mimm mmmmmmmmm leMb NUMBER SO VOLUME 35 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1831. P. T. A, MEETING SCHOOLS CLOSE EIGHT CONVICTED E. J. Streets In POSTPONED TO Masons-Legion FOR HOLIDAYS IN CIRCUIT COURT Traverse Quint Holiday Attire NEXT WEDNESDAY Win Opener NEXT FRIDAY AT BELLAIRE Defeats E.Jordan The East Jordan- Public Schools Convicted of having issued worth­ Owing to the Auditorium being INDOOR BASE BALL LEAGUE TRAVERSE CITY BASKETBALL LIGHTED XMAS TREES ALONG used last Wednesday; the meeting of close for the Christmas holidays next less checks, Elmer Fuller of Central NOW UNDER WAY. TEAM WIN 16 TO 8. CURBS MAKE FINE SHOWING. the Parent-Teacher A3s'n will be held Friday afternoon, Dec. 18th and open Lake was sentenced Tuesday to Ionia next Wednesday evening, Dec. 16th, again Monday, Jan. 4th. Semester- Reformatory by Circuit Judge Parm at 7:30 o'clock. Following is the A,fair sized crowd was on hand at exams will take place the week of C. Gilbert for a term of 11H months (From Record-Eagle) Possibly most of -East Jordan's citi­ PROGRAM the Gym Monday evening to witness Jan. 18. The second semester opens to a year. St. ^Francis High School Basket­ zens "have observed with inteiest and Christmas Carols Audience the opening of the Indoor Baseball Jan. 25. Jack and Dick Rider of Helena ball team of Travetse City waded . pride our beautiful street lighting. League season. The Masons defeated A Christmas program will be given township, Antrim County, drew terms right into Class C competition Fri­ '**\ Many other towns have some sort of Cello Solo Ruth Duncanson the Independents in the opening at the High School, Friday afternoon of one to five years each in Jackson day night and came out with colon | lighting which indicates the Chistmas Entertainment 4th and 6th Grades game, 11 to 3, and the Legion took to which the public is cordially in­ prison on conviction of larceny. flying high, by reason of a 16 and 8 V / ecason is nigh, such as a large Christ- Speaker ' the closing contest from the Foun­ vited. The program 'this year is John. Brady of Bellaire, .a prohibi­ defeat it handed Coach Abe Cohen's JLX—was tree, colored lights across the Solo Jean Bechtold dry, 11 to 6. especially designed to reveal the tion law violator, was given the choice East Jordan quintet on the northern W*¥^- street, or just window decorations, Selection " Glee Club The Masons, with practically the Christmas spirit. Some of the pro­ of paying a fine of $300 or serving 6 court. ^ but the lighting in East Jordan is one grams in the past have not always months to one year in the Reforma­ same team of veterans, which have A defense the speedy Jordaners of the unique Christmas lighting ef­ exemplified the finest type of cele­ tory. Claire White of Bellaire -and MING COMMENDS won the pennant for them the past could not break" down or pierce con­ fects. brating'the greatest of all events that Henry Davis of Maneelona,- both vio­ few years, presented a smoothly sistently was the Parochials' main The Christmas tree? themselves in TUBERCULOSIS it is. lators of the prohibition law, were functioning outfit which spelled de­ forte. As to shooting, Coach Vern front-of-nearly- every—business-place placed on probation. CHRISTMAS SEAL feat for the, "Indies" who have not Emerson's youngsters should have aiways look fine but when every one played together enough' to co-ordi­ Others placed on probation were doubled their score, had hooping eyes has a beautiful eelored string of nate as yet. PROFITS MAY FAIL Edwin Koone of Elk. Rapids, convict­ been in correct order. ' lights entwined in its branches it Urging the people of Northern ed of breaking and entering, and The "Indies" have, a group of JMbrt Carroll was delayed in arriv­ gives a most unusual and brilliant Michigan to continue the fight against BUT FARMERS STAY Clyde Hodgkins of Ellsworth, con­ youngsters who ari.not afraid to ing on the northern battle-ground. effect as well as ^brings home the , uberculosis waged for many years victed of entering without-breaking. "stand up there ana swing at the ol' He didn't, start, but was inserted in spirit of the Christmas season. by the Michigan Tuberculosis ,Ass'n Breaking and entering ,, charges, onion" and from the looks of the box Repeated queries about how a far­ the first period; and Bramer went in The Chamber of Commerce spon- and signalized this year by legislative against John Tipton of Kalkaska were score, with " another game or two, mer can lose money in conducting his for Barr as the only other St, Francis sored -the idea and surely are to be establishment of the Northern State nol-prossed. - , they should hold their own with any business for a period of years and substitution. East Jordan also used congratulated. A. K. Hill,' it's Presi­ Sanatorium, Fred E. Ming called for Will and Bessie Hillman of East- team in the League. still continue to operate his farm-are six players. Coach Walker of Alba dent is one of the men in particular generous support of the sale of tu- port, charged.