FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 30 • NUMBER 138 Tuesday, July 20,1965 Washington, D.C. Pages 9045-9082 Agencies in this issue— The President Agency for International Development Agricultural Research Service Civil Aeronautics Board Commerce Department Consumer and Marketing Service Federal Aviation Agency Federal Communications Commission Federal Power Commission Fédéral Trade Commission Fish and W ildlife Service Forest Service Internal Revenue Service In tern ation al Commerce Bureau Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau Maritime Administration Post Office Department Securities and Exchange Commission Small Business Administration Treasury Departm ent Detailed list of Contents appears inside. 5-Year Compilations of Presidential Documents Supplements to Title 3 of the Code of Federal Regulations The Supplements to Title 3 of the Code the Presidfent and published in the Federal of Federal Regulations contain the full text Register during the period June 2, 19 38 - of proclamations, Executive orders, reor­ December 31, 1963. Tabular finding aids ganization plans, trade agreement letters, and subject indexes are included. The in­ and certain administrative orders issued by dividual volumes are priced as follows: 1938-1943 Compì lotion— $3.00 1949—1953 Compilation——$7.00 1943-1948 Compilation——$7.00 1954—1958 Compilation——$4.00 1959—1963 Compilation— $6.00 Compiled by Office of the Federal Resister, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402 Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or f e d e r a i b e g is t e r on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, Nat _ M_ ... „ Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (m ail address Na Area Code 202 Phono 963-32611 Archives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408), pursuant to the authority contained in tne Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.O., ch. 8 B ), under regulations prescribed by the Aami istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Supenn of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. rm.vn.ble in The Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15.00 per yeoit P 7 e_ advance. The charge for individual copies (minimum 15 cents) varies In proportion to the size of the issue. Remit cneck order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. _ our_ The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code op Federal Regulations, which is published, under , . d ' t Df suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code op Federal Regulations is sold by the Super Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first Federal Register issue of each month. u W-tilations. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal Register or the Code op Federal Contents THE PRESIDENT Proposed Rule Making INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Regulations under Packers and See Fish and Wildlife Service; EXECUTIVE ORDER Stockyards Act; extension of Land Management Bureau. tim e____________ i__ _______ ____ 9066 Establishing the President’s Com­ mission on Crime in the District Notices INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE of Columbia___________________ 9049 Canned and frozen red tart pitted Rules and Regulations cherries; notice of purchase pro- £ gram _____f_________ ____J | 9067 . Income tax ; investment credit pro­ EXECUTIVE AGENCIES visions aiid amendment of de­ FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY preciation provisions______ ____ 9060 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL Rules and Regulations DEVELOPMENT Restricted area; alteration— 9055. INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Rules and Regulations BUREAU Overseas shipments of supplies by FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Notices voluntary nonprofit relief agen­ COMMISSION Order denying export privileges: cies; shipments eligible for rein- Notices Caramant Industrial T ra d e bursement of freight charges.. 9059 Agency et al____________ |____ 9067 Hearings, etc,: Morvan, Jçan____________ ____ _ 9069 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Capital Broadcasting Corp. and SERVICE Capital News, Inc ——1 9071 Chapman Radio and Television INTERSTATE COMMERCE Rules and Regulations Co. and Anniston Broadcast­ COMMISSION Interpretation with respect to - ing Co— ___— 9071 Notices labels for large containers..— 9051 Chicagoland TV Co. and Chi­ Fourth section applications for re­ Proposed Rule Making cago Federation of Labor and Industrial Union Council----- 9072 lie f— ____ _____ — _______ _____ 9079 Anti-hog-cholera serum and hog- Greenside, Richard P., et al____ 9072 Motor carrier temporary author­ cholera virus; proposed budget KXYZ Television, Inc., and ity applications^^_______ '|_____ 9079 and rate of assessment for Crest Broadcasting Co______ 9072 Motor carrier transfer proceed­ 1965____Î _______ .