www.bristolavoncatchment.co.uk [email protected] Action Plan 2019 Summary Report Published in August 2019 Introduction Our vision: “The Bristol Avon Catchment is in good health, has Good Ecological Status and is recognised as a valuable asset to society and the local economy”. This document provides a summary of all the projects identified in the BACP Action Plan. All projects have been identified through a comprehensive stakeholder engagement process and align with the seven Catchment Goals outlined in the BACP Catchment Plan: 1. Improve Public Understanding and the Value and Services provided by the river catchment 2. Improve Water and Flood Risk Management 3. Improve Land Management and Sustainable Agriculture 4. Improve Waste Water Management 5. Improve River Management to enhance habitat and increase connectivity for fish migration 6. Improve Recreation Management to increase access and use of the water environment 7. Improve Investment Opportunities for partnership led projects that deliver multiple benefits All projects included in the Action Plan must demonstrate: • Delivery of improvements to the water environment- linked to Catchment Partnership Goals (see above) • Development and delivery using a partnership approach- (open, transparent approach, providing links to local community where appropriate) • Collaboration by multiple organisations- (more than 1 partner involved, alignment of work programmes and funding) • Multiple benefits- (demonstrate that the project will address more than one water-based issue) To provide a steer on the current priorities for the BACP over the short-term period, the Steering Group has identified 10 Priority Projects. These were identified in 2018, building on the outputs of the stakeholder workshops (in 2017) and ongoing guidance from delivery partners and the Steering Group. The Priority Projects will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Steering Group. The projects are available to view on the BACP website via the newly launched ‘Online Projects Map’ www.bristolavoncatchment.co.uk. The Online Projects Map provides a geographic display of the Action Plan. All the projects have been mapped and you can click on each project (via the online map) to find out more information. BACP Strategic Projects Map BACP Strategic Projects Project Name Type Of Project Project Description Project Partners Timeframes Key Issues Outcomes delivered/projected Lead Partner: 50 Farmers engaged; Continue with management planning, NVZ checks Location: Chew Key Issues: Bristol Water and support; Infrastructure audit planned to support further investment Working with farmers across the Blagdon and Chew Agricultural diffuse pollution, eutrophication, Project started where appropriate; Organise farmer group meetings to discuss how to Reservoir catchments to improve water quality and enhance sedimentation Mendip Lakes Supporting Partners: in October deliver this project to obtain the best outcomes; A farmer workshop Multiple Benefits habitats. The Partnership provides free specialist advice on Partnership Natural England- (Catchment 2014 and is held annually in spring; Grant scheme established with local farmers. soils, nutrients and business management and support on Other Issues: Sensitive Farming - CSF), ongoing. Project aims to reduce loss of nutrients to water bodies. Farmscoper the new Countryside Stewardship schemes to farmers. Grant Degrading fish habitat, fish passage, eel passage, river Environment Agency, Avon Wildlife calculation suggests approx 140kg phosphorus not lost to water bodies scheme for farmers to reduce pollution risk. management, point source pollution Trust as a result of work undertaken during 2017. Focussing on protecting Sites of Special Scientific Interest and delivering Lead Partner: improvements in the Gordano, Puxton and areas around Tickenham, Avon Wildlife Trust Key Issues: kenn and Nailsea Moors. Flyers have been sent to farmers and Location: North Somerset Levels and Moors North Somerset Poor river/ditch management, biodiversity loss, landowners. Close working relationship with CSF to provide a grant fro Work with landowners to improve habitat management for Supporting Partners: Project started Levels & Moors agricultural diffuse pollution ditch management. More than 50km of ditch has been restored so far. Multiple Benefits wildlife and to promote soil management to help mitigate Natural England- (Catchment in 2015 and is Partnership Support to the local environment groups. Social analysis and testing on flooding, improve water quality and increase habitat for Sensitive Farming - CSF), North ongoing. Project Other Issues: 15 farms, surverying of vermicide in livestock that impact bird and bat wetland birds. Somerset Council, Internal Drainage sedimentation, eutrophication, eel passage