? "V6£UM_ 46 FAST JORDAI|,THrcH1CA«H RtPAY, AUGUST 7, 19427 -NtJMBfiR-32- More Enlisted Reservists Soldiers — Sailors UrjretT ordan ToGonib Farms Called To Re- To Apply For Ab­ For Salvage ,_!____ port Next Friday VICTORY CONCERT sent Voters' Ballots Leads County SCRAP HARVEST ON IN RURAL The following Enlisted, Reservists BENEFIT OF THE UfS.O. All men in the United States arm­ AND COUNTY OVERSUBSCRIBES have been instructed to report at ed service are urged to send in their COMMUNITIES AND ON NEW HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM. 8.00 P. M. ON WAR BONDS FOR JULY. FARMS Oitv Hall. Charlevoix. Michigan at "application""for an AbsenT Voter's Ballot fur the Cuming 0:00 a. nii on August 14, 1942. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 12th pmiiary elB'i:- The July quota of War Bonds for Alfred J-..Stark--— BpyneCity-.--. The Michigan St'rap—HaJ-vesX-jn. tion" Sept.'.16th:" . : . Charlevoix County was set-at- $26,- Intensified pi-groin DesignedTo ^l^^-T^f20^?^ ^Amei-iea (T-verse) ___-_____- — Everybody-Sing- These applications should be made 000. Our citizens responded by pur- vage .ba7ltyh*?e_«3r=S_r^^ tlii eel to—the—township- ,"r °\ty- -ehftnttig $31,8&3_i6-^_»4ren A_thu__W- Morgan _-~-_ Boyne City Cle"rir~where the person is register­ ^*.-rni-~frrrriTs-7aiTd-TUTal"rcoTOmxiTiTtiPs7 Hall-of- Fame-, _______ - v_-___---- - -- _____r Oilvadoti instamps. Roy L. Hott —- East Jordan ed. Do not send to the County CJerk. was launched at a meeting in the - HIGH SCHOOL BAND East Jordan lead the three cities by El-wood T. Anderson -— Boyne City Undoubtedly copy for the primary purchasing $14,453.75 in bonds. Fol­ Senate Chamber at Lansing on Aug. Henry A. Himebauch —- Charlevoix Sundown. (Londonerry _£ir) __• Wilson ballots will be in the hands of the lowing are the figures. 3. Principal speakers opening the Casimir E. Machowski — Chicago, 111 printers at the end of this- week and Just a Wearin' For You —— Jkmd Bonds Stamps states npnign wei finv Mnr- Lester 11. Jubenville — Boyne City will hi- ready for rirliyf-y by the end •say D. Van Wagoner, chairman "of Tingle, Jangle, Jingle _..___—_ _____:___._ _ _ _Mtiej-^ East Jordan -"$14,453.75 ¢1628 Harry-B. Goldstick — Charlevoix of the month. - the Michigan Council of- Defense, GROO.P OF GIRLS Charlevoix 13,145.75 2126 . Henry V. Bourdo -— East Jordan and Herbert L. Gutterson, chief of Boyne City 7,293.75 1031 the general salvage section, Indus­ Hudson B. Kelts-—: Boyne City In a Persian Market __ : 1 : Ketelbey Are you entitled to wear a trial Conservation Bureau of the War Charles. J. Gondzar — Boyne City HIGH SCHOOL BAND "target" lapel button? _ou Production Board. Wendell'!'. Willis — Boyne City are if yon are investing at Trailer Gets Scorched John R. Martin — St. James Largo : : :___ Handel least ten percent of your in­ 'The Salvage Committee of the SUZANNE AND BUD PORTER , come in Warjponds every pay Michigan Council of Defense^headed Francis L. Kaley — East Jordan Gwendel,_,.-Loekman—r- -Boyne. City -^aywJt's your badge of pa­ —A house-trailer at therrear-of the- by Kenneth M."Burns, 'is cooperating Aims of the U.S.O: __ _:__ Att'y JSv K. EeuHng- triotism. "..'.: with local salvage committees in. the Warren J. Davis —• Boyne City grocery on State St. was ignited Mi'Hnn T? "Reruns ChnrlpvoiX . Symbol of Honor ___ - :_________ Mesang : —-a- —. from a gas-stove Wednesday at 5:3H TnTirtTTo salvage every pound of scrap: HI«_H~SC^OO_r_AND ~~~ metal and other essential war.mater­ Owen C. Goodman — Boyne City p. m. and our fire department was ial from the rural districts of the Harvey J, Cole — Charlevoix \ (During this selection by the band a collection for called out. Damage was on the inside sstate. with t__-\Kving._eauipment being cov­ ered with chemicals. The window's, Salvage.collection.depots have been the U.S.O. will be taken up) established and local committees are Car Accident iflBBlM were all broken out. Insured. arranging fur transportation of the Gipsy Song -______.