- Available for sale by country 12/16/2020 Description CountOfDescription Abu Dhabi 28 Aden 58 Aden/Kathiri State 14 Aden/Quaiti State 17 Aegean Islands/General Issue (EGEO) 117 Afars & Issas 87 Afghanistan 258 Aitutaki 129 Ajman 31 Ajman/Manama 7 Albania 902 Algeria 370 Allenstein 4 Alwar 3 Amoy 1 Andorra 1 Andorra (French) 493 Andorra (Spanish) 26 Angola 118 Anguilla 164 Anjouan 9 Antigua 822 Antigua & Barbuda 10 Argentina 514 Argentina/Buenos Aires 4 Armenia 134 Aruba 75 Ascension 317 Australia 4973 Australian Antarctic Territory 159 Austria 3125 Austria/AMG Issue (4N) 10 Austria/Crete 43 Austria/Lombardy-Venetia 177 Austria/Turkey 74 Azerbaijan 54 Azores 267 Baden 406 Bahamas 1193 Bahrain 345 Baltic States 2 Bamra 2 Page 1 - Available for sale by country 12/16/2020 Description CountOfDescription Bangkok 9 Bangladesh 225 Barbados 1212 Barbuda 245 Barwani 3 Basutoland 90 Batum 39 Bavaria 622 Bechuanaland (British Bechuanaland) 54 Bechuanaland Protectorate 155 Belarus 52 Belgian Congo 125 Belgium 3553 Belgium & Colonies 1 Belize 123 Benin 73 Bergedorf 4 Bermuda 1614 Bhopal 11 Bhutan 139 Biafra 2 Bohemia & Moravia - see Czechoslovakia/Bohemia & Morav 2 Bolivia 755 Bosnia & Herzegovina (1879-1918) 127 Bosnia & Herzegovina (Croat Admin) 22 Bosnia & Herzegovina (Muslim Govt) 37 Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb Admin) 5 Botswana 153 Brazil 2257 Brazil/Condor Airmail (1CL) 19 Brazil/Varig Airmail (3CL) 4 Bremen 8 British Antarctic Territory 240 British Central Africa 21 British Columbia & Vancouver Island 6 British Commonwealth 2 British Commonwealth/Omnibus (Common Design) 13 British East Africa 56 British Guiana 319 British Honduras 312 British Indian Ocean Territory 74 Brunei 176 Page 2 - Available for sale by country 12/16/2020 Description CountOfDescription Brunswick 94 Bulgaria 725 Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) 199 Burma (Myanmar) 336 Burma/Independence Army (1N) 4 Burma/Japanese Occupation (2N) 21 Burundi 227 Bussahir 1 Caicos 31 Calchi 27 Calino 46 Cambodia (Kampuchea) 511 Cameroun 271 Canada 11369 Canal Zone 518 Cape Juby 1 Cape of Good Hope 316 Cape Verde 64 Caribbean Netherlands 3 Caroline Islands 16 Caso 28 Castellorizo 22 Cayman Islands 508 Central African Republic 197 Central America 1 Ceylon 959 Chad 300 Chamba 10 Charkhari 9 Chefoo 2 Chile 243 China (Empire/Republic of China) 1187 China (PRC) 1674 China (PRC)/Central China (6L) 9 China (PRC)/East China (5L) 14 China (PRC)/North China (3L) 7 China (PRC)/Northeast China (1L) 44 China (PRC)/Northwest China (4L) 4 China/Japanese Occupation (1N-9N) 196 China/Manchuria 3 China/Northeastern Provinces 2 China/Shensi Province 2 Page 3 - Available for sale by country 12/16/2020 Description CountOfDescription China/Sinkiang 25 China/Szechwan Province 4 China/Taiwan (Formosa) 9 China/Yunnan Province 13 Christmas Island 169 Cilicia - see Turkey/Cilicia 2 Cochin 37 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 188 Colombia 959 Colombia/Antioquia 3 Colombia/Tolima 2 Comoro Islands (includes Grand Comoro) 240 Confederate States 77 Congo, Democratic Rep. (ex Bel. Congo/Zaire) 92 Congo, Peoples Rep. (ex Fr. Congo) 314 Coo 40 Cook Islands 592 Costa Rica 325 Costa Rica/Guanacaste 6 Croatia 352 Cuba 