
ALL. PREVIOUS L/STS OANOELLED. Stock Li.st- April. CATALOGUE OP GRAMOPHONE Cof>yrigltl. Hls Master's Volee." 7=inch RECORDS FOR USE ONLY ON THE Price 2/6 each. GRAMOPHONE WHICH IS MADE BY The GRAMOPHONE & TYPEWRITER Ltd. C ~ !alo¡"cs P "~i!•!:o d by The Or:unophan e ::nd T''rc" ril .. r. 1.1:!. 10-in. LO!J ( Cft ~l!~iJIO.,tue. 1·l n. (Green ) do . 1O~ i n. Concc rt l:oreiza do . 1·in. f oni¡:n do. Vlctor Muran:h ~o . "NEW STYLE No. 3," cJ::3 3s. Fitted with "CONCERT SOU 'O BOX." THE SPRING SEAS O N. With thc r<turn of bríghter and warmer weather, the Gramophone will again take up íts ~ositio n as the king of outdoor entertainers. So much _rlfasure and amusement were obtained by our friends in this way during the spring and summer months of last year, that we anticípate a greatly-increased demand for our GramophoPes and R ecords duríng tbe next few months. Many new Records, by well known and popular artístes, are added to our Catalogues each month, so that endless variety can be obtained. 2 CATALOGUE OF GRAMOPHONE SEVEN-INCH RECORD S. MILITARY BANDS. MILITARY BANDS...;...contd. _ Royal Artillery Ba.nd. &e alao O'lt,. Pink Fureign Catalogue. '. 81 Introductioa of Aci 11. (Mika.do.) Coldstream Guards Band. 82 Belectlon Il. (Mikado.) Under the able direction of its conductor, Mr. 84 FhÍalt1 to she Miltado. Mackenzie Rogan, this renowned military band has 87 The Policsman's Song and The Modero made tbe fo!Jo wing very fine records for us. W e <10n­ .Major-Genera.l. (Piratas of Penzance.) fidently commend them to all who lave first-class 86 I hear the SofG Volee and When I first put military music. this Unlform on. (Patlence.) • 89 The Band In corulng. 344 Greetings from (Egypt Tobisch). 40 Let's givs thres cbeers, and When 1 w'b;a' 345 Selection, "The .Ci rcus Girl" (C~tryll....,... a Lad I aArved a Tnrn. (Pinafore.) Monckton): . · 41 Little Buttcrcup (Pinaforc.) 3116 Hands across tbe Sea March (Sous:t). 4 3 l!'or he llimself nas said !l, and N e ver mind 347 Tarantelle des Salons (Ju.¡lien:).\ ihe Why a.nd Wherefore. (Pinatore.) .348 . Sta ~; ~and Stripes Ma.Peh (Sousa). 48 Take a pa!r of Bparldlng Eyes 31~. ae1ection, " Toreador '' (Caryll- Monck· (Gondollers.) •·· ton). 44 Gavotte. (Gondoliers)> · 351 Mon Reve Valse. 46 No posslble donbi wha.tever, and Cachucha. 352 Under tbe Banner of Victory (Blon). (Gondoliers). 353 Selection, •· San Toy" (Jones). 68 Turkish Patrol. 354 Coppélia Galop (Delibes). 70 The Blue Bells of Bcotland, Tullochgornm. 357 Regimenta! Marches. and A!lld Lang Byne. ::!59 The Guards' Pa rade. 71 Happy Darkiea Barn Dance. 367 The Invincible Ea¡rle March. 72 Shepherd's Dance, :!Ienry VIII 370 Medley of Coster Songs (Godfrey). 73 The Torch Dance, ., 77 Belectlon l. (Gondol!ers.) 79 The Men of Harlech. 80 Stony road io Dnblln, and The Harp ihal Grenadier Guarda Band. once through Tara's Halla. This famous military band has recently made the 81 Down aroong the Dead Men, The Bay following records, which are among the best we have of Bisca.y. and Rule Brltannia. '3Ver taken. Mr. Williams, M. B., Bandmaster of the 88 Hoch Habsbnrg March. 