■packr*I vuijrty, *li. rcnihxJcU that* When vanadium, the mineral a a tetbnatmf that the weight fte Nutritionist tt I* n*»t iilvinj-H ihihhIMc to obtain ’ (i* i given off la * volcanic w a rm ih m u h Ia )- m r» U , particularly Out toughen* itMl, * u first <U- RURAL COMWON sI n Si T 1 covered in 1801, it wnt called ■option .Is much m a t e r lim a when <*rhi/oN ara not equipp*t By Sped* M i m * At M the Ur* and uU * ts More Thought with lunch room facllltlti. • rythronlum. In th** 2100 Florida tchoola an School Lunches f^tirnat**il 1300 had lunch roofn* last y«*ai. ur torn* method of *up- -Of JACKSONVILLE, S.pt. 13.- p ly u ik food ill nooiilima Howcvar, I(M tll)— Mr*. V«r* Walker, th»r* is littl** po«nib|llty that tRStrltlonlit, But* Board of Health th*r«* will Ih* any addition* to thla |B#r# 'yasterday urged that more nu m !>♦*r . and it i« w en likely that ECONOMY -M Rillul thought be given to the there may he a reduction, the ‘M ptritlon of packed achool •aid. luncnta. Mr* Walker explained that an SPEEDS VICTORY! Granting that hot. cooketl lunch- Addition of more <u-hool lunch ** an more pppetlxlng than the room* i« virtually Impoaalhle be- • cH iiK f >•( link of equipment. Some• room* have been ( IomimI becauRe of I inuhillt> to obtiiin nece*»ary re-j Buy Bonds its* Questions pair* Kationiny i* alao i-auilng j itfl *Iih r e of difficult?* in the antwtr many a erlmol lunrli riHiin program AI»o,, with Savings! laxallva problam tlie problem of help in ju*t ■ • J acute there a* anywhere elaa. ( Therefore, with it certainly of! Qua a. Hhould you rhooae your no more lunch room*, and a poani* j We can help make your clothe* look better, lM*tiv« for thorouirhnesa, prompt b illty of *«*me of the 1.100 l*etng i JUm . or ganeral aatiafactorineap* cloaeil. hioi-fWivc* who have to | wear longer. Fleaae bring In a hanger with Ana. Ixxrk for nil three qualities , prepMie lunido'* ihi* fall *hould Qgfft. W hat laxative has ireen m ^ ive y r••afro • roisidet Htion to ade­ P4at-t«ller in the .South with four quate and in* re tempting meal* each article. 4*narntlona because it usually is > he . oiplia* »r* *l too, tlmt pack prompt, thorough, and satisfactory. ' cd linn !»••* .*»•• not lim ite rl t*i Phtn directions are followed? A n * .i bool . 1111• 11 • r I lion*aml* of men Black-Draught 2fi to 40 tloses o n ly and w o iio n an carr ying lunch;** 15c! del Black Draught tmlav w . im b iiio -i lortify th^m for long | LANEY DRY CLEANING CO. Caution, use only as directed Afternoon* \ml mile** they ar** J nutrition.illv aih-qunte, the work i i ie 9 n a «i I'hone 485 HIOH-rOWllIO fragmentation boenbe attached to parachute* are being ueed with telling effect In the Allied campelgn to ouat the Jipe from their few remaining baaee In New Guinea. Thla photo, down from the battle uui iRi«f. irj |irgt«i vovn uui - area, ahowa tom* of the mUallae dropping among dUperaed twin-engined plane* on Ihe Jap airdrome at ing those long working hour., by Hague. Thl* U an official U. 8. Army Air Force phote. ___ —______ (InteraolUmal Soundphoto) helping each other, ana by making maximum uae of any tabor they have been able to obtain, they thua far have don* th* Job, have l.try Ih-itt-r who hs. hough! the accomplished thing* they would I■ l.o *> for » home untl is having not have thought possible In nor­ L 0N G W 00D , % * >’o -1 v e improvements ingils on mal tim et. Man who In recent the- .Him* year* hart reduced their activity on Yon Art Hiring a Ilf- iit-vo m i m m ir »»» rui w, .. ,, H u ff bu* line;* now run th* farm becauae of age, leaving ..Id .lrink around the mi.Idle of the Lyman Hchou oiH-ned for the thnaigh I.iuikwimmI, on** bus from th* hard work to‘younger men, Trouble Galling afternoon is probably un Indies* term on 'Wednesday morn- i i Inn.In to Snnlurufo Splines, onu have gone forth again Into the lion of sn insufficient off unbal '"If '»<‘h « l»rlf attendance and i fr.tm Snnfonl to ( nssclbcrry and fltldi and achlevad much daaplte '> CLASSIFIED ADVKIlTIHINi; It A IKS mired lunch, Mrs. Wslksr .aid. I »>• teacher* present. Shortage of lb«- •oliool biiSMCM coverinjf uiijacent their year*; women who have con­ AUTO SERVICE I he site of the lunch depends! teacher* csu.es many teacher. to i * r i it or v fined their work to th* horn* have 