1 INTRODUCTION Table of Contents Foreword . 3 I. Finding Aid for Uncatalogued Haggadot . 4 - List of Abbreviations . 5 II. Finding Aid for Artist’s-Edition Haggadot . 39 III. Highlights from the Miscellaneous Collection . 52 2 Foreword Many of the Berman haggadot will be found by consulting the Library’s online As one of the most frequently printed books in the Jewish tradition, the Passover catalogue; others, however, remain uncatalogued and finding them can present Haggadah is widely represented in the collections of the Library of Congress - yet something of a challenge. Some of the “uncatalogued” haggadot have indeed been the Library’s online catalogue does not always reflect this fact. For that reason the catalogued in the old-fashioned way – that is, on typewritten cards neatly filed Hebraic Section has decided to create a single portal guiding readers to the many away in the wooden card catalogue still doing duty in the Hebraic Section today. haggadot scattered through its collections, manuscript and printed, catalogued and But because these items have not yet been catalogued online, they are largely un-catalogued. inaccessible to readers today. The Hebraic Section is now therefore pleased to offer a Finding Aid for the Uncatalogued Haggadot in its collections, beginning The pearl of the Haggadah collection, and indeed of the Hebraic Section as a on page 4 below. whole, is of course the Washington Haggadah, the illuminated masterpiece created in 1478 by Joel ben Simeon. This work has been digitized in its entirety in In addition to the many traditional haggadot, the Hebraic Section houses perhaps a high resolution images that allow the reader to zoom in on the tiniest details. dozen Artist’s Editions of Haggadot; i.e., haggadot created in recent years by artists and scribes, usually in signed and limited editions quite striking in their The Washington Haggadah is only one of the many modernity. Information about the Library’s Artist’s-Edition Haggadot, together haggadot acquired by the Library of Congress with representative images, can be accessed below, beginning on page 39. through the generosity of philanthropist Jacob H. Schiff, whose donations in 1912 and 1914 allowed One last category of material relevant to Passover in the Hebraic Section has been the fledgling Hebraic Section to purchase the denoted “Miscellaneous,” for want of a better term, and miscellaneous it is indeed, collections of Ephraim Deinard, the renowned with some 300 items ranging from phonograph records to plays about Passover bibliophile and book-seller. and Passover-themed pamphlets intended for the US Army. Many of these items are educational in nature, and researchers interested in the history of Jewish Education should find much to interest them here. Most of these items came to the Library of Congress together with the haggadot in the Abraham H. Berman The Deinard-Schiff label Collection, and some of the more interesting items have been cited in the brief list Other haggadot entered the collections via the generosity of Abraham H. of Highlights from the Miscellaneous Collection, on page 52, below. Berman, who donated over 600 haggadot to the Library in 1976. This portal could not have been completed without the help of many people, and especially Seth Silbiger, Caren Lewis, and Eugene Noh. To all of these our warmest thanks. Books from the Berman Collection are often identified with a stamped - Ann Brener number and/or the label shown here. Hebraic Section, April 5, 2016 3 A Finding Aid for Uncatalogued Haggadot 4 Detail from Seder cAravit ve-Haggadah. Corfu, 1877. The Hebraic Section. ABBREVIATIONS Yacari = Avraham Yacari, Bibliyografyah shel Haggadot Pesaḥ. Jerusalem, 1960. Yudlov = Yitshak Yudlov, Otsar ha-Haggadot: Bibliyografyah shel Haggadot Pesaḥ me-Reshit ha-Defus ha-ʻIvri ʻad Shenat 720. Jerusalem, 1997. Weiner = Theodore Weiner, Addenda to Yacari’s Bibliography of the Passover Haggadah. New York, 1971. Abarbanel = Don Isaac ben Judah Abarbanel Radak = David ben Joseph Kimhi Abudarham = David ben Joseph ben David Abudarham Rashba = Solomon ben Adret Alshekh = Moses Alshekh Rashbam = Samuel ben Meir of Troyes Ari = Isaac ben Solomon Luria Rashbaz = Simeon ben Zemah Duran Maharal of Prague = Judah ben Bezalel Loew Ritva = Yom-Tov ben Abraham Asevilli Malbim = Meir Leibush ben Yehiel Michel Wisser Vilna Gaon = Eliyahu ben Solomon Zalman Mararshal = Solomon Luria Comments Key: (Yacari #; Yudlov #; Berman #; pp. Condition; Features; Provenance) ** Not all entries have every component ** Excellent: Condition Key Good: Fair: Pages somewhat damaged, fragile Poor: Pages ripped & detached, cover torn, extremely fragile Deinard-Schiff = books from the collection of Ephraim Deinard, purchased through the generosity of Jacob H. Schiff. Deinard = books in which only the bookplate of Ephraim Deinard appears. Navigation: CTRL + F = (Search) 5 No. Title Editor and/or Date Place of Language Comments Commentator Printing: Publisher 1 Midrash be-Hidush: Perush Eliezer Nahman Foa 1641 Venice: Geo. Calleoni Hebrew Yacari 44; Yudlov 58; 36 pp. Good; le-Haggadat Pesah Hardcover; Deinard-Schiff. 2 Liber rituum Paschalium: Johann Stephan 1644 Regiomonti: Hebrew Yacari 45; 78 pp. Good; Hardcover, music Mit was fur Ceremonien Rittangel [Koenigsberg] German notation, lithograph. und Gebrauchen . Latin 3 Hevel Bnei Yehuda Shimon ben Yehuda 1694 Mantua: Bnei Hebrew Yacari 64; Yudlov 91; 51 pp. Good; .Yehoshuah mi-Perugia Hardcover; Deinard-Schiff (חביליו) Habiliu 4 Sefer Halakha di-Rabanan Kutonet Pasim, Mateh 1695 Amsterdam: David Hebrew Yacari 60; Yudlov 92; Good; Hardcover, Aharon, Shnei Luhot ha- Tartas small type; Deinard-Schiff. Brit 5 Seder Haggadah shel Pesah Abarbanel; Leone 1716 Venice: Bragadin Hebrew: Yacari 84; Yudlov 133; 52 pp. Fair; Modena (Tzli Esh) Lashon Hardcover, elaborate woodcuts, Sefaradim commentary on Abarbanel, t.p. has Lashon [Ladino] Sefaradim [Ladino]; Deinard. 6 Sefer Lehem ha-Penim Yosef David 1739 Salonica: Betzalel ha- Hebrew Yacari 114; Yudlov 186; Excellent; Levi Ashkenazi Hardcover, traditional ornamental t.p. Deinard-Schiff. 7 Sefer Pesah Mecuvin Hayim Benvenisti 1742 Constantinople : Hebrew Yacari 121; Yudlov 194; 28 pp. Good; Yonah ben Yacakov Hardcover; Deinard-Schiff. [Ashkenazi] 8 Haggadah Seder shel Pesah Abarbanel 1755 Sulzbach: Meshalem Hebrew Yacari 138; Yudlov 216; Good; Hardcover, Zalman ben Aharon Yiddish woodcuts, additional Commentary by cAl [Frenkel] Aramaic Pi ha-Sod. 9 Haggadah shel Pesah (Gdi Moshe Avraham Iberli 1770 Altona Hebrew Yacari 164; Yudlov 254; Excellent; Mekulas) ben Yacakov Aramaic Hardcover, Commentary on Had Gadya. 