United StatesDepartment of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office 510 DesmondDr. SE, Suite 102 Lacey,Washington 98503 In ReplyRefer To: SCANNED 1-3-06-F-0177 sEPI 5 2006 MagalieR. Salas,Secretary F6deralEnergy Regulatory Commission 888First Sffeet,NE WashingtonD.C. 24426 Attention:Ann Ariel Vecchio DearSecretary Salas: This documenttransmits the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's(Service) Biological Opinion on the effectsto bull trout(Salvelinus confluentus),northern spotted owls (Srrlxoccidentalis caurina)and bald eagles(Haliaeetus leucocephalus) fromthe relicensingof the Lewis River HydroeiectricProjects: Merwin (FERC No. 935),Yale (FERC No. 2071),Swift No. 1 (FERC No. Zr 11),and swift No. 2 (FERCNo. 2213). Theaction that comprises this consultationunder theEndangered Species Act of 1973,as amended (16 U.S.C. l53I et seq.)is therelicensing of the Lewis-RiverHydroelectric Projects by the FederalEnergy Regulatory Commission and the interdependentactions contained in the SettlementAgreement (PacifiCorp et aL.2004e),dated November30,2004,and Washington Department of Ecology's401 Certifications. Consultationfor the relicensingof the Lewis River Plojectswas initiated by the Commission's letterto the Servicewhich was received in our officeon October11,2005. Based on our letter datedMarch15,2006,the deadline for completingthis consultationwas extended by mutual agreementuntil May 5, 2006. On June12,2006,with concurrenceby thelicensees,we submittedanother request for an extensionto SeptemberI,2006, to completethe detailedand complexanalyses associated with theproposed action. This revised completion date was ,rrpport"oby pacificorp andcowlitz Publicutility District. Becausethe Servicewas receiving criticatinformation regarding components of the SettlementAgreement up to the endof August, we werenot ableto miet the Septemberl,2006,completion date. There has been regular contactbetween pacifiCorp, Cowlitz public Utility District, andthe Serviceduring the drafting of this documentand,agreement betweenallparties on thetiming of completionof theBiological Opinion. TAxe PntDE.iffi'*-*;,j 'wfiMERTCAreq" SecretaryMagalie R. Salas Thefinal Biologicalevaluation, dated January 15,2}}s,proposed a"may affect,not likely to adverselyaffecl'determination for the northernspotted owl. The FWS doesnot concurwith this determinationbecause the Wildlife HabitatManagementPlans will allow the removalof suitable spottedowl habitatwhich would adverselyaffect this species.The Final BiologicalEvaluation uiro propored a "may affect,not likely to advefselyaffect" determinationfor the bald eag1e.The FWS doesnot concurwith this effectdetermination because of the indirecteffects associated with increasedrecreational use of the actionarea which is likely to disturbforaging bald eagles on the reservoirsand in salmonspawning grounds. We thereforeconducted a formal consultationon the spottedowi andbald eagle. Theenclosed Biological Opinion contains the Service'sconcurrence with your determinationthat the proposedaction "may affect,but is not likely to adveiselyaffect" designatedbull trout criticalhabitat. Becausethe Licenseesare uncertain where instream habitat enhancement projects will occur,the Servicewas unable to conductan analysisof effectsto spottedowls from this activity. Therefore,this aspectof theproposed action in relationto effectsto spottedowls mustbe addressed,as appropri ate, in a separatefuture section 7 consultationwhen site-specific conditionsare known. ThisBiological Opinion, therefore, does not includean analysisof effects of instreamhabitatenhancement projects on spottedowls. We wish to commendFrank Shrier of PacifiCorpand Diana Gritten-MacDonald of CowlitzPUD for their invaluableassistance in preparingthis BiologicalOpinion. Theywere critical to our understandingof the proposedaction and provided valuable assistance in their review of draft documentsfor accuracyandcompleteness. Their professionalcommitment to completingthe Biological Opinionon time andin a legally sufficientmanner was tremendously helpful and appreciatedby my staff. A completeadministrative record of this consultationis on file in the Service'sWestern WashingtonFish and Wildlife Office, in Lacey,Washington. If you haveany questions regardingthis BiologicalOpinion please contact Pam Repp at (360) 753-6037or Jim Michaelsat (360)753-7767, of my staff. Sincerely, .f,,nn ffi*"a#z-frff A* -X"nS. Berg, Manager' Lf WesternWashington Fish and Wildlife Office cc: PacifiCorp (F. Shrier) Cowlitz PUD (D. Gritten-MacDonald) FfLtcSPy SCANNED BiologicalOPinion, for the FederalEnergy Regulatory Commission Relicensing of the Lewis River Hydroelectric Projects:Merwin (No.935),Yate (No. 2071)' Swift No. I (No.2111), and SwiftNo. 