>•____ 9066 Missouri-Rlinois Broadcasting ings— — _______ J____ 9080 Co. and KGMO-Television Ohio Motor Freight Committee, AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Inc. (KGMO)____— ___t 9072 Inc,;. application for approval See Agricultural Research Serv­ Symphony Network Associa­ of agreement— _______ _____ 9080 ice; Consumer and Marketing tion, Inc., and Chapman Service; Forest Service. Radio and Television Co____ 9072 LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU Triple C Broadcasting Corp. CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD (W L O R ) ________________.____ 9073 Notices Ultravision Broadcasting Co. New Mexico; termination of pro­ Notices and WEBR, Inc__._..— _ ___ 9073 posed withdrawal and reserva­ International Air Transport As­ WTCN Television, Inc. (WTCN- tion of lands_____________ 9067 sociation; agreement adopted . T V ) et a l______ .... _* ______ _ 9073 regarding specific rates____ 9071 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION MARITIME ADMINISTRATION COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations Notices See also International Commerce Statements, reports, and agree­ Bureau; Maritime Administra­ Hearings, etc.: ments required to be filed ; forms tion. '';f Humble Oil and Refining Co. of utilization and performance Notices et a l_____ _________ ;_________ 9076 reports prescribed____________ 9065 Idaho Power Co________ ;_______ 9078 Environmental Science Services Tennessee Natural Gas Lines, Administration; organization I n c ___________________ ______ 9077 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT and functions__________ ______ 9070 Wisconsin Power and Light Co. 9077 Rules and Regulations CONSUMER AND MARKETING FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Highway transportation; miscel­ laneous amendments------------- 9064 SERVICE Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Hearing aid industry; trade prac­ Apricots grown in designated tice rules._____________________ 9055 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE Counties in Washington; ex­ COMMISSION _ penses and rate of assessment— 9054 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Avocados grown in South Florida; Rules and Regulations shipment lim itations....______ 9052 Rules and Regulations Employee stock purchase plans-r-. 9059 Lemons grown in California; Nunivak National W ildlife Refuge; Notices ■ handling lim itations...—.—— 9051 sport fishing; correction.— — 9065 Limes grown in Florida; quality Hearings, etc.: | Jersey Central Power & Light and size regulation.__*___ 9052 FOREST SERVICE 9074 Plums grown in California ; Motion Picture Investors, In c.. 9075 Regulation by grade and size 9053 Notices Regulation by size (2 docu­ Certain lands acquired; suitabil­ Washington Gas Light Co— — 9075 ments) 9053, 9054 ity for National Forest purposes. 9067 ( Continued on next page) 9047 9048 CONTENTS SMALL BUSINESS STATE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION See Agency for International De­ velopm ent. Rules and Regulations Small business size standards; in­ TREASURY DEPARTMENT terpretation of “Sales of Gov­ See also Internal Revenue Service. ernment-owned Timber” - 9055 Notices Notices Assistant Secretary; designation Authority delegations: to serve as member of Foreign- Manager Disaster Field Office, Trade Zones Board_______ -— 9067 Rock Island, 111_____________ - 9078 Welded wire mesh from Belgium; Regional Offices of New York determination of sales at not area____________ _________ — 9078 less than fair value_______ .___ 9067 List of CFR Parts Affected (Codification Guide) The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today’s issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is p u b lis h e d separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January L 1965. and specifies how they are affected. 3 CFR 13 CFR 22 CFR 9059 E x e c u t iv e O rder: 121 9055 202. 11234 — — ________ _____ 9049 14 CFR 26 CFR 7 CFR 72 9055 1 9060 362_____________________ _________ 9051 910_____________________ _________ 9051 16 CFR 39 CFR _________ 9052 911— ____ — — 214 ___________ 9055 94 ... 9064 915_____________________ 9052 917 (3 documents)------- 9053, 9054 922_____________________ _________ 9054 17 CFR 46 CFR 231- ___________ 9059 999 _____ ____ 9065 9 CFR P roposed R u l e s : CFR _ 9066 50 131_____________________ _______ 9065 2 0 1 ____________________ ............ 9066 33_. Presidential Documents T itle 3— THE PRESIDENT Executive Order 11234
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