10 Haggadah shel Pesah 1781 Amsterdam: Proops Hebrew Yacari 199; Yudlov 300; 52 pp. Excellent; Hardcover. Ashekenazi and Sefardi rites.Contains fold-out map from 1695 ed; has hand-written Chinese calendar tipped in at theback. Housed in Hebraic Cage. 11 Haggadah shel Pesah (2 1783 Amsterdam: Yohanan Hebrew Yacari 204; Yudlov 306; Good; Hardcover; copies) Levi Rofe and his Yiddish Deinard-Schiff. brother-in-law Barukh and his brothers 6 12 Haggadah Seder shel Pesah Abarbanel 1783 Fuerth: Itzik ben Leib Hebrew Yacari 206; Yudlov 308; Good; Hardcover, B"B [Bukhbinder] Yiddish woodcuts; Deinard presented by Jacob H. Schiff. 13 Haggadah shel Pesah 1784 Prague: Hebrew Yudlov 316; 20 pp. Good; Hardcover, .Yiddish missing t.p.; Deinard-Schiff דפוס ערקויפטע באקישען אונ’ קאצישען פריווילעגירטע בוך דרוקרייא 14 Seder Haggadah al Pesah Yoel Brill 1785 Berlin: Hevrat Hinukh Hebrew Yacari 212; Yudlov 318; 58 pp. Good; Necarim Yiddish Hardcover; Deinard-Schiff. 15 Helek Rishon mi-Sefer Elhanan Shnatikh 1788 Offenbach: Tzvi Hebrew Yacari 218; Yudlov 328; 41 pp. Fair; Arba Yesodot Hersch SG"L Spitz Hardcover, no images. 16 Seder Haggadah cal Pesah Moshe Dessau; glosses 1791 Vienna: [Yosef] Hebrew Yacari 236; Yudlov 352; Fair; Hardcover, by Yoel Brill Harashantzkia Yiddish owner's bookplate in Hebrew, contains stamp of Werthheimer Artur and Wertheimer Soma. 17 Seder Haggadah shel Pesah 1792 Venice: Bragadina [sic] Hebrew Yacari 240; Yudlov 356; 40 pp.Good; Hardcover, large type; Deinard-Schiff. 18 Helkat Binyamin Binyamin ben Aharon 1794 Lvov (Lemberg): Hebrew Yacari 253; Yudlov 373; Fair; Hardcover, Mazelolozitz Yehudit wife of ha-Rav text running off margins, book missing t.p.; Tzvi Hirsch Deinard. [Rozanisch] 19 Sefer Hamon Hogeg: divre Elisha Habillo 1794 Leghorn: Ya’aqov Hebrew Yacari 255; Yudlov 372; Good; hardcover, Haggadah le-Leyl Pesah Nunes Vais and Refael stains, no illustrations; Deinard-Schiff. Meldola 20 Sefer Yefe Nof Hayim Gavriel Blokh 1795 Lvov (Lemberg): Hebrew Yacari 270; Yudlov 389; Fair; Hardcover, ben Yosef Aharon ben Hayim no images; Deinard-Schiff. David 21 Seder Haggadah shel Pesah 1798 Frankfurt an der Oder: Hebrew Yacari 295; Yudlov 420; 21 pp. Good; Daughter of Professor Yiddish Hardcover, face on t.p. blacked out; Grilo Deinard. 22 Seder Haggadah le- 1804 Amsterdam: Yohanan Hebrew Yacari 318; Yudlov 464; 40 pp. Fair; Red Pesah cim Oiyot Gedolot Levi Rofeh u-veno Yiddish hardcover, illustrations; Deinard-Schiff. ve-Gam Tsiyurim Binyamin 23 Haggadah shel Pesah Alshekh and Bacal Shilo 1806 Bialystok: Aharon ha- Hebrew Yacari 341; Yudlov 492; 47 pp. Good; Levi Horowitz Hardcover, Rabbinate Censorship stamp, uneven margins, t.p. in red & black ink; Deinard-Schiff. 24 Macaleh Bet Horin 1818 Vilna: Menahem Mann Hebrew Yacari 416; Yudlov 587; Good; Red ben Barukh hardcover, stains; Deinard-Schiff. 7 25 Haggadah shel Pesah D. Drach 1818 Metz: De l’Imprimerie Hebrew Yacari 428; Yudlov 598; 125 pp. Good; Haggada ou Ceremoniel d’E. Hadamard French Hardcover, no illustrations. 26 Seder Haggadah shel Pesah Elias Rozenthal; 1819 Ofen: Gedruckt bei Eli Hebrew Yacari 420; Yudlov 592; Good; Red Abudarham Maer hardcover, illustration at start of book; Deinard-Schiff. 27 Sefer Sfat ha-Yam Zev Wolf ben Dov Ber 1819 Breslau Hebrew Yacari 422; Yudlov 593; Fair; Hardcover, Altschuler water damaged, no images; Deinard-Schiff. 28 Sefer Yom tov mikra Efrayim ben Avraham 1819 Livorno (Leghorn): Hebrew Yacari 426; Yudlov 597; Good; Hardcover, Kodesh ha-Zeh: ve-hu Hayot Shmuel Se’adon stains, no illustrations; Deinard-Schiff. Seder Haggadah kefi Minhag k.k.
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