Youth Concert It Pays In Auditorium To Advertise Saturday Night la The Times OCEAN GROVIS TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNJi S E V. E X C E N.,1 S Sup’t. Lists Dales '•‘Babes In Toyland’- For Registration 11.M.S. Pinafore’ OCEAN GROVE — Dr. Al­ In Twp. Schools bert 1\ Shirkey, pastor of. me As Youth Concert Mount -Vernon Place Met hod is I Church, Washington, D. C.j will All Schools Open Wed­ preach at Ocean Grove. Sunday^ More Than 200 Occan Grove Monday and Tuesday. He has You t h t o IV r form i n A u­ nesday, Sept. 8; Parent LAKE FOREST, ILL. — The Rev. announced that his topics win ditorium Saturday Night Must Accompany Interme­ Dan P. Cole has- been appointed be as follows: Sunday morn­ assistant professor of religion’ at ing, “For Such an Hour as diate or Elementary Pupil Lake Forest College, It was announ­ This”; Sunday evening. “The OCEAN GROVE v- More ced by William L. Dunn,' Provost Universe Is Calling You!”; than 4,000 residents and va­ and Dean of Faculty. V' *; ‘ NEPTUNE TWP. — Regis­ M o n d a y evening, “Staying cationers are expected in the tration dates for the local pub­ Dr. Cole, a graduate or Neptune* Alive to Life,” and Tuesday N: J., High School, Columbia Uni­ Great Auditorium tomorrow lic schools and other informa- evening, “Master, Lift Me Up.” versity V and.' Onion Theological Dr. Shirkey accepted an in­ (Saturday) night to view 240 »y tion pertinent for parents and Seminary, received 'the Ph.D. from vitation to speak here after the Ocean' Grove youth, present­ • students were announced to­ Drew University in June. Other Camp Meeting Association re­ study included two summers of ing a two-part concert, Vic­ day by Superintendent of ceived word that the scheduled tor Herbert’s “Babes in Toy- Schools V. J. W. Christie. All archaeological field experience (in preacher, Dr. Hagen Staack of 1960 and 1962) as a member of the Muhlenberg; College, would be Iand” and Gilbert & Sullivan’3 schools of the township will Drew - McCormick Expedition to ’ unable to come because he is “H.M.S. Pinafore.” Shechem (Jordan). | officially open for students on preparing to accept an as­ The “Babes in Toylnnd” operetta Wednesday, Sept. 8. A member of Phi Beta Kappa and| signment at the forthcoming a Kent Fellow in the Society for' was revised and adapted for this • NEPTUNE' HIGH SCHOOL renewal of the Ecumenical performance by Dexter Davison, Religion in Higher Education, Dr. ‘ Conference in Rome. registration of new pupils will be Cole was ordained a Methodist M in-1 Ocean Grove youth director, and conducted in the Guidance Office at ister in 1953. For the next seven will feature over 125 of the young­ the high schood on Springdale ave­ years he served as a minister of er children performing in a child­ nue every morning during the various churches in the eastern1 hood toyland. The production is month of August, and Sept. 1, 2, 3 states. • ... v- v •. -. :■ ; ■ ; J Gouple., Celebrate divided .into five colorful and musi­ and 7 from .9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Fam ­ Dr. Cole was a member, of the! cal scenes. ■ .. The senior members of the youth ilies new to Neptune Township and WILLIAM GILBERT (right), chairman of the Ocean Grove First. religion faculty at Lawrence Col-1 Neptune City are urged to register lege in Appleton, Wis., from 1,960 49th Wedding center’s choral and dramatics pro­ as eaTly as possible in order that Aid Squad Fund Drive/receives a donation of $162.25 from Tommy gram will present an abridged ver­ Pritchard and Dennis Burlingame, two Ocean Grove boys who to 1965. Previously he had been a students’ class schedules may be teaching fellow (in Hebrew gram- OCEAN GROVE—Mr. and Mrs. sion of the over-popular “H.M.S. completed prior to the opening date raised this cash from a white elephant sale they conducted on David.E: Stevens, Sr., of Scranton, Pinafore,” with Adelaide Benson of school. New student registra- Main Avenue last month. Paee eight, please Pa., and tent-cottagers. here at 10 as “Little Buttercup”; Wayne ■ tions will not be conducted during Bethany Block, will observe their Douglas, “Boatswain”; Eric Skaar, the first three days of school— ,49th wedding anniversary Monday, “Dick Deadeye”; Eddie Telfeyan, Wednesday, September 8th, Thurs­ Aug." 1G. “Ralph Rackstraw”; Dick Manley, day, September 9th and Friday, Mi*. Stevens met his> bride, the: “Captain Corcoran”; Lynn Bridge, September 10th. •f ,o r m e. l* : Madeline • Hutchinson, “Josephine”; Ralph Davison, “Sir • INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Porter,” and Linda Coriscl- registration of new pupils will be Ely Hutchinson of •-Hightstown, in. yea as “Hebe.”