NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 7, July -2020 INTERRELATIONS OF THE KHOQAND KHANATE WITH THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE (THE 1ST HALF OF THE 19TH OF CENTURY) SHERZODHON MAHMUDOV Dr. Senior research fellow, At the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT: It is true that in Central Asia were Relations of the Khoqand Khanate formed and developed several states and they with the Ottoman Empire begun and faced to crisis with the influence of some developed in the first half of the 19th factors. However, countries obliged to century. Diplomatic affairs of the Khoqand governing the existed political, socio-economic Khanate with the Ottoman Empire which life and used several means of statehood to played the most important role in its implement their duties proficiently. flourishing period from the end of the 18th Particularly, they tried to solve some problems century to 40s of the 19th century are less appeared in political, socio-economic life specially studied. Because, in this epoch the through establishing international relations. Khoqand Khanate was more developed One of these states was the Khanate of Khoqand country in political, cultural and social which formed in Central Asia in 1709. In the spheres comparing with other Khanates. The beginning its territory consisted of only the Russian Empire planned to conquer this Fergana valley. Later, some territories of state firstly. modern Kirghizstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan It could be said that early diplomatic were united under the Khanate. relations between the Khoqand Khanate and Scholars who studied the history of the the Ottoman Empire began between1819- Khanate paid more attention to its foreign 1820. In the Ottoman archives can be found relations. They especially investigated the more data about diplomatic reltions of two relationship of the Khanate with the Russian countries. Empire, China, East Turkistan, the Emirate of This article analyzes the relationship Bukhara and the Khanate of Khiva. However, between the Khoqand Khanate and the relations of he Khanate with the Ottoman Ottoman Empire on the basis of manuscript Empire begun and developed in the first half of sources and Ottoman archival documents. the 19th century was left out of the sight of KEYWORDS: Khoqand Khanate, Ottoman scholars. Empire, interrelation, diplomatic relation, In some inquiries are met information Ottoman archive. which the Khoqand Khanate asked aids from bordering countries and the Ottoman Empire in INTRODUCTION: the 60s of the 19th century while the begun its International relations took an important annexation to territories of the Khoqand significance in the development of each country. Khanate. However, diplomatic affairs of the Without studying the international relation, it is Khoqand Khanate with the Ottoman Empire impossible to investigate history, formation and which played the most important role in its development of the statehood of the every flourishing period from the end of the 18th country. century to 40s of the 19th century are not specially studied. Because, in this epoch the 268 | P a g e NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 7, July -2020 Khoqand Khanate was more developed country for getting military aid but getting spiritual in political, cultural and social spheres aid[1]. Threatening of Emirate of Bukhara comparing with other Khanates. The Russian instead of uniting while Russian Empire Empire planned to conquer this state firstly. appeared on the borders of the Khanate was a It could be said that early diplomatic painful situation. From this point of view, Umar- relations between the Khoqand Khanate and the khan considered the Ottoman Empire as the Ottoman Empire began between 1819-1820. Centre of the Caliphate and asked Sultan However, in the Ottoman archives can be found Mahmud II to send a credential letter, a sword data about the beginning of diplomatic relations and a standard of banner. M.Saray analyzed the earlier than these years. attitude of Ottomans to this letter in his Information about diplomatic relations researches. However, scholars acknowledge of of the two countries is mentioned in Muntakhab not having the response letter. In Muntakhab al- al-tawarikh written by Muhammad Hakim tawarikh is given some information about Khan Tura which considered one of the response letter of Mahmud II and his sending important books to illustrate the history of credential letter, sword and standard of banner. Khanate. According to this sources, khan of According to Muhammad Hakim Khan Tura, Khoqand Sayyid Amir Umar-khan (1810-1822) Head of the Ottoman Empire Mahmud II sent his sent Sayyid hadji Mirqurbon as an ambassador ambassador with Sayyid Hadji Mirqubon and to Sultan Mahmud II. However, there is not two ambassadors