O~ s: "M­ ~ :r'ft "''''M ::<.... PRAIRIE REGI 0>::: r· ::­ "'-<> SCHEDULE 0> M August 8 . 14, 1 '"CO'" M Issued Each Week by the CanadIan Broadcasting CorporatIon '"M VOLUME VII-No. 32 ISSUED AT WINNIPEG. JULY 30. 1954 $1.00 PEj '" This Week: Cou,chiching Conference (Pages 2, -1. 6) * Duke of Edinburgh's Ca.nadian Tour (Page 3) * CBC JI"ednesday Nighl- Poetry I Like (Page 5) * Saturday Pla.yhouse (Page 8) * N ils grand tour of Canadian cities, Trans­ I Canadn's Sntu.rday evening program Canadian Symphonies will visit Calgary on August 14. OUT (..'OVCT photo was takcn on the oc..'casion of an earlier CBC broadcast Irom Calgary. It shows CLAYTON nANE conducting the orchestra and in the right foreground cac prod\l(..-cr NOnMA."'l LUCAS seated besidt: the operator in a telllporary "control room" in the pit. Details of the orchestra's broadcast this week will bf:. fmmd on Page 8. ** * Maureen Forrester "CIIILDREN are marvellous," says Maureen forrester, the young Montreal contmlto. She's !o.pcaking from a professional point of view, of chil· dren as a musical audience. "They are so spontaneous-quick to express their Calgrrry Symphony Orchestra likes and dislikes," she explains. "As an artist you really have to give your best. And it is so much The critics have been generous in their praise of church choirs. At 11 she began taking voice lessons, mure satisfying when you know that they are this Canadian artist since her 6rst public recital in having already been studying piano since the age pleased with )"Our performance." March, 1953. They have written of her rich and of five. But she did not decide on singing as a This has been her experience on a recent tour beautiful voice. her relaxed manner, the feeling through Ontario and Quebec with Lcs Jeuncsses career until some months later, when her voice she puts into her singing. Musicales du Cannda. She presented 45 concerts changed from a high sopranO to a contralto. At that before varied audiences, many of them made up Tn fact, in a very short space of time she has point Bernard Diamant, a Dutch singer and largely of school children. risen to a prominent place, and is being compared teacher who came to Canada four years ago, took Fresh from her tour, she will give a radio recital with Lois Marshall as one of our most promising charge of her training. this Monday on cac Trans·Canada, in the Dis· young concert artists. "He's a wonderful teacher," she says. "Seems to tlnguished Artists series. Her first singing experience in public was with I..now exactly what yOll (Please tum to fHlge 6) CBC TlMES « BllDIO NOTES » of ou.:o.1. Tlie fearful return in the 19,50's of the dusters whidl dC\8staled JlECITAL. Theresa Gray, soprano, 'iO much of the land 20 years ago will and Leo Barlin, piani<;t. Fr011l To~ 1)(' Ilorn ... kill'" topic for today. Canada Grows ronto. W·S:05 p.m. K4:OS p.m. X·3:05 p.m. Hirle~"l (Sant()loquldo): Three Gr{'­ cian ~ongs (LiuzzI) : In S:mclolo All nppra;.I((l1 oj recelll (;mlflcliclII Develo/Jlnent (BianchinI); La Gil'ometta (Sltlelllt); MUSIC J LIKE. This week's guest is Tbree Scottish Songs (arr. O. Hes­ til(' Ilun. Ivan Schultz, (J.e., who has A series of seocn broadcasts from Copeland 1/011, Geneva Park, Lake plghl) j L'olllbra eli Carmen (TII'ln­ prepared a program of music through (Ielll). Couchichiug, Oll/ario-a ;oillt pro;ect of the Canadian Institllte an Public which he will show the growth of his W·9:30 a.m. i\fJairs (Iud the CRe-wili be heard each evening from AlIgwd 7 to August own musical taste. Ire has sub-titled 13 inc"I~·ioe. CAPITAL REI'ORT. James Minifle the program, The Progress of a Musi­ from \Vashingtoll, Arthur Blakely from cal Pilgrim. ~II. Schultz is the At­ Ottawa and an overseas speaker. turney-General for Manitoba. I Ie has Satw'day, August 7 W-I:03 p.m_ K·12:03 p.m_ X-ll:03 a·m. been a member of the provincial cahi­ Strengths and \Veaknf'Sscs in Canadian Growth. RELICIO S PERIOD. Rev. Dr. C. net o;in<.'f> 1936 and has held the Speaker: B/air Fra.su of Mac/eWI'S .