2020 Index 407 Index to Volume 134 Compiled by William Halliday Acorn, J., 205 Boar, Eurasian Wild, 132 Activity, Boreal, 125, 329 Daily, 353 Boxes, Nest, 125 Seasonal, 248 Bradley, D.W., 152 Aegolius British Columbia, 1 acadicus, 125 Central, 265 funereus, 125 Lower Mainland, 60, 210 Alberta, North-central, 248, 361 Clear Hills, 125 North Thompson River, 252 Edmonton, 205 Prince George, 152 Rocky Mountains, 241 Salish Sea, 316 Alces americanus, 361 Brochez, C.B., R.V. Rea, S.M. Crowley, D.P. Hodder. Archer, S.K., G. Dennison, L. Tryon, S. Byers, A. Dun­ Year­round patterns of mineral lick use by Moose ham. Invertebrate settlement and diversity on a glass (Alces americanus), deer, and Elk (Cervus ca­ sponge reef, 1–15 nadensis) in north­central British Columbia, Armstrong, T., 213 361–374 Asymmetry, Brodo, I., 113 Fluctuating, 136 Brome, Smooth, 156 Skeletal, 136 Bromus inermis, 156 Autumn, 248 Brook, R.K., M.J. Clarke. Interactions between Elk (Cervus canadensis) and invasive Feral Swine (Sus scrofa) on the Canadian Prairies, 132–135 Baryluk, S., 144 Browne, C.L., S.A. Sullivan, D.F. McAlpine. Fresh­ Bat, Little Brown, 248 water turtle by­catch from angling in New Bruns­ Bayne, E.M., 125, 136 wick, Canada, 222–230 Beaver, American, 342 Brunton, D.F., M.A. Krichbaum, R.S. Krichbaum, Bees, Bumble, 16 P.C. Sokoloff. Distribution and status of Howell’s Beetle, Burying, 217 Quillwort (Isoetes howellii, Isoetaceae) in Canada Behaviour, 132 and its relation to Bolander’s Quillwort (Isoetes Aggregation, 175 bolanderi), 252–264 Epimeletic, 316 Brunton, D.F., P.M. Catling, B. Kostiuk. Tribute to Hunting, 42, 205 “The Snake Man”, Francis Russell Cook, Ph.D., Nesting, 329 C.M. (1935–2020), 71–84 Vocal, 117 Bullsnake, 175 Béland, P., 21 Burden, Mercury, 136 Beluga, 21 Burrow, 329, 353 Bergerud, A.T., B.E. McLaren, W. Dalton, L. Camps, Butler, H., 342 H. Butler, R.S. Ferguson. Changes among Caribou By­catch, (Rangifer tarandus) in Slate Islands Provincial Angling, 222 Park following successive arrivals of Gray Wolves Fishing, 222 (Canis lupus), 342–352 Byers, S., 1 Beringia, 231 Bill, H., 42 Bioacoustics, 117 Camera, Trail, 132 Biodiversity, 165 Cameron, A.D.S., 16 Bird, 117, 125, 136, 152, 205, 217, 321, 329 Camps, L., 342 Bison, 161 Canada, Maritime, 375 Bison bison, 161 Canis Bivalve, 179 latrans, 36 Bombus, 16 lupus, 36, 342 408 The Canadian Field-Naturalist Vol. 134 Cannings, R.A., T. Goward, W.F. Merilees. Tribute to Corbicula fluminea, 179 R. Yorke Edwards, 1924–2011, 270–294 Cougar, 265 Card, J., 205 Court, G., 205 Carex Cover, Foliage, 156 duriuscula, 231 Coyote, 36 filifolia, 231 Crayfish, Southern White River, 375 lupuliformis, 171 Creeper, Brown, 117 Caribou, 342 Crithidia expoeki, 16 Northern Mountain, 265 Crowley, S.M., 361 Caskenette, A.L., 64 Curlew, Long­billed, 152 Castor canadensis, 342 Cyperaceae, 171, 231 Catharus fuscescens, 321 Catling, P.M., 71 Dalley, K.L., 307 Catling, P.M. Carolyn Callaghan—stop stepping Dalton, W., 342 down!, 404 Deer, Catling, P.M., B. Kostiuk, T. Armstrong. New records Mule, 361 of grasshoppers (Orthoptera) from the Northwest White­tailed, 361 Terri tories, 213–216 DeGroot, L., 265 Catling, P.M., B. Kostiuk. Disjunctions of Needle­ Delaney, D., 205 leaved Sedge (Carex