from the Khanate of Khiva mentioned the purpose of sending ambassadors came with them. The author himself to the Ottoman Empire[2]. participated to receive the ambassadors. As it is The letter sent by Amir Umarkhan to mentioned in Muntakhab al-tawarikh , Sulton Sultan Mahmud is kept in the Ottoman archive Mahmud II had sent a sword, two revolvers, two in Istanbul and the first information about it ©Æ£µ¨°≤≥ °Æ§ ¥®• £≤•§•©°¨ ¨••≤ ¶ ò®° ¶ was given by Japan scholar Hisao Kamatsu[3]. +®°Æ≥ó[2]. In my opinion, Amir of Bukhara and Moreover, Turkish scholar Mehmet Saray[6;7] Khan of Khiva had to know about it. One of the also saed that there was sent only one letter by reasons of increasing of the authority of the Amir Umarkhan. The meaning of this letter was Khoqand Khanate among Central Asian published by literary scholar Hamidulla Khanates could be the credential letter of Sultan Boltaboyev on newspaper of ò5•©≥¥°Æ Mahmud II to Amir Umarkhan. adabiy¥© ° ≥°ï°¥©ó !≤¥ °Æ§ ¨©¥•≤°≤• ¶ Besides, handwritten copy of The Holy Uzbekistan) on 24 October 1997[5]. But it must Quran kept in the library of Istanbul University be mentioned that the letter is not considered has connections with this diplomatic relations the original copy of the letter which Amir directly. The Book kept under the number of Umarkhan had sent and it is translated version A6540 in the library of the University. In the in Turkish. ¶©≥≤¥ ¨• ¶ ò#°¥°¨• ¶ !≤°©£ In this letter was written that ®°ï≥ manuscripts of the library of the University of worrying about military annexation of the )≥¥°¨ó is given information about this Russian Empire being bult in the frontiers of book[4]. Stamp of the Khan of Khoqand was put Khanate and political acts of Amir of Bukhara on the second and last pages of the Book. The against the Khoqand Khanate on Kashgar stamp was in almond shape and it was written question. òAmir al-muslimin sayyid Muhammad Umar bin Amir Umar-®°ï≥ main target of Norbuta-khan 1229ó. Although the two stamps sending a letter to the Ottoman Empire was not belong to Umarkhan, they have differences in 269 | P a g e NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 7, July -2020 their shapes. Moreover, there is no date of the Academy of Science of the Republic of second stamp. If we compare this The Holy Uzbekistan under the number 12136. In the Quran with the others copied in the Khoqand work was illustrated socio-political situation in Khanate, we can see great differences. the period of Malla-khan and his son Sulton Decoration of the Book with gold and beautiful Sayid-Khan (1863-1865) as the author himself ornaments shows its preparation as a special was the participant of the events. The author gift. worked in several posts as mirzaboshi, shigovul Ambassador Sayyid hadgi Mirqurbon in the governance of Khoqand Khanate. brought the copy of the Book as a special gift to According to his information, in 1865 the head of Ottoman with himself. Seeing the Ahmadhodja Eshon was sent as an ambassador Muskhaf being kept in Istanbul is a fact that it to Istanbul hoping to take military aid from was prepared for a gift to Sultan Mahmud II. In Sultan Sayid-Khan[8]. However, they were some rare books is mentioned that the Khan of informed that the ambassador was being kept in Khoqand had prepared manuscript of other Yarkend by Chinese militants. Chief Commander works specially and sent them to the Sultans of !¨©±¨© ≠•©ØÆ•§ ¥®• Æ•£•≥≥©¥ ¶ °°≥≥°§≤ï≥ the Ottoman Empire. For instance, specialist on visit to Istanbul at the Body of State apparatus literature Miyon Buzruk Solihov says about Kengash and sent Muhammad Yunusjon !©≤ 5°≤®°ï≥ £Ø¨¨•£¥©ØÆ òMuhabbatnomaó shigovul to make free the ambassador and send (poems of love) based on the works of Navoiy, to Istanbul. Then, Muhammad Yunusjon Lutfiy his works and sending them as a gift to shigovul went to Kashgar and made agreement the Khalifa of the Ottoman Empire. with Chinese officials in collaboration with the òMuhabbatnomaó ≥• !©≤ 5°≤-khan is Head of Kashgar. He sent Hoji Meliboy as an kept in the ©Æ ¥®• §•°≤• ¶ ò2°≤• ≥ó ambassador to Istanbul instead of Ahmadhoja with the number of T 5452 at the Library of Eshon and returned [8]. The author did not give Istanbul in present days. The book was also any information about the results of this visit. prepared elegantly. So, Amir Umar-khan prepared The Holy Quran as priceless book with CONCLUSION: above-mentioned books and delivered them to This must be mentioned that it is difficult the Sultan by his ambassadors. Because, The to illustrate the information by studying the Holy Quran was always considered priceless sources belong to one group. In my opinion, among gifts between the Heads of States in Archive documents must be used in the future every period. In the experience of investigations.
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