'Re5iment, personally conducted the performance. 84 The Kerme3se. B6 S-ldlers' Chorus. (Fanal.) 7 Fj.nale to the Belle of New Yor&. ·.~ .~ 66 Tue Braes of Anchterarder, and Annie 9 Chiti Chin Chinatnan. 87 Regimenta! Marches, Laurie. 11 Purlty Brigada, and the Gay Parislenne 88 Wedding Mil.rch. (Lohengrin.) (Bella of New York.) 89 March from Tannhiiuser. 12 Bella of New York, and the Antl-Cigarette 92 Wedding March. (Mendelssobn.) Bociety. (Belle of New York.) 18 On the Beach at Narraganset,. 14 Whirllgig Trio. (Greelr. Blave ) Municipal Military Band. 18 A poor ltttle dummy am 1, and My hope la to make you my frlend. This splendid band is chiefly composed of players 19 2eautiful Ventee. from the Queen's Hall Orchestra. The m~si~ is \ ZO Sea · Gln Land of my Home, and Oh, 1 rendered with beautiful precisie>n aad ~ect. .. love Bociety. execution. Z1 Belec,lon l. (ClrcWI Girl). 98 Marchlng io Pretoria. IIZ The Piccaninnles. 100 The Messenger Boy, and Mary, Mary..._ Z8 Jovial Monk. (La Poupée ) quite contrary. (Messenger Boy.) '- Z4 Boldlers ln the Par.lr.. · 10Z Oomme ci Comme ca, and Mummies. Z6 Justa l!Ule place of •'rlng (Clrcus Girl.) (Measenger Boy.) Z6 Grand March. (Greek Blave.) 108 Maisie, and Up the NUe. (Messenger 48 Belection from th& ~ety 6!r1. Boy.) 61 On y'revlen' toujont'l. " (Anilt'e Modal.) 108 Tell me, pretty Maiden. (Florodora.) 68 On 'Bervlce., (Gelsha.) 109 1 have an,)'ttkli~, and The,Bhades of the 57 The Amorous"Gold Fish, (Geisha.) Palms. (FÍót~ra.) 68 El Capitan .MarQh (Sousa). Ul ~é Drinl:ing Bong and .1!'1nale. (Rose of 59 Be wise in. Time.~ (!JoroUiy.) Pet'Bla.) 80 Graceful Dance. 112 Diamond Jubtlee Marcb. 81 Queen of irry Heart. .. 118 Oock o' the Nonh. 86 Pe~mbula~or Duet, and Buperfluous 114 A Frangesa Mavch. ,!Wlaláons. · (Bhop Girl.) 115 Absent-Mlnded Beggar. ~ fr1 The Soldiers of tbe Queeu 118 The Boya of the OldBrigade March. 312 A Frailgesa March (Kaiser). ·'. 117 Tlle W ear1ng of the Green March . 313· Smoky .Mokes (Holzroann). 119 La Flamenc¡a, WaUs. 314 Imperial Eq.ward.?.;farch (Sousa). 1ZO The Gridlron March. ' 315·.Turkisb Patrol (Micbaelis) . 122 Pickaninnies' Darn Danoe. 316 ·Happy Darkies Bar'n Dance. 124 Deatb of Ase, "l'eer Gynt." (Grieg.) 317 Bosto!l Belle lla.rn J;>ance (Godfrey). 126 Dance in the Hall of the Mountain King. 318• Down E!outh !(Myddleton). "Peer Gynt" (Grieg.) 321 The Last.Stand (f4yddleton). 1Z8 Anitra& Dance. (Grleg.) 322 Brooklyn,.Qake Walk• (Thurban). 127 Niala Valse. 323 Th~ New C~lonial " M:arch (R. B. Hall). 180 Mendelssobn's Dead Marcb. 324 By t~e Sw;annee River. An American 136 Prelude to Act III. (Lohengrln). Sketcq.(Myddleton). 137 Bemper Fidelia (Sou.sa), , 325 Sword and Lance March (Starke). 188 Czarda.s, from Copt>elia. 339 Cotton Blossoms Cake Walk (Milt. Hall). 139 The Clown's Polka. 340 Shuffl.ing Jasper (Scouton). 140 The Dandy l>rummer Galop, 341 Coppélia Valse (Delibes). 141 Prize of V.kitory March. 