Wff .~\\\)\I\\“nva‘“fin 0.ll"!‘0g,I._-~ MUN AL STADIUM 00000000 0000' 34:! 'em firm (fig/mm! 7/064 ’em %. 6. Stde/ MAY ’I‘IIE BEST ’I‘IIAII/l WIN We Heartily Congratulate The Gator Bowl Committee On Their 2nd Annual Classic. Here’s To Bigger And Better Games — We Are 100% For You. 9’. w. Sew/lore SEASHIILE FUNERAL PAIILIIIIS 323 RIVERSIDE AVENUE JACKSONVILLE 4, FLORIDA THE GATOR BOWL On New Year's Day I946 a new era in +0p-n0+ch sp0r+s even+s dawned on Jacksonville wi+h +he bir+h 0+ +he "GATOR BOWL." a +00+ball classic +ha+ has been +he dream 0+ Jacksonville ci+izenry +0r many years, and a proiec+ +ha+ is des+ined +0 quickly +ake i+s place as a s+eIIar even+ 0+ annual imp0r+ance +0 +he gridiron people 0+ +he na+i0n. The Ga+0r Bowl is +he 0u+c0me 0+ +he bir+h 0+ an idea +0 give our ci+y. c0mmuni+y and +he en+ire Sou+heas+ern sec+i0n 0+ +he c0un+ry an a++rac+i0n each New Year's Day +ha+ will be second +0 none in +he years +0 come. The Ga+or Bowl came in+0 being early in December I945 when a small group 0+ prominen+ and en+husias+ic +00+baII-minded ci+izens me+ and decided +0 s+age +heir +irs+ annual game on January I, I946. The idea spread like wild-+ire and wi+hin +en days +he "pioneers" were ioined by a hundred more 0+ +heir +eIIOw ci+izens eager +0 help. O++icers were elec+ed . press and radio were c0n+ac+ed . +w0 grea+ +00+baII machines were booked . +icke+s were sold . arrangemen+s were made . and wi+h +he coming 0+ +he New Year +he "baby" 0+ a“ bowl games celebra+ed i+s bir+h wi+h +he Wake Fores+ "Deacons" de+ea+ing +he Universi+y 0+ $0u+h Carolina "Gamecocks" in a +hriIIing ba++le 26-I4. Ten +h0usand spec+a+0rs +hriIIed +0 +he spec+acle +ha+ was highligh+ed by +he haI+ +ime appearance 0+ +he Jacksonville Naval Air S+a+i0n band. and all were loud +0 acclaim +he success+uI launching 0+ +he good ship "Ga+0r Bowl." Members 0+ +he Ga+0r Bowl execu+ive c0mmi++ee were invi+ed +0 a++end +he A+Ian+a Touchdown Club Jamboree. and were publicly acclaimed +or +heir e++0r+s in s+aging +he success+ul ini+iaI game. A dream come +rue. arrangemen+s were immedia+ely s+ar+ed +or +he holding 0+ +he I947 even+. Addi+i0nal sponsor memberships were made available +0 +he public. I+ you are a member 0+ +he Ga+or Bowl. we invi+e you +0 ask your +riends +0 ioin: i+ you are n0+ a member we invi+e you +0 ioin: membership applica+i0n blanks are available a+ +he Ga+0r Bowl 0++ice. 3| I.Wes+ DuvaI S+ree+. Jacksonville 2, Florida. flow] an. JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA O F FI C E R S W. E. ARNOLD ________________________________PRESIDENT P. B. BURKHALTER______________________________________________________________________________VICE-PRESIDENT CHAS. R. HILTY..._ ....................VICE-PRESIDENT MAURICE CHERRY..............................................................................VICE-PRESIDENT W. C. IVEY_____________________ .........VICE-PRESIDENT WALTER McRAE. __ ..........TREASURER RAYMOND McCARTHY .........................................................................SECRETARY S. A. FREEL................................................................CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD GEORGE G. ROBINSON_____________________________________________________EXECUTIVE SECRETARY .COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN S. A. FREEL. MEMBERSHIP PAUL E. REINHOLD. STADIUM FRANK WINCHELL. RECEPTION GUY A. KENIMER. PUBLICITY NATHAN L. MALLISON. FESTIVITIES P. B. BURKHALTER. SELECTION R. M. SMITH. FINANCE CHAS. R. THEBAUT. NOMINATING ' For informa’rion regarding JrI'Ie Ga’ror Bowl call ’rhe Associa’rion Office 3“ WesI' DuvaI St. Phone 3-2I83I Jacksonville 2. Fla. WAKE Foassr COLLEGE DEPARTMENT or ATHLETICS WAKE FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA November 18, 1946 Mr. George G. Robinson, Executive Secretary Gator Bowl Association 311 W. Duval Street Jacksonville, Florida Dear Mr. Robinson: I an1very glad that you are planning bigger things for the next Gator Bowl game and it is a pleasure for me to make a statement in regard to the first Gator Bowl game. “It was a distinct honor and pleasure for the Wake Forest College foot- ball team to be selected as a participant in the first Gator Bowl game played at Jacksonville, Florida, on January 1, 1946. Our opponent was the University of South Carolina and we had a fin; game with their team. We found the officials of the Gator Bowl to be most cooperative in every respect. The traveling arrangements and the hotel accommodations were the best we have ever experienced. The people of Jacksonville were very hospitable to us and our team and coaches and supporters had a great time in Jacksonville. We found Jacksonville to be easily accessible to people wishing to see the game by rail, air and highways; and we believe that this game will grow and prove