University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-11-1905 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 09-11-1905 Citizen Pub. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Citizen Pub. Co.. "Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 09-11-1905." (1905). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/2478 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Conpv ,.r r uv of AJJBUQXJEI E EVENING CITIZEN VOLUME 10 ALHUQUEKQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 11, 1905. XUMBElt L'J5 SLOW PROGRESS PERRY'S GREAT THE ANTITREA.TY RIOTS IN JAPAN BAD WRECK HAPPENS ON THE IN M11STICE NAVAL VICTORY NEW YORK ELEVATED ROAD Gen. Ovanoosky and Gen. Is Royally Celebrated in Ten Persons Were Killed and More Than Forty Fukushima Will Ar- Newport, Rhode Island, Were Injured by Derailment range Terms. Today. of Train. SKIRMISHES IN MANCHURIA WIFE'S CRIME AT BUTTE AT NINTH AVENUE AND FIFTY-THIR- D STREET Russia Used Dum-Du- m Balls, The Sickle ot Death Gathers and Treated Red Cross in Two of By Error of Switchman Train Thrown Into Curve-Seco- nd Badly. Colorado. Car Fell Down Into Street, Landing Bottom up. THE RESIGNATION OF Y05K1HIKI RECEIPIS OF BRITT-NELSO- N FIGHT ii AiMiptftf ,iiiirii il mrthliii Godyanzal, Manchuria, Sept. 11. Newport, R. I., Sept. 11. ToiUj Is iiwfcrwiaMXl'iMiiiiiil rft.iMHh id llii iimiMiiinnw.ii.TimatMfciMnrii POLICEMAN CRUSHED UNDER CAR, NEGRO BEHEADED Jlajor General Ovanovsky has been the 92d anniversary of the battle of celebrating apiKiinted plenipotentiary, to meet Lake Erie, and this city Is A DKMONSTRATION IN' THE STRE KTS.OF TOKYO. the day as I'erry Day, In an unusually t lie Japanese representative. General newspapers New York, Sept. 11. Ten persons rapidly Fukushima, and arrange the peace elaborate manner. Commodore Perry, Inflamed by the statements of sirce the publication of the peace terms, crowds over It. Statements to that ef- who squad- have gathered In the streets and riots have been frequent. ' were killed and more than forty were fect are absolutely Incorrect. armistice. commanded the American injured by He ron In that battle, was a native of the derailment of n ele- that the switch waa turned Newport. Is profusely dec- vated train at Fifty-thir- street and and signals eet In the DUM DUM BULLETS USED The city Ninth avenue tower for to AND BRUTALITY TO DEAD. orated with flags and pictures of today. The train was Sixth avenua south iwnmri rain southbound on Tokio, Sept. 11. There has teen re- commodore Perry are exhibited In - - Ninth avenue and the Ninth avenue train took V'.- v t should iha cent skirmishing In Mnnehuria. Sep- many windows. In honor of the flay Ay have continued on the straight switch at a rapid pace. The BtraliK tember 9 two companies of Russian In- the warships of the coast squadron In track Instead of being switched to the was so great that th muniino- - curve, by which h. fantry with two guns, opened an at- the harbor fired a salute at sunrise - the Sixth avenue tween the first an second cars broke leaving forty morning. In ' w- trains proceed on Fifty-thir- d street ami tne car tack, but were reputed, this the afternoon, the from second Jumped the rails, dead. The official Gazette publishes Brooklyn, the Illinois, the KearBarge Ninth avenue to Sixth. The the curve at this place not being bank- statement, on evi- ships squadron, switch lever was open. The first car ed. a based medical and the other of the on dence, of the use of dum-du- bullets will take part In a big naval demon- the Ninth avenue train took the by Russians in engagements on the stration. In the evening the comman- switch, barely staying on the rails List of Identified Dead. and turned into Fifty-thir- d The Identified dead are. Island of Sughalien, and also charges der of the squadron, Rear Admiral F. i 1 t 1 i ! street. The switchman, when E. P. Schelble. New-Yor- Russian abuse of the Red Cross flag W. Pickens, and the other officers of - r- he saw his i .. j blunder, it Is J. H. Huspach, and cruelties to Japanese soldie.s who the squadron, will be the guests' i? -- aliened, turned the member New York fell In battle. the city at a reception given In their , w,. i ''Tup's? switch hack aitaln, to turn the car Board of Trade. honor. Among the officers are two, down Ninth avenue. The second car Solomon Neugust (negro.) HOME RESIGNS :; was thrown off In- John Morris (negro.) MINISTER Captain Raymond Perry Rogers of