PlR~CTORY . ] SURREY. (~ f) EPSO~. 175 En~tefield Grncn Con.atitulilln!LI CtuL Ll'<laan Harry, picture frt\ll\e maker I Ro,.ke Rd. J M. dair.rman. HillsiJe farm ('ti;;bert 'Ihomp30n, s~. ; Thomas Led brook Ja;. \\', dr.i;ier & boot & ~!loo dlrl Rohbi~ ,I( Son, grocers. 49 Harvest road Cleevc, steward), Harvelt rolld LcC<I Harriet P11'Aj. apartment.<, Holly lo' RobLitu Frederick Jame.i, watd1 miLk~r. f\•rmor l•"rcderick. J!r0<:er, !! St. Jude's rd .\faidcns E. (ll~. ), bo.by linen warehouae, 62 St. Jude'• road FiJe,•ood Edward, beer retailer !JA, St.. Jude 6 rood Rolph George Oharlos, Alexandra roaJ Flctch~r H1Lrry, c~·cll.' agt. :!$St.Jude's rd Muidel\$ Hol>ert, amit h Rowland Rend&ll, builder, St. .Jude'~ r~ Forse Edwunl Joho, private tutor, Menzies \rilliam, ard1itect. & sur\·eyor Roval Hollowuy College for Women Ph'' Treb('rfydd or hi~hWUJ$ to the l;:gham U1·b11n t. c. Higgind B.A. principal); for staff Fryer Emily (:.\lrs.), beer rctniler Distri.;t. Coua\cil & to the \\'indsor see p. l 70 Gill.iert \Villiarn, ~tationcr, St. Jude'd road Hurni Di.it~·ict Council, Golipi« Rudling Elizh. ptrs.), corn dlr. 5 lfond st Gra.fl1am 'rhos. ho. dc<'orator, 33 Middlo hi ~lo rrison Grace E. (lln1.), midwife., Bond at Russell Charlc.i G. [."ox &. Hounds P.1:1. Gregg Ernma(l\liss),stationer,1-lVictoriut Moth lforry, tempen.uce hotel,Harveet rd Bishopsgate Grey F. W. fishmonger, Viotorit. road Mulliner ThomM, farmer, Crown farm Skeg~«tSons, lio. furniahen1, St. .Jude'd nl Hall ,Jamca, fislunonger ~lurnmerv Alfn.>d \\'illiam, insurl\OC<l Smith Pcrcv, 00er 1·cWler, Bond street Han11in ChMk·s, t.~ilor, 15 \ 'ictoria street ai;ent, '1;; St. Jude'& road Stitim"I ,..., J:\;ham Juduatrial Co-operath·e Ha.nna.n James (Mrs.), cab proprietor X<>w F.gham Di~1x·ru:iry (~'rcd<'rick l)cr. Society Limited (Walter Smith, mant.· Harrison Frnnci~, carpenter ing ~ic holson )t.1>. tiUr~con ; mon. &. ger), Victoria atreot Hawkes David, coach builJer, see Oxford thurs. 10 a.m.), 16 l't. Jud<>'s rood Thomiu;,Tamcs \Villinm, grocer, llan·Ci t rd &. Ha.wkea Oliphant David, boot &. shoe dealer, 9 TollCi! Edith (llft'I.), hAbenlMher, ~ Hayter Philip H. hair dresal'r St. Jude's road Reauchamp &; Toll(:s Henley Faanio (~IN.), au~rtnicnts, 57 St. Oxford .t Hawkeo, coa<'h builders, Vickers Ronaltl, pai,·ate school, ScAitcliffe Jude's road Alt<xnndra road Weissi.: !\liM, prh·ote school, ?\ortJ1la11ds Herbert H. W. cbembt, 97 St. Jude's road Paraons William Frederick, nurseryman \Vclbl.'Jo,·e ChRrlce F1'Cdcrick, boot maker, Herd O. F. & Sons, dairymen l'erkins Gcot-ge Jolu1. butch~r I 8 Harvest. ronrl Hieron William John, oarpentl.'r, .:iliddlc hi L'oor Lnw Children'$ Home (\\'indllor Wolllcr George Arthur, sn<ldlca·. 30 Hopkins Josiah, baker, I I St. Jud~'a ro.'ld Board of Guardian.~• .'.Ilia& Amy Kent, I St. Jude's rood Howe Alioo (Mrs.), drcs.5 rut\kur, Bond at matro11), St. Jude's road Wheeler Edwin. ahopk<'epcr, :\l1>xa11Jrn rd Interuational Tea Co.'s Store4 Limited l'rincNa Chri.3tian'1 Holiday Home for !Winter Walt. mechncl.. engnr.l9Bond n (branch), grocors Bo~"' (Harry Smith, msster: )Jra.1Wisbey Georg.