TV THE WRATHER _ ' F o r e o u t b j O. S. W eather Ooreiia, NBT PRKSS l«UN Kew Have* ' AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION .______ • 'A ; for ( je nipntb of February, i928 Fair and slishtly warmer tonight ^ Conn. Stnte 5,108 and Thursday. Member of the Anillt llnreaa of Circnlntliinn (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1928. VOL. XLIL, NO. 152. Classilled Advertising on Page 1^- • <»> ( 1,041 APPLICATIONS I’O USE TELEVISION FOB AIR CORPS SCHOOL IN NEXT CAMPAIGN After Bombers Called on Senator Deneen FLYERS S m WAIT SAY UNDBERGH I <s>- Washington, March 28.— Chicago, March 28.— In the America has become so political campaign of 1932, ra­ 4 * ; thoroughly alr-mindec. during MAY CHANCE | dio, through its newly developed the last year that the Army FAVORABLE WINDS sister— television— will enable cries out for help, millions to see, as well as hear, i An announcement a month the distant speaker. 'c'A' PACfflCHOPI This was the prophecy voiced ! ago that a new class of 110 fly- today by Major General J. G. i ing cadets would be admitted ____ _ I + to air corps schools by examina­ FOR OCEAN FUGHT Harbord, president of the Radio Corporation of America, in a tion April tenth has thus far speech before the Chicago Asso­ 'V' produced 1,041 applications All Sorts of Rumors About | ciation of Commerce. from eligible youths and almost In a glowing word picture of as many more from persons CAU A NEW PANU Strong Westerly Winds Keep Noted Flyer Are Going | radio's bewlluering strides and « * manifestly unqualified. Last of its future possibilities. Gen­ year’s call produced less than eral Harbord said: ■M l 300 applications. Training corps Germans on Ground; Plane Rounds But He Is Uncom*| ‘‘ It links the nations together officers estimate that 1,500 ap­ IN FIOKIAN CASE i in the betterment of relations plications will be received be­ Coated With Grease to and the promotion of enduring fore examination date. municative. j peace." Applications have come from \ every state In the union and Prevent Ice From Form­ i M from Panama, Hawaii, Alaska Eleven Jurors Already Chos- Washington, March^ 2S.— Col. i and the Philippines. California Charles A. Lindbergh hopped off! leads all other states in the en-^Expect Trial to Start ing on Wings— May Start from Bolling Field, presumably for I WALL STREET number of aspiring Lindberghs. New York, at 10:50 a. m., today. I This Afternoon. At Dawn Tomorrow. He flew the same cabin monoplane j CALMS DOWN in which he has been making re- ' Hartford, Conn., March 28.— The cent flights about the country, and i MERCURY FALLS Dublin, March 28.— Strong west­ was accompanied by Major Thomas i trial of Stuardt R. Floiian, of erly winds which made trans-At­ Hanphier, commandant of Selfridge I TOJONDAY v>- Southington, on a charge of par­ lantic flying too perilous compelled Field, Mich. j M l AS SNOWSTORM ticipating in the robbery of the the German ace. Captain Herman I.indbergh was uncommunicative. I Plahtsville Natioonal Bank last Koehl to postpone his hop off to as usual, regarding tlie flight and | June halted at noon today to en­ his future plans, although many re- j General Motors, U. S. Steel America until tomorrow. Koehl ports concerning his future activi- j SWEEPS LAKES able a new panel to be summoned and his two companions had hoped ties were being circulated here to- , into court so that a jury could be to leave Baldonnel airdrome in and Radio Move in Nar­ selected. Eleven jurors had been day. I their Junkers monoplane Bremen It was reported: ! chose out of forty-nine veniremien That he will undertake a Irans- row Range— Oil Stocks Buffalo Mill Destroyed By summoned, and the panel was ex- today, but flying conditions at Pacific .light to the Orient early j hausited when Judge L. P. Waldo dawn were unfavorable and failed this summer, flying first from San ■ Marvin, of the Superior Court or­ to Improve. dered the summoning of more tales­ Francisco to Hawaii, and thence to Start Upward. Fire In Gale; Sections of ‘ ‘We hoped for better weather to­ the Philippines and Japan. men. Mark A. Schaeffer, Wethersfield morrow,” said Koehl. Another Report In addition to strong winds off That he will soon announce his Ontario Flooded; Two piano tuner. Patrick J. Ahern, New Britain the Irish coast, the British air min­ identification with a new interna­ New York, March 2 8.