20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2004 Book of Abstracts Contents Overview (OV) 1 OV/1-1 ·Overview of JT-60U Progress towards Steady-state Advanced Tokamak . 2 OV/1-2 ·Overview of JET results . 2 OV/1-3 ·Development of Burning Plasma and Advanced Scenarios in the DIII-D Tokamak 2 OV/1-4 ·Confinement and MHD stability in the Large Helical Device . 2 OV/1-5 ·Overview of ASDEX Upgrade Results . 3 OV/2-1 ·Overview of Zonal Flow Physics . 3 OV/2-2 ·Steady-state operation of Tokamaks: key physics and technology developments on Tore Supra. 3 OV/2-3 ·Progress Towards High Performance Plasmas in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) . 4 OV/2-4 ·Overview of MAST results . 4 OV/2-5 ·Overview of Alcator C-Mod Research Program . 5 OV/3-1 ·Recent Advances in Indirect Drive ICF Target Physics . 5 OV/3-2 ·Laser Fusion research with GEKKO XII and PW laser system at Osaka . 5 OV/3-3 ·Direct-Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Research at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics: Charting the Path to Thermonuclear Ignition . 5 OV/3-4 ·Acceleration Technology and Power Plant Design for Fast Ignition Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion Energy . 6 OV/3-5Ra ·Progress on Z-Pinch Inertial Fusion Energy . 6 OV/3-5Rb ·Wire Array Z pinch precursors, implosions and stagnation . 6 OV/3-5Rc ·The Research of Radiating Z Pinches for the Purposes of ICF . 7 OV/4-1 ·Overview of Transport, Fast Particle and Heating and Current Drive Physics using Tritium in JET plasmas . 7 OV/4-2 ·Overview of Results in the MST Reversed Field Pinch Experiment . 8 OV/4-3 ·Overview of TJ-II experiments . 8 OV/4-4 ·Summary of Experimental Core Turbulence Characteristics in OH and ECRH T-10 Tokamak Plasmas. 8 OV/4-5 ·Progress in the understanding and the performance of ECH and plasma shaping onTCV.......................................... 9 OV/4-6 ·Overview of the FTU Results . 9 OV/5-1Ra ·Recent Advances in the HL-2A Tokamak Experiments . 9 OV/5-1Rb ·Overview of the last HT-7 experiments . 9 ii Fusion Energy Conference 2004 · Abstracts OV/5-2 ·overview of steady-state tokamak operation in TRIAM-1M . 10 OV/P4-9 ·New developments in JET Neutron, Alpha Particle and Fuel Mixture Diagnos- tics with potential relevance to ITER. 10 OV/P6-15 ·Joint Research Using Small Tokamaks . 11 Magnetic Confinement Experiments (EX) 13 EX/1-1 ·Development on JET of Advanced Tokamak operations for ITER . 14 EX/1-2 ·100 Percent Noninductive Operation at High Beta Using Off-axis ECCD . 14 EX/1-3 ·Steady State High betaN Discharges and Real-Time Control of Current Profile in JT-60U . 14 EX/1-4 ·Studies of the Quiescent H-mode regime in ASDEX Upgrade and JET . 14 EX/1-5 ·Confinement Study of Net-Current Free Toroidal Plasmas Based on the Extended International Stellarator Database . 15 EX/2-1 ·Energy loss for grassy ELMs and effect of plasma rotation on the ELM charac- teristics in JT-60U . 15 EX/2-2 ·H-mode pedestal, ELM, and power threshold studies in NSTX . 15 EX/2-3 ·The structure of ELMs and the distribution of transient power loads in MAST 16 EX/2-4Ra ·Power Exhaust on JET: an Overview of Dedicated Experiments . 16 EX/2-4Rb ·Wall and divertor heat load during ELMy H-mode and Disruptions in ASDEX Upgrade . 17 EX/2-5Ra ·Suppression of Large Edge Localized Modes With a Resonant Magnetic Per- turbation in High Confinement DIII-D Plasmas . 17 EX/2-5Rb ·Structure, Stability and ELM Dynamics of the H-mode Pedestal in DIII-D 17 EX/2-6 ·Integrated exhaust scenarios with actively controlled ELMs . 18 EX/3-1Ra ·Control of the Resistive Wall Mode With Internal Coils in the DIII-D Tokamak 18 EX/3-1Rb ·Active Measurement of Resistive Wall Mode Stability in Rotating High Beta Plasmas . 18 EX/3-2 ·Wall Stabilized Operation in High Beta NSTX Plasmas . 19 EX/3-3 ·Effects of global MHD instability on operational high-beta regime in LHD . 19 EX/3-4 ·Equilibrium and Stability of High-Beta Plasmas in Wendelstein 7-AS . 20 EX/4-1 ·Development, Physics Basis, and Performance Projections for Hybrid Scenario Operation in ITER on DIII-D . 20 EX/4-2 ·The ”hybrid” scenario in JET: towards its validation for ITER . 20 EX/4-3 ·Stationary high confinement plasmas with large bootstrap current fraction in JT-60U . 20 EX/4-4 ·Comparison of plasma performance and transport between tangential co- and counter-NBI heated MAST discharges. 21 EX/4-5 ·The Improved H-Mode at ASDEX Upgrade: a Candidate for an ITER Hybrid Scenario . 21 EX/4-6Ra ·Studies of HRS H-mode plasma in the JFT-2M tokamak . 