·, ~r retailer, Harvest rJ Irona Annie (Mrs.). Sun P.K Smith, matron). Town 01X'eu, Uishop•· 1W00<lcock Jost•t•h, farnwr,Bakcba111 farm James William, fruiterer, St• .Jude's road gato I\Vorbv Olh·e Annie (:lliss), d.re33 m11ker, Jone! Wm. Jn. shopkeeper, Aloxttndi·a t'tl Roake John, dair~·mun . 16 St.• Ju1le'e road King &. Son, builders, )liddlc hill Ruake Johu, farmer, Bond street Wright Jn. Edwd. ahopkpr.32 :Middle hill Knox .Francis, chimney sweeper ELSTEAD is a parish and village, near the ri\"er Wey, 3! wsa left by Henry Smith, of \\'andsworth, a.nd e.lderman of milea weet of Milford station Md 5 miles weet from Godalming London, who died Janunry 30, ltS:?li. The Eeclesiaat.ical Com· station on the Portsmouth bra.nch of the London and South mitaioners &re lord• of the manor. The aoil is partly light loam Western n.ilwe.y, in the South Western division of the county. and sand; aubeoil, gruel and eand. 'l'he crope are barley, hundred and petty aessional division of Fa.rnbam, Hambledon wheat, carrots, potatoes and rye. The e.rea is 4,080 aerea of union, Guildford :ind Godalmiag county court district, rural land, of which 3,600 acres ue common la.nd and 26 water; deanery of Godalaning, archdeaconry or Surrey and diocese of ratl'nble nlue, .£4,686; the populntion in 1!)11 wns 1,036. Winoheater: it is supposed to have derived its ca.me from Sexton, Charlos ~'itkin. having been the "station," or "stee.d," of Ello.. founder of !'oat, M. 0. & T. OffiOl'.-Junnthan l31ackman, sub·po.it. the kingdom of Sussex. The church of St. Jamea is an ancient master. Letters received from Oodnlming at 6 •.W & 11.10 edifice of etone, with & beliry eu.rmounted by a apire and con· a.m. & 3.60 p.m.; aunday delivery, 7.30 &.m.; dispatched taining 3 bella: the earliest portion of tho structure dates from at 8.30 & 11.6-0 a..m. & 6 p.m.; sundays, 4 p.m the year 1128: the belfry stai.r is formed out of a. solid ba.lk of \\'a.II Letter Box (Churchyard wall) cleared i.45 &.m. & 12.50 oak, the atop& being cut into it: tho stained eaet window, & 6.35 p.m. week days; sundnyd. ll.5 :1.1n erected in 1881, is a memorial to J ulie. (Smith), wife of the late l'illa.r :Boxea, Thuraley road, cleaced tl.25 a..m. & 5.25 p.m. ; Sir Willia.m Baynes bart. ; eho died Jan. 21, 1881: the church enndays, 8.65 a..m. ; Royal common, cleared 8.30 a.m. & wu reetored in 18i2, and afforda 270 eittinga. The register 2.6 & 6.5 p.m. ; eundays, -t.5 p.m dates from the yea.r 1539. The living ii a rectory, net yearly Public Elementuy School (mixed), effl:ted in 1852 & enle.rged value £226, with residence, and 6 acree of glebe, in the gift of in 1897, for 176 children; u ·erage attendance, 177; Edward t,he Archdeacon of Surrl'y, and held since 1912 bv tho Re\". William Pillinger, maater Hugh Brady Brew M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. There Cnrrier-s to:·- is e. Congregational chapel and a Villago Institute, given Godalming-G. Legg & H. EdwArdt, daily by Mrs. Holford, with a. reading room. Smith'• ehe.rity of £5 Guildford-G. I.egg, tues. & fri. & lf. Edwards, tuee. & fri Alarkod thus• r~eivo their letters through Phillips KOl'I .'