770 Curacao (from 2010-present) 3 Cyprus 1046 Cyrenaica 114 Czechoslovakia & Czech Republic 799 Czechoslovakia/Asch 1 Czechoslovakia/Bohemia & Moravia 87 Dahomey 328 Dalmatia 2 Danish West Indies (& U.S. Virgin Islands) 275 Danzig 60 DDR* (see German Democratic Republic) 1 Denmark 5080 Dhar 2 Diego Suarez 50 Djibouti 98 Dominica 682 Dominican Republic 252 Dubai 71 Duttia 1 East Africa and Uganda 115 Eastern Rumelia 26 Page 4 - Available for sale by country 12/16/2020 Description CountOfDescription Eastern Silesia 1 Ecuador 331 Egypt 1156 England 40 Epirus 24 Equatorial Guinea 33 Eritrea 933 Estonia 181 Ethiopia 436 Europa (Common Design) 1 Falkland Islands 1263 Falkland Islands/Dependencies (1L) 173 Falkland Islands/Graham Land (2L) 12 Falkland Islands/South Georgia (3L) 11 Falkland Islands/South Orkneys (4L) 8 Falkland Islands/South Shetlands (5L) 11 Far Eastern Republic 13 Faridkot 3 Faroe Islands 990 Fernando Po 9 Fiji 1012 Finland 2878 Finland/Aland Islands 193 Fiume 433 Foochow 1 France 8530 France & Colonies 1 France/China (General Issues) 104 France/China/Canton 57 France/China/Hoi Hao 35 France/China/Kwangchowan 29 France/China/Mongtseu 24 France/China/Pakhoi 12 France/China/Tchongking 21 France/China/Yunnan Fou 9 France/Council of Europe (1O) 78 France/Crete 18 France/Egypt/Alexandria 144 France/Egypt/Port Said 68 France/German Occ.* (see France Scott #s N1-N58) 1 France/Turkey (General Issues) 54 France/Turkey/Cavalle 34 Page 5 - Available for sale by country 12/16/2020 Description CountOfDescription France/Turkey/Dedeagh 27 France/Turkey/Port Lagos 9 France/Turkey/Vathy 3 France/UNESCO (2O) 30 France/Zanzibar 17 French Colonies (General Issues) 270 French Community 1 French Community/Omnibus (Common Design) 6 French Congo 18 French Equatorial Africa 38 French Guiana 88 French Guinea 54 French India 181 French Morocco 529 French Polynesia 1679 French Southern & Antarctic Territories 520 French Sudan 19 French West Africa 45 Fujeira 101 Funchal 7 Gabon 300 Gambia 419 Georgia 37 German Colonies 1 German Democratic Republic (DDR) 1169 German Democratic Republic/Berlin-Brandenburg (11N) 1 German Democratic Republic/East Saxony (15N) 1 German Democratic Republic/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (1 16 German Democratic Republic/Saxony Province (13N) 2 German Democratic Republic/West Saxony (14N) 3 German East Africa 21 German New Guinea 8 German Offices Abroad 2 German South West Africa 17 Germany 6036 Germany/Allied Military Government (3N) 14 Germany/Baden (5N) 64 Germany/Berlin (9N) 1332 Germany/China 30 Germany/French Occupation (4N) 18 Germany/German Occupation (1N) 13 Germany/Morocco 34 Page 6 - Available for sale by country 12/16/2020 Description CountOfDescription Germany/Rhine-Palatinate (6N) 49 Germany/Russian Zone (10N) 49 Germany/Turkey 48 Germany/Wurttemberg (8N) 28 Ghana 409 Gibraltar 1342 Gilbert & Ellice Islands 210 Gold Coast 285 Great Britain 9402 Great Britain/China 7 Great Britain/Eritrea 7 Great Britain/Middle East Forces 39 Great Britain/Morocco Agencies 168 Great Britain/Somalia 3 Great Britain/Tangier 136 Great Britain/Tripolitania 4 Great Britain/Turkey 142 Greece 2089 Greece/Corfu 13 Greece/Crete 23 Greenland 1617 Grenada 807 Grenada Grenadines 249 