-with- arson, entered LVer ' Seiler~secured but tfrreestrike^outs partially answered by the study made referred an excellent [game. yi bereuiosis-Ghristmas-scals now in-pro- pfeasjjf not guilty.—They." were re- at the expense of these boys but by the farm management department East Jordan had a 6 and 2 lead as business man who contributed to the gress. leas'ed under bail of j|6-00 each pend­ practically faultless fielding kept the atv Michigan. State College which the first quarter ended, and 6 to 5 at expense along with a small but effi­ Mr. Ming, recalling the successful ing trial in the May term. bases clean most of the time. On the shows the value" of the farm products the half. But,, Capta"in Pat Burden cient ^committee of one, Barney Mil- campaign made^ early this year for other hand, errors played a large part used by the farmer and his family. and his helpers gained an 11 and 8 stein - who secured the~f ihances Trom che new sanatorium " aridT ther "anti­ in the scoring by the Masons, five of Fi/ty-one of the 486 farmers who edge for the third stopping place, and the business men and engineered tuberculosis projects undertaken with their eleven runs coming as a result kept farm accounts under the super-'"L . C. ROUSE they .blanked the home team; in the some of the details. On top of that, funds secured from the sale of Xmas of mis-plays. visioii of the farm management de­ last eight minutes, while picking up credit is due the local Michigan Pu­ seals, said: "We must keep the fight COUNTYROAD COM'R Jack McKinnon, pitching for the partment kept accurate records of the five more points. blic Service men in'actually doing the against this disease going until every "Indies," secured seven strike-Outs farm products and~fhe fuel used in ANSWERS CRITICS work. •'•• home in the State is free' from the Score by quarters: . for himself. At times the "Indies" the household. These records show One can get the real beauty of the dangers of tuberculosis. •St, Francis 2 3 6 5—16 showed real ability' in handling the that the average value of the "home East Jordan 5 1 2 0— 8 street lighting by noticing jt after 'The new sanatorium will provide My friends have called nry atten­ ball, three of the Masons being "nip­ grown products used was $372.47. The Line-ups: most of the cars have left the street much-needed facilities for care of This is the farm value of the products, tion to an article appearing in The ped" runriingjbas.es, (two of these at ST. FRANCIS FG FT later in the evening. This ^should those who are suffering with the di­ not the retail value from stores. Charlevoix County Herald of the the plate). Burden, F L _0 look even more beautiful after ;the sease,, but we need now, more than issue of Nov. 27th taken from the 2 Score by Innings: The records show that the, only Ludka, F_„__ - 3 Christmas season advances, especially ever, the preventive work which Xmas Boyne Citizen of the issue of Nov- R •H E home grown farm product used by during the Christmas week if we hap­ seals make possible," Mr. Ming con­ 19th and signed: by Clark Haire which Bramer, C"~_i;r;r;ZZZ-_"2 Indies— 0 0 3 0 0 0 0—3 7 5 every one of the '51 was potatoes. pen to get a nice white blanket of tinued. "The time has come when we made reference to a road project of Sanborn, G i Masons._ 15 0 0 2 3 x—11 14 2 Milk was the next in rank, with 50 snow. must have the help of everyone who the State Highway Department. The Barr, G : 0 Batteries: Seiler and Cohen; J. Mc­ families—using—this product of the Carroll, Cl A number of citizens have remark? can buy the penny seals if the State article in no way portrays the am­ Kinnon and L. Bennett. home dairy. • Thirty-seven families ed how fine the whole scheme is and is to be cleared of the White Plague, bition or devotion the principal .holds - The second game found two evenly used home made butter. Some of the appreciate the efforts made to make The State voted to take care of the in the highways of the county.
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