2 (No.2213) FWS ReferenceNumber: L-3-06-F-0177 U.S.Department of theInterior U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service WesternWashington Fish andWildlife Office Lacey,Washington September15,2006 GLOSSARY ACC-Aquatic CoordinationCommiffee, representing the SettlementParties. Action Area-The LewisRiver Subbasin' AR-At risk; refersto environmentalbaseline indicators. BE-Biological Evaluation BypassReach-The old naturalLewis River channelbypassed by the Swift No. 2 PowerCanal. Canal Drain-The existingadjustable valve in the Power Canalwhich supplieswater to the ConstructedChannel. Canal Spillway-Also referredto as"side channelspillway" and"wasteway"-The existingspillway on the PowerCanal which allowsflow from the surfaceof the powercanal to enterthe byputs reachwhenflows exceedthe hydrauliccapacity of Swift No. 2' cfs-Cubic feetPer second ConstructedChannel-The existingwetted channel from the CanalDrain to the BypassReach' CowlitzPUD-Public Utilify DistrictNo. 1 of CowlitzCounty, Washington DEIS-Draft EnvironmentalImpact Statement FEIS-Final EnvironmentalImpact Statement FERC-Federal EnergyRegulatory Commission FWS-United StatesFish and Wildlife Service,referred to asUSFWS in citations. LewisRiver HydroelectricProjects-Merwin (P-0935),Yale (P-2071),Swift No. 2 (P-2213), andSwift No. 1 (P-2111) LewisRiver Subbasin-The U.S.Geological Survey (USGS) fourth-field watershed extending from the ColumbiaRiver to the headwatersof the Lewis River. Licensees-PacifiCorpand CowlitzPTJD, also known as "the Utilities'" Lower Lewis River Watershed-The USGSfifth-field watershedextending from LakeMerwin to pine Creekand consisting almost entirely of thosetributaries which originateon U.S.Forest Serviceland andflow into to the North Fork Lewis River or its reservoirs. LWD-Large woody debris Middle Lewis River Watershed-The USGSfifth-field watershedextending from Swift Creek Reservoirto theLower Falls of theLewis River. NMFS-National MarineFisheries Service NpF-Not properlyfunctioning; applies to baselineenvironmental indicators. pine Creek Subwatershed-Thethree USGS subwatersheds encompassing Pine Creek and its tributaries. PCE-Primary constituentelement of designatedcritical habitat. PF-Properly functioning;applies to environmentalbaseline indicators. power Canal-The earthenand concrete channel connecting the tailraceof the Swift No. 1 powerhouseto the Swift No. 2 Powerhouse. SA-settlement AgreementConceming the Relicensingof the Lewis River Hydroelectric Projects,dated November 30,2004. SettlementParties-Parties that enteredthe SA. Services-FWSand NMFS consideredtogether. Swift Projects-Swift No. 1 andSwift No. 2 together. TCC-Terrestrial CoordinationCommittee, representing the SettlementParties. Turbine Intake-The point on the upstrgamface of a damwhere the penstock or flow line leadingto thepowerhouse and turbines begins. Upper ConstructedChannet-The 240-footlong channelto be constructedfrom the Upper ReleasePoint to the upperend of the BypassReach. Upper Lewis River Watershed-The USGSfifth-field watershed extending from LowerFalls to the headwatersof the Lewis River. Upper ReleasePoint-That pointon thePower Canal just downsireamof the Swift No. 1 P6werhousewhere the Licenseesplan to build a structureto releasewatet to the BypassReach. WDoE-Washington Departmentof Ecology WDFw-Washington Departmentof Fish andWildlife TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTTON..,.. """" 1 CONSULTATTONIIISTORY ............'..;.. """""' 1 BroLoGrcALOPINrON.......... """" 4 ACTTONAREA """""""" 4 DESCRIPTIONOF TI{E PROPOSEDACTION ...""........4 Descriptionof the LewisRiver HydroelectricProjects '.'."."""' """' 4 Descriptionof the ProposedAction...... """""' 8 1.4Proposed Action.... """"""""""" 9 LewisRiver SettlementAgreement Terms.... """"""""' 1l STATUSOF THE SPECIES:Bull Trout """""" 21 STATUSOF THENORTHERN SPOTTED OWL .,..,.....,,...29 STATUSOF THE SPECIES:Bald Eagle - PacificPopulation ........56 ANALYSIS OF THE SPECIESAND CRITICAL HABITAT LIKELY TO BE AFF8CTED.............. """' 60 Effectsto DesignatedBull TroutCriticalHabitat...... """"' 60 PrimaryConstituent Elements of Bull TroutCritical Habitat..... ...'.'....""""'61 Effectof ProiectElements on PCEs.... ' 61 ENVIRONMENTALBASELINE IN THE ACTION AREA - BULL TROUT...""............63 LewisRiver SubbasinOverview. """""""""' 64 FishCu1ture................ """"""""' 64 FederalForest Management.............' """""" 65 IlydropowerFacilities ........,...... """"""""""' 65 Construction..............'. """""" 65 Operation """"""" 66 R'ecentHydropower Facility History....' """"""""""' 67 Non-hydropo*tiManagement of Utility Lands..... """" 68 Bull Trout Siatusin theAction Area........ """"""""""" 68 ENVIRONMENTALBASELINE IN THE ACTION AREA - SPOTTEDOWL....,,..,..,...,72 ENVIRONMENTALBASELINE IN THE ACTION AREA _ BALD EAGLE....,,,.,.,.,,,,,,,73 EFFECTSOF
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