Griqualand West 6 Guadeloupe 200 Guam 16 Guatemala 309 Guernsey 364 Guernsey/Alderney 238 Guinea 411 Guinea-Bissau 63 Guyana 263 Gwalior 48 Haiti 167 Hamburg 47 Hankow 3 Hanover 106 Hawaii 264 Heligoland 32 Honduras 129 Hong Kong 3770 Hungary 1297 Page 7 - Available for sale by country 12/16/2020 Description CountOfDescription Hungary/French Occupation/Arad (1N) 94 Hungary/Romanian Occupation/First Debrecen (2N) 149 Hungary/Romanian Occupation/First Transylvania (5N) 15 Hungary/Romanian Occupation/Second Debrecen (3N) 9 Hungary/Romanian Occupation/Second Transylvania (6N) 13 Hungary/Romanian Occupation/Temesvar (4N) 1 Hungary/Serbian Occupation/Banat, Bacska (10N) 65 Hungary/Serbian Occupation/First Baranya (7N) 14 Hungary/Szeged (11N) 57 Hyderabad 36 Iceland 3875 Ifni 15 India 1001 India/Convention States 1 India/International Commission in Indochina/Cambodia 4 India/International Commission in Indochina/Laos 1 India/International Commission in Indochina/Laos and Vietn 3 India/International Commission in Indochina/Vietnam 4 Indo-China 129 Indo-China/Annam & Tonkin 5 Indo-China/Cochin China 14 Indonesia 671 Indonesia/Riau Archipelago 4 Indonesia/West Irian 22 Indore 7 Inini 2 Ionian Islands 54 Iran 1202 Iraq 400 Ireland 4501 Isle of Man 754 Israel 826 Italian Area 2 Italian Colonies 27 Italian Colonies (General Issues) 53 Italian East Africa 85 Italian Offices Abroad 14 Italian Offices Abroad/General Issue (Estero) 113 Italian Social Republic 24 Italy 4894 Italy/A.M.G. (1N) 31 Italy/Aegean Islands 11 Page 8 - Available for sale by country 12/16/2020 Description CountOfDescription Italy/Africa/Bengasi 11 Italy/Africa/Tripoli 43 Italy/China/Peking 39 Italy/China/Tientsin 34 Italy/Crete 47 Italy/Trieste (Zone A) 513 Italy/Turkey (General Issue) 59 Italy/Turkey/Albania 3 Italy/Turkey/Constantinople 14 Italy/Turkey/Durazzo 1 Italy/Turkey/Janina 3 Italy/Turkey/Jerusalem 7 Italy/Turkey/Salonika 3 Italy/Turkey/Scutari 1 Italy/Turkey/Smyrna 1 Italy/Venezia Giulia (1L) 73 Ivory Coast 294 Jaipur 13 Jamaica 864 Japan 2054 Japan/China 9 Jersey 779 Jind 14 Johore 203 Jordan 281 Katanga 2 Kazakhstan 24 Kedah 88 Kelantan 65 Kenya 129 Kenya Uganda Tanganyika/Tanzania 455 Kewkiang 2 Kiauchau 4 Kiribati 202 Kishangarh 3 Korea 2215 Korea (North) 320 Kuwait 428 Kyrgyzstan 22 Labuan 298 Lagos 32 Laos 524 Page 9 - Available for sale by country 12/16/2020 Description CountOfDescription Latvia 174 Latvia/German Occupation (1N) 5 Lebanon 881 Leeward Islands 183 Lero 47 Lesotho 128 Liberia 705 Libya 533 Libya/Fezzan (2N) 6 Libya/Ghadames (3N) 1 Liechtenstein 1664 Lisso 27 Lithuania 150 Lithuania/German Occupation (1N) 2 Lithuania/Russian Occupation (2N) 1 Lourenco Marques 2 Lubeck 4 Luxembourg 869 Macao (Macau) 510 Macedonia 37 Madagascar/Malagasy Republic 319 Madeira 81 Malacca 23 Malawi 127 Malay States 1 Malaya 392 Malaysia 191 Maldive Islands 326 Mali 73 Malta 850 Malta/Sovereign Military Order 2 Manchukuo 54 Mariana Islands 6 Marienwerder 10 Marshall Islands 281 Martinique 231 Mauritania 137 Mauritius 751 Mayotte 37 Mecklenburg-Schwerin 8 Mecklenburg-Strelitz 2 Memel 113 Page 10 - Available for sale by country 12/16/2020 Description CountOfDescription Mesopotamia
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