Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 4-16-1947 The aB tes Student - volume 73 number 20 - April 16, 1947 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 73 number 20 - April 16, 1947" (1947). The Bates Student. 950. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/950 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. •..^>~ ttijbmt ' LXIII. NO. 1. Vol. BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, APRIL 16, 1947 By Subscription Students Will Meet April 24 To Discuss Thanksgiving Vacation. B. C. C. Announces There is a strong possibility that the students of Bates college may Stu-C Starts Complete Revision Dr. Edwin Aubrey enjoy a week end vacation next year for the Thanksgiving holiday, Speaks At Vespers it was announced by the Bates Con- Of Men's Constitution Tonight ference Committee. In the past, the will start tonight at the The Christian Association has se- Thanksgiving holiday has usually Plans cured for its last vesper program been one day only, giving mo t of of the Student Coun- s l^t meeting Sunday night. Dr. Edwin F. Au- the students too little time to tra- I u tor a complete overhauling and brey, president of the Crozier Theo- vel home and return without miss- Lrislon of :he constitution of the Four Attend National logical Seminarv in Chester. Penn. ing classes on a no-cut day. This Lens Student Government organi- Dr. Aubrey is one of the leading practice was discontinued during Liion. it «as announced by Coun- the war, but resumed in 1946. cil President Edward Glanz. A spe- Forensic Congress theologians in the country This ves?er program will be held in the Students will be given an oppor- I ul committee will be appointed Three students and a member of chapel at 7 p. m. Trafton Meiulall tunity to voice their opinion in a I,-(insisting of both members and the faculty represented Bates at will be baritone soloist, and the chapel period to be held April 24. La-menAers of the council. The the third bi-annual Delta Sigma Rlio Carillon will sing. The final decision on the matter Lmmittee will meet regularly to Congress held in Chicago April 10- will come from the administrative beats changes and will then sub- 12. Professor Brooks Quimby of the Dr. Aubrey will be on campus and speak in chapel Monday, April officials. There are other factors [jii their work to the council lor Speech department and students 21. Students who wish to see him to be taken into consideration be- Lpproval. The council, in turn, will Edward Glanz. Jean Harrington, can make an appointment through sides the student body's desires, MBit the new constitution to the and Lila Kumpunen were the dele- Miss Helen Hendrickson in the but the results of the vote will be a Men's assembly for final discussion gates. Professor Quimby was re- Placement office. guide towards determining what- Ld approval. It is hoped that this elected to one of the vice-presi- ever steps will be taken. Lois Youngs and her Religion Iwork can be completed before the dencies in the National Association As it stands now, this is approx- liianner recess. of Delia Sigma Rho. Commission of the C.A. have di- imately the calendar which has al- rected the monthly vesper services As an aid to the committee, Mr. The Congress was set up resembl- ready been adopted by the faculty during the past school year. Dr. and is printed in the new catalog ■tan R°we. dean of the faculty, ing the House of Representatives T. Z. Koo, an outstanding student Co-directors Floyd Smiley and Penny Richter with Leon lias made available notes on the in our national Congress. Various for the school year 1947-48. Christian leader and- Chinese diplo- Wiskup, Chief Script Writer, Discussing the Ball and (a) For Thanksgiving, classes lame project which was started a standing; committees arc appointed mat, spoke at the season's first ves- will close at 11:45 a. m. on Wed- I few years ago. These notes, large- to discuss different phases of pro- Chain Club's Hit Production, 'Me and the Missus". pers October 23. Following the ser- nesday, November 26, and resume It the work of Vincent McKu6ick posed bills and report to the con- vice, students were able to meet at 7:45 a. m., Friday, November I will be used by the committee gress as a whole. Joint conference Dr. Koo personally at a gathering 28. This holiday will be preceded |t! an aid and guide. committees are also appointed to co- in the Women's Union. and succeeded by no-cut days. The new as well as the retiring ordinate the work of committees Ball And Chain Puts [n November the vesper service liouncil has felt the need of a re- working on different details of the (lb) The Christmas recess will marked a significant date in the begin at 11:45 a. m., Friday, De- liised constitution for two reasons. same general topic. A Speaker is history of the college, for in the Vets Colony On Stage cember 19, and will end at 7:45 (first, the old one is too wordy and elected and presides over the con- program there was the formal ser- The history of Sampsonville will a. m.. Monday, January 5. [jutdated. An effort will be made Prof. Brooks Quimby gress. The resolutions finally adopt- vice of presentation and dedication unfold before the students and fac- (c) The Easter recess will begin I: ■ only to bring it up to date, but ed are, sent to the proper Congres- ulty of Bates college next week at 11:45 a. m., Thursday. March ( I. ■ to draw up a more simple set of the newly added stained-glass sional committees in Washington. Stu-G Boards Meet when the Ball and Chain club pre- 2, and end at 7:45 a. m., Tuesday, lof rules. Many of the clauses are windows which are the graduating The labor resolutions adopted by sents "Me 'n the Missus", a series April 6. (Easter is on March 28.) limbiguous and difficult to inter- Elect Class Day gifts of recent classes. Mr. Orin E. the congress called for modified of humorous -ketches tracing the Students will have three alter- pret, needing much clarification. Skinner gave a brief address and For Annual Dinner anti-strike legislation for certain development of the married veter- native proposals to choose from. Isecond, the student body has later delivered an illusrated lecture ans' housing units and showing The first would be to keep the lihown that it strongly feels cer- Speakers, Others industries and the recommendation on stained glass. This evening the Women's StU- scenes of present day life there. Thanksgiving schedule as it is out- tain changes should be made. One The results of the senior class for wider use of compulsory arbitra- On December 1, President Her- dent Government will have a ban- tion where workers were not per- bert Davis of Smith College aided The play will be presented at the lined above. I these is in the present nomina- elections for Class day have been quet in the Women's Union at 6 Little theatre April 24 and 25. The second alternative would |:-.:. system. The committee will at- announced by Trafton Meiulall, mitted to strike. The congress also the cause of the Wolrd Student Ser- o'clock. The event marks the offi- The suggestion for a show origi- eliminate Thanksgiving as a col- |smpt io anticipate situations sim- class president. Class day will be came out in favor of guaranteed an- vice Fund by speaking of the needs, nual wages,, safety standards in desires, and views of foreign stu- cial retirement of the old board nated at one of the first meetings lege holiday, adding this day of va- ■r to the one which arose this year held Saturday. June 14, the day mines, democratization of labor members from their duties, and the of the Ball and Chain club at the cation to the Christmas recess. prior to Commencement. dents. He is National vice-president IK the nominations for the all-col- beginning of March. The produc- Since Thursday would not be a llege elections and to avoid them unions by use of the Australian bal- of the W. S. S. F. and a member of assuming of those duties by the new Class Day speakers are as fol- lot in union elections and strike tion staff and cast were selected holiday, the preceding and succeed- fn the future. the International Student Service in board. Both new and old board lows: Class Oration. Donald Rich- votes, and compusory audits and Europe. and plans were made before Easter ing days would not be no-cut days. Tonight's meeting of the new members will attend the banquet, as vacation. Co-directors Penny Rich- ter: Address to the Mothers and financial statements by the unions. The Christmas vespers featured Students could therefore use their IStu-C will be their first official ter and Floyd Smiley held the first Fathers, Madeleine Richard; Class Concerning medicine, the Con- a program of Bach and Handel well as the invited guests, Mrs. cuts and go home if they so wish- ►nines.- meeting and will be held rehearsal April 8, and intensive History.
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