21 EX/4-6Rb ·Electrostatic fluctuation and fluctuation-induced particle flux during forma- tion of the edge transport barrier in the JFT-2M tokamak . 22 EX/5-1 ·Energetic Particle Driven Modes in Advanced Tokamak Regimes on JET, DIII-D, Alcator C-MOD and TFTR . 22 CONTENTS iii EX/5-2Ra ·Experimental studies of instabilities and confinement of energetic particles on JET and on MAST . 22 EX/5-2Rb ·Energetic Ion Transport by Alfv´enEigenmode Induced by Negative-Ion- Based Neutral Beam Injection in the JT-60U Reversed Shear and Weak Shear Plasmas 23 EX/5-3 ·Study of aspect ratio effects on MHD instabilities . 23 EX/5-4Rb ·Configuration Dependence of Energetic Ion Driven Alfv´en Eigenmodes in the Large Helical Device . 24 EX/5-5 ·LHCD and Coupling Experiments with an ITER-like PAM launcher on the FTU tokamak . 24 EX/5-6 ·ICRH experiments on the spherical tokamak Globus-M . 24 EX/6-1 ·Compatibility of advanced tokamak plasma with high density and high radiation loss operation in JT-60U . 25 EX/6-2 ·Density Limit Studies in the Large Helical Device . 25 EX/6-3 ·Scaling Study of ELMy H-Mode Global and Pedestal Confinement at high tri- angularity in JET . 25 EX/6-4Ra ·The Role of Rotation in the H-mode Transition in Different Magnetic Con- figurations and Anomalous Momentum Transport in Alcator C-Mod Plasmas with No Momentum In . 26 EX/6-4Rb ·Plasma Rotation in Electron Cyclotron Heated H-modes in DIII-D . 26 EX/6-5 ·Effect of the Dynamic Ergodic Divertor in the TEXTOR Tokamak on MHD Stability, Plasma Rotation and Transport . 26 EX/6-6 ·Particle and Energy Transport in Dedicated ρ∗, β and ν∗ Scans in JET ELMy H-modes . 27 EX/7-1 ·Cross-machine NTM physics studies and implications for ITER . 27 EX/7-2 ·Active Control of MHD Instabilities by ECCD in ASDEX Upgrade . 27 EX/7-3 ·Onset and Suppression of 2/1 NTM in DIII-D . 27 EX/7-4 ·Stabilization of Neoclassical Tearing Mode by Electron Cyclotron Current Drive and Its Evolution Simulation on JT-60U Tokamak . 28 EX/8-1 ·On the influence of the magnetic topology on transport and radial electric fields in the TJ-II stellarator . 28 EX/8-2 ·Turbulent Particle Transport in Tore Supra . 28 EX/8-3 ·Measurement and Modeling of Electrode Biased Discharges in the HSX Stellarator 29 EX/8-4Ra ·Turbulent transport and plasma flow in the Reversed Field Pinch . 29 EX/8-4Rb ·Generation of Sheared Poloidal Flows by Electrostatic and Magnetic Reynolds Stress in the Boundary Plasma of HT-7 Tokamak . 29 EX/8-5Ra ·Edge and Internal Transport Barrier Formations in CHS . 30 EX/8-5Rb ·Experimental Studies of Zonal Flows in CHS and JIPPT-IIU . 30 EX/9-1 ·Effect of Plasma Shape on Electron Heat Transport in the Presence of extreme Temperature Gradients in TCV . 31 EX/9-2 ·Confinement Studies of Helical-axis Heliotron Plasmas . 31 EX/9-3 ·LH Transition by a Biased Hot Cathode in the Tohoku University Heliac . 31 EX/9-4 ·Limiter and Emissive Electrode Biasing Experiments on the Tokamak ISTTOK 32 EX/9-5 ·Improved Operation and Modeling of the SSPX Spheromak . 32 iv Fusion Energy Conference 2004 · Abstracts EX/9-6Ra ·Progress in the Study of Plasma Heating, Stability, and Confinement on HANBIT Mirror Device . 32 EX/9-6Rb ·Influence of radio frequency waves on the interchange stability in HANBIT mirror plasmas . 33 EX/9-6Rc ·Heating and Confinement of Ions at Multimirror Trap GOL-3 . 33 EX/9-6Rd ·Advances in Potential Formation and Findings in Sheared Radial Electric- Field Effects on Turbulence and Loss Suppression in GAMMA 10 . 33 EX/10-1 ·Overview of recent work on material erosion, migration and long-term fuel retention in the EU-fusion programme and conclusions for ITER . 34 EX/10-2 ·Deuterium retention in Tore Supra long discharges . 34 EX/10-3 ·Impact of nearly-saturated divertor plates on particle control in long and high- power heated discharges in JT-60U . 34 EX/10-4 ·Edge Plasma Control by Local Island Divertor in LHD . 35 EX/10-5 ·Tungsten: An option for divertor and main chamber plasma facing components in future fusion devices . 35 EX/10-6Ra ·Disruption Thermal Quench Mitigation by Noble Gas Jet Injection in DIII-D 35 EX/10-6Rb ·Disruption Mitigation Experiments in the JT-60U Tokamak . 36 EX/10-6Rc ·Disruption Mitigation on Tore Supra . 36 EX/P1-2 ·Impurity-seeded ELMy H-modes in JET, with high density and sustainable heat load. 36 EX/P1-3 ·ELMs, strike point jumps and SOL currents . 37 EX/P1-4 ·Small ELM regimes with good confinement on JET and comparison to those on ASDEX Upgrade, Alcator C-mod, and JT-60U . 37 EX/P2-1 ·JET RF dominated scenarios and Ion ITB experiments with no external mo- mentum input .
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