duriuscula) and Thread­ Delphinapterus leucas, 21 leaved Sedge (Carex filifolia) in the Husky Lakes DeMarco, K.V.B., P.R. Martin. A case of a Pus tu la­ area of Northwest Territories—first records for the ted Carrion Beetle (Nicrophorus pustulatus, Cole­ Canadian true Arctic and possible Pleistocene rel­ optera: Silphi dae) burying live Tree Swallow icts, 231–240 (Tachycineta bicolor, Passeriformes: Hirun din i­ Certhia americana, 117 dae) nestlings under the nest, 217–221 Cervus canadensis, 132, 241, 361 Dennison, G., 1 Cetacean, 21 Deichsel, G., 60 Change, Diet, 21, 64 Climate, 52 Diplocolenus configuratus, 156 Ecosystem, 21 Distribution, 36, 52, 60, 144, 213, 307 Charles, C., 64 Canadian, 16 Chelydra serpentina, 56, 222 Disturbance, Anthropogenic, 52 Chorus, Dawn, 117 Diversity, 1 Chrysemys Insect, 156 picta, 56, 222 Domahidi, Z., S.E. Nielsen, E.M. Bayne, J.R. Spence. picta picta, 222 Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus) and Northern Cicadellidae, 156 Saw­whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) breeding re­ Cipriani, J., 113 cords in managed boreal forests, 125–131 Circadian, 353 Doratura stylata, 156 Clam, Doridoxa ingolfiana, 165 Asian, 179 Doridoxidae, 165 Fingernail, 56 Draft Minutes of the 141st Annual Business Meeting Clarke, M.J., 132 (ABM) of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club, 14 Columba livia, 205 January 2020, 103–112 Competition, Apparent, 265 Dreissena Concealment, 152 polymorpha, 179 Connell, C.B., 375 rostriformis bugensis, 179 Consiglio, J.A., M.J. Oldham. An update to the distri­ Drummond, R., 161 bution of the Endangered False Hop Sedge (Carex Dunham, A., 1 lupuliformis Sartwell ex Dewey; Cyperaceae) in Dynamics, Predator­prey, 265 Ontario, 171–174 Contact, Indirect, 132 Ecology, 213 Contents, Stomach, 64 Evolutionary, 217 2020 Index 409 Foraging, 21 Grassland, Fescue, 156 Nesting, 329 Grief, Animal, 316 Winter, 161 Gulo gulo, 147 Editors’ Report for Volume 133 (2019), 201–204 Gyrfalcon, 205 Eider, Common, 136 Elk, 132, 241, 361 Habitat, Nesting, 321, 329 Elliptio, Eastern, 56 Hamel, J.­F., 165 Elliptio complanata, 56 Hanke, G.F., G. Deichsel. First record of an Italian Enders, E.C., T. Nagalingam, A.L. Caskenette, T.A. Wall Lizard (Podarcis siculus) in British Ru dolf sen, C. Charles, D.A. Watkinson. Diet Columbia, Canada, 60–63 of a rare Canadian fish species, Carmine Shiner Hanke, G.F., 210 (Notropis percobromus) in the Birch River, Hanrahan, C., 113 Manitoba, Canada, 64–70 Haplotypes, Coyote­wolf, 36 Equus ferus caballus, 265 Hare, Snowshoe, 342 Estuary, St. Lawrence, 21 Harms, N.J., 161 Expansion, Range, 52, 60, 144, 171, 179, 210, 213 Harpley, P., 321 Extension, Range, 52, 60, 144, 171, 179, 210, 213, 307 Hawey, C., P. Harpley, R. Milne. Habitat use by Veery (Ca tha rus fuscescens) in southern Ontario, Falco 321–328 mexicanus, 205 Hazelton, P.D., 56 rusticolus, 205 Hebblewhite, M., 241 Falcon, Hedstrom, H., 205 Prairie, 205 Hemiptera, 156 Winter, 205 Hermaphroditism, 241 Farrell, R., G. Hanke, D. Veljacic. First verified sight­ Herpetology, 175 ing of a Western Fence Lizard (Sceloporus occi­ Hibernation, 248 dentalis) in Bri tish Columbia, Canada, 210­212 Hodder, D.P., 361 Ferguson, R.S., 342 Hollyoake, A.L., 152 Fidelity, Nest