the track and fell BUT NOT YET ACCEPTED the Kearsarge, and Captain John J. to the street, turning completely over Cornelius McCarty, laborer. Tokio, Sept. 11. The resignation of Rogers, of the Illinois, who are lineal and landing upside down. The third AVhu Lane, electrician. Home Minister Yoskihika has not been descendants of Commodore Perry. car struck the building at the south- John Cochrane. expect- west Joseph accepted, but its acceptance is i T corner of Ninth avenue and rest- Pnch, policeman. holding If AK " ' . ed against Bach was ed later. The privy council is HUSBAND SHOT TO the fire escape. The struck by the falling car a special session hearing the reports climbed through the windows and crushed. Neugust was beheaded. of the catiinet on the domestic situa- - and descended to the street. tion. Quiet prevails. DEATH BY WIFE r 1 - CORONER FINDS TWAS DUE TO SWITCHMAN FLED BUT WAS SWITCHMAN'S NEGLECT New York. Sept. 11. satis- BABIES TO HAVE Butte, Mont., Sept. 11. William ARRESTED AT HIS HOME "I am Frost, a mining promoter, was mllea fied the accident was due to the ne- New York. Sept. 11. Cornelius A. glect of the switchman," DAY AT FAIR today by his wife, after he had tried Jakinson, said Coroner to cut throat with a razor. She the switchman who Is blam- Scholer. "In the first place he made her ed for causing a from A the wreck, fled but mistake In turning the Ninth are-nu- e ' blew his head his shoulders with was BiG BABY SHOW PLANNED FOR two chaiges from a shotgun. arrested at his home. He main- train Into Fifty-thir- d street and SEPTEMBER 16 MANY PRIZES' Frst tains that he had set the right switch. then added to his blunder by had been drinking heavily. He was "It was a physical turning ARE OFFERED FIRST THOUS-- I well known and was in a prosperous Impossibility for the switch back again In the attempt the switchmati to have- - AND ENTERED WILL BE GIVEN condition. The two had Indulged in turned the to divert the train Into Ninth are. SOUVENIR MEDALS. many family quarrels over trivial mat- switch while the train was moving nue.". ters and both had each Portland, Ore. Sept. 11. Babies are threatened other's lives. wS4Vs:.-- - to have a day at the Lewis and Clark CHAMPION JEFFRIES WILL IMPROVEMENTS exposition, and It is to be one ot the TO GAS PROMINENT COLORADO ANTI-- very biggest days of the fair. Satur- CROWD IN FRONT OF AN JVERNJd KSJ NEWSPAPER OFFICE, TOKYO. BE HERE ON SATURDAY PLANT TO COST $25,000 day, September 10, has been set as OFFICIALS DEAD The publication of sensational comments on the peace ter 'shah iieea lue cause of many demonstrations the date for the. haby show. Dan, throughout, the city. - WILL BE the man who first suggested ACCOMPANIED !?Y HIS GROl'ND ALREADY BEI'G CV EAR- - WIFE-- BIG FELLOW, UM - holding a great exposition at Portland, Denver, Colo., Sept. 11. David Ab HAS ED FOR ERECTION OF- A NEW has charge of all arrangements. ner Mills, former secretary ot state, PIRED IN THE PACIFIC COAST PLANT THE COMPANY'S HAND en- AMERICAN BOATS TOM LAWSON'S COTTON CONDITION , To be eligible for prizes, babies is dead, aged 55 years. LEAGUE. SOME OFFICES. tered must not be more than three William H. Brisbane, state treas- years old, but the first thousand chL-- ! urer under .Governor Mclntyre, died IN FRENCH WATERS BACK BAY HOME AT LAST REPORT James J. Jeffries, the greatest prize Manager 13. Al- dren, of all ages up to five years, will yesterday, J. Downey, of the after a long illness, at the fighter that ever lived, will be buquerque. Gas. Electric Light be given souvenir Lewis and Clark age of 54 years. the and j company, Baby Day medals. The children en- guest of Albuquerque all of next Power Is authority for the company be- tered in the competition will be di- Mo- week. The big fighter today notified statement that the has RECEIPTS OF THE Dixie and Chalanger in Under the Hammer Today Thought Will be Less Num- gun work on Improvements to Its gaa vided Into seven classes, according to the fair association that he wllf reach age, and there will be many prizes plant in this city that will result in BRITT-NELSO- N Back this city on Saturday given. The prettiest baby In each FIGHT tor Boat Contest For For Taxes of ber of Bales Than next and will the expenditure of at least $25,000 class, of course, will come In for a take his first look at the ball grounds and will give Albuquerque one of the generous will 11.
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