.llcGregor, Wal.sham ho\Jtj! ICooper & ~lillicbamp, coal merchant& Thursley. Ridee.1 Samnel D.SC.LOod.., J.P. The Challet Edwards Henry, cacrier PUlVATE ni;.stD&STS. Soott.Moneriefl Col Sir Colin Campbell Ellis Harry, farmer, Ram farm Allen Allred, Hill hous.o : LC.aL.O., LC.S.L, &.&. Bridge house I Ellis Job, farmer, River farm Allen Mrs; Rill house . Streatfeild Gers.rd, FuJbrook , Etherington Reary H. farmer Bertola.co1 John Hewetson, Home Croft I COlDt£RCIAL. JEt.hrington Alhert, farmer Drew Rev. Hugh Brady M.A. [rector], Allbel't')· Brother11, poultry farmers Hardy1ia.rry, Wool Pack inn 'l'he Rectory 1•D11ker Edward, farmer !Ht>atb ~njamin Hugh. grocer Cornwall William \\olfran, llnrford Jo • Barnard Charle.i, nurseryman 'Inwood George, farmer, Staceys farm C'ourt-TrOAtt R. Mill house Ill'IJ Elijah H. 0. boot repaittr ~ Grorge, carrif'r ct coal merchant Goodland Mis.., 'rh.e Direlu-.i Blackman Jonathan, fall<"y repoolitory i\lifboum Emoat, Golden Fleece P.H '!Cooch Rev. Francis Harcourt a. ..Dye ho Poat office Pullen Ale.a, oycle agent Hirst '.\fu. Fir cotll\l!e Bond Thoma.s. bend gardener to C. Silvcsh•r Edwin John, farmer B:olfol'd Henry, Elattad lodge Ingram csq Terry Percy, butcher Cugra.m Charlt.s, F:lstead house Bovington & Chalcraft, bliu:ksmiths '.rr11cv .Alfred J . lluildc·r . Jephsou I.ad.v, Rh•er house Bowler Bedford i\!artin, grocer Tru,.:!ll'r \\'illi.11111, The Stnr P.11 • McCulloch Duncan, I:Jeatherdene (letteca Bowler Harr)-. builder Villagelnatitute(Edwald W. Pillinger,&ee) should 0.. aJd.. ~.,U Child~ filFamham) Curchett "'illfam, groetr WRrnl!r Gt.<of't(t-, chimll<"y sweeper !iiarshatl Capt. En1<.-at '£. J:'ox hill (letters Caesar Julius, farmer- \\'ebb Chnrlea, farmer sb~1tld be ad<li;e.'<Sed Childs Hl.Far~1) Carpenter Cha.rles, Uliatant overeoor \\'«.'lister Edwnrd, farmer Moma OoL ~topher, The Hermitage l:lea.tbfield . •\forhnm George, fanner PaJZe Dunca.n Lionel, Abbou Pond (Jet.ten Chandler Alfred, fly proprietor should be addre.iised Tilford, Farnham) Clnrke J ohn, tailor ENGLEFIELD GREEN, aee Egham. EPSOM. (origin:illy '',F.bb~111m ")derived its name from Ithe Mid diviaion of the county, Grat division of tbe hundred St. Ebba. a Northun1bnun prmcess, and is a parish and m:vket of Copthome. rural deanery of Leatherhe~. archdoaconry town and the 1:i_u:d; of a ~tty sessi~nnl division, union and of Surrey and dioceat- of \\'inchoeter. The town is lighted county court diet.riot, delightfully ~tuatod on the western with gas from works the profl<.'t1Y of the Wandsworth, Wimble· verge. of B1mstead Dow~, on the mam road from London to ! don and Epaom District Gas Company, and a.tao with the Dork1ng, Horsham, Guildford and Wort.bing, with st.,tion• 1electric light from workd in Church 11t.rect :.
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