Site, 329 Horses, Feral, 265 Fish, 64, 307 Hunting, 42, 205 Fishing, 42, 222 Huxter, C.E., 248 Foliage, 156 Hybridization, Coyote­wolf, 36 Foote, J.R., 117 Hymenoptera, 52 Foraging, 42 Forbes, G.J., D.F. McAlpine. An assessment of histor­ Ice, Sea, 144 ical records of Wolverine (Gulo gulo) from New Identification, 307 Brunswick, 147–151 Illinois, 36 Forest, Boreal, 125 iNaturalist, 210 Fox, Red, 144, 342 Insectivore, Aerial, 329 Freemartinism, 241 Intensity, Parasite, 136 Fuirst, M., 42 Interactions, 132 Fundulus Invertebrate, diaphanus, 307 Freshwater, 375 heteroclitus, 307 Marine, 1, 165 Terrestrial, 16, 156, 213, 217 Gilchrist, H.G., 136 Isoetes Glyptemys insculpta, 56, 222 bolanderi, 252 Gordon, D.C., 144 howellii, 252 Gordon, Jr., D., 144 Goward, T., 270 Johnson, N.B., J.L. Van Parys, C.M. Somers, R.G. Grass, 156 Pou lin. A report of unusual aggregation behaviour Grasshopper(s), 213 in Bullsnakes (Pituophis catenifer sayi) near a nest Two­striped, 213 site in Saskatche wan, 175–178 410 The Canadian Field-Naturalist Vol. 134 Johnson, S.L., 56 Mammal, Jones, M.T., L.L. Willey, D.T. Yorks, P.D. Hazelton, Arboreal, 248 S.L. Johnson. Passive transport of Eastern Elliptio Terrestrial, 36, 42, 132, 144, 147, 161, 241, 265, (Elliptio com planata) by freshwater turtles in New 342, 353, 361 England, 56–59 Marine, 21, 316 Jung, T.S., M.J. Suitor, S. Baryluk, J. Nuyaviak, Small, 161 D.C. Gor don, D. Gordon, Jr., E. Pokiak. Red Management, Forest, 125 Fox (Vulpes vul pes) scavenging on the spring sea Manitoba, ice: potential implications for Arctic food webs, Southeastern, 64 144–146 Southern, 156 Jung, T.S., R. Drummond, N.J. Harms. Bison (Bison Mapleleaf, 179 bison) activity fragments subnivean tunnels of Marini, K.L.D., S. Nadon, J.R. Foote. Dawn singing small mammals, 161–164 in Brown Creeper (Certhia americana), 117–124 Marmot, 353 Killifish, Banded, 307 Marmota monax, 353 Kostiuk, B., 71, 213, 231 Martin, A.E., 201 Krichbaum, M.A., 252 Martin, A.E. Dan Brunton steps down from the Ottawa Krichbaum, R.S., 252 Field Naturalists’ Club Publications Committee after many years of service, 405 Lair, S., 21 Martin, H., 241 Lake(s), Martin, P.R., 217 Great, 36, 179 McAlpine, D.F., 147, 222 Simcoe, 321 McAlpine, D.F. A tribute to Paul­Michael Brunelle, Larson, S., 316 odonatologist, 1952–2020, 379–386 Lepage, D. Draft Minutes of the 141st Annual Business McAlpine, D.F., C.B. Connell, P.D. Seymour. Intro­ Meet­­ing (ABM) of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ duction of Southern White River Crayfish (Pro­ Club, 14 January 2020, 103–112 cam barus zonangu lus) to New Brunswick, 375– Lepitzki, D.A.W. In Memoriam: Ronald E. Bedford (26 June 1930–3 November 2020), 405 378 Lepitzki, D.A.W. In Memoriam: Donald A. Smith (29 McGonigle, T.P., 156 Aug ust 1930–13 November 2020), 405 McLachlan Hamilton, K., 113 Lepitzki, D.A.W., A.E. Martin. Editors’ Report for McLaren, B.E., 342 Volume 133 (2019), 201–204 McNichols-O’Rourke, K.A., 179 Lepus americanus, 342 Melanoplus Lesage, V., S. Lair, S. Turgeon, P. Béland. Diet of St. bivittatus, 213 Law rence Estuary Beluga (Delphinapterus leu­ huroni, 213 cas) in a chang ing ecosystem, 21­35 Memoriam, 405 Lewis, J.H.
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