1 9 -- THE SUN; SUNDAY, AtlGtlSTriSWi 1! eau Brummels of Gangland and the Killing They Did in Feuds ho" it v" A!. W4x 1WJ HERMAN ROSEHTHAL WHOSE K.1LLINQ- - POLICE COMMISSIOKER. EH RIGHT WHO IS IN $ MARKED T?e expressed great indignation that a KEEPING TJe GANGS SUBdECTIOK. BEGINNING-O- F crime had been committed. Ploggl .TAe stayed in. hiding for a few days whllo tho politicians who controlled the elec END FOR. tion services of the Five Points ar- ranged certain matters, and then ho Slaying of Rosenthal Marked the Be surrendered. Of courso ho pleaded e. ginning of the End for Gangs Whose "Biff" Ellison, who was sent to Sing Sing for his part In the killing of by Bill Harrington in Paul Kelly's New Grimes Had Been Covered a Brighton dive, came to the Bowery from Maryland when he was in his Crooked Politicians Some of WHERE early twenties. Ho got a Job' as ARTHUR. WOOD5P WHO PUT T5e GANGS bouncer in Pat Flynn's saloon in 34 Reformed THEY ObLUncr. Bond street, and advanced rapidly in Old Leaders Who tho estimation of gangland, because he was young and husky when he and zenship back Tanner Smith becamo as approaching tho end of his activities. hit a man that man went down and r 0 as anybody. Ho got Besides these there were numerous stayed down. That was how he got decent a citizen Murders Resulting From Rivalry Among Gangsters Were a Job as beef handler on the docks, other fights. bis nickname ho used to be always stevedore, and threatening to someone. later became a boss The Ilornthnl Murder. "biff" And was killed last week Tanner :Many, but None, Perhaps, More Thrilling the usually ho did as ho when he Than threatened. El Smith had amassed a fortuno of somo Tho murder of Herman Rosenthal ro- lison was a dandy, too, so careful of by Gyp tho Blood and other gangsters physical appearance $100,000. "Bumping Off" of Kid Twist by "Louie the his that ho did pollco helped him, and many of marked the beginning of the end for lerj always deign to fight with his Tho gangsters powerful forces. That not' the officers who had been his enemies tho as W- fists and take a chanco on messing such a stir, and tho need of re- How "Dandy Johnny" Came In tho old days becamo his best friends created Lump" up his manly beauty. Tho blackjack straight. Only two form became so pressing, that there- and beer bottlo were his when he turned power gangs waned, the favorite days beforo his death Smith sent word after the of tho - weapons, nnd many a tough customer y are no gangs worthy 3 to. Grief Through Vanity to tho writer that he had reformed until there had., ho put away with them. After doing well, of tho namo. The Hudson Dusters are that' waa and was going straight and present It his custom to kick them his namo and the probably tho best known of tho Dolan old Whyo gang Is a good was Just a nico nttle boy, clerk while they were down, and asked that If given of the a"ulk and If the of his old gang was mentioned day gangsters, but they have This is the Snat one a series case In point.- "Dandy Johnny" was perhaps, or a soda water Jerker, or fancy seized him, to gougo eyo name no for somo years, al- of out an these It be noted that ho little or trouble o! three which the full cno ot shining lights of the Whyos, something equally harmless. But he or perhaps chew off an ear. In articles frequent fights articles in tho was now straight. And In Justice though they havo had gangs gang-ite- rs gang flourished in carried a gun always and ho knew how .Ellison was great value- - be history of the and an old time that the of around it ought to be said with tho Marginals and used to York, from, the "O'Os which was tho ruling tn uso It. Thore have been many, election time, Tammany Hall pol to Tanner Smith enemies of Tanner Smiths. of New late and and h6 not only went straight himself bitter tho ttrliest days is told for th$ rst power in tho old Greenwich Villago stories told about the real reason for Itlclans recognized it. Consequently that A remnant of the Gophers Is left, but the killing of Kid but ho persuaded others of his old time. district, a gang which got its name Twist For several no became a person. of some Impor pollco say they too give llttlo trouble. The pollco members, years after it happened It was the , so gang to reform too. The gangs worthy of through, the call of its ana was aDic to glvo a of least fifteen