E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 No. 137 House of Representatives The House met at 2 p.m. and was Ms. FOXX led the Pledge of Alle- H.R. 3716, to ratify a water settle- called to order by the Speaker. giance as follows: ment agreement affecting the Pyramid f I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Lake Paiute Tribe, and for other pur- United States of America, and to the Repub- poses; PRAYER lic for which it stands, one nation under God, H.R. 5062, to amend the Consumer Fi- The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. nancial Protection Act of 2010 to speci- J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: f fy that privilege and confidentiality God of the universe, we give You MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT are maintained when information is thanks for giving us another day. shared by certain nondepository cov- A full week later, we are thankful A message in writing from the Presi- ered persons with Federal and State fi- that we live in a nation where a peace- dent of the United States was commu- nancial regulators, and for other pur- ful change or readjustment of govern- nicated to the House by Mr. Brian poses; ment is not only expected, but Pate, one of his secretaries. H.R. 5404, to amend title 38, United achieved. May it ever be so. f States Code, to extend certain expiring Bless the Members of this assembly MAKING IN ORDER CONSIDER- provisions of law administered by the as they return to the work facing ATION OF MOTIONS TO SUSPEND Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for them, work that needs to be done. Give THE RULES ON NOVEMBER 13, other purposes. them the wisdom they need and the 2014, OR NOVEMBER 14, 2014 f charity they must possess to work to- gether. Help them to make wise deci- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I ask ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER sions in a good manner. unanimous consent that it be in order PRO TEMPORE We ask Your blessing as well on at any time on the legislative day of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- those newly elected, or reelected, to November 13, 2014, or November 14, ant to clause 4 of rule I, the following this assembly. May they fully under- 2014, for the Speaker to entertain mo- enrolled bills were signed by Speaker stand the trust that has been given tions that the House suspend the rules pro tempore HARRIS on Thursday, Sep- them to represent not only those whose as though under clause 1 of rule XV. tember 25, 2014: votes they received, but those who did The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. H.R. 4980, to prevent and address sex not vote for them as well. All are citi- WOMACK). Is there objection to the re- trafficking of children in foster care, to zens to be represented by the new quest of the gentleman from Texas? extend and improve adoption incen- Members of this people’s House. There was no objection. tives, and to improve international May Your blessing, O God, be with f child support recovery; them and with us all this day and every H.R. 4994, to amend title XVIII of the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER day to come, and may all we do be for Social Security Act to provide for PRO TEMPORE Your greater honor and glory. standardized post-acute care assess- Amen. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ment data for quality, payment, and f ant to clause 4 of rule I, the following discharge planning, and for other pur- enrolled bills were signed by Speaker poses; THE JOURNAL pro tempore WOLF on Friday, Sep- S.J. Res. 40, providing for the ap- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- tember 19, 2014: pointment of Michael Lynton as a cit- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- H.R. 594, to amend the Public Health izen regent of the Board of Regents of ceedings and announces to the House Service Act relating to Federal re- the Smithsonian Institution. his approval thereof. search on muscular dystrophy, and for f Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- other purposes; nal stands approved. H.R. 2600, to amend the Interstate VETERANS DAY f Land Sales Full Disclosure Act to clar- (Mr. PALAZZO asked and was given ify how the act applies to condomin- permission to address the House for 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE iums; minute.) The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- H.R. 3043, to amend the Internal Rev- Mr. PALAZZO. Mr. Speaker, yester- woman from North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) enue Code of 1986 to clarify the treat- day was Veterans Day, and I just want come forward and lead the House in the ment of general welfare benefits pro- to say thank you to my fellow Ameri- Pledge of Allegiance. vided by Indian tribes; cans who took the time to celebrate it. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7903 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:26 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12NO7.000 H12NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7904 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 12, 2014 You see, Veterans Day is where we solvers to soar to greater heights and Information and Transparency Act, have an opportunity to thank the few tackle today’s challenges with vigor, which we call UMITA. This bipartisan who have answered their Nation’s call compassion, and courage. legislation would improve trans- to defend us from enemies at home and Mr. Speaker, her legacy of excellence parency and public disclosure of the abroad. continues to echo through George- true costs in dollars and in jobs that These are the men and women who town’s community. Georgetown Uni- Federal dictates pose to the economy. will walk through the gates of hell to versity President Jack DeGioia noted Asking the Federal Government to stand up against evil and danger so we that Lancaster ‘‘provided extraor- disclose the cost of a mandate in addi- do not have to. dinary leadership as dean of SFS and tion to its benefits should not be con- Veterans don’t ask for much, so it is was a leader and a professor contrib- troversial. It is just plain common not a hard holiday to celebrate. A sim- uting in countless ways to our commu- sense, Mr. Speaker. I call on the Senate ple ‘‘thank you’’ will do just fine. nity through her vision and scholar- to pass UMITA and put transparency But I want to ask the American peo- ship. Moreover, the joy and dedication back in government. ple to never forget the sacrifices that that Carol brought to her work in- f these fine men and women and their spired us all to be the very best families make for us. And as a Nation, versions of ourselves,’’ he said. JONATHAN GRUBER’S STATE- we must keep our promises we made to Chairman of the Foreign Service MENTS ARE SHOCKING BUT NOT these defenders of freedom. School’s Board of Visitors, my hus- SURPRISING Veterans love our American flag. It band, Paul Pelosi, noted that as the (Mr. BURGESS asked and was given represents the greatest Nation in the first woman and first alumnus to be- permission to address the House for 1 history of mankind. Fly it proudly. come dean of the School of Foreign minute and to revise and extend his re- Simply put, be proud to be an Amer- Service, she ‘‘was renowned for her marks.) ican. For a veteran, that is thanks commitment to her students; she dem- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, in 2009, enough. onstrated both intellectual curiosity President-elect Obama wrote a memo f and courage and had a profound effect that his Presidency will usher in an un- on the way we think about global de- precedented level of openness. But this HONORING THE LIFE OF CAROL J. velopment. Carol will be remembered week, it was revealed that the lead ar- LANCASTER as a pioneering woman in international chitect for the Affordable Care Act, (Ms. PELOSI asked and was given affairs and a stalwart champion of Jonathan Gruber, capitalized on—his permission to address the House for 1 human dignity.’’ words now—the stupidity of the Amer- minute and to revise and extend her re- In conclusion, when speaking around ican people in passing the health care marks.) the world, Lancaster also had to stand law. He further went on to say the lack Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise to on what she called the ‘‘Madeline of transparency is a huge political ad- celebrate the life of Carol J. Lancaster, Albright box’’ to be seen over podiums. vantage and was critical to passing the the visionary educator, public servant, Today, thousands of young students law. and trailblazing dean of the George- and women from across the world stand This insult to the American people is town School of Foreign Service, who on her shoulders, inspired by her exam- shocking, but it is hardly surprising. In passed away last month. ple and empowered by her leadership to 2011, the Energy and Commerce Com- Born to working-class parents during speak boldly, act bravely, and make mittee uncovered evidence of secret the Second World War, Lancaster be- their mark in the world.
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