CASS C ITY CHROb ICLE VOL. 24, NO. 12. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1929. EIGHT PAGES. NEW EQUIPMENT FOR DENTAL OFFICE WILL 7a~ ~,~ JULY 13 %_ _9 f AHJ I?E A IAri New equipment has been installed the past week in the dental quarters TheflfthannualDillmanschoolre- I EiyiAI B THE. IN BINI]HAiyl• DIsII iCT]l union will be held Saturday, July of Dr. P. A. Schenck in the Sheridan ____ l at the school grounds. 13, DI[S IN A[ITO CRASH Building and many changes have James Tuckey, president of the or- Equalization Committee Adjust- been made in the arrangement of the Two Hundred Gathered Satur- ganization, promises a bigger and suite of rooms. David Van Buren Victim in ed Figures to Practically day.to Attend Third Annual better picnic than usual. A baseball The new equipment includes a Rit- game and a tug-of-war, at which the Accident; Other Driver the 1928 Total. ter motor chair and a Ritter Model C School Reunion. mighty pupils of former days will Exonerated. unit which furnishes the air, water show their prowess will probably be and electrical appliances used in the features of the day, unless per- The assessed valuations of 18 town- present-day dentistry. Both are fin- A delightful summer breeze and ships in Tuscola as determined by su- June sunshine greeted the two hun- haps the usual dinner from well-filled David Van Buren, 56, was kille4 ished in mahogany to match the re- baskets be awarded the honor place. Monday morning when the automo- per-visors were lowered in amounts mainder of the equipment. A second dred persons who gathered at the ranging" from $1,000 to $50,000 by the Bingham schoolhouse in Elmwood Any one-time or present membel bile he was driving was struck by a operating room situated just South of of the Dillman school including his car driven by Glenn Trisch of Caro equalization committee of the board of the main operating room contains an township, Saturday, June 29, to cele- supervisors. To the valuation of Mill- brate the third annual Bingham family and friends is invited to be three miles southwest of Caro at the operating chair, fountain and elec- intersection of the M-81 detour and a ington township, the committee added school re-union. The attendance was present for this gathering, bringing trical equipment. This will make pos- road. $10,000. The total valuation of the not quite so large as in other years, the usual basket luncheon which will cross sible the treatment of two patients be served at one o'clock. Van Buren, employed at the Michi- county as equalized is $31,517,660. at the same time. The adjoining owing to the fact° that farmers are The amount last year was $31,515,751. toiling long hours to catch up with gan Farm Colony, Wahjamega, was rooms are~ a laboratory and office. going south and Trisch, employed on The report of the equalization com- Walls of the suite have been newly their spring work, which has been inittee and later adopted by the board delayed owing to weather conditions. NW~KY ~E~ IERM road construction near Reese, was go- decorated in light buff, and the ceil- U ing west. Trisch escaped with minor of supervisors on Friday contained As auto after auto arrived, happy ings are done in cream and the wood- l injuries. Van Buren suffered severe these figures: greetings were exchanged by old work in ivory enamel. The floors of /bruises on the head and it is thought l the operating rooms are covered with schoolmates and neighbors. Total Tax De- Total as At JA~K~0~ PRI~0N 'death was caused from afractured Assessed ducted Equal'z'd .new inlaid linoleum. At one o'clock the schoolbell pealed forth to announce that dinner was I skull and broken neck. Both autos Akron ......$2030000 $5000 $2025000 ]were badly wrecked. Almer ........ 1557850 ........ 1557850 waiting. Tables were laid under the beautiful trees that grace the school- ! Mr. Van Buren is survived by his Arbela ...... 798980 2000 796980 Berman Store Robber To Serve jwife and two grown children. Columbia .... 1997225 2000 1995225 son Clark of Cumber, the Misses Isla house lawn, and pot-luck dinner was PIONEER GIRLS Two To Ten Years in That Mr. Van Buren came to his Dayton .... 850870 3000 847870 CLUBS WILL ENid/liP and Mary White, Joseph Gast, and served, followed by a helping of de- Denmark .. 2375950 ........ 2375950 HONOR MRS. WORK Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCaslin of Pon- licious ice cream and cake. Mrs. Colin State Prison. death through an unavoidable accident was the verdict returned by the jury Elkland .... 2111350 8000 2103350 tiac, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wise and Bingham, president of the re-union, impaneled by Coroner Lee Huston. Ellington .. 773280 i000 772280 Fourteen ladies enjoyed a social af- children of Clio. was unable to be present owing to ill- Elmwood .. 