. Other choral and conducted in the office of the prin­ Ocean Grove . and, they ;\vere *wed dramatics members will perform cipal located on South Main Street, by the late. Rev; James D r Bills, as sailors, and the admiral’s sis­ Ocean Grove. All seventh and minister of St. Paul's Church, here. ters, cousins and aunts;.- ^ S./ eighth graders of the township at­ The ceremony was pe'rfpi'med i.n the . Mr. Davison, as pianist-director, tend the Intermediate School and, parsonage. • , will be assisted in the musical as­ It is interesting to note that the pects of both productions by Rob­ due to the heavy enrollment antici­ Graduates From. Nebraska pated, parents are advised that couple met on Bethany Block, while ert Batdorf, -organist, and Glen early registration is necessary. Mr. Stevens was spending the W alton a t the marimba. Monmi M. Registration of new pupils will be .«ummer here with his mother at Winter, director ; of the Ocean "0* conducted on Sept. 2, 3, and 7 be­ Tent 10 and the present Mrs. Stev­ Grove Drama Workshop, is chore­ tween the hours of 10:00 a.m. and ens was visiting her sister, a sum­ ographer. ‘ 12 noon and from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.1 mer resident at Tent 1(5, - It will be recalled that 'last year Mr. and Mrs. Stevens have two; the Ocean Grove children presented • ALL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL children; a daughter Rosalind, the “Hansel and Grctel" while the old­ PUPILS who have not registered widow of Rev. Dr. Samuel J. Trus- er youth performed in “Trial by for the new school year are requests cott, and a son, David; Jr., of Em. Jury.” , The’ twirirfeature program ed to report to the office of the maus, Pa., a former South End life was enJoyed by more than 2,500 principal in the school district fruard; and four grandchildren. persons and this year’s production where they reside. The Ocean is expected to draw an even greater . Grove School, Shark River Hills audience. School, Whitesville School, Ridge Avenue School, Bradley P ark School, Summerfield • School . and eptuiie Youth Green Grove School will register Mary Joan Weaves, ‘ pupils for the kindergarten through 2nd In Swim the sixth grade on Thursday, Sept. C arl S. R itter 2,. Friday, Sept. 3 and Tuesday, Across Hudson Sept. 7 between the hours of 9:00 Troth Announced a.m. and .12 noon. New pupils are NYACK, N. Y —Jim Hogan, requested to have the following rec­ 509 M ayfair Lane, Neptune, NEPTUNE—Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ ords; birth certificate, records of N. J., placed second in the fifth liam L..Neaves, Sr., 1223M> Eighth diphtheria and small, pox immuni­ annual Hudson River Swim avenue, announce the engagement zation, official transfer card and Race, here, last Saturday., of their daughter, Mary Joan, to -record of promotion. Swimming for the Farming- Carl Stephen Ritter, Aviation Or- No student will be registered for dale, N. J., Swim Club, the _14- dnanceman 3rd Class, son of Mr. either the Intermediate School or year old yoiith fought against and Mrs. Carl G. Ritter, 315 Oxford the Elementary Schools unless they a vicious current to cover the Way, Neptune. - - are accompanied by at least one One-Act Plays Highlight Dun-Haven Hotel Entertainment S'/i-mile course ini 2:16.'0O. parent. To be eligible for registra­ There were only three finishers tion in any of the kindergarten in a field of 11 which attem pt­ .classes, a child must be five years ed to cross the Hudson between old by and including October 1, the Tarrytown Boat Club and ." ’1965. No pupils ^ill be enrolled the Nyack Boat Club. or registered in the Township Young Hogan, a veteran of schools during the first three days many seasons’ competition - as of school; Wednesday, Thursday, an AAU athlete on the Farm- and Friday. Sept. 8-10. ingdale team, has many Shore area victories; to his record. This was his first entrance, in | Jubwomen I Ian the Hudson; River Race, how­ ever. ; 7 The Farmingdale Club was Several Bus Trips victorious in the meet, as - it placed members in the first and second positions^ The winner, OCEAN GROVE — The Woman’s from Farmingdale, - was Andy Club of Ocean Grove has numerous Hartman, Freehold. His time bus trips scheduled for the coriiing was 2:Q1:1G. ' . • V year Th e A A U New' J ersey State The first will be a tour to Cope championship meet will be held Cod with stops at Mystic, Straw-' at the Farmingdale Club on bridge, West Point and other points August. 28.. This will involve, of interest along the way. This‘will senior division members only. be a four day trip, leaving Ocean Grove Sept. 27, returning Sept. 30. Call Mrs.
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