342 The Da.rkies' Dream (Lansing), 142 Finale of ~·l'oet and Peasant." ALL PREVIOUS LISTS CANCELLED. Stock List-April. CATALOGUE OF GRAMOPHONE Copyrigld. Hls Master's Vol ee." 7=in eh RECORD S FOR USE ONLY ON THE Price 2/6 each. GRAMOPHONE WHICH IS MAOE BY The GRAMOPHONE & TYPEWRITER Ltd. C ~ tal n¡ucs P• ~li•!:c J by The Oramo¡)hor.e ::nd TYI'C ,;,,,. l.t:!. 10-in. t r.n rerr ..;:.:tulo.:ue. 7-ln . , oreen) do. 10- in . Concc rt l:oreiza do . ? .. in. f urt·i¡:n do. Vl ctor Mororch ~ o . "NE"V STYLE No. 3," cl::3 3s. Fitted with "CONCERT SOUND BOX." ===========~=== - ==~~========================================~~========== THE SPRING SEAS O N. With thc return of brighter and warmer weather, the Gramophone will again take up íts ¡::osítíon as the king of outdoor entertainers. So much rleasure and amusement were obtaíned by our friends in this way during the spring and surnmer months of last year. that we anticípate a greatly-íncreased dernand for our GramophoPes and R ecords duríng tbe next few rnonths. Many new R ecords, by well known and popular artístes, are added to our Catalogues each month, so that endless variety can be obtained. 2 CATALOGUE OF GRAMOPHONE SEVEN-INCH RECORD S. MILITARY BANDS. MILITARY BANDS...;_contd. Royal Artillery Band. &8 also O'!tf' Pink Fll'l'eign Catalogue. '· 81 Introduction of Aca Il. (Mikado.) Coldstream Guards Band. 82 Belectlou Il. (Mikado.) Under the able direction of its conductor, Mr. 84 FhÍalt~ to ihe Mil~:ado. Mackenzie Rogan, this renowned military b~nd has 87 The Policsman's Song and The Modero made tbe following very fine records for us. We <1on­ Major-Gener::t.l. (Piratas of Penzance.) fidently commend them to all who love first-clru.s 88 1 hear the Soh Volee and When I drst put military music. this Unlform on. (Patieuce.) , 89 The Band !a corulng. 344 Greetings from (Egypt Tobisch). 40 Let's glvs three cheers, and When 1 wil:s' 345 Selection, "The .Circus Girl" (Caryll- a Lad I sArved a Tarn. (Pinnfore.) Monckton): . 41 Lit tle lluttercup (Pinaforc. l 346 Hands across the Sea March (Son n.). 4~ For he il1mself nas said ta, and N e ver mind 347 Tarantelle des Salons (Jujlien) .~ tbe Why ::t.nd Wherefore. (Pinatore.) ..348 .Sta¡:sl:and S"tripes MaFCh (Sousa). 48 Take a pa!r of Spa.rkling Eyes 3~~- ae1ec1ion, " Toreador ., (Caryll- Monck­ (Gondoliers.) ton). 44 Gavotte. (Gondoliers). 351 Mon Reve Valse. <16 No possible doabt whatever, and Cachucha. 352 Under the Banner of Victory (Blon). (Gondollers). 353 Selection, '·San Toy " (Jones). 68 Turldsh Patrol. 354 Coppélia Galop (Delibes). 70 l'be Blue Bella of Bcotland, Tullochgornm. 357 Regimenta! Marches. and Anld La.ng Byne. 059 The Guard ' Pa racle. 71 Happy Darkiea Barn Dance. 367 The Invincible Eap:le March. 7Z Bhepherd's Dance, ~enry VIII 370 Meclley of Coster Songa (Godfrey). 78 The Torch Dance, , 77 Belection l. (Gondoliers.) 79 The Men of Harlech. 80 Stony road to Dublln, a.nd The Barp ahlloa Grenadier Guarda Banc:f. once througb Tara's Halla. This famous military band has recently made the 81 Down aroong the Dead Men, The Bay following records, which are among tbe best we have of B!scay.
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