January, 2018 Digital 77 “116 MacDougal” To Shoot @ 3 Rivers Studios Once again, Pittsburgh is subbing for New clicking https://en.wikipedia.org/ Much of it will be shot at the new York City in a film, Scott Mervis writes in wiki/The_Gaslight_Cafe 3 Rivers Studios, a recently the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. opened production facility south “It’s an interesting story that was of the city near Crafton with over That film is "116 Mac- never told before,” Mervis quotes 150,000-square-feet of studio Dougal," the behind-the- co-producer Lynda Schneider. space. Read Mervis' full article by scenes story of the Gas- “That a man from [the Pittsburgh clicking http://www.post- light Cafe. suburb] Dormont, John Mitchell, gazette.com/ae/music/2017/12/18/ opened the Gaslight Cafe, which Commonheart-singer-has-role-in- The Gaslight Cafe was a launched the careers of Bob Dy- 116-MacDougal/ coffee house that opened lan and so many others.” stories/201712180117 in Greenwich Village in 1958. Over the next decade, it became a stage for ground- Actress and filmmaker Adrienne breaking poets like Allen Ginsberg (1926- Weir is among the many local 1997), folk singers such as Phil Ochs professionals who are part of the (1940-1976) and even comedians like Bill production, which begins shoot- Cosby. The coffee house closed in 1971. ing this spring. IMDB as the full You can read the history of the Gaslight by cast and crew at www.imdb.com/ title/tt7309348/?ref_=fn_tt_tt_1 New City Law Upsets Zoo & Shrine Circus The city's new law on the treatment of ex- However, the nonprofit Shrine A manatee is a herbivorous ma- otic animals is not sitting well with the Circus' Paul Leavy told Routh rine mammal with paddle-like Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, that the law is misleading because flippers and often called a "sea writes Julian Routh in the Pittsburgh Post- the list of banned instruments is cow." The full story is available Gazette. mostly for "shock value." That list online at http:// includes items such as the hack- www.pittsburghzoo.org/News- Mayor Bill Peduto saw and pitchfork. Pittsburgh-Zoo-PPG-Aquarium- signed the bill into law Participates-in-Rescue-of- on December 28. It pro- "We have to have the tools" to Stranded-Manatees hibits any object train and manage the animals, "capable of inflicting Leavy explained. The Zoo argued pain , intimidating or that they already obey all federal threatening pain for the purpose of training regulations and that the city law or controlling" animals. The bill was pro- prohibits "professionally recog- moted by animal rights activists and passed nized tools." 6 to 3 by Pittsburgh City Council on De- cember 19. Violators can face up to 30 In other news, the Pittsburg Zoo days in jail and a $1,000. & PPG Aquarium successfully assisted in the rescue and trans- The Zoo strongly opposed the law but had- port of 10 manatees from the n't issued an official comment by press chilling waters of Charleston, time. South Carolina. Pittsburgh Applause 2 Pittsburgh Applause FCC Fines Sinclair $13.4 Million With its proposed merger with Sinclair insists that it was nothing critics and other TV news execu- Tribune Media pending, the of- more than a mistake. "Sinclair tives that Sinclair is pushing too ten controversial Sinclair Broad- proudly supports the Cancer much conservative-minded news cast Group has been hit with a Foundation and its educational content. However, it has not run $13.4 million fine, reports Wayne mission," the company responds into any issue/problems with the Friedman for MediaPost. in a press release. "Any absence FCC in this regard." of sponsorship identification in these public service segments was unintended and a result of simple human error. After working to SAG reach a reasonable settlement, we are disappointed by this Sinclair owns two television sta- [decision], which we believe is AWARDS tions in Pittsburgh. unreasonable, given the circum- Nominees have been announced - stances of our case and the ab- -- and voting has begun --- for this The fine was for not identifying sence of any viewer harm. We year's SAG Awards. sponsored content regarding 2016 disagree with the FCC’s action infomercials purchased on Sin- and intend to contest this unwar- clair stations for the Huntsman ranted fine." Cancer Institute. Friedman de- scribes it as "the largest fine of its "This ruling," Friedman writes, kind ever." "follows ongoing criticism by TV The Screen Actors Guild Award was began in 1995 by what is now “Prosody” Cancelled the Screen Actors Guild- American Federation of Televi- sion and Radio Artists (SAG- After nearly three decades, the bring in an assortment of different AFTRA) to recognize outstanding respected local literature radio poets to interview, from beginners performances in television and program "Prosody" has been can- who