\Jagazine; comment by T. ,V. Kent Bromley Oxn:lnl, Bishop of the ~Ietho­ '\linb.terial posts of Education and of the 'Vinni,wg Free Pres.'l. Chairmarl: Murray G. Ross. di3t Church. \Vashington, D.C., will Health. He has also heen the minister W-10:OO p.m. X·9:00 p.m. X-8:00 p.m. be heard from Toronto, rl"'ipon"ible for libraries since joining W-1:30 p.m. X-12:30 p.m. X-ll:30 a.m. the' cahinct. An ardent record col­ Sunday, August 8 lector, '\Ir. Schultz's collection nms WORLD MUSIC FESTIVALS. James into thf' thousand". Spcncer '\Ioore. The School: What 00 \Ve \Vant Public Education To Do? Fassett presents the second program of l1Hllhlccr. From \Vinnipeg. Speakers: Goodwitl W(I1S01l of Columbia U"iversity; C. M. A. Grube tape-recordings from the Sihclius Fes­ W·5:30 p.m. X·4:30 p.m. X·3:30 p.m. of Trinity College, T(Jr(JIlto; and R. 0, .\lucFarlatle of Ottawa. Chair­ tival at Helsinki. Finl:tnd. man; Marcus Lonl< of tile lIn;ver,\ity of Toronto. SUNDAY CHORALE. Choir con­ Symphony .'\0. :, in E F III Major, W-l0:oo p.m. K-9:00 p.m. X-B:OO p.m, Opu~ 8:.'-play('(1 Il)" til/' Finnish ducted by \V. H. Anderson; Filmer RadIo ~.rlllllhon)", Jus,,! Jala~ ron­ Hubble. organist. FranI.. Stanley. pro­ dllrtllllc Tonfo I'ocm, "alliolll­ Monday, August 9 played bl' lh~ IIcl~inkl ell)' S:rm­ duto'cr. From \Vinnipeg. pbony. ~Ir T/lOIII,I:; nf't'C"luun con­ o Come Let Us ~ing to tlJe Lord Thl' Family; Ch;1uging PattenlS in an Inuu3uial SociE'ty. dueling; ~YlllpllODY .\0. ;. OPIl" 10" oradlltonal); ..\JI .\I.r lIope On God -pla:)'~d IJ)' Ihe lIel:;inki Clt~, :"')'11I­ I~ Founded (HeYllolI ; Call to Re­ Spellker... : A. T ..'1. Wilson of LOll dOll, EnE{/uud; J. D. Ketchum of the phony, -ill' Th(,'ma~ 8eE'ch:un con~ me:mbrance (Farrant} ..\t [,'en E'f'r University of Toronto; and T/Jerese Ca,lgrain of .\Jolltreal. CIlllirman: <lIlrtinv. the 81111 \Vas Set (traditional); In W·2:00 p.m. X·I:OO p.m. X-12:oo noon .\OIlIlIlC Jc;;u (Jacob lI:mrll Itrl'. \Y. P. Jenkins. CoycIIS); TlJy Way \ot Mine 0 Lonl; W-IO:OO p.m. K-9:00 p.m. X-8:00 p,m, CHURCH OF TilE Am. Hev. Der­ I I'l'alse Tllee 0 1.01'(1 (:\Icndclssohn); Tile LOI'd'fj PI'ay~1' (Lalll(don). wyn Owen, Trinity College, Toronto, W-6:00 p.m. X-5:00 p,m. X-4;00 p.m. Com. 2; 30 p.m. MDT -- WINNIPEG CONCERT. CBC Win­ duce the program wbkh will include sent him to Quebec City to further his CRITICALI,Y SPEAKiNG. Nathan niptg Cont.:crt Orchestra conductcd by Cohcn on movies, ]aml.'S Gre)' on a review of the highliKhL" of the music.'ll education. f'rom there he went Eric \ViM; Dirk Keetbaas, flute. Tom Gatn<:s. From Vancouver. to til(' New England Conservatory of hooks ancl a radio reviewer. Taylor. produccr. From \Vinnipeg. W·3:30 p.m. X-2:30 p.m. X-I:30 p.m. W.B;30 p.m. X·7:30 p.m. X-6;30 p.m. ~Iusic, then to New Yurk and finally (Jl'('hcsll'a; Symphony ,\0. :16, K.42{:i to Paris. the lattcr being financed by C\lozal·t); lIf'nry VIII ~Jlet Muglc WEEKEND REVIE\V. An analysis ASK THE WEATHERMAN. Talk> :-;alnt·:olaens): pnll'C Bohdnt" rrolU l.t scholarship granted by the Quehcc on the weather by A. Hornstein of Carmen (Bize!). nil''' Kcelbna,: of the week's nl'W3 by F_ 11. Undf'r­ Provincial Government. In Paris whcn' n. .\lIdallle ror FltttE' and String, the Dominion Public \Veather Oflk-c. (.\Iozarl; .\nd:mtf" alld Polon81~e hill. he !>Ix'nt eight years. he was a favourite W·9:10 p.m. K-8:l0 p.m. X·7:10 p.m. "alifax. Many speak of thl' dust (Thea. nOf'hm). pupil of the great ]al."Ques Thibaud W.7:00 p.m. K-6:00 p.m. X-5:oo p.m. !>torms of til(' '30's as a phenomenon LlTILE SYMPHONIES. Orchestra and won highest honours at I'Ecoie which has gone. never to return. Ilow­ SUMMER THEATRE. Wild Geese conduded by Boland Leduc; Arthur NOfllmle de Musiquc_ Concert en­ ga~Wlllents ('vcr, lIot long agu the sky uvcr Chi­ Calli/lg, by Elisabeth Dawson. From LeBlanc. violinist. From Montrcal. folluwed in Paris, Belgiulll cngo turned all eerie shade of yeJlow­ HIllI Toronto. Fantasy In t: l\lltjOI', Opus 131, ror Switzerland. In America Arthur brown and u menacing twiliKht fdl W·8:00 p.m. K·7:00 p.m. X·G:OO p.m. nolin :lnll Ol"l:llc~LI'a (Schumann): LeBlanc has given more than 250 con­ ()\'('r Ule downtuwn area in thc mid­ lIa\'anallte, Opus 83 (Saint-Ssens). certs throughout Canada and the .Jternoon. Powdery topsoil, blown in B.E.G. DOCUMENTARY. A parting Arthur LeBlanc was horn in St.
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