eater Kailash -2, New Delhi- l10048, Mobile No. 98 10273846. 11. Mr. AnLirag Ahluwalia, Advocate, A-46, LG F, Defen ce Colony, New Delhi- 110024, Mobile No. 9811418995. 12 . Mr. Gautam Narayan , Advocate, Chamber No. 2 1, Lawycrs Chamber s, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi. Mobile: 98 1141 1735. 13. Mr. I-l ir'cin Sh ar ma, Advocate, 394, Lawyer s C hamber s, Block II , Delhi High Court, Sher Sha h I<oad, New Delhi- I 10003, Mobile NO. 98 11 367 166. 14. Ms. Kavita Jha, Advocate on Record , 9 th Floor, Moha n Dev B uilding, 13, Tolstoy Marg, Ncw Delhi- l1000 1, Mobi le No. 98 18 174307. 15. Mr. Ka nhaiya Singhal, Advocate on Record, 0 - 143, LGF, Lajpat Nagar ­ I, New Delhi- l10024, Mobile No. 9212424765. 16. Mr. Kapil Dutta, Advocate, 431, Lawyers Chamber s, Delhi High Court, New Delhi Mobile No. 9811135509. 17 . Ms. Nidhi Raman, Advocate, Chamber No. 120, Block-I , Delhi High Court, New Delhi-110003. Mobile No. 9891088658. 18. Ms. Padma Priya, Advocate, A 355, LOP, Defence Colony, Delhi- 110024, Mobile No. 991053 1145. 19. Ms. Priyam Mehta, Advocate, C- lll, LGP, Defence Colony, New Delhi- 110024, Mobile No. 9953032272. 20. Ms. Rashmi Chopra, Advocate, Chamber No. 206, Lawyer 's Chamber, Delhi High Court, New Delhi- l 10003, Mobile No. 98 103 11 2 18 . 2 1. Mr. Shohit Chaudhry, Advocate, A- 19, LOP, Jangpura Extn. New Delhi- ll0014, Mobile No. 999909 1964. 22. Ms. Shubham Mahajan, Advocate, H -443, Udai Niketan, Naraina Vihar, New Delhi- II 0028, Mobile No. 971 1679754. 23. Ms. Vibha Mahajan, Advocate, 1-E/ 2 , Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi-110055, Mobile No. 98 107024 10. 24. Mr. Vibhor Garg, Advocate, C-29 1, Defence Col ony, New Delhi- 110024, Mobile NO. 98 11 352998. BY ORDER 5~ .- JOINT REGISTRAR (LIT IGATION) Endst. No. )...f,S-__ / Lit. / Misc./202 1 Da ted: ?- '-I \.s1 '"L , Copy forwa rde d for information and n e c e ssary a ction to:- 1. Registra r (IT) with the request to upload the same on the official website of High Court of Delhi. 2. The Registr ar (Listing) with the request to publish the same in the Daily Cau se List. ~he Secretary, Delhi High Court Bar Association , New Delhi. 4. Notice Board. ADMINISTRAT~(JUDL . ) (LITIGATION) IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI No. /Lit./Misc./2021 Dated: CORRIGENDUM With reference to Circular Nos. 267-70/Lit./Misc./2021 published on 24.05.2021 on the website of Delhi High Court, i.e. delhihighcourt.nic.in and published in Cause List for 25.05.2021, the name at Sr. No. 6, i.e. “Ms. Aishwarya Bhati, Advocate, 18, Todarmal Road, Bengali Market, New Delhi. Mobile: 9350852003” may be read as “6.
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