showed a lot of promise, to film. SAG-AFTRA has hundreds celled by public broadcaster mid-level poets who had a book of members in Pittsburgh and WESA-FM, reports Amanda or two but were not well-known maintains a full-time office in Reed in Pittsburgh City Paper. nationally, to national poets who downtown Pitsburgh. are National Book Award winners "Prosody" began on WESA's and poet laureates.” Among the nominees are the predecessor, WDUQ-FM, and had Pittsburgh-set drama series "This been produced by an all-volunteer Reed's full article is available at is Us" which includes Out- staff. In linguistics, the word https://www.pghcitypaper.com/ standing Drama Ensemble, and "prosody" refers to functions such Blogh/archives/2017/12/19/wesa- Drama Series Actor (Sterling K. as intonation, tone, stress and cancels-longtime-radio-show- Brown). rhythm. prosody The ceremony airs January 21 on The series has been especially The final "Prosody" aired Decem- Time-Warner's TNT and TBS important for local poets. “I’m ber 30 on WESA. The series con- cable channels. The full list of going to miss the effect it had on tinues as a podcast. nominees available by clicking the larger community,” Michael http://www.sagaftra.org/ Simms, a poet and founder of nominations-announced-24th- Autumn House Press, told Reed. annual-screen-actors-guild- “[Host Jan Beatty] was able to awards®-0 www.pittsburghapplause.com www.pittsburghaebook.com Pittsburgh Applause 4 Pittsburgh Applause Warhol Hires New Vice President Marcia Crawley has been named Dali Museum, the Eli and raise $1.5 million to create an by the Carnegie Museums of Edythe Broad Art Museum, and endowment to finance a perma- Pittsburgh as the organization's the Detroit Institute of Arts is nent archivist for the Teenie Har- new vice president for advance- complemented by success as a ris Archives. ment and community engage- senior university fundraiser at ment. Michigan State [University]. Teenie Harris (1908-1998) was a And her experience as a broadcast professional photographer who journalist and government com- documented much African- municator is highly relevant to her American history for the Pitts- work as an advancement officer. burgh Courier newspaper. Domi- Marcia understands both the mu- nique Luster has held the post seum world and complex organi- since 2016. Now with stable fi- Crawley has more than twenty zations, and she’ll be a great am- nancing, the position can continue years experience in the non-profit bassador for all of our museums.” indefinitely. art world, including the Salvador Dali Museum and the Detroit The Andy Warhol Museum has CMA has also announced that the Institute of the Arts. She has also named a new hire: Clark 2018 Carnegie International has also had stints in media (as a re- Crowley-Bunyard is now the mu- been certified by the organization porter) and government. seum's advancement director. He Working Artists and the was most recently with the Boston Greater Economy (WAGE) as “Marcia has an unusually well- chapter of BuildOn, an interna- meeting its standards for paying rounded resume that makes her tional organization formed in artists fees. WAGE was estab- uniquely well-suited to join our 1991 that runs afterschool pro- lished in 2008 to focus "on regu- leadership team and lead our ad- grams in the U.S. and builds lating the payment of artist fees vancement efforts,” said the Car- schools in developing countries. by nonprofit art institutions and negie Museums' Jo Ellen Parker establishing a sustainable model in a press release. “Her develop- In other news, the Carnegie Mu- for best practices between artists ment leadership at the Salvador seum of Art (CMA) has an- and the institutions that contract nounced that has successfully their labor." Piechocki Talks Public Art The The outgoing director of the Of- the OPA's founding director 13 fice of Public Art, Renee years ago. Piechocki, was the Pittsburgh subject of a recent In the interview, Piechocki talks in-depth interview about a variety of subjects, in- A&E Book with Pittsburgh cluding the recent controversy City Paper's Bill over the Stephen Foster statute in O'Driscoll. Oakland. Read it at https:// www.pghcitypaper.com/ A joint project of the city and the pittsburgh/a-conversation-with- Greater Pittsburgh Arts Coun- renee-piechocki/Content? A new edition is cil (GPAC), the Office of Public oid=5969686 currently in Art (OPA) is entrusted with pro- development! moting and supporting public art in Pittsburgh. Piechocki became www.pittsburghapplause.com www.pittsburghaebook.com Pittsburgh Applause 5 Pittsburgh Applause KQV Goes Dark & WZUM Rises It's long history began as an ex- manager Robert Dickey Sr. (1927 changing its call letters to WESA perimental radio station in 1919, -2011) bought KQV to retain its and its format to all-NPR.
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