populations. Funding secured for detailed design of multi-functional Board, Environment Agency, Wessex constructed wetland dealing with the outfall from Nailsea. Water 30km of river length enhanced. Partners: Key Issues: River Frome Reconnected Flood Risk, Increasing development pressure, Location: Bristol Frome Partnership (South Gloucestershire Project started Agricultural diffuse pollution Prioritise and collaboratively agree the key water-based issues, develop Scope out the key issues for the River Frome and develop a Council, Environment Agency, Bristol River Frome Feasibility/ in November a detailed business case and secure funding to deliver a strategic business case to work out how a strategic partnership project City Council, Wessex Water, Bristol Reconnected Scoping 2017 and is Other Issues: partnership project that will improve the water environment of the can deliver multi benefit improvements for the water Avon Catchment Partnership) ongoing. Asset management, Barriers to fish, poor river Bristol Frome sub-catchment. environment in the Bristol Frome catchment in the future. Bristol Avon Rivers Trust, Avon management, sedimentation, lack of access, poor Frome Partnership, Avon Wildlife provision of green space Trust Key Issues: Integrated Work Programme developed; identified 30 priority projects. Lead Partner: Lack of data/background information, Increasing Location: Lower Bristol Avon Extensive consultation process delivered. 102 responses to the Boater Bath & North East Somerset Council Project started development pressure and poor provision of This partnership project has been developed to provide an Survey, 20 interviews, one focus group, one facilities audit, seven Water Space in January recreation/amenity Delivery evidence-based, collaborative, strategic action plan to enable months ecology surveys, 20 events at the River Avon Festival, a Strategic Bath Supporting Partners: 2016 and is sustainable growth and regeneration of the river and canal river group formed --- Water Space Study and practical project deliver Environment Agency, Canal & River ongoing. Other Issues: corridor in Bath & North East Somerset. underway - budget £5m Trust, Wessex Water Poor river management, Declining biodiversity, water 23.5km of the River Avon and 8.5km of the K&A Canal enhanced. quality- diffuse and point source Location: Somerset Frome Develop a business case that will enable a partnership Lead Partner: Phase 1. Project development engagement, data review, co-ordination. approach to deliver multiple benefits in a joined up way. The FWAG SW Key Issues: Identify funding for delivering improvements to the water environment. feasibility stage will ultimately help to reduce surface water Project started Agricultural Diffuse Pollution, Flood Risk and Barriers to Somerset Phase 2. Upstream of Frome town. Better understanding of solutions for run-off from rural areas helping to alleviate flood risk Supporting Partners: in June 2018 Fish Frome Feasibility/ weirs above Frome to enhance fish passage. Farmer engagement re downstream; Improve water quality- agricultural inputs; Environment Agency, Bristol Avon and is Partnership Scoping diffuse pollution and NFM. Phase 3. Wider catchment deliver of fish and install NFM measures in upper catchment; Install in-river Rivers Trust, Wild Trout Trust, Frome searching for Other Issues: Project water quality improvements. works- help improve fish passage/migration; Improve Town Council, Natural England, funding. Poor river habitat/management, Lack of access/poor 44.21km of river length enhanced during Phase 2. recreational use and monitor WQ and flow. The Business Mendip District Council, Wessex amenity provision 118.8km of river length enhanced during Phase 3. Case is now complete and stage 2 will be to pull together Water funding bids, further project delivery. Location: Upper Bristol Avon (Corsham/Melksham area) Lead Partners: The Projects aims to develop a business case that will enable Bristol Avon Rivers Trust Key Issues: a partnership approach to deliver multiple benefits in a more Flood Risk, Agricultural Diffuse Pollution and Poor river The initial feasibility stage will deliver an agreed Work Programme that West Wiltshire joined-up approach. Some of the benefits that will ultimately Supporting Partners: Project started Feasibility/ management identifies priority projects to be delivered in partnership to address the Sustainable be delivered include: help reduce surface run-off from rural FWAG SW, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, in June 2018 Scoping key water based issues in this area. The project will also identify funding Water Project areas helping to alleviate flood risk downstream; Improve Environment Agency, Wiltshire and is ongoing.
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