to be one of the major attractions on New Year's Day. The Municipal stadium of Jacksonville is a fine place in which to play the game. The field was in splendid condition and the accommodations at the stadium were excellent. Our team enjoyed the sight-seeing tour and the dog races that we attended very much. The weather was ideal for football, and we found it to be about the same that we experienced during November in North Carolina. I believe that the Gator Bowl has a great future and we would be glad to play in it at any time we were selected as one of the participating teams. I heartily recommend this bowl game to any college team without any reservations whatever." With best wishes for continued success in all future Gator Bowl games, I am Cord all (E2::7’ D. C. WALKER Football Coach DCW/e WELCOME! OKLAHOMA SOONERS ant! N. C. STATE WOLFPACK ***** VISIT THE 3W4 mug/lg DURING YOUR STAY IN OUR FAIR CITY WE FEATURE Mug Swan UNDIES OF SUEDETONE, SWANTONE, & CELATONE . Also a Complete Line of Infants’ and Children’s Wear, Linens and Ladies Sportswear. Mid/WM JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA C/ongraht/étflond to [/12 Qatar gall/f J4Mociah'on! 6o-ooooooooooooooooooo--oo-oo- ooo9------ooooooooooooooooooog§¢ Dimtn‘r ofHuskeuAmlnlia , ‘ U ‘ ‘ , ’ .TJim-‘finimHOOKFM M. BudAmman!WilkinsonCaach ‘ .. ' , ‘ AuburnBud Dris‘killCoach 0;» Geéréé Amity»!Rodmon‘Coach v ' / ':Dulcthci‘r‘uiAcpfihil Cmeh‘9‘ V‘'I ’ , ‘- ,I V 5 I' . WIBillMAMI!5 mung!AA . cm WALTER BENSON & SON Mechanical Contractors * PLUMBING * HEATING * WELDING * PIPE CUTTING AND THREADING * PIPE BENDING GENERAL REPAIRS ANYWHERE IN CITY 0R COUNTY “ 304 300 large 0" 300 Smurf/y, Retail Plumbing Fixtures and Heating Supplies ** E. C. Snead Walter Denson, Jr. Phones 5-3931 and 5-3932 902 North Myrtle Ave. AKRA 5 R05. * ‘k 3 Sa/é IO/aced 30 vk * 1735-31 South 1018-20 Main Street Jacksonville Park Street flfier 3A9 game lélt THE STEEB BOOM Fer The Finest In Kansas City Steaks BROI L ED TO YOUR SA'I'I 5 FACTION 7‘ m4 4w The Southeast’s Great Regional Drink of Friendship JAX‘ unswme comm . Jacksonville,.FIorida F Buddy Burri: X o] C {cf Wader Walker In Eddie DM' Dave Wallace J’qc Golding ./4 flap/9y, Wew year Compliments of R. & R. Liquor Stores Congrafu/afiond gator flow/ .455ociation <2-< C it ,OfW/W,WW>—<><>§Z¢V;v Comp/imentd 0/ narrow ZOBIC CLEANERS The Modern, Safe, Odorless Method Of Cleaning. Harmless To The Finest Of Fabrics. Cleans Thoroughly. 430 East Forsyth St. Telephone 5-3880 New York Laundry Phone 5-6115 Over Hal! 1-! Cenlunr Serving Jacksonville ‘:/4 Service or aver Ween!” Office And Plant 400 H. Forsyth St. W. ?mwm iwmanwww4aaw ~rm‘ga JNO. H. SWISHER SON, INC. JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER Since the discovery of electricity, the Electrical Industry has been engaged in constant research work . inventing, develop- ing and perfecting the many wonderful uses for safe, dependable service that we are enjoying today. In keeping with this policy of pioneering the progress of a peacetime world, this industry now stands ready to make new contributions that Will serve to strengthen electricity’s position in our future world of wonders. Economical, trouble-free household appliances, alleelectric kitchens, air conditioning units, home freezers, and many other home comforts . all designed to add convenience and leisure to everyday living. Then, as now, Elecricity will continue to provide its advan- tages by rendering safe, dependable service with ’round-the-clock certainty. CITY ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT GEORGE A. PIERCE, Commissioner of Utilities Foot of Laura Street Utility Building “ Myéle qurfioqss, Wig/come GATOR BOWL FANS After The Game Visit flacééom/i/[e’d Smartedt Caéarel Dinner From 6:30 P. M. Music 8 P. M. Complete Floor Shows 9 P. M. and 12:30 A. M. THE NEW EMBASSY CLUB 3 miles out Beach Road - - - Phone 9-9293 WWW! ‘ Prompt Delivery of Kerosene and Fuel Oil For Retail and Commercial Users “m J4me ad ear [0 you .45 your lépéone Southeasiern Oil 1640 Talleyrand Ave. Phone 5-2797; 5-2798 *<><>-<><>-<>-<>< Canola/[men£15 0/ arenas r. anennn company, Inc. BHHHETT llflflflflfil. BHHK BUILDING JHEKSUHVILLE, FLURIDH 2231': (, Jul/WVMW/ After January 151 In Our New Location, Pearl At Monroe FIRE I SURETY BUNDS CASUALTY HAPPY’S SPORTS CENTER BILLIIIBDS NEVER A DULL MINUTE AT HAPPY’S SPORTING INFORMATION CIGARS, CANDIES Cong”; to THE GATOR BOWL ASSOCIATION Phone 5-2958 219 W. BAY ST. 111mm TRUCK & mom SALES 1838 WEST BEAVER STREET GIVIC TRUCKS — MILLER TRAILERS Ja” 2:5 — 5 Phone 5-8908 77mm}; Established in 1875 SEEDS . GARDEN SUPPLIES . PLANTS 201 East Bay St. City Delivery WINTER RYE GRASS A SPECIALTY PHONE US—5-3481 fivW/W MWWMWWW—WXWXWWWE id 6001] HOPE WATER CO.
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