— Turbu­ istry reported stormy weather in tional aerial navigation company lent Wall street calmed down quite factory hand Feet of Snow. Elizha T. Hubbell, Simsbury mid-Atlantic, which will linlc up the countries of a bit today. The normalcy that pre­ Baron ’Yop Huenefeld, who will Central and South America with painter. vailed prior to Marcli 3rd wlien the Leo W. Bacon, Newington accompany Pilot Koehl as a passen­ the United States in a commercial ger said the flyers would be guided and passenger service. great boom markets began was al­ Buffalo, March 2 8— High winds, plumber. Wesley W. Hale, Rocky Hill by the air ministry weather bulle­ That he will become connected most attained. accompanied by rain, snow and tins in making their plans. with a new national airways con­ sleet, swept Western New York and clerk. Tlie jamboree, the hysteria and J. Albert Oaks, Windsor tobacco Coat of Grease cern which is to manufacture large Just before the hop off the wings startling price changes of yesteT- the Province of Ontario today. | grower. commercial transport planes to ply , Trees, wires, windows and roofs of the plane will be coated with between the principal cities of this I record-breaking 4,055,000- Joseph Cooper, Wethersfield fac­ grease or oil to prevent ice from country. share market gave way to an at-' were torn down in many sections tory foreman. forming upon them. Col. Charles Jurors selected yesterday were Concerning these rumors— and 1 mosphere of comparative sanity on j and communication was interrupted. A. Lindbergh, pioneer in trans-At­ j the floor of the New York Stock j Frederick M. Hollister, retired lantic flying, after his venturesome many more— the taciturn colonel How bombers, believed to have been actuated by political enmity, paid ^ eir respects to the Chicago Severe rveather came with the Glastonbury farmer; Ernest M. had Jiothing to say. He is confer­ 1 Exchange this morning. In the first! flight from New York to Paris said I hour of trading 990,400 shares; homes of U S. Senator Charles S. Deneen and Judge John A. Swanson, the Deneen candidate for State s storm, temperatures dropping from Hodge, Avon butcher; Fred M. ring from time to time with govern­ \ttornev is viewed in these telephotos. The wrecked front of the Deneen residrace is shown in the up­ that one of the greatest dangers j were dealt in as compared with 1,- are shown 40 to 60 degrees. Hills, East Hartford tobacco grow­ ment officials. but they arc as un­ per picture: below. Judge Swanson (right) and U. S. District Attorney George E. Q. Johnson While the rvind was at Its maxi­ was the formation of ice upon the . '214,500 during the same period! er; and Winslow W. Barnes, Can­ plane wings. communicative as Lindbergh him­ I yesterday. | examining the damage to the Swanson house. No o ne was injured by the explosions.______ mum in Buffalo with a velocity of self— at his request. Yesterday, ton garage owner. While Mitchel Field, N. Y., has I In orderly fashion the ticker j 68 miles an hour, the plant of the Attorneys in the case expected generally been accepted as the des­ Lindbergh spent two hours with i tapes recorded transactions, keep- was destroyed by fire, entailing a to be able to start the work of the Under Secretary of State Olds, tination of the German airmen, the j ing up without difiiculty. Yesterday; ABLE TO BRING Ir e w ARD OF $65,000 loss estimated at $240,000. One actual trial by the time the court possibility exists that they may at­ which gave rise to reports of new i the ticker ran from 5 to 35 minutes fireman was inj-ured. has ended its noon recess at two foreign ventures. THINK FREi EDEL DEAD TO LIFE tempt to reach Philadelphia if con­ ; behind all day. ; In another section of the city, p, m. ditions permit. It is understood Lindbergh has concluded his 1 I fire fanned by the gale destroyed aerial taxi chauffeuring for mem­ Principal Stock.s \ tliaf tfre'roffer of a Philadelphia Scientist ta- Sho’W His TO CATCH BOMBERS two barns and damaged a house. newspaper of a $25;000 prize to the. bers of Congress and their families. i The three stocks that haa'e been IS IN ST. LOUIS ■\ dozen downtown stores reported ; causing most of the speculative c.x- Power Before Committee of HURLEY TO AB%ISH first airmen making a non-stop During the four days of this work broken AvindoAVs. he went aloft more than 100 times i citeraent lately— General i\Iolors. Savants. flight from a European capital to I U. S. Steel and Radio CorporaUpn, In Batavia, electric power was the Pennsylvania city still holds and carried more than 1,000 peo­ off five hours. At Middleport, a WESTPORT BARRACKS ple. i of America— moved within a uar-| Delhi, India, March 2S.— A Chicago Citizens Scared By good. I row range up to the noon hou:'. | Meriden Murder Suspect’s' score of roofs barn doors and trees However, the chief concern of claim that he can bring the fell before the storm.
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