![1885-03-24, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
SPECIAL NOTICES. HOTKLA. log op a model adooatlooal tjtitm tbm. E rcnoiii.. B-lawoa. W T. WLTOOX, ELEOflOK FIIOCLAICATVOW. §nils %ttt& and §«fcafaiUM ProleMor ElliaoD wm for am yaw* • O. W. Boherta ha* gone to Mitobali on 1, •Tor Heal, reatdeot of Yankton eoanty aod ia wall btuineas. Mania's Ofnca. On of —Proelamati— ia lufebv F. M. Ziebaeh and Maris Taylor left 5 ANN KKN T—UOUM and forty NM, in city Raymond House, TUESDAY KVB. MABOH U, 1081k known to tbe resident* of onr oity. Blacksmithing given that the general r *' ejection for th* ? liuitt*, now d'oot; tauua* and >» low MU Oeorga Pratt, ebarfed witb ataaling for Washington, this morning. of otteeia for tbe will ba same • iu aero plough land adjoining eityi Me I i 15 acre. broke, (out mile* uorili of city i Yankton, Dakota. UAH.HOAU TMMMC TABLK. eattla on Willow creak, WM aiamined Hon. Geo, H. Hand and O. W. Kings­ Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paal Road.—Train, before Commissioner Ooogleton to-day bury, went to Elk Point to-day, NEWTON & WILCOX lifer aaireot• ileHerald ofli'C- HATM ND,. Proprietor leave and arrive aa follow.: O" Oity MarahaVto eaeeeed Cbaa. M-tf right; and held in theantnof flva bondred dol­ M. P. Oblmau and family left yeater- If ATEre-opened tbe shop occupied by T. /. •Jolt WENT—Two rmmu, carpeted. riutiuirabU Regular pa—rnger leave. IUUM tor tbe AA Williams on Oae4X.tr Traaaarer to anceeed Wm. BlaMi A lor offices, over firat National bank. eaatatO^ia. m* each day, Runaays eieepted, lars for tbe aotion of the grand Jary. Mr. day morning for tbe Mew Orleans eipoei- One tttj ioatic of the Fam, to eaeeeed and arrives at Vankton at 4:M p. m, each day, tion. Oeorga W. Robert.; L'OB BENT—Dealrable eeoend .tpry front \FEdIgIMAL ARTESIAN water pomewiag Holidays ezoepted. Pratt famished the bail and will be Douglas Avenue, Yankton. One Member of the Board of Bdaeation from room* over Blatt'estore. ' " moat healthful medicinal properties. Tbe eaet bound train naohee Gayville at 7:24 aronnd whan wanted. H. H. Smith and hi* father, A. ti. :heaeoond dUtrict to eaeeeed JoeiahR. San­ Bielaaiv* property of the boo**. a. m., Meckling at 7:tt a. m.. Vernttllioa at 8:11 born; a. m., liurbank atl:M a.m., Elk Point at #:10 Obarlea A. Oray, soliciting agent of Smith, started for Pennsylvania, this .b^Vri£r. Gi« ^".^{i*11 kiDd' U One..Meaiber of tbe Board of Bdaeation from i lOMfORTABLY furnished rooms to Mfc Term*—(IJOO per day. Free 'bu. to and from a. m., JeSersoo at (:45 a. m., MoOook at IM morning. * the fourth diatrict to eneceed William H. H. tf Enquire at th* northeast oornerofOedar all trains. a. m., and Riouz City at 10:20 a. m. tbe Fargo and Southern railroad, who Beadle; H. V. DOWUNO. The regular passenger train leave. Bioax City waa in Yankton a few daya ago, aaya Frank Jonea, of the college, departed One Alderman from tbe Firet ward to enoeeed and Hecond itreeta. forthewert, Rundays exoepted, at 1:20 p. m., . W. C. Morriaon; MoOook at 1:40 p. m., JpBeraoo at 1:52 pi m., that after April lit paaaengere leaving for his home at St. Helena, Neb., this One Alderman fram the Second ward lo eno­ VOR BBNT-A aeren room brloK houie with Qermania House Klk Point at 2:25 p. m., Bar bank at p. m., eeed Jaeob Branch; P woodabed,olsWrn and pump. ^ifteendol- Vermillion at S:18 p. m., Meekling at 1:40 p. m., all points in aonth Dakota will reacb morning. ExcursionTickets OneAlderman from the Third ward to eae- lara iwr month. Inquire of J. I*. BedaelU, , Uotigla* Avenue, near Tbird street, Oayville at 4:10 p. m. and arrive at Vankton at Fargo nest morning for breakfast via Hon. F.J. Waababaugb and wife, left oeed William B. Taleatiae: and jeweler. oprwlU tbie oMc*. Iankton, Dakota. 4t5tp.ai. OneAlderman from the Fourth ward to sae- Tbe weet bound train leavee Yanktao every Ortonville and tbe Fargo Southern rail­ Tankton for their home at Deadwood, oced Levi B. French. • OR BENT—Two etorerooma in Fenning- day, Bundaya enepted, at &KJC p. m.; Otioaat Each of th* above aaawd oficcTa will M X' tou'a block, corner ibird atreet end Douglas road. Leaving f areo at night will reacb thia morning. elected for the term of one fear, exeept th* avenue. Alw, aU large elegant room. «n 2nd 5:40 p. miliMterville at l:12p.m.;arrive.at Sootland at7 M p. m. any principal point in south Dakota for E. O. Kennedy, of Parker, came in aldermen, who .hall be elected for tbe lloor, aanie bu,ld,l,5bHN h. PENNINGTON. Th. train from tbe west leaves Sootland every term of two year*, aad th* member, Wallbaum & Becker, day, Buadaya excepted, at 8KKJ p. m.; Leeter' breakfast. Tbe line will probably be. from_ Scotland last night, and went to of the Board of Education for fear ville at i:W p. m.; Dtica at tlSB p. m., and extended to Flandrau this year, making* ®'0UI City to-day. yean, commenting on the aeoond Monday ia for Hale. PHOPLUETOLTS. reachea Iankton at 10:00 p. m. Yankton April, A. 1). 