have really had no call coun- fashion in gangland every time a racket onco yenr that the reformation at to since Com- "Wheeooo." That is a that a under the auspices duo to Smith and the name contend with By HERBERT ASBURY. years, and one gangster was arrested for some one or tne "lim Ellison Association." which CLUBB1H&. men, was Tanner Woods started his crusado try boys havo used for to WILLIAM F. BAK.ER.. WHOSE Smith's Influence He estab- missioner' persons out of ten tn ficw that every country boy knows, but tho come out in print with the "real was Eflff Ellison and nobody else, and COMMISSIONER Tanner In 1914 and sent almost 200 of them fox Ploggl hlm-so- lf ORDER. WHEN POLICE lished tho Marginal Club, paid nil tho "Whyos adapted It to city usea and be- reason" the murder. which netted him usually around 11.500 . to prison. NINE probably Imagine that told two or three different stories, WAiS A BLOW TO TSe GANGSTERS expenses, nnd thero ho was always ttt came famous through their employ- or $2,000. At ono time ho and another to give It Is largely, If not altogether, a mat- ...u rariff.tr who ruled Or but when he was brought to trial he gangster got avallablo for men who wanted to was tou. ment of It. young together and established ways become decent ter ot Individual opinion as who lent helped the politician to Wiet- seemed to be so very and he Paresis Hall, Cooper up their evil and greatest gangster New York "Dandy Johnny" was as proud of his so very court near Union, but tho that and looked Innocent that tho no onco moro. Knowl- he lower East ana West sides manly beauty as ho was of his ability gavo quit that finally because it In two guns, ona his hnt time they wero attacked by the thugs. In New York ever saw. Having a special him but a year in Elmlra, which. volved work nnd responsibility, carried under The gangs that existed edge of vlclousness ether parts of tho city tor so many os a yegg and loft worker. Ho had a scorn, and strapped his This resulted In a great many broken Into the and criminal as ho expressed it with "he spent most of and tho other under when Commissioner Woods went ity one gnngstcr, one Apacho they see carved cane which he had had made at could standing on head." The his tlmo between Chick hump. And In the Brooklyn Bridge heads, but tho method was bo effica- powerful of particular rears was the sort of do his Tricker's saloon in 128 office wero not so strong and naturally conclusion considerable expenso and which was court of course had no way of knowing Park Bow, and district was tho gang controlled by cious that tho gangs wero practically gangs llko tho Kellys reaches the that la tha moving pictures and on the digger miko place as the oldtlme gangster was tho greatest of thorn the applo of his oye. Ho went nowhere Just how bod Loulo the Lump was nor Salter's in Pell "Yakey Yake" Brady, while further broken up, assisted by tho activity of tho others. that evilly glinting eye. a him street. When he went into the New and tho Eastmans and all, yet In fact there may havo been ' itige, with an without it, oven taking it with how he woa going to turn out after- uptown there wore such gangs as the the Central office detectives In arrest- Kelly reformed by that time, had plunder Brighton and killed Bill Harrington, Is of had other gangsters who wero braver and Kit thlrt, a plaid cap drawn down when ho went to steal and ward. It is a matter of record, how- "Morons," under tho leadership of ing many of tho leaders. It worthy of Vaca-rel- ll It, ne was really Kelly, pa- assumed his real name Paul moro dangerous. Tho opinion of the - kill. The police knew ho had ever, Ploggl crooked aftor Paul al old noto, in that every time tho ever the forehead, and a- swagger and that was Just as Mickey Moran, and tho San Juan fact and had gone into the real estate - more than onco a detective as when though the reason has never appeared. trolmen were allowed to use their writer Is about cqunllyyined between tnit In itself was. enough to 'pro- and after ho came out ot Elmlra negro gang, which held forth In tho business with his brother. Eastman MonfT found whero "Dandy Johnny" ho went i'osslbly it was merely because he clubs freely in dealing with tho gang- Paul Kelly nnd Eastman snd tlMm that here was a man bent on it in.
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