1541575 2000 1539575 ternoon and evening Wednesday at ness, and a tempting meal was taken Sylvester Swanky, 21, was brought The verdict exonerated the driver of Fairgrove 2151775 15000 2136775 the home of Mrs. Alice Moore when the other car, Glenn Trisch. Prosecut- Fremont .. 1011645 ........ 1011645 I Palmer-Zemke. to her, showing the kindly interest of back by Sheriff L. S. McEldowney Few Spare Moments Shown on they met in honor of Mrs. Cora Work i these friends for her comfort and wel- from Detroit June 26 to stand trial ,ing Attorney Roland O. Kern Gilford .... 1622500 2000 1620500 A quiet wedding- was solemnized handled the inquest and questioned 2882379 ........ 2882370 of Portland, Oregon, who is visiting] fare. There were many expressions ~for the $6,000 robbery of the Berman Indianf'Ids Program of Events for Week Tuesday, July 2, at the Methodist Trisch fully. Trisch said a clump of Juniata .... 1104000 2000 1102000 here. Most of those present were I of regret that she was ill, and unable ! department store at Kingston, De- ,~ parsonage at Kingston when Miss Kingston .. 925520 2000 923520 of July 8-12. girls together in Cass City and the I to be present with her cheery smile, f cember 15, 1928. ,trees at the corner obstructed the Leone Palmer, youngest daughter of Koylton .... 892925 2000 890925 time passed all too quickly in relating i A short business session was held, In Justice William Imerson's court view of both drivers and that he did Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer, became Millington 1331730 ........ 1341730 happenings of years ago. Mrs. Moore i over which Mrs. Alvin Beach presid- Thursday, Swanky pleaded guilty, not see the other car until it ran The eleventh annual encampment of the bride of Henry W. Zemke, son of Novesta .... 731975 2000 729975 had not seen Mrs. Work in 40 years. ed. The following officers were elect- Iwaived examination, and was bound squarely into his path, within 70 feet Tuscola .... 149119015000 1476190 county champions in boys' and girls' Mr. and Mrs. Win. Zemke of Wilmot. Those from out of town who at- ed: President, Mrs. Alvin Beach; vice I over to the circuit court for trial. He of his car. He applied the brakes, he Vassar ....:. 1298475 50000 1248475 club work will be held at Michigan They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. tended besides Mrs. Work were Mrs. president, M~s. Fred Palmer; secre- Its charged with breaking and enter- said, but his attempt to stop was un- Watert'r/ .. 987650 5000 982650 State College, July 8 to 12, according William Zemke, brother and sister- George Carolan of Gagetown, a tary, Mrs. Charles Randall; treasurer, Iing. successful. Wells ...... 506725 1000 505725 to the announcement of the state in-law of the groom. Wisner .... 653100 2000 651100 leader of boys and girls 4-H clubs. former Cass City girl, Mrs. Etta Mrs. Walter Milligan. Chairman, In circuit court, where he was ar- Kaufman of Minneapolis and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Zemke left immedi- Totals..31628660 121000 31517660 The program for camp week out- Charles Seekings. raigned before Judge Henry H. RECEPTION HONORING Grey Lenzner of Bad Axe. A pot ately for the home of Mr. and Mrs. ? lines activities beginning at 6:15 each Mrs. Rose B. Muntz, present teach- Smith on Monday, July I, Swanky ., .... Supervisor KMnath, chairman of the luck supper was served. Fred L. Breish of Detroit, where they MRS. CAMERON JULY 10 special committee to confer with the morning and continuing until taps at were entertained by the employees of er of the Bingham school, announced pleaded guilty to the charge and was 9:30 p. m. Members of the college a program consisting of songs, read- immediately sentenced to serve two Burns Detective Agency regarding :I ~;he Grand Leader Department st°re' The Presbyterian Missionary Socie- their bill of $3,254 for services ren- staff will appear on the program each -- were Mrs. Zemke was formerly em- ings and Hawaiian guitar numbers. to I0 years in the state prison at The audience sang, "America," then Jackson. ty will meet Wednesday, July 10, in- dered in the search for Francis Blas- day to give talks on the subjects 1 ployed. Sherman Evans offered prayer. The stead of Thursday, July 11, as stated ius, missing MaYville farmer, reported which are taught in their depart- Summer Weddings Mr. and Mrs. Zemke left Detroit Swanky admitted that he was an first number was a Hawaiian guitar in the program. All ladies of the that the committee had conferred with ments. Thursday morning on a motor trip to accomplice of "Polack John" Lucian trio by Clare O'Dell and the Misses of Detroit, in the Berman robbery, al- church as well as members of the so- the agency and the claim had been re- The contest to" determine the Niagara Falls and Whitby, Ontario.
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