__, Dermott Owner orders the Herald to not salvage to designated' receiving sta­ Zipp— Gibbard say anything about-it so we are -not North of Town Little Green Valley _______ ; Perm mentioning his name... tions. :The Farm . Equipment Insti­ DOUBLE QUARTETTE + : . (Petoskey News Aug. 3.) tute and the National: Farm Equip­ AT TOP OF MltL NEAR THE Miss Ethelyn Bessie Zipp, daughter ment association are extending assis­ Ballet Egyptain No 2 _________________ Luigini PENINSULA GRANGE HALL of Mrs. Bessie Zipp, of Bay Shore, tance. In most {rural sections farm HIGH SCHOOL BAND and Rodney Gibbard, of Gladstone, Reunion In Honor Of implement dealers will-eo-operate in, Mrs. Milla Williamson's Two cars figured in an accident Johiiny Doughboy Found A Eose in Ireland Mich., son of Leslie Gibbard, of .handling the scrap. "• * East Jordan, exchanged their nup­ late Saturday night on the East Jor-. TED MALPASS Eighty-fifth Birthday Mr,-Gutterson is a veteran admin­ dan-Advance road. Dean Hankins, 18 tial vows at a lovely ceremony at the istrator with-experience in two wars. of Petoskey, who was driving a car Star Spangled Banner —•___,._____•__ __ Key home of the bride's mother on Sun- - More than forty friends and rela- In World--War--Hte was4n-,eha-ge of- helomTrrnrtrr-'Earl GoHnrrny-was-eat ___ LHIGH SCHOOL BAND day at 3 p. m. jhves-o^Mr^^iJto—W^ton^on^.agfd^^ purchases of foods and materials for about the head. Colburn escaped The wedding tookplacebefore an 85, and for many years.a resident of" the Allies-, under Herbert Hoover, improvised altar of summer flowers with slight injuries but . Franklin East Jordan, held a reunion at he_ and after .the Armistice he was a •Snejtthejii-tha_tbJr.d occupant ..of ..the and tall white papers in the pre member "of Hoover's relief"admrhis^ : homg:=o_ th e-W_jst_-Sidfe_Sa tuxday, car, was severely cut on the hand Minnie^s~^omeiiTou~s .«nd~ i\tteritro--^Parenfs^Ana ^^=^ "se7i«"^_^40immedi_te"T'e^lairye^^Re tration staff in Paris. In the present and wrist and the forehead. The se­ Rev. Leslie J. Neyins read the Pres August 1st. war he is heading the program for _j. Melodramatic Moment Relatives Of Men cond car belonged to Donald John­ byterian single ring ceremony in the Among those present were:— "salvage of materials for conversion Thomas MeCarry and family, son of -East Jordan, was, accompan­ "T .-• —— - In The Service absence of the Rev. E. P. Linnell who into, weapons and was materials. Sault Point; Mrs. Mary Reed, Mahis- ied by Herbert Kemp. Both cars were Minnie, an'S-w.eek-jdd of doubtful was out of the ' city. Mrs. Linnell . In East, Jordan the salvage com- The East Jordan Community Ser­ tique; Asa Reed and family, New­ badly damaged. Hankins was detained ownership, was cruelly thrust into played Lohengrin's Wedding March vice Committee, representing all berry; Samuel Zimmerman and fam- , mittee is composed of general chair- at the city jail until Monday morning the, hands of fate, Sunday-afternoon by Richard Wagner. cluhs, lodges, rhurches granges and jly Povfnrd; Mrs. Violet Shipley and man—rJarnoy Mils-te ad Clarence when He was given a hearing before at 2:00 o'clock, * l nun, IIMI^T-.TJ—1 MU.l.lltfa g£-»gBS MIR The bride, given in marriage by her family and Ralph MeCarry and fam. fleafey. J. C.-Mathews and Oscar Justice Murphv. found guilty, of dri^ Minnie, who escaped from her cap- other organizations in this area is at- brother, Richard Zipp. wore a street- "ily, Trout" EafceTTra" TSTeMilriairaTTd-^ W eislef. " ving while intoxicated, and sentenc­ "tors, "Ked'-^Trwin"' and" Cti_T"Zimmer- 4erm7_rrg-ro-seTid-tnformal-news let­ length dress of Alice blue sheer crepe family and Raymond McMillian,_St. * ••. ed to jay...a fjne of $75,00 and costs man (the villians), by poking a hole ter each week to all of the boys and Her bridal bouquet was fashioned of Ignace; Andrew Reed and faraily-and- serve 60 days in the county" iailT -rn-the~^Tnrny~sack'" in wmcli she was"girls : _ rom this area who are in the pink roses and orchid sweetpeas, Council Proceedings ""u _»"_-__ I'd "n"-f" iron Via _r_t a~" _> r\n /Inn _sV>l-m> "Sylvester Reed, Den_on-}—Mrs. Ro ,- He chose the latter and was taken to held captive, emerged forthwith and" "service."tf you have a son, daughter, Mrs..Bruce A. Green, of Boyne hnshand npphpw, neirp' or friend who bert Anderson and family, Mrs. Ed­ C'haiievoix to begin serving his sen­ 111 lllllijel-l haste. She left her captors Citv, nm'tor sister's matron of hon- Rf-gular nyeting, Common Coun­ is in the service and who once called na Grant and family, itaymond Heed tence, ilis driver's license, which has standing behind Graces' Pie Shop, and or and was attired in a dusty rose cil.. Oitv of East Jordan, held <>n the East Jordan home, the committee and family, and, Albert Grant of :lnl day of August, 1942. just expired will not be renewed. went south to Esterly St, thence sheer crepe street-length dress. Her south-west into the weeds. WhHe Would like tohave-his or-her name. flowers were Op"Helia roses and Muskegon. Prc.-.eitt : Aldermen Bussler, Shnw, The committee now has about 170 Unlpass, Thompson and Mayor Hea- looking among the weeds for Minnie white sweetpeas. Clifford L. Gibbard Red" heard Clif's mellifluous voice names.
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