10c per line for on* Insertion upon the need, of the Individual. Jfk* t'*1' ■'"* thrw' : Mr* I o**ie I ’rsmiT hn« return- taken up the laaka of driving hug* , V8e per line for three Insertions In any case, it ihould contain one- There wa. s short opening pro- • •I fro m u visit with her son tractors and othar machinery and h J7« Per Bn* fer 8 Insertions thir.l of the day's need, protec •" »be Auditorium for all mni • Im«»schti*r in Inw, Mr und Mr * handling taama and plow*) bare­ VISIT SANFORD’S • [V/.; ’ H e par line for i t Insertion* live foods, such st milk, egg,, grade*. fu ry I mmiT. footed boy* and girl* not yet In 1' Minimum rate . 10c vegetable* and fruits u* well as The Home Demonstration (dub their teena have don* their part MOST MODERN 8H0P 1 Count five words to tha line, Inrluillng phone end aildreaa. energy foods such *. hresd snd met Thursday at the home of I In- firut ixiKt-wur hmmi build- and It cannot be avarlookad. COMPLETE SERVICE on All advertlagBtanta for situation, wanted will be rheigrd lor at the sweet food.. Mrs. M.K. Blankenship when the iribr • lub Iihh b«-en iimu^uiulvd by Driving tractor* and teamg, plow­ Sv I'racuiar claadflad rate*. Milk should play sn important director Mrs. Ouida Wilson gave tin- I'nitfil sStatcN h'.jivinga and ing. mowing, digging peanut* and +■ i^ O N E 148 OR BHING YOU It A.I. to T H E SANFORD HERALD loir ill the day', menu and I. ■ demonstration on rare of aluml l^»uri U urui* to encourage the picking cotton under th* blaring especially urged for th* noonday Hum and .how to remove dent*, ■ hi chute of wur bond* to b« meal. For those keeping an eagle Present were president, Mra. L o-om! in horiH- building after the HELP WANTED ee un their weight, Mrs W alker E. Hammond, Mrs. Hill 8lum, • ur ( Inb memheiA meet and dla- pointed out that a half- pint of. Mra. B.R. Cray. Mr. and Mra. • ii** pliiiiN hfill Inh-n: improve- ■ weet milk dean'l contain any Hlankenahlp, Mr*. Chile., mi nt* urn! exihuiiKe ideu* a« they PLHNTY Tuxed* Feed of all more calorie, then a tall bottle The Town Hall Interior I. very • et uniile fund* f<»r the "home to . klltda. Alao scratch feed ami drink. And there ar* even fewer attractive In Ita new coat of paint onion afte. - lluat’a Tuxedo Feed calories In buttermilk than fount end wllh new window shade*. pendable [uarulMd work, : Store. I’hone 868. In a .lx ounce bottle drink. A delightful luncheon wax given Serving an ’'R Y tingR of • 3(K WANTED Kmphaala should be placed on bv Mr*. Ernie -Starr In honor of sandwich filling, rather than the Mr*. Warren Jackson of DeLand W E IIDY os,si furniture, '"Fhonr bread. Thar* should be plsnty of on Tuesday when a buffet lunch- fllllng of a protein food or vega- son wa* eerved to the following 'O R RENT: Garage Apt. 1416 tables, or both llrrarf should be gueeta, Mrs. Halil* 1-avlgne, Mr*, ALTMAN Cl t Oak Avs. WANTriD Sule*muit and col­ whole grain or enriched, and Maud Tupper, Mr*. Flora Willis, lector f «»t i**l ii Id i* Met | iriRUrance sliced vtry thin Mra. John McNamara, Mrs. Mary ONLY fuur 14" Victory Fan* Don't depend ' on breakfast Hartlsy, Mrs. Itavburn Mllwee, The original American Expedi­ 4> fM.BO. Bauer Kaullo and Elec «lehit in Sanford. (iiiarauteed COMP naluiv hi -lull litix h im . O r left overs to supply th* lunch Mra. H.R. Gray. Mrs. James Mg- tionary Korea In North Africa rt- • atw>t>'_______________ heeds, she urged. Filling may be (h a th . Mra. Rosebud North, Mrs.- made th* day before, and evening W J. Wells, and Mrs. Dllll* Moon, ,!C0RN MEAL, water ground. WANTED Middle Ng*d women | I’norllliK have been awardee ' iluot'a Tuxedo Fee<l Store, meals planned with an eye toward Elmer Holme and Pal tllanken- for yc no i it I housework. I'hone having enough estra meat for ahlp were pasaed through Canni permit ilu- Dnitt-,1 Stutea Hi j phone 368. Kiir, j snndwlrhes Blending to Naval training in i Cor|H>rutioti of Clewlston tu ei N'or should too much dependency Bainhrldge, Md. , Into n tiiilh* fceihng project wl I"- put in prepared food*. Thay Heveral I/ongwood friends of will M‘i* the ilrvehipmnt of .‘I are likely to become monotonous Olln Elgin have lately receive l | ncm of impruvnl pasture and are more satisfactory when Utter* from him.
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