1885. and hold their reapeotive offi­ C. H. Lovin, of Independence, la, ce. until their aaoeeaaora are *I*et*d aad qual­ a through line to Kanaae City and St. ified. Every legal voter of the territory who lilOB HALK-ON GOOD TKBMS—Boiitb half Yankton Poetefflee Hours and Bagulatlona. Louis. formerly a clerk in the Yankton poet- ahall hav* b**n a reeident of, the citv thirty The poetoBoe is opened each day (Sundays daya next preceding eald election is entitled to iSfef-ssf£& «7».rrALW toepted) at 7 JO a. m. As near as can be ascertained tbe pro­ office, ia at the Morriaon. -TO vote at aaid election in the ward he re he re­ lo?S, block*', oentral Yaakton. Thin bonne in the headquarters for travelers The delivery windowa close at 8KX) p. m. Hon, A. Sheridan Jones, superintend­ nd M and not ebewhere. andi immigrants. Oood stabling iu connectioa The front door of the office ia kept open for posed change in railroad running time The polla will be kept open from 8 o'clock a. Real Ketate OiUce, Donglaa An, with tbe house. the aooommodation of owners of look boxes will take effect next Monday. It con­ ent of public instruction, and editor of i- until 4 o'clock p. m. and no longer. until midnight. tbe Olivet Rural Voice, is in tbe city. The Mud election will be held aa fellows: ALNH HALIC—Brick residence corner Qtb and The money order, postal note and registry de­ templates a train from Yankton to Sioux In the Firat Ward—At the truck hoaae on f Pine »U.. one »U>ry and basement—y rooms, partment open, at Ha. m. and cloaea at 4UI0 p. Mra. A. Whistler will start for Chicago Walnnt atreet. ijot livxltt. Terms, part eatb.. balance on<m Jommercial Hotel ~i. City, leaving here at 7:20 a. m. and NEW ORLEANS In the Second Ward—At the office of Phil K. time. A bargain can bo bad. iLnauiro of On Sundays the delivery windows are kept arriving in Sioux City about 11:30. At Thuraday morning, where she designs Faulk, Eaq., on Cedar atreet. We «!• ttllUOB. open from 10:S0tu 11:10a. m. The lobby of the In the Tbird Ward—At the office of the St. office is openalljday Hnndays for the accom­ 12:05 the train will leave Sionx City, purchasing heApring stock of millinery- Croix Lumber company, on Broadway atreet. I?OR BALK—One single biww, ... ....$4&U0 modation of persons renting lock boxes. Edward Diabro and hia sister, students AND RETURN. In tbe Fourth Ward—At the court bona* on I; ones-spring llutoners Wi<oo..** U W Mails going east via 0., M. A St. P, B. R, reaohing Yankton at 3:36 and leaving Donglaa avenue. 40 00 olose at 0:10a. m. Sundays excepted. of the college, left for their home in One top Boggy - JOHN A. STAFFORD, Prop. 1 here for Scotland at 3:45. It will arrive In witneM whereof I have hereunto Mt my One Backboard U U0 Malls going west' and— north via theth Chicago,_ . Iowa, this morning, to spend their va­ Limited, 45 days $33.00 . hand and cauaed the eeal of aaideUf to One Lumber Wa»on.... au oo Milwaukee & Bt.. Paul railroirailroad ' cloae' at 4^0p. from Scotland about 8:30 in the evening. rSxAL] be hereto afiixed thia 14th day of March, Kuauirc of M. P. uowlieg.; painter, bbop be- m., Snndaya excepted. cation. A. D.1I8S. By tbe Mayor: tween Cedar ana aecoou street i. Buggies Stage mails close at 8:00 p. m., except the There ia danger, under thie arrangement, Until June 1st- 947.8ft JAME8 K. wnnr, Mayor. Buggies St. Helena mail, which closes at 12:80 p. m. E. O. Smith, who returned from his bought and sold UL oouaimssion. IBBMS... ....11.00p«r day tbat tha eastern mail, which arrivea in Atteet: E. T. Wairx City Clerk. painted, etc. The eastern mail, via tb. U., M. A St, P. R, R., Jacksonville, Florida, and arrivea at &:00 p. m. Sioux City about noon, will lie over aojourn at Bismarck by way of Iowa, ar­ V. 8. BOWEN. P. M, ffula. until the next day.
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