The Official Newsletter of The Warrnambool Branch of the A.I.G.S. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE NUMBER : 30 NOVEMBER 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER : The Warrnambool Branch of The Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies does ' not accept any responsibility for the opinions or the accuracy of the information contained in this newsletter. CORRESPONDENCE : All correspondence should be directed to The Editor, The South West Genealogist, PO Box 607, Warrnambool Victoria Australia 3280 AREA ADMINISTRATOR : The Area Administrator may be contacted by writing to the address given for correspondence. MEETINGS : The Warrnambool Branch of The A.I.G.S. meets on the second Thursday of the month in the library of the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum, 23 Merri Street, Warrnambool. The Branch Management Committee meets at 7.30 pm, Monthly Meeting is at 8.00 pm. Visitors are most welcome. LIBRARY : The Warrnambool Branch of the A.I.G.S. staffs the library at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum on a volunteer roster, please enquire if the library will be open on (055) 64 7841 between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm. OFFICEBEARERS : AREA ADMINISTRATOR Marie Boyce SECRETARY Vacant MINUTE SECRETARY Irene Sheppard TREASURER Vacant RESEARCH OFFICER Betty Beavis PUBLICATIONS/PROMOTIONS Doug Holmes RESOURCES/PROJECTS Helen Price SUBSCRIPTIONS : A yearly subscription to The South West Genealogist may be obtained by forwarding an annual subscription of $6.00/year to the above address. Subscription will be reviewed annually to take into account production costs and postage rates. PRODUCTION Master copy prepared using facilities of Keltoi Genealogical Services, 5 Clifton Street, Warrnambool. Photocopying courtesy of Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum, 23 Merri Street, Warrnambool. Edited and produced by Douglas F Holmes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS Pages Editorial 2 Area Administrators Corner 2 Warrnambool & District Historicals - November 1917 3 Warrnambool & District Historicals - November 1892 4 Warrnambool & District Historicals - December 1892 4/5 Warrnambool & District Historicals - December 1917 5 Death Notices From The Hamilton Spectator 6/7 Marie's Memorabilia 8/9 Library Acquisitions 10/11 Family History Seminar 11/12 Register of Irish Emigrants 12 Trustees of Warrnambool Cemetery 12 Page Two EDITORIAL Welcome to this tenth and last edition of 'The South West Genealogist, for 1992. 1 you enjoy it. As you will have already noticed this issue is a bit larger than the usual issue due to being the last for the year. our ongoing series in Marie's memorabilia on local schools continues as does our Death Notices from the Hamilton Spectator, l- know I'm picking up heaps of information from typing all this data in and I hope the readers are also learning a lot about the history of our district. The decimation of families by diptheria and scarlet fever for example come to life when you read the death notices. Reminds one of just how lucky we are and what we take for granted doesn't it. A segment generating some mail is Betty's Warrnambool & District Historicals, this edition we cover both. November and December and for the first time we see major reception for returning soldiers in 1917 at the Town Hall. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR from us all at the SWG. ********************************************* THE AREA ADMINISTRATORS CORNER Dear Members and Friends, We have had a busy couple of weeks copying the Beatie & Phillips Burial Records from approximately 1868 to 1924 (a few years are missing) and my thanks go to those able to help me - Betty, Valerie and Lucy, also the unnamed source who allowed us the use of a copier as long as we supplied the paper - more than 6 reams. Each one returned her work in alphabetical order and this will make the final effort a lot easier. I should say that the Irish, Welsh. English and Scottish Burials (4 booklets) according to the burials at Warrnambool Cemetery are finally finished. Thanks Marlene and Dom for your original work and permission to use same, also for your help with covers and checking my work. Your hints will be invaluable for any future work. Gwen Cole. not a member, was at Flagstaff Hill doing private research, pointed out an article in the 1854 Government Gazette about the appointment of Trustees to the Warrnambool Cemetery. This item is reproduced below. Gloria, Sandra, Marjorie and Doug have helped distribute posters for the November Seminar. Pat and Heather will accommodate some of the speakers and I will have Faye Gutherie stay with me. I met a lady who was at the 1991 Seminar and she has registered to attend this year. We are hoping for an interesting and informative day. Robin has donated a Christmas Cake - some members took tickets to sell. Tickets are on sale at Galley Kitchenware in Koroit Street. Thanks Robin. I had an interesting experience during the month - Guest Speaker at the Annual Meeting of the Nullawarre C.W.A. Aurelin was with me and gave able assistance - she spoke of an ancestor, among other things. I feel we were successful in talking about our interest - we were asked if we would come back. Till the next time good luck with your researching Regards to all Marie Boyce Area Administrator Page Three WARRNAMBOOL AND DISTRICT HISTORICALS (Compiled by Betty Beavis, Branch Research Officer) NOVEMBER 75 YEARS AGO - 1917 (As reported in the Warrnambool Standard') MARRIAGES / NOTICE OF MARRIAGE WELCOME HOME McGUFFIE S H at Carisbrook to Lillian Pte W V STEVENS S GRAHAM Pte Rupert WRIGHT, Panmure CARROLL Ted, 'Fairview', Cudgee, to Lance-Cpl Mat O'MARA, Panmure Annie RYAN 'Allandale', Lake Gillear. Gunner T HOGAN, Panmure Pte Leslie GORRIE ENGAGEMENT Pte Stan WORLAND Pte F J BURRISS, Mailor's Flat PIPER Herbert A, Staff Sgt, to Mary Pte J H WAPLING, Mailor's Flat JOHNSTONE, Rothesay, Colac Pte P J GRIFFIN Pte Frank FARROW KITCHEN TEA Pte W KINSON Trooper James BOWMAN Ann Sybil REID at Koroit Pte Hugh ROSS (Mrs R MORRISS) Pte Alf W COLE FAREWELL DINNER LETTERS, ETC. FROM SOLDIERS Sgt SPOTSWOOD Warrnambool Cyclists in Trenches Lance-Cpl Dan HUMPHREYS DECORATIONS Pte J WINES Pte K FOTHERINGEAM Military Medal Pte L GOODALL Cpl Tom MORTON Pte A F McCONNELL Pte Geo Kennedy LOVEKIN Sgt D BYRNE Pte R E JAMES (Nirranda) Mentioned in Despatches Pte C McLEELAN (Port Fairy) Sgt C Roy BOYD, Bravely. Lieut-Col. W J S DAVIDSON Pte Carl NAGEL Pte W ROBINSON (POW Germany) Card DEATHS, OBITUARIES Pte E TORY Pte E J PARKINSON James MARTIN, 'Flowerdale', Koroit Letter re Pte Harold HARWOOD Alfred BACON Letter re Pte Bert HENRY Charles SIMPSON, Allansford Pte H R DAVIS Mrs David BROWNE (nee ABRAHAM) Cpl Allen JUKES Thomas GOODALL Pte W C DEGRANDI Mrs Richard LAFFAN, Koroit Pte Will McKINLAY Samuel SHADY, Mailor's Flat Chaplain-Major INGAMELLS Mrs Michael McDONALD (nee WIXTED) ITEMS OF INTEREST Farewell to Geo TORY Congratulations to Constable CROAGH 97th birthday of Mrs WOOLES Approximately 100 Returned Soldiers welcomed at Town Hall reception. ********************************************* Page Four WARRNAMBOOL AND DISTRICT HISTORICALS NOVEMBER 100 YEARS AGO - 1892 (As reported in the 'Warrnambool Standard') OBITUARIES, Etc John LEE, St Mary's, Wangoom. Dr SWINDELLS, Port Fairy Mrs MURPHY (nee DELANEY) of Nirranda. ITEMS OF INTEREST George GRANVILLE, licensee, deserts Royal Hotel. Arrested at Auckland N.Z. Constable GILLANDERS sets off to New Zealand to bring Granville back to Warrnambool. Detailed description of extensions to premises of T NAYLER. NAYLER BROS win contract for erecting new creamery at Woolsthorpe. Steamer (Lund's Line) named 'S.S. WARRNAMBOOL'. Warrnambool ladies decide to present steamer with a flag. Mr W McVEIGH of Farnham Butter Factory invents a machine for processing butter - machine made to order by J CONN of Dennington. Mr McVeigh to take up a position in Geelong. Lightning explosion at J S ROWLEY's Cordial Factory. Improvements to J L ELLIS' bakery and biscuit munufactory. Painful accident to Fred BEST - proprietor of the Winslow tannery CARDINAL brothers (his brothers-in-law) come to his aid. ********************************************* WARRNAMBOOL AND DISTRICT HISTORICALS DECEMBER 100 YEARS AGO - 1892 (As reported in the 'Warrnambool Standard') OBITUARIES, Etc C NORMAN, aged 71. Biography given. ITEMS OF INTEREST Presentation of flag to 'S.S. WARRNAMBOOL' at Williamstown. GRANVILLE and Constable GILLANDERS return to Warrnambool. Court case held. Mr E WHITE, John and Lindsay SLOSS rescue James LAVERY from the Merri River. R S HARRIS publishes an article re 'Cullompton', devon, his native place, after visiting it. Very descriptive, giving family details. Improvements made to ANGLERS REST HOTEL by John ADAMS. Page Five DECEMBER 100 YEARS AGO - 1992 (cont) 40 bales of leather sent to Melbourne on the 'Julia Percy' from Jackson GIBLETT Is tannery. improvements made to the ANGLERS REST HOTEL by John ADAMS. W JACKMAN, architect, caught in cross-current - assisted to escape by. James ROSE and James DICKSON. ********************************************* WARRNAMBOOL AND DISTRICT HISTORICALS (Compiled by Betty Beavis, Branch Research Officer) DECEMBER 75 YEARS AGO 1917 (As reported in the Warrnambool Standard, MARRIAGES / NOTICE OF MARRIAGE WELCOME HOME McCONNELL Thomas, Noorat to Elsie L Pte J GRIFFIN (West Reserve) MARSHALL, Noorat. Lieut A D WALLACE, Nirranda Pte T GRIFFIN, Nirranda P. 0. W. ESCAPES Pte W BERGIN, Nirranda Pte A BRUMBY, Nirranda Pte J LEE, POW in Germany, escapes to Pte A SNELL, Nirranda England via Holland Pte A McKEAN, Nirranda Pte J PHILLIPS, Allansford DECORATIONS Stoker J ROBB, Allansford Military Medals LETTERS, ETC. FROM SOLDIERS Sgt R A HOSE Sgt Albert GUYETT, Port Fairy Pte R FAGAN Pte J HEMPEL Pte P F HENDERSON Pte David MITCHELL, Sth W'Bool Pte Bob RICHARDSON Gunner Clarence MOORE Letter re Pte Carl NAGEL Cpl Eric ROPER, Garvoc Letter re Pte Percy MORGAN Letter re, Pte Henry FRITCH DEATHS, OBITUARIES Letter re Pte A LINDSAY Letter from General BIRDWOOD to Mrs W T PLUMBE, Caramut